
Regulatory Administrative Institutions
MPA 517
• The Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST) is a
Cabinet-level ministry of the Government of Pakistan
concerned with science and technology in Pakistan and
in general, Pakistan's science policy, planning,
coordination and directing of efforts to initiate and
launch scientific and technological programs as well as
projects aimed at economic development.
• The ministry is coordinated by the Federal Minister for
Science and Technology, and is headquartered in
National Research Laboratories
• The Kahuta Research Laboratories, previously
known at various times as Project-706, and
Engineering Research Laboratories, is a Pakistan
Government's multi-program national research
institute, managed and operated under the
scrutiny of Pakistan Armed Forces, located in
Kahuta, Punjab Province.
• The laboratories are one of the largest science
and technology institutions in Pakistan, and
development in fields such as national security,
space exploration, and supercomputing
Pakistan Council for Science and Technology
• Pakistan Council for Science and Technology (PCST) is
mandated to advise the Government on the
development of Science and Technology at the national
• The Council is involved in S&T Policy making, planning,
implementation and in carrying out policy studies.
• PCST is also the secretariat of National Commission of
Science and Technology (NCST), headed by the Prime
Minister (which takes the major decisions for the
development of S&T)
• Advising the Government on S&T policy and plans.
• Regular evaluation of scientific research through
bibliometric and peer review techniques.
• Strategic planning of
committees/think tanks.
• Scientometric and futuristic studies.
• Promotion of R&D and encouragement of consultancy
services for scientists and technologists.
Today’s Lecture
• Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority
Vision of PNRA
• To become a world class regulatory body with
highly trained, competent and dedicated
personnel working in unison with a zeal to
foster a positive safety culture in their
licensees and regulate nuclear facility to
protect the public, workers and environment
from the harmful effects of radiation in a
manner that wins the confidence of all the
stake holders viz. the public, the Government
and the licensees.
• To ensure safe operation of nuclear facilities
and to protect radiation workers, general
public and the environment from the harmful
effects of radiation by formulating and
implementing effective regulations and
building a relationship of trust with the
licensees and maintain transparency in its
actions and decisions.
History of PNRA
The nuclear regulatory infrastructure has been in place since 1965, when the first
research reactor PARR-I was commissioned.
The nuclear regulatory regime further improved when the first nuclear power
plant was commissioned in 1971 at Karachi .
A nuclear safety and licensing division was established in PAEC HQ which
functioned as the de facto regulatory body till it was upgraded to " Directorate of
Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection" (DNSRP) after the promulgation of
Pakistan Nuclear Safty and Radiation Protection Ordinance 1984
Pakistan signed the International Convention on Nuclear Safety in 1994, as a result
of which, it became obligatory on the part of the Government of Pakistan to
establish an independent nuclear regulatory body entrusted with the
implementation of the legislative and regulatory framework governing nuclear
power and radiation use in the country, and further to separate the regulatory
functions from the promotional aspects of the nuclear programme.
• As a transitory measure Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Board
(PNRB), within PAEC was established to oversee the
regulatory affairs. Complete separation of promotion and
regulatory functions and responsibilities was achieved in
2001 , when the President of Pakistan promulgated the
Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority Ordinance No.III of
2001.ety and Radiation Protection Ordinance 1984.
• Consequently, Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority
(PNRA) was created, dissolving the Pakistan Nuclear
Regulatory Board and Directorate of Nuclear Safety &
Radiation Protection.
• It established PNRA as a competent and independent body
for the regulation of nuclear safety, radiation protection,
transport and waste safety in Pakistan, and also
empowered it to determine the extent of civil liability for
damage resulting from any nuclear incident.
Nuclear Safety Directorate
• Licensing of nuclear power plants including modifications, periodic safety
reviews and re-licensing
• Licensing and inspections of nuclear grade equipment manufacturing
• Establishing and maintaining regulatory framework for nuclear safety
• Reviews and Assessments
• Self assessment
• Coordinating with Regional Directorates in activities related to nuclear
• Maintaining and disseminating information on nuclear safety within PNRA
• Preparation of regulations, working procedures, and guidelines
Directorate of International Cooperation
• The Nuclear Regulatory Authority's Directorate of International
Cooperation (ICD) is responsible for arranging international training and
international cooperation.
• The ICD facilitates completion of all formalities regarding training or visits
(official), abroad of PNRA officials.
• The ICD takes care of passport and visa issues of the PNRA officials,
clearances from the government departments and departure formalities,
and liaison with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for
departure formalities.
