
Fall 2014
Instructors: Traci Kinkel, Ph.D.
Suzanne Schlador
Office Hours: Traci- by appointment
Suzanne-MW 3:00-3:30pm and by appointment
Course Hours: Saturdays 8:30-12:20pm and
Required Texts:
Office: Traci AS1622
Suzanne IB2428A
Office phone number:
(206)-934-4579 (Suzanne)
Microbiology, A Human Perspective, 7th ed., E. Nester, D. Anderson, C.
Evans Roberts, and M. Nester, McGraw Hill Publishers, 2012.
Microbiology Experiments: A Health Science Perspective, 7th ed., J.
Kleyn, M. Bicknell, and A. Oller. McGraw Hill Publishers, 2012.
A Photographic Atlas for the Microbiology Laboratory, 4th ed., Michael
Leboffe and Burton Pierce. Morton Publishers 2011.
Course Materials: We will be using Canvas to post lecture material, study guides, and other
worksheets/activities for the course. Once you are registered for the course you will be able to
access the course materials at this website:
To log in to the course site for the first time:
User ID = your full 9 digit Student ID #
Password = the first six letters of your last name or your entire last
name if it is fewer than six letters and repeat until you reach six letters
Course Prerequisites: Two college level biology and chemistry lab courses or one of each with
a grade of 2.0 or better. If you are completing this course as a pre-requisite for a nursing or allied
health program, you should be taking this class after completing the human anatomy and
physiology courses and all chemistry courses.
This course transfers as upper division credits to the University of Washington. It is taught at a
level that requires some prior familiarity with biology and organic chemistry. It will be difficult
for you to do well if you do not already have an understanding of basic cell biology. Knowledge
of basic chemistry is also necessary.
Grading The final grade in the course will be based on the following items
Lecture Exams
Online Lecture Quizzes
Lab Quizzes
Lab Practical exam/Unknown Lab
Lab Reports/Homework(Pre-class)
General Course Layout and Logistics: This is a hybrid course, meaning that you will be expected to
participate in both our online and in-person activities throughout the quarter. The website listed above
will take you to the online course content. Note that parts of this website will ask you for a user name
and password. Please notify me immediately if you have problems accessing any of the course content!
In addition to the time spent thinking about microbiology on your own time and in our online community,
we will also meet once each week on Saturdays to cover both lecture and lab content for the course. These
in-person class sessions will consist of the following:
1. Solidifying our understanding of the week’s content through short lectures
2. Addressing any questions, open discussion on lecture/course content
3. Assessing your learning with lecture exams
4. Working in groups on in-class activities or lab exercises
Please reference the lab schedule for a list of the labs we will be working on each week as well as when
the lab quizzes and final lab exam (also known as the lab practicum) are scheduled.
Lecture Exams: The exams may be composed of multiple choice, matching, and short answer questions.
Please bring a Scantron and a #2 pencil for each exam. There will be no make-up exams unless special
arrangements are made in advance.
Online Lecture Quizzes: You are expected to complete an online quiz each week to help you assess
your understanding of the week’s lecture material by 10 pm on Wednesdays. The quizzes will be openbook and timed, you will have 45 minutes for the quiz. On our course website you will find “reading
guides” to help you focus on the key ideas from the chapters for the week. You should review these
“reading guides” as well as read the material in the chapter before taking the online quiz. We cannot reopen a quiz for you, but will drop your lowest score for the quarter.
Laboratory Practical Exam: The laboratory practical exam is a comprehensive exam based on
experiments done in class. Anything done in the lab may show up on the exam. You may not use your
notes or lab manual for the exam. It is a “practical” style exam which may include such things as
identification of specimens under the microscope, identification of specific biochemical tests, recognition
of bacteria on different types of agar medium.
Unknown Lab: This final lab exercise is an opportunity to use your microbiology skills to identify the
organisms present in a sample. Each student will work with their own sample and be responsible for
identifying the genus and species of the organisms in the sample.
Lab Reports: The lab reports will consist of the exercises found in the laboratory workbook and will
include all data, drawings and completion of questions on the report pages of the exercise. They are due
the lab period following completion of the experiment.
Lab Quizzes: Quizzes are given the first 15 minutes of lab class and cover content from the lab exercises.
There will be no make-up quizzes given due to tardiness or absence.
Homework: The homework assignments for this course will consist of Pre-class assignments and
other in-class activities. The focus of these assignments will be to clarify lecture concepts or apply
lecture concepts to real-life situations. The pre-class assignments will be available through
CONNECT and are designed to help you review the lecture material after reading the chapter. We
expect that you will read the chapter(s) assigned for the week and complete the pre-class assignment
found at our class site in Connect BEFORE class on Saturday.
