the Product A&E Specifications

A & E Specification – qulu VMS
Description – The Video Management software will be a scalable IP Video Management
Software (VMS), capable of controlling IP devices from multiple operator stations across multiple
monitors. The software will meet or exceed the following design and performance
1. The software will utilise a secure Server / Client architecture with following components
Media Server
Web Administration Interface
Mobile Client
IP Video Sources
Developer Tools
2. The VMS will allow one-click upgrade of all connected servers
If VMS has an active Internet connection and is signed in as an admin user the system will be
prompted to update to the latest version automatically.
If VMS does not have an active Internet connection users will be able to create and copy a link to
download a zip package for use in upgrading the system. This package can be uploaded to the
system from the VMS thick client to upgrade all servers in the system.
Users will be able to update to the latest available version or to specify a specific build to
upgrade/downgrade to in the client interface.
3. Each individual monitor will be capable of displaying multiple options of split screen displays,
up to a 64 camera split screen up to a maximum of 64 cameras per workstation.
4. The system will be capable of recording and displaying over 1024 IP video streams from
various manufacturers.
5. The system will operate using the native or ONVIF IP streams from each IP device. It will not
be possible to discern the differences between different manufacturers’ devices when viewed
on the live display.
6. The system will be able to support 360 degree panoramic cameras including Elliptical /
Panomorph cameras with video de-warping on live and playback of video.
7. The system will have separate and independently installable client and server applications.
8. It will be possible to connect a wide range of IP cameras to a single system without the need
for custom development.
qulu 2.3 A+E specification V1.1
Date: March 2015
A & E Specification – qulu VMS
9. The software will be compatible with the following operating systems:
Windows 7, 8.1 and server 2008 / 2012
Ubuntu Linux
10. Mobile apps provide live and recorded video playback compatible with Apple iOS and Google
Android, available to download free of charge.
11. The system includes the ability to auto detect cameras on the network.
12. The system installer for client, server and NVR combined will not exceed 200MB in size.
13. Free software upgrades will be provided without the need to take out annual agreements.
Server functions
1. The Server will provide the following functionality:
Device Management
Alarm Management
User Management
Clustering / Federation
2. Each instance of the VMS Media Server will support a maximum of 128 HD video streams.
3. The VMS Media Server will be able to automatically discover, connect to, stream live video
from, and record any ONVIF Profile S device, standard RTSP stream, or supported http links.
4. The Media Server application will connect to and synchronize the following data in real-time
with all other media servers in the system.
User Information
Video Sources
System Rules
5. The VMS Media Server will provide real-time health-monitoring of the hardware it is installed
upon – including the hardware CPU, RAM, HDD(s), and NIC status.
qulu 2.3 A+E specification V1.1
Date: March 2015
A & E Specification – qulu VMS
6. The server database type will be SQL.
7. The VMS Media Server will be supported for all of the following operating systems:
Microsoft Windows (64bit, W7 and later) or Microsoft Windows Server (64bit, 2008 and later)
Ubuntu Linux v12.04 LTS or later.
EDGE Devices (Selected ARM-powered IP cameras and/or computing devices.)
8. The server will have a built-in web interface allowing access via Internet Explorer 10 or above
or Google Chrome.
9. It will be possible to add SMTP server information to the server, allowing for emails to be sent
on user specified events.
10. Scheduling will be per camera stream basis.
11. Scheduling will be in hourly blocks.
12. The Server scheduling will allow the ability to select continuous or motion detection
13. The Server will include user definable motion detection areas.
14. There will be no maximum number of servers that can be installed on a system.
15. The Server will be capable of recording video to Network Attached Storage devices.
16. The addition of Servers to the system will not require an additional license
qulu 2.3 A+E specification V1.1
Date: March 2015
A & E Specification – qulu VMS
Client functions
The Client will support the following:
Menu Bar
The menu bar will be located at the top of the Client application frame and will allow the user to close the
application, minimize and maximize the application, toggle the application between full screen and non-full
screen modes, connect to a system, start and stop screen recording, create and control layouts, and access
the system menu.
The menu bar will be able to be minimized by sliding up into the Client application frame to give an
unobstructed view of the Viewing Grid at any time.
System Tree
The System Tree Resources tab will be located on the left side of the Client application frame and
will allow the user to view and interact with connected Media Servers and their related video
sources, users and their related layouts, and local files.
The System Tree Search tab will allow users to search for system resources (live video sources,
video files, or image files) using keywords. Results will be displayed in a new tab for each enacted
keyword search.
