KM Training ILT Strategy

IT Strategy
Including the use of learning and
Will Parker
The overall IT strategy for KM training an indication of our aims and objectives and the strategy that
will be implemented in order to achieve those aims.
KMT: IT Strategy 2011-2014
Table of Contents
Organisation Background........................................................................................................................ 3
Derby ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Nottingham ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Scunthorpe .......................................................................................................................................... 3
IT requirements....................................................................................................................................... 4
In the workplace ................................................................................................................................. 4
Nintendo DS’s for maths training.................................................................................................... 4
Touch screen tills ............................................................................................................................ 4
KM client consultation website....................................................................................................... 5
E-induction Website........................................................................................................................ 5
E-Tracking/Portfolio Website .......................................................................................................... 5
E-learning Surveys Website ............................................................................................................ 5
CPD Website.................................................................................................................................... 5
KM Training Videos Website ........................................................................................................... 5
KM Internal Verification Website ................................................................................................... 6
In the training centres......................................................................................................................... 6
Market place ................................................................................................................................... 6
Babington Lane ............................................................................................................................... 6
Scunthorpe ...................................................................................................................................... 6
All online resources ......................................................................................................................... 6
GOLA testing ................................................................................................................................... 6
ATT Software ................................................................................................................................... 6
Microsoft Office / Open Office........................................................................................................ 7
CCTV for formative assessment ...................................................................................................... 7
In use by administrators ..................................................................................................................... 7
Management information system .................................................................................................. 7
Our IT Vision ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Our key goals....................................................................................................................................... 8
SWOT analysis (2011).......................................................................................................................... 9
Technological considerations.............................................................................................................. 9
Current systems and developments ............................................................................................... 9
KMT: IT Strategy 2011-2014
Organisation Background
KM Training (KMT) has been established since 1996. Kieran Mullin Ltd salons are our main employer
placement partner with whom we collaborate closely.
Our Mission at KM Training is:
“To offer and provide opportunities for our learners to achieve their full potential within a
supportive work-based (learning) environment in conjunction with (the employer) Kieran Mullin Ltd”
“To offer a business support service to Kieran Mullin Ltd (the employer), to promote a sustainable,
high quality, work based learning environment.”
KMT work with one employer, Kieran Mullin Ltd to deliver Foundation learning, work based
Apprenticeships and Advanced Apprenticeships in Hairdressing, Barbering and Customer Service.
Learner numbers can be found in the learner analysis profile. The nature of our provision alters in
relation to the environment and context within which we operate.
Learners in Derby are based at the following KM salons; Westfield (W), Market Place (MP),
Cheapside (CS), Sinfin (SF), St Peters Street (St P), Littleover (L) and Babington Lane (BL) which is a
dedicated training salon. All learners spend time at the training salon on a rota basis and further
develop their practical skills at their KM placement salon. KMT’s Head Office is based in Derby city
centre and learners attend theory sessions here. Facilities are available to support learners with the
demands of the theory element of their apprenticeship frameworks. These currently include
vocational resources including text books, videos, CD ROMS and work books. Basic Skills
development and Key Skills assessments take place both in the workplace and at the training
Learners in Nottingham can be placed at the following KM salons; Beeston, Stapleford and Arnold.
All learners spend time at the training salon on a rota basis and further develop their practical skills
at their KM placement salon.
The KM salon in Scunthorpe is situated within an Asda superstore (S). Model sessions provide
learners with assessment opportunities and practical skill development. Theory sessions take place
at Ashby Link, a local council operated adult education centre where rooms are hired for training.
The rooms are equipped for learners to watch videos and do computer work as well as work
independently or with their tutor. However, KMT are limited in the use of this equipment as we are
not allowed to download any permanent software or materials onto the ICT equipment at Ashby
Link. Basic Skills development and Key Skills assessments take place both in the workplace and at the
training centres.
KMT: IT Strategy 2011-2014
IT requirements
KMT has identified a need to provide a more structured approach to ILT for both its learners and also
for its future growth and competitiveness. As IT provision comes under increasing government
scrutiny and e-learning is held in increasingly high regard, so KM Training should reflect this in their
ILT strategy.
