BUILDING STRONG BRANDS In This Chapter, We Will Address The Following Questions : 1. What is brand, and how does branding work? 2. What is brand equity? 3. How is brand equity build, measured and managed? LOYATY EQUITY CULTURE TRUST SUCCESS VALUE MISSION INSPIRATION LEADERSHIP * Attributes * Benefits * Values * Culture * Personality * Use Brand : Name, term, sign, symbol, or design or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or services of a seller or group of seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors !! Role of Brands : Consumer Benefits Brands : •Identify source/maker •Simplifies decision making •Reduces risk Role of Brands : Marketers Benefits •Simplify product handling •Protect unique features •Create loyalty •Establish barriers to entry Branding is endowing products and services with the power of a brand. Branding can be applied virtually anywhere a consumer has a choice. The Scope Of Branding : Creating differences between product It is possible to brand a physical good (Pantene shampoo), a service (Qatar Airlines), a store (Big Bazaar), a person (actress Angelina Jolie or tennis player Rafael Nadal), a place (the city of Sydney), an organization (UNICEF), or an idea (freedom of speech) Brand Equity Is the added value endowed on product and services because of the brand. Costumer _ based Brand equity Differences in customer responses Customer brand’s knowledge Perceptions , preferences and behaviors Brand Promise Is the marketer’s vision of what the brand must be and do for consumers. “To be genuine, fun, contemporary, and different in everything we do at a reasonable price.. BRAND EQUITY MODELS BrandAsset® Valuator (BAV) Brandz Brand Resonance (BAV) is a brand management tool and global database of consumer perceptions of brands. the BAV model turned the prevailing theory of how brands are built upside down. FIGURE 9.1 BAV MODEL Strong Relationship Bonding Advantage Performance Relevance Presence FIGURE 9.3 BRAND DYNAMICS PYRAMID Weak Relationship FIGURE 9.4 BRAND RESONANCE PYRAMID Choosing Brand Elements Brand Elements sometimes called brand identities, are those trademark able devices that serve to identify and differentiate the brand Brand name Slogans Brand Elements Character s URLs symbols Logos BRAND ELEMENTS CHOICE CRITERIA Brand Builders Memorable Meaningful Likable Defensive Transferable Adaptable Protectable Developing BRAND ELEMENTS • Easy to recall • Descriptive • Persuasive Measuring Brand Equity Brand Audit Brand – tracking studies Figure : The world's most valuable brands Holistic Marketing Activities : Observation Word of Mouth Interaction with Company