Icons in the System Tree will be interactive and users can access icon-specific sub-menus by rightclicking on the icons.
Live video sources (IP Cameras, RTSP Streams, etc) can be dragged onto the Viewing Grid to be
Servers located in the System Tree can be dragged onto the Viewing Grid to display a graph of
health-monitoring statistics for the selected server hardware.
The Resource Tree will group resources categorically into the System, Users, Video Wall, Local
Files, and Other Systems subsections and will be collapsible to hide or unhide nested/related
The System Tree will be able to be minimized by sliding left into the Client application frame, or
pinned by the user so that the tab always remains open.
qulu 2.3 A+E specification V1.1
Date: March 2015
A & E Specification – qulu VMS
2. Timeline
The Timeline will be located on the bottom of the Client application frame and will allow users
to interact with video sources over a period of time.
The Timeline will allow users to zoom into and out of live and recorded video sources to a
millisecond level of granularity.
The Timeline will display a green bar indicating availability of archived video from video
sources currently displayed on the Viewing Grid.
As the user moves the Timeline cursor the related video source being displayed on the
Viewing Grid will change to display video that occurred at that precise time/date.
The Timeline will also allow users to highlight and export specific slices of video based on
times into .MKV or .EXE formats. For example, if a user chooses a start time of 13:00 hours
and an end time of 13:15 the system will allow the user to export video from the selected
video source or sources (including multiple camera export) to an .AVI, .MKV, or EXE format.
The left Timeline panel will allow users to control the point of playback for all video or
individual video sources currently displayed in the Viewing Grid – with fast-forward, rewind,
pause and stop buttons.
The right Timeline panel will allow users to synchronize all videos being displayed, toggle
between live and recorded video, show or hide thumbnail previews, control volume of sound
for selected video sources, and use a calendar to navigate through the video archive.
The Timeline will have a collapsible Thumbnail preview feature that shows snapshots of past
video source archives above the timeline.
The Timeline will be able to be minimized by sliding down into the Client application frame.
Events Panel
The Events Panel will be located on the right side of the Client application frame and will allow
users to receive, interact with, and manage notifications created by the system.
The Events Panel menu bar will be located at the top of the Events Panel and will allow the
user to access the Events Log, Alarm/Events Rules, and Events Filter.
The Events Log will allow users to filter events by Date/Time, Event, Source, Action, Target and
The Alarm/Events Rules dialog will allow users to add, modify or delete system events.
qulu 2.3 A+E specification V1.1
Date: March 2015
A & E Specification – qulu VMS
The Alarm/Events rules will allow users to create events related to a single or multiple video
sources and to initiate Actions (e.g. send email, show notification) based on that event to a
specified Target (e.g. users or groups of users).
4. Viewing Grid – Dynamic Workspace
The Viewing Grid will be an adaptive grid that will display video sources (live or recorded), video
files, and images.
The Viewing Grid will allow users to drag and drop live video sources or files from the System
Tree or directly (e.g. the user’s file explorer) onto the Viewing Grid for viewing and manipulation.
Each file or live video source will be displayed in its own panel.
The Viewing Grid will automatically expand to accommodate new video sources by adding
additional panels to the Viewing Grid.
Once a panel has been established on the Viewing Grid, users will be able to move and resize the
panel freely.
For Live Video sources (e.g. IP Cameras) each Panel will have a set of overlay controls that will be
displayed when a user moves their mouse over a Panel. Overlay controls will be source-sensitive
and will adapt depending on the type of file or source being displayed. For example, a fixed
camera will display close, info, rotate, snapshot, smart motion search, zoom window, and
enhance image/video icons. A PTZ camera will contain the same icons as a fixed camera with the
addition of the PTZ control icon. A Fisheye camera will contain the same icons as a fixed camera
with the addition of the dewarp icon.
If a user single on a Panel in a multi-Panel view the selected Panel will expand slightly to cover
other Panels on the Viewing Grid (aka the Panel will “pop-out” slightly).
If a user double-clicks on a Panel that Panel will maximize in size to take up the entire application
Still images can be used as background images on the Viewing Grid (videos can be placed on top
of them so that the still image is in the background behind the videos) and can be adjusted in size
based on their imported aspect ratios.