We aim to employ e-learning as a catalyst for change in both the ‘off the job’ and ‘on the job’
provision of employed apprentice hairdressers and barbers. E-learning has already been rapidly
embedded into the learning and assessment process at KM Training. Increasingly ICT is being
embraced by the employer and thus the exposure to e-learning opportunities that the apprentices
have in the workplace is growing.
Through apprentice and staff training we aim to enable e-learning to become fully embedded and
integrated in the daily applications within the workplace, thus enabling real change to take place.
These changes relate to learning, assessment, testing and learning in addition to employer-based
systems changes.
In the workplace
Most salons are fully equipped with at least one computer and a printer. All salons have access to a
broadband connection and software for all anticipated computer usage. All salons are currently
emailing each other and Head Office and learners are also emailing their questions to KMT and have
begun both vocational assessments. All salons use this computer to access the client database and
this is used by apprentices and by salon staff. We have also developed an increasing wealth of
resources which learners can access over the internet from these computers. All have undergone
training in the use of the facilities. The equipment now available within the salon network is as
There are now a multitude of computers in the salons and training centres and an additional number
of laptops that can be used for peripatetic assessment. Each salon computer is linked to a printer
and all of the salons have an internet connection through broadband. The main provider is “Be
There”. All the salons have access to the KM database which is functioning well. In 2011, KMT aim to
transfer over its server provision to its own internal server which will be based in the KMT head
offices in Derby (MP) and integrate the following websites.
Nintendo DS’s for maths training
We currently have access to 2 Nintendo DS consoles for use by our learners. These are particularly
useful for improving learner’s mental maths. These consoles can be used by anyone and are very
portable so can be taken to any salon.
Touch screen tills
In almost every salon we have touch screen Samstock v2000 tills. These tills are used by all salon
staff and learners and are continually helping to improve learner confidence within the use of IT. All
learners and staff have been given basic training on using the tills. It may be useful to offer refresher
training to users who feel they need help with it and this is something we should offer.
KMT: IT Strategy 2011-2014
KM client consultation website
A new addition to our list of resources offered to learners is an e-consultation tool. Developed in late
2010 the website was developed to help learners to interact with clients better when performing the
initial client consultation. We found it was increasingly important for the younger learners who often
lack confidence to be able to have a tool to support their first discussion with a client.
The website runs on a large touch screen Acer computer and has currently been trialled at the
Market Place salon. We are looking to move the computer to different salons in order to allow more
learners access to it.
E-induction Website
Having tried to introduce a uniform process for induction we developed a website that would be
used for induction of all staff and learners. This induction tool is a secure web based system that
allows users to progress through a series of informative steps which all learners and staff are
expected to know. There is a record on the administrative side which records completion of the
induction so that it can be logged and recorded.
E-Tracking/Portfolio Website
We are continuing to develop a website that is used by learners alongside their logbooks to keep
track of their learning progress. By having this online it means that both learners and assessors can
access the information and that a secure backup can be kept of their data should they be unable to
find their paper logbook.
Issues that we have noticed with the E-tracking system are that although they are all being taught
how to use the website some learners are being slow to update their tracking. If their online data is
not kept up to date then the data within it is unusable. We often have to prompt learners to fill out
their tracking.
E-learning Surveys Website
Created to gather and analyse feedback from learners about their views on their progress and
course this system is useful in helping us evaluate our methods of teaching and courses in order to
continually improve our services. This is currently a separate website to the other but we plan to
integrate it into the learners tracking to ensure that it is filled in by all users and as a result we can
gain more detailed information from our learners and staff.
We will also with the new survey system have the ability to compose new surveys and this is likely to
be a useful feature for assessors and administrators to get instant feedback from learners.
CPD Website
To track and monitor staff CPD and upload lesson observations. By doing this when they come to do
appraisals they will have the information needed.
KM Training Videos Website
We are currently developing a selection of videos to help the learners with their theory and practical
techniques. This project was Quantum funded. We have now completed all the filming for these
videos and are now working on editing them ready for the final step of uploading them into the eportfolio system.