Pre-lab assignments: Each week you will be expected to complete pre-lab questions for each lab
exercise assigned for the week. The pre-lab questions are found in the lab books at the beginning of each
exercise. You will be expected to answer all the pre-lab questions and submit at the beginning of class
on Saturday.
Chemical Sensitivities: Due to the increasing numbers of individuals developing chemical sensitivities
and the increasing awareness of such conditions, everyone who attends this class is asked to refrain from
wearing any fragrance or perfume. The greatest feasible efforts will also be taken to ensure a fresh air
environment free of not only the above mentioned fragrances but also potentially harmful substances
such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, carpet odor, organic solvents, etc. Individuals who are unsure
of the importance of this policy should see the Associate Dean for additional information.
Student Services: Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in this
class are encouraged to contact me as soon as possible to ensure that such accommodations are
implemented in a timely fashion.
Attendance and Commitment: Students should attend every class session. It is the student's
responsibility to obtain lecture notes, handouts, or other materials in case of an absence. Since this is a
specialized lab class requiring live organisms you will not be able to make-up any missed labs. A
student who stops attending the class without an official withdrawal will be assigned a grade based on
the work completed up to that point. This is a course that will require a great deal of individual effort by
each student. You should expect to spend an average of 12-14 hours/week studying for this class.
Electronic Devices: Out of respect for your instructor and fellow students, please turn off cell phones
and pagers before class. No electronic devices may be used during exams.
Your final grade will be based on the following NSCC scale:
Below 50%
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated, and will result in a ZERO for the affected exam, quiz, or
assignment. A second offense will result in a withdrawal from the class for the remainder of the
9/27 (Sat)
Online Quiz due
Wed. 10pm
Q1 Due Wed. 10/01
Microbial World
Cell Structure
10/04 (Sat)
Microbial Metabolism
Q2 Due Wed. 10/08
Microbial Growth
10/11 (Sat)
Food Microbiology
Q3 Due Wed. 10/15
10/18 (Sat)
Lecture Exam #1
Q4 Due Wed. 10/22
Antimicrobial Drugs
Microbial Control
10/25 (Sat)
Microbial Genetics
7, 8
Q4 Due Wed. 10/29
11/01 (Sat)
Q5 Due Wed. 11/05
11/08 (Sat)
Genetic Transfer
Q6 Due Wed. 11/12
11/15 (Sat)
Lecture Exam #2
Q7 Due Wed. 11/19
Innate Immune Response
11/22 (Sat)
Adaptive Immune Response
Q8 Due Wed. 11/26
11/29 (Sat)
Host-Microbe Interaction
Q9 Due Wed. 12/03
12/06 (Sat)
Lab Practicum Exam
Lecture Exam #3
Fall 2014 Sat. Class
Laboratory Exercise
Ex. 3-Microscope
Ex. 5-Simple Staining
Ex. 1- Ubiquity of organisms
Results-Ex. 1
Laboratory Exercise
Quiz #3 (Labs 12, 15, 14, 22)
Results-Ex. 25, part 2
Ex. 23-Respiratory Organisms
Ex. 24-results
Results-Ex. 25, part 3
Results-Ex. 23
Ex. 6-Differential and Special
Ex. 2-Pure Culture
Ex. 7-Definied, Undefined
Ex. 22-Normal Skin Biota
Lab Quiz #1 (Labs 3, 5, 1, 6)
Results-Ex. 2
Results-Ex. 7
Results-Ex. 22, part 2
Ex. 8-Quantitation
Ex. 9-Aerobic/Anaerobic
Ex. 12-UV lab
Results-Ex. 8
Results-Ex. 9
Results- Ex. 22, part 3
Results-Ex. 12
Results-Ex. 22, part 3
Quiz #4 (Labs 17, 23, 24)
Results-Ex. 25 Unknowns, part 4
Ex. 30-Epidemiololgy
Results-Ex. 30
Results-Ex. 25
Lab Practicum Exam
Ex. 14-Antibiotics
Ex. 15- Antiseptics/Disinfectants
Lab Quiz #2 (Labs 2, 7, 8, 9)
Results-Ex. 14
Results-Ex. 15
Results-Ex. 22, part 4
Ex. 24-Gram negative rods
Results-Ex. 22
Results-Ex. 24
Ex. 17-Transformation
Ex. 25-Unknowns, part 1