Viewing Grids can be saved as Layouts for future recall. The Client will allow the user to open
multiple Layouts in tabbed format. Layouts can be opened by dragging and dropping Layouts
from the Resource Tree onto the Viewing Grid or by right clicking on the Layouts in the Resource
Tree and choosing “Open Layout in a New Tab” or “Open Layout in a New Window”.
Layouts can be assigned to user(s) and can be modified or deleted by users with proper access
The Viewing Grid will be able to support all known camera formats alongside ‘Corridor Mode’
camera formats.
qulu 2.3 A+E specification V1.1
Date: March 2015
A & E Specification – qulu VMS
User log on will be password protected with an unlimited number of users.
User rights must be set per individual user.
Client display function will be in 4:3, 16:9 or 9:16 options.
The maximum simultaneous live connections will be 64 across 4 monitors.
The maximum simultaneous playback connections will be 64 across 4 monitors.
10. The system will have the ability to show simultaneous live and playback on the same monitor.
11. The system will have a forensic zoom feature that can be used across multiple video windows.
12. In window icons will include as minimum PTZ, Fisheye Dewarp, Forensic Zoom and Video
13. Colour coded indicators should show the recording status of the camera in the window.
14. The device tree should include a search option to instantly display devices containing the
search criteria.
15. The number of stored views will be unlimited and will be capable of being displayed across up
to 4 monitors.
16. Playback information will be displayed on a timeline. The system will have the ability to
playback simultaneously from different time periods on different cameras or synchronised
17. Playback should include the option of displaying video thumbnails.
18. The operator will have the ability to control PTZ cameras with the following functionality:
Pan / Tilt / Zoom, Preset 1 and 2 direct controls, with access to further presets on a drop
down menu.
Access to tour and PTZ functions will be via a computer mouse.
Cameras with absolute positioning will provide the ability for the operator to draw a zoom
area on the video and the camera will move and zoom to that position.
Single clicking within the video window will cause the camera to move to that position.
Double clicking within the video window will cause camera to fully zoom back.
qulu 2.3 A+E specification V1.1
Date: March 2015
A & E Specification – qulu VMS
19. The system will support absolute positioning cameras that provide the operator with the
ability to draw an onscreen box. The camera should then pan, tilt and zoom to occupy the
drawn box area.
20. Site maps will be displayed on the main monitor only and will be scalable. The maximum file
size should not exceed 1920 x 1080.
Mapping system should support .JPG and .PNG file formats.
Maps should support live camera views and not icons.
24. Options for displaying live camera selections will include:
 Double clicking on the device tree will force a camera into the next available free screen segment
on the viewing grid.
 Dragging and dropping a camera to any free viewing grid segment.
 Typing the name or the camera(s) into a search field.
 Dragging and dropping a stored layout to display cameras stored in the layout.
 Camera video windows to be easily scalable by clicking and dragging the video window.
25. The operator will have the ability to de-warp 360 degree panoramic fish eye cameras including
elliptical / Panomorph cameras in both live a video playback views from multiple camera
26. Exports will be available in a native .MKV, .EXE or AVI format.
27. Exports will include secure water marking.
28. It will be possible to export multiple cameras as a single export.
29. The system will include the ability to record onscreen activity via Screen Capture without the
need to install third party software.
30. Client software will be available for Windows PC, Linux PCs and Apple MAC OS X.
31. The client will automatically switch to a lower resolution video stream if the user attempts to
display live high-resolution video that the workstation PC video card cannot display.
32. A user will have the ability to display performance information from any server or NVR on the
system. This information will be presented in a real-time graphical format.
33. The client software will be free of any licensing.
qulu 2.3 A+E specification V1.1
Date: March 2015
A & E Specification – qulu VMS
34. Web Client
The VMS will have a Web Client interface that will be accessible by right-clicking on the System
Name in the Resource Tree and selecting “Open Web Client.”
The VMS Web Client will connect locally or remotely to system Media Servers and will allow users
to check and modify system settings, monitor the health of system Media Server hardware,
access developer API and SDK information, and access support tools.
35. Mobile Client
The VMS will have a Mobile Client for Apple iOS and Google Android devices.
The VMS Mobile Client will allow users to connect to their system over Wi-Fi or cellular data
networks to view live and recorded video from the system.
36. Developer Toolkit
The VMS will have developer toolkit with the following information hosted natively on System Servers (e.g.
does not require an Internet connection to access and download).
Video Source Integration SDK
The Video Source Integration SDK enabled easy integration of any video source (live or archived)
into the system. With the SDK it’s possible to create a method for discovering, displaying, analyzing
and recording video from virtually any live or recorded video source (IP Cameras, NVRs, DVRs, etc).