• ICD also liaise with other governmental departments regarding visits of
experts coming to PNRA from the International Atomic Energy Agency and
through bilateral agreements, from other regulatory bodies.
It coordinates with Pakistani Embassies abroad for visas, concerned
government departments for security matters, Pakistan Atomic Energy
Commission and IAEA
Radiation Safety Directorate
• Radiation Safety Directorate (RSD) regulates and supervise matters
related to radiation protection.
• Its mission is to ensure that the harmful effects of radiation on
human health and the environment arising from licensed activities
are As Low As Reasonably Achievable.
• RSD is headed by a Director and staffed with experienced
professionals - most of them having post graduate degrees in
physical sciences and medicine.
• Like the other technical Directorates of PNRA, RSD works
independently and give recommendations after careful assessment
and evaluation of radiation safety situation at all licensed facilities.
• These are submitted for consideration and approval of the
Authority, for implementation as regulatory decisions.
Transport and Waste Safety Directorate
• Transport and Waste Safety Directorate (WSD) at PNRA
is responsible for matters related to radioactive waste
management, safe transport of radioactive materials,
physical protection of nuclear material and nuclear
installations, safety and security of radioactive sources
and decommissioning of nuclear installations. It
establishes and maintains regulatory framework such as
regulations, requirements, safety guides, internal
procedures, inspection checklists etc in these areas and
assures compliance of regulatory requirements by
coordinating through joint regulatory inspections with
our Regional Directorates.
• .
• The recent IAEA RaSIA Mission of 2005 has
observed that Pakistan has a well-developed
regulating radiation safety and with an
effective operational system of licensing,
inspection and enforcement for the control of
radiation sources which has continued to
develop in line with international standards
Information Services Directorate
• The Information Services Directorate (ISD) is a
part of the newly created Technical Support
Organization (TSO) within the corporate wing.
It is responsible for maintaining computer
networks, telephone exchanges, PNRA Library,
issuance of advertisements for public
education, issuance of press releases on
important matters and occasions and
interaction with the media
School for Nuclear & Radiation Safety
Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority (PNRA) was established
under the PNRA Ordinance III in January 2001 for the regulation of
nuclear safety and radiation protection in Pakistan. Prior to its
establishment, a regulatory body was functioning under the
umbrella of PAEC.
PNRA considers its employees as the most valuable asset and
firmly believes that enhancing their skills and knowledge is an
investment for the future of the organization therefore, an effective
training program for its employees has always been one of the main
planks of its long term policy.
Most of the officers recruited over the last few years in PNRA
were graduates from engineering universities and faculty of
sciences which included graduates from Pakistan Institute of
Engineering and Applied Science (PIEAS), Islamabad as well. They
possess basic knowledge in engineering disciplines and sciences but
their technical knowledge on regulatory needs require
improvements and continuous updates.
• Following professional courses will be offered
at the PNRA School for Nuclear and Radiation
Safety to enhance the overall competency of
its regulatory staff:
(a) Postgraduate Diploma (PGD) Courses
(b) Short Training Courses in specific areas
(c) Refresher Training Courses
(d) Specialized Training Courses
Success of nuclear power worldwide is largely dependent on an effective
research program to ensure the safe operation of Nuclear Power Plants.
Such research has led to improved designs and safer and more reliable
plant operations.
• Similarly, safety research carried out by regulatory organizations has
contributed to improved safety and has laid the foundation for activities
such as risk-informed regulation, plant life extension, improved plant
performance (e.g. power uprates) and new plant designs.
PNRA School for Nuclear and Radiation Safety is in a process of setting
up laboratories to provide viable research capability within PNRA.
In these laboratories the technical staff will carry out analytical and
experimental work related to their field of expertise.
• They will also receive hands on training on various radiation equipment/
components used in nuclear installation and radiation facilities.
Nuclear Regulatory Framework
• Ordinance:
– issued by the Government of Pakistan
– presents basic objectives, concepts and principles of nuclear and radiation
safety and protection for the regulation of nuclear energy
• Regulations
– issued by PNRA
– specify the basic requirements that must be fulfilled to ensure safety but do
not contain recommendations on how to meet the requirements
Regulatory Guides
– issued by PNRA, of a non-mandatory nature
– recommend actions, conditions or procedures for meeting safety
Codes and Standards
– Issued by national and international organizations e.g. IEEE etc.
– recommend standard
• Pakistan Nuclear Regulatory Authority
• Nuclear Regulatory Framework
Next Lecture
• Ministry of Industries and Production