Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures for Research and Education Data Sharing Research Infrastructures Grant Agreement n. 306819 CHAIN-REDS Project Overview Federico Ruggieri, INFN (Coordinator) e-AGE 2012 – Dubai 12-13 December 2012 The many faces of eInfrastructures The High Speed Communication Network The High Performance Computing for highly parallel applications The Grid for High Throughput Computing and resource sharing The Clouds for elastic resource provisioning Data Infrastructures with several issues such as: Large data volumes, Curation, Access, High Availability, etc. The Human Network: researchers working together sharing motivations, objectives, tools and resources 2 Why ? eInfrastructures support wide geographically distributed communities Grids and networks allow the access of many researchers to scientific resources (laboratories and data) enhance international collaboration of scientists promote collaboration in other fields. Disparity can be reduced and larger participation and contributions to high quality research. The e-Infrastructures promote the usage of network connectivity and stimulate scientific and technical development of countries contribute to fight the digital divide and brain drain. Regional Grid infrastructures CNGrid NKN & Garuda GISELA SAGrid & SANREN 4 EUAsiaGrid Status Co-ordination & Harmonisation of Advanced e-Infrastructures for Research and Education Data Sharing Research Infrastructures – Support Action Grant Agreement n. 306819 Total Costs of € 2.3 M Max. EC contribution: € 1.52 M Start date: 1 December 2012 Duration: 30 Months 5 Partners and roles INFN (IT) – Coordinator CIEMAT (ES) – WP4 Leader GRNET (GR) – WP3 Leader CESNET (CZ) – WP5 Leader UBUNTUNET (MW) – Africa CLARA (UR) – Latin America IHEP (CN) – China ASREN (DE) – Arab States SIGMA-ORIONIS (FR) – WP2 Leader [PSA (IN) – India] 6 CHAIN-REDS Objectives Extend and consolidate international cooperation of Europe with other regions of the world in the domain of e-Infrastructures for Research and Education Promote, coordinate and support the effort of a critical mass of non-European e-Infrastructures for R&E to collaborate with Europe addressing interoperability and interoperation of Grids and other DCIs Study the opportunities of data sharing across different e-Infrastructures and continents widening the scope of the existing CHAIN Knowledge Base to Data Infrastructures and Cloud implementations Promote trust building towards open Scientific Data infrastructures across the world regions, including organisational, operational and technical aspects Demonstrate the relevance of intercontinental cooperation in several scientific data fields addressing existing and emerging VRCs and propose pragmatic approaches that could impact the everyday work of the single researcher, even if not structured in a VRC Provide guidance and recommendations for roadmaps for long-term global collaboration in e-Infrastructures and harmonization of existing polices 7 8 Interoperation & Coordination of eInfrastructures (WP3) Federations & Clouds Identity Federations Data Infrastructures (WP4) Support to small groups and emerging communities (WP5) ROCs CHAIN Knowledge Base Collaboration with other projects MoUs with VRCs Science Gateways Recommendations Dissemination, Training and Outreach WP2 Work-plan Extend Knowledge Base to Data www.chain-project/knowledge-base 9 Support Regional Operation Centres 10 Promote the Science Gateway model Embedded Applications App. 2 .......App. N Science Gateway App. 1 Administrator Power User Basic User Standard-based middleware-independent Grid Engine Brasil Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific, Latin America China India Users from different organisations having different roles and privileges 11 Worldwide Interoperability Demo 12 13 Other objectives/activities Cloud for Research and Education • Support for coordination of Cloud developments for Research & Education with other regions (e.g. China, India, Latin America) IDF Federations of Identity Providers • Foster the creation of Identity Federations in cooperation with Certification Authorities; promote and coordinate their usage. Support integration of different AA approaches 14 Considerations for the Arab Region Capacity building: new professional skills are needed high qualified training is fundamental Community building: Scientists and users have to be involved and supported New communites should be created National Organisation: National Research and Education Networks are key for community building National Grid Initiatives create the necessary Distributed Computing Infrastructure Regional Organisation (ASREN): Extend the organisation with new shareholders Create a group of technical people to support the community Provide services to the community 15 16 Kick-Off Meeting in Dubai 14 December 2012 co-located with e-AGE 2012 Thank you ! 17