KMT: IT Strategy 2011-2014
KM Internal Verification Website
The IV website is for the internal verification of records. This is used to ensure moderation across our
learners training and to ensure equal marking. The IV website is currently being updated to improve
the awareness of assessors and so that they take more notice of the moderation being done.
In the training centres
Market place
In April 2011, KMT had access to the following resources which were deemed suitable to start
developing a more substantial e-learning culture. There were eight non-networked, desktop
computers fully functional at the salon. These are all connected to a black and white laser printer
over a simple network. Most computers have speakers or headphones and this feature is regularly
used by learners when viewing training videos.
Babington Lane
We currently have 3 computers at the Babington Lane salon. The main computer, connected to the
printer, is used for the client database and for emailing messages to other salons. The other two
computers are used by learners to access online resources and to word-process work. Having these
extra two computers at this training centre has benefited the learners meaning they can make more
use of their free time at the salon.
At present the computers are used sporadically by the students on which there is currently access to
the Microsoft Office suite. Students currently use Microsoft Word to type up assignments which can
be printed through the shared printer. However, the majority of the office suite is unutilised. Any
and all work saved on the computer is stored on the host computer in a general documents file with
no current means of transferring between systems. This means that an assignment started on one
system, must be continued on that system unless transferred by USB data stick or email to another
terminal. Some training materials are stored on each machine. Access to the current workstations is
in the process of being restricted to improve safe-guarding and limit access to the internet through
the use of “K9 Web protection”.
All online resources
All the websites that are available in employer salons are also available in training centres and we
positively encourage learners to find additional resources such as the ATT VLE,, and which they can use to
support the resources we offer. We are also beginning to develop a Moodle VLE which will be
accessible to all our learners.
GOLA testing
This increases our flexibility and cost effectiveness of testing EKU and allows their tests to be
completed anywhere at any time.
ATT Software
We have used the ATT software package since 2009 and it has been positively received by all our
learners. It has regular updates which although have to be done manually mean that it has the latest
information and is a very valuable resource for the learners to learn the majority of the theory they
KMT: IT Strategy 2011-2014
need to support their hairdressing training. There is currently limited support for barbering learners
within the ATT software package however and as a result barbering trainee’s may feel like they don’t
have as much information available to them.
Microsoft Office / Open Office
We have Microsoft office or the free alternative Office Docs installed on all the computers used
within the KM network. This allows for word-processing, spreadsheet data and much more to be
done on all our machines. Although the files are saved locally and cannot be accessed from a central
store learners and assessors can always use these facilities.
CCTV for formative assessment
We have the capability in all our training centres to perform formative assessment from our CCTV
camera system. With a wealth of cameras at the BL, MP and S salons we are able to get a wide
variety of good quality footage of training in action from our training centres. We have access to
view any footage taken at our salons from both MP and BL locations and this is useful for both
security and training purposes.
This system has more potential and is expected to be better utilised once the awarding bodies have
embraced this form of technology for assessment in a practical way.
In use by administrators
The administration of KMT is increasingly being done online with communication between salons
now usually performed either through email when not urgent or phone when a more immediate
response is needed. As part of the administration of KMT we had been using a solution called Yeti.
We found this management information system (MIS) a little over complicated and frustrating and
have now begun moving over to a bespoke version.
Management information system
Our bespoke MIS system developed online and primarily accessed from the Market Place office will
be used to support our decision making with reports and data. Written in PHP it will be compatible
with our other online resources and we are looking to integrate it this year.
We will be looking to further develop this system so that it can be used in conjunction with the
tracking and other systems. As the MIS system is still in a testing phase it’s possible that we will need
to change some features and functionality in order to make the system function as we need to it.
There will need to be a detailed evaluation of the project to be sure it meets our needs.
Our IT Vision
Within a time period of two to three years, KM Training endeavour to be using ICT in a greater
capacity to help facilitate e-learning and give learners the most opportunity to achieve their
maximum potential. Learners should have appropriate access to resources and materials relevant to
both their current and future learning and assessment needs. Costs should be reduced and efficiency
increased through a strategically planned implementation of IT hardware and software.