It should also allow for integrating device I/Os and motion detection information.
Server API
The Video Source Integration SDK enables easy integration of any video source (live or archived)
into the system. With the SDK it's possible to create a method for discovering, displaying, analyzing
and recording video from virtually any live or recorded video source (IP Cameras, NVRs, DVRs, etc).
It also allows for integrating device I/Os and motion detection information.
qulu 2.3 A+E specification V1.1
Date: March 2015
A & E Specification – qulu VMS
VMS Advanced Features
The VMS will have the following advanced features.
Automatic Device Discovery & ONVIF Profile S Support – the system will automatically discover
supported devices - which can include integrated tested devices and standard ONVIF profile S
video devices. Devices can also be added manually via IP address, hostname or RTSP/HTTP link.
The system will also support synchronized video and audio recording on supported devices.
Simplified Network Routing - The system offers a single-port configuration for camera viewing
across different subnets as well as an advanced routing management interface that allows IT
administrators to designate specific routing rules for system servers.
No Single Point of Failure - Users can connect to any server in the system to login, manage, and
view the entire system. Servers synchronise with all other servers within the network to create a
clustered system removing any single point of failure.
Events, Actions and Notifications - users can configure system events to display on-screen alerts
and/or configurable email notifications. Events are simple to set up and can be triggered by a
variety of events within the system - including motion detection, network conflicts, drive or
storage failure, camera disconnection or failure, camera relay, and more.
System Logs - the system will keep a detailed log of information about system performance and
can be accessed at any time locally or remotely via Client or Web Client to allow system
administrators to diagnose any problems.
Calendar Search – users can quickly locate a particular event from archive by simply selecting the
date and time the event may have occurred. Multiple dates/hours can be selected
simultaneously. Active views on the user interface update in real-time according to the time
entered on the calendar search.
Preview (aka time-slice) Search - users can locate a particular event by breaking archived data
into smaller increments and displaying them as separate items.
Thumbnails Search – Users are able to view the entire time span of an item on timeline.
Thumbnails are sampled evenly from the defined archive. They can be expanded in size, scrolled
through or turned on/off with a single click.
Logical Keyword Search – user can search connected devices and local files by name, MAC
Address or IP addresses. Search results are opened in the current layout and can be quickly saved
for later recall.
Video Export – Users have the ability to export video fragments from a single camera or local
video file and save them in .AVI or .MKV formats. Exporting video is a simple drag, drop, and click
Advanced Video Export - The user can export multiple videos and layouts as a single file and play
it back with FF/REW, smart motion search, thumbnails and other controls. Files can be saved as
.nov, .exe and "read only".
qulu 2.3 A+E specification V1.1
Date: March 2015
A & E Specification – qulu VMS
Universal Fisheye Dewarping - The system allows for any camera to operate as a fisheye camera
by using a standard fisheye lens and switching the camera mode from standard to fisheye. The
sub-features includes automatic or custom calibration, image enhancement, digital PTZ and
presets, forensic SpyGlass zoom windows, angle adjustment, panoramic modes and more.
Zoom Windows - The user can create unlimited portable zoom windows and pan them across any
video stream within a layout. A forensic digital zoom capability that not only allows for clip export,
but also seamlessly moves the forensic spyglass from one stream to another.
PTZ Presets and Tours - The user can create a tour by generating multiple preset points
(memorized P/T/Z positions). A tour trajectory is based on preset points eliminating the need for
constant monitoring thus avoiding human error. A default “home” position must be established
for the camera to return to after the tour.
Digital Mapping - The user can locate the position of cameras within a schematic layout by
locking the layout and placing cameras in designated areas.
Image Enhancement - The user can enhance any image or video (live or archived) by adjusting the
black/white/gamma settings. Automatic optimization is also available.
Watermarking - The system offers digital watermarking that authenticates exported footage and
serves as a proof that the electronic evidence has not been tampered with, corrupted or edited.
Diagnostics - The user can troubleshoot an offline camera or a server with one simple click. Once
diagnosed, the application will display a list of possible issues for further investigation.
Health Monitoring System - The user can monitor system performance and detect system
overloads, high CPU usage, server issues and other system malfunctions.
Automatic System Updates - The system offers automatic system updates. When a new update
is available from the cloud, the system will automatically detect it and prompt the user to initiate
the update.
qulu 2.3 A+E specification V1.1
Date: March 2015