Course Outline

Patuakhali Science and Technology University
MKT 424: Advertising and Public Relation
Course Outline: BBA 7th Batch (8th Semester)
Faculty: Afjal Hossain, Assistant Professor
Office: Room No-112 (Ground Floor), BBA Academic Building, Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Class Schedule: Room No-111 (CR 03)
11.00 AM
10.00 AM
1.00 PM
Course Description and Objective: Advertising and Public Relation are about marketers projecting brands into
the consciousness of consumers. Several years ago, a global advertising agency, Leo Burnett, showed a sample of
consumers with a wide range of brand messages-a TV commercial, a magazine and a newspaper ad, a direct-mail
offer, a coupon, a recording of a telemarketing call, a picture of a sponsored event, a news story that said good
things about a company or brand, and a package with an appetizing picture of the product inside when asked to
characterize these brand messages, the majority of consumers said they were all examples of “advertising” things
companies use to persuade customers to like them and buy their products. They used advertising as an umbrella
term referring to a variety of brand messages. The overall objective is to help you understand the various
marketing communications functions, the major media alternatives, and the processes for integrating these
activities in them cost effective and efficient way in order to develop long-term, profitable brand relationships
that builds brand and create brand equity. The ultimate objectives are1. To motivate you to creative
2. To help you to find out the appropriate way of introducing a product
3. To know how to reach your idea towards a large number of audiences
4. To know how to create brand awareness
5. To know how to differentiate a brand from competitors
Pre-requisite: Kenneth E. Clow and Donald Baack. 2004. Integrated Advertising, Promotion and Marketing
Communications. 3rd ed. Prentice Hall Inc.
Suggested Readings:
 O’Guinn T.C., Allen C.T. and Semenik R. J. 2009. Advertising Management. 1st Indian Reprint. Akash
 Duncan T. 2005. Principles of Advertising and IMC. 2nd ed. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc./ Irwin.
 George E. Belch and A. Belch. 1998. Advertising & Promotion. Irwin McGraw Hill.
Method of Instruction: The course will be a combination of Lectures, Class Assignment/s, Class Test, Class
Participation, Case Preparation and Presentation, Mid-Term, Final Exam and a Group Project.
Serial No
Examination/ Assignment
Attendance and Class Participation
Assignment/ Case Preparation and Presentation
Mid-Term/ Class Test(s)
Final Exam
Group Project Performance/ Sessional
Attendance Grading: As per University Rule.
Weight of Total Grade (%)
Class Participation: Class participation is highly encouraged through the following activities
In-class Activities and Assignments
Class involvement through Contributing to Discussion
Cooperation and Attitude
Attendance and Promptness
Showing Signs of significant gradual improvement throughout the course
Assignments: You will be assigned with small tasks or case analysis. Writing quality will count. Poorly
written papers grammar, spelling, absence of logic etc. will not help convince that your ideas are sound.
Group Project (Term Paper): Possible topics of group will be discussed in the class. The paper should be
within 30 pages with Font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing. Include a list of references at the end of the paper.
75% of the points for the paper will depend on content and the other 25% on presentation (grammar, spelling
etc.). Submit a Project Proposal of 1 page within the 7 days as given the declaration. Each team will present
their project at the end of the semester to class (dates are given on tutorial calendar).
Mid-Term Exam: The Exam will be held at the 17th Lectures. The exam may be a mixture of MCQ, Fill in
the Blanks, True-False identification and Short Questions. The Questions will be designed as 40% general
and 60% conceptual.
Final Exam: The Final Question also will be designed as 40% general and 60% conceptual. Students will
also have to be prepared to solve a CASE.
Course Calendar:
Chapter 01 Introduction
Definition, Usages of Advertising, Types of Advertising, Media of Advertising, Advertising related terms, How does
Advertising Agency Work, Advertising Appeals and The Presentation Plan
Chapter 02 Overview of Economic, Social and Regulatory aspects of Advertising
Role of Advertising in Business, Advertising Process, Impact of Advertising, Function of Advertising, Controversies
about Advertising, Social Responsibility and Advertising Ethics, Government Restraints on International Advertisers
Chapter 03 Demand Stipulations
Need, Want, Nature of Habits, Market Demand, Demand Stipulation, Types of Market Demand, Factors affecting
Consumer Demand, Inherent Drives and Impulses, Buying Motives, Types of Motives, Factors influencing need for
Chapter 04 Development of an Advertising Program
5Ms/ Major Decisions in Advertising, Ways to handle Advertising and International Advertising Decisions
Chapter 05 About Creative Brief
Definition and Components of Creative Brief
Chapter 06 Message Execution
Definition, Stages of Message Execution (ME), Types of Electronic Advertising and its ME
Chapter 07 Headlines
Definition, Purposes, Qualities of a Good Headline, Types of Headline and Some Guidelines
Chapter 08 Color
Definition, Basic Colors, Color Comparison, Purposes of Color, Meaning of Colors in Paper, Types of Color, Color
Expression, Usages of Color, Color Process and Principles of Color
Chapter 09 Layout
Definition, Pre-requisites, Pattern, Elements and Principles of Layout, Suggestions for Layout Design
Chapter 10 Media Selecting in Advertising
Definition, Forms of Media and Alternative Forms of Media
Chapter 11 Advertising Research
Types and Usages of Research, Research Methods, Choosing a Research Method, Issues in Advertising Research,
Applying Advertising Research, Steps in the Research Process and Research Challenge
Chapter 12 Planning the Advertising Campaign
Dove Deodorant (Case), Definition and Steps for Advertising Campaign (AC), Steps for Campaign Management, Some
Popular Advertising Formats and Types of AC
Chapter 13 Public Relation
Definition, Objectives, Functions, Role and Impact of Public of Public Relation (PR), PR Tools and Basic PR Strategies
Be Creative and Be Professional