KMT: IT Strategy 2011-2014
Our key goals
Action to be taken
Streamline processes and get feedback
Increase work based use of IT processes
Integrate all learners into a more complete experience
Build skills which will be useful in everyday living
Ensure that all staff and learners are confident in the use of IT
To remain competitive in the marketplace
To offer good value and services to learners
To build on the company image
Centralise data storage on shared file servers
To develop the concept of an e-portfolio
To develop MIS data capture of learners to evaluate and review
To further develop access to web-based vocational learning
To ensure security of the system
Ensure system is responsive to ALS learners
Develop a set of training videos as part of the Quantum project and
then make these available in a complete package online
Develop the tracking website into a more complete e-portfolio and
incorporate into one package all of our web resources
Develop our method of conducting surveys in order to gain better
learner and assessor voice
Develop our online resources and control them in a central
location, perhaps through the use of a Moodle system
To transfer over its server provision to its own internal server
which will be based in the KMT head offices in Derby (MP)
Train learners further in the use of the e-portfolio system in the
begin and develop training resources for the system
Spring Summer
Summer Autumn
April 2011
April 2011
KMT: IT Strategy 2011-2014
SWOT analysis (2011)
If we consider existing technologies available at KM Training it is possible to formulate an analysis of
current strengths and weaknesses, as well as provide an outline of the available opportunities and
potential threats. The findings of this SWOT analysis are summarised in the table below:
 Established course provider
 Management desire to improve provision
 Adequate space for new/ existing hardware
 Willing employer to participate
 Teachers starting to appreciate need for IT and
willingness to utilise it has increased
 Easy to use tracking system in use
 Lots of useful online resources created or in
 In-house IT support available
 Staff have varied levels of IT knowledge
 No network in place
 Learners spread geographically
 Increase in available teaching time
 Learners able to access updated technology and
resources to learn
 Establish a secure forum online
 Complete E-portfolio
 KM staff unwillingness to take on board
 Security for learners/ staff
 On-going long term costs
 Time to implement strategy
 Awarding body compliance
 Centre Quality procedures
Technological considerations
Current systems and developments
There was a lot of development of new systems in 2010. This included the tracking system, Quantum
video project which is still ongoing and the e-consultation website.
Security has been an issue and KMT are researching ways in which we can develop a forum for the
apprentices and staff to communicate in a safe environment rather than use the facility such as
BEBO or Facebook. Use of open chat rooms may expose vulnerable young apprentices and salon
staff to undesirable attention. As a method of limiting exposure to potentially harmful content, KMT
have begun installing proxy filter software called “K9 web protection” onto all salon machines. This
means that users only have access to websites deemed safe by K9 and any other website is blocked.
Websites that are not allowed by the software can be allowed by an administrator and this has had
to be done for some websites that the learners use.
Future developments
KMT like to stay ahead of the competition when it comes to utilising IT infrastructure in our learning
methods. As such we are consistently updating our current methods and working on new ways to
engage our learners.
KMT: IT Strategy 2011-2014
Mobile Technology
Mobile technology is increasing and many learners and assessors have smart phones already. As
such we want to be at the forefront of developing systems that can utilise the mobile platform and
using the platform to help improve our teaching methods.
Cloud computing
With the increasing trend of cloud computing we are likely to consider this approach when next
purchasing IT hardware. The ability to connect all our computers up over the internet as virtual
clients could be quite advantageous allowing us to save time on computer updates and money on
running costs such as electricity. We would have to consider the long-term costs however of possibly
paying a monthly fee for a computer as opposed to owning hardware ourselves.
Mobile Technology
With the expectation of mobile technology to continue to grow year on year we will also be looking
to increase our use of mobile technology within our training IT services.
The world of technology can change very quickly and it is important to keep ahead with regards to
what other teaching providers and doing and how we could employ methods that they are utilising
in order to improve our learning. Although we currently have no projects planned for 2013 as such
there are likely to be upgrades to current systems and new projects that will be developed this year
although with the changing IT marketplace it is difficult to forecast them.
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