HONORS MULTICULTURAL-HUMANITIES MS. VALLEY ROOM 115 VALLEYCLASSROOM.WEEBLY.COM The Humanities: artistic mediums that study the human condition (that which makes us uniquely…human). The Humanities we will study include: CVALLEY@CICSNORTHTOWN.ORG Written Art Philosophy Poetry Literature Non-fiction Visual Art Painting Photography Sculpture Urban Art MATERIALS The moment you enter the classroom, you are telling myself and your classmates that you are ready to think and learn. Students need the following materials EVERY DAY in class: Pen or Pencil Highlighters (3 colors) Three Ring Binder (pocket on front) Eight Tab Dividers Notebook paper Post-it Notes Performance Art Dance Theater Film Installation Art VOCABULARY There are vocabulary words we will use throughout the year. Make flashcards and learn them now: Cultural Capital Contrast Juxtaposition Ideology Context Metacognition Ethnography Interpretation COURSE OUTLINE Skills Focus Annotation Note Taking Critical Analysis Using Evidence Course Themes Q1 – Identity Q2 – Purpose Q3 – Commitment Q4 – Action Grading Total Points Q1 = 40% Q2 = 40% Semester Exam = 20% OUR CLASS AS A COMMUNITY Throughout this course, we will be helping each other learn how to learn within an academic community. This will demand that we behave respectfully toward one another. RESPECT INCLUDES ACADEMIC HONESTY. Personally cheating on tests and examinations, allowing others to copy or look at, or copy work, or engaging in other activities that are dishonest (including plagiarism) in earning academic grades, is a serious offense requiring strict sanctions, including but not limited to receiving a zero (F) grade on the academic work involved. SOPHOMORE HONORS EXPECTATIONS Any acadmic writing should be typed (double spaced) using Times New Roman 12 pt. font, and must include a single spaced header (Name, Class Period, and Date). Any academic writing assignment which includes ANY of the following list will NOT be graded. It will instead be returned to the student to fix and return the next day: 1st or 2nd person pronouns (I, me, you, we, us, etc.) Contractions (example: can’t) Extra spaces (between sentences or paragraphs) HOMEWORK AND CLASSWORK Homework is on time if it is finished when the teacher collects it. Homework is accepted one day late for 50% credit. An assignment without the student’s first and last name on the top of the paper will receive a zero. Projects/papers will drop a letter grade for each day late for up to four days or four letter grades. ABSENCE If you are absent the day a project or paper is due, it is still due that day. It is your responsibility to see me – outside of class – regarding missed work. If you are absent on the day homework is assigned, you will have one day to complete the assignment. If you are absent on the day of a test or quiz, you must make arrangements to make it up. Missed assessments must be completed within three days of your return to school. If you are absent the day a group project or presentation is due, you risk losing all credit for the work. UNIT CONTENT Quarter 1 Identity Nella Larsen James Weldon Johnson Written Art Jean Toomer Langston Hughes Wallace Thurman Richard Wright Chimamanda Ngozi Additional Adichie Written Art W.E.B. Du Bois Octavia Butler Kara Walker Barthe & Douglas Wood, Parks, Motley Visual Art Nikki S. Lee Kehinde Wiley Joel Sternfeld Performance Alvin Ailey Art Julian Treasure Sillouettes Art Creation Slam Poetry Website Harlem Renaissance Additions Identity Formation Quarter 2 Purpose Quarter 3 Commitment Quarter 4 Action Euripides T.S. Eliot Frank Herbert Chaim Potok Markus Zusak Different Translations Jeffery Nicholas Octavia Butler Doris Salcedo Art Criticism Aubrey Beardsley Robert Montgomery Moose Orion Vik Muniz Pablo Picasso Samuel Bak JR Theaster Gates Tyrie Guyton Heidelberg “Dots” Dune Installation Dune Analysis and Resource Creation Doris Salcedo Marina Abramovic Humans of NTA NTA PostSecret Ethnography – The Power of Art Louder Than a Bomb Word Art Theater Performance The Purpose of Theater HONORS MULTICULTURAL-HUMANITIES CVALLEY@CICSNORTHTOWN.ORG MS. VALLEY ROOM 115 VALLEYCLASSROOM.WEEBLY.COM TO THE PARENT/GUARDIAN After you have read the full syllabus, please sign below. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. By signing this you agree to abide by the rules and policies laid out in this syllabus as well as any others given by Ms. Valley. Dates for major assignments are below. They can also be found on the class website (ValleyClassroom.weebly.com) along with class documents and updates. Your email address will also be added to a parent Humanities email chain. Student Name Parent/Guardian Printed Name Parent/Guardian Signature Preferred Phone Preferred Email Preferred Language Secondary Email HONORS HUMANITIES – Q1 WEEK BY WEEK August 24th – My Personal Art History August 31st – My “Real Food” Story September 7th – Read 1st Novel September 14th – First Analysis Piece Septembner 21st – Visual Art Stations September 28th – Read 2nd Novel October 5th – Second Analysis Piece October 12th – Quarter Exams Date