Coverage for orally administered anticancer medications. Category


SB1985 / HB1087

Coverage for orally administered anticancer medications.

Category Insurance Health

Sponsors Sen. Eric Stewart / Rep. Glen Casada

Description Requires policies that provide coverage for cancer chemotherapy treatment to also provide coverage for prescribed orally administered anticancer medication on at least an equivalent basis as its coverage for intravenously administered or injected cancer medications without increasing an insured's co-payment, deductible, or coinsurance amounts for coverage of intravenous or injected cancer medications.

Senate Status 03/22/2012 - Set for Senate Commerce, Labor & Agriculture Committee 03/27/12.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House Commerce Committee 03/27/12.

SB2161 / HB2815

Disbursement of federal Title X family planning funds.

Category Health Care

Sponsors Sen. Stacey Campfield / Rep. Jeremy Faison

Description Revises current law to restrict the entities to which the department of health may disburse federal title X family planning funds to certain public agencies.

Senate Status 03/21/2012 - Taken off notice in Senate Health & Welfare Committee.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House General Subcommittee of Health & Human Resources 03/27/12.

SB2212 / HB2350

State insurance plans not subject to certain regulation.

Category Government Organization

Sponsors Sen. Mark S. Norris / Rep. Gerald McCormick

Description Specifies that state insurance plans are not subject to regulation by the department of commerce and insurance or the jurisdiction of the department of health. No provision of Title

56 applies to these plans unless explicitly stated. (Part of Administration Package 2012)

Senate Status 03/22/2012 - Set for Senate State & Local Government Committee 03/27/12.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House General Subcommittee of Health & Human Resources 03/27/12.

Executive Status 03/05/2012 - Council on Pensions & Insurance approved with amendment.

SB2235 / HB2373

Sale and purchase of immediate methamphetamine precursor.

Category Criminal Law

Sponsors Sen. Mark S. Norris / Rep. Gerald McCormick

Description Clarifies that attempting to sell or buy methamphetamine precursors with intent to make methamphetamine, sell it or deliver it to someone who intends to, or with reckless disregard for the precursor's intended use or the recipient's intent are class A misdemeanors. (Part of

Administration Package 2012)

Senate Status 02/13/2012 - Senate passed.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House Calendar & Rules Committee 03/27/12.

SB2240 / HB2378

Medicaid false claims revisions.

Category Health Care

Sponsors Sen. Mark S. Norris / Rep. Gerald McCormick

Description Revises various provisions of the Medicaid False Claims Act. Specifies that an action for medicaid fraud may be brought against any person who: (1) Knowingly presents, or causes to be presented, a false or fraudulent claim for payment or approval under the medicaid program;

(2) Knowingly makes, uses, or causes to be made or used, a false record or statement material to a false or fraudulent claim to get a false or fraudulent claim under the medicaid program paid for or approved; (3) Conspires to commit a violation of (1), (2), or (4); or (4)

Knowingly makes, uses, or causes to be made or used, a false record or statement material to an obligation to pay or transmit money, or property to the state, or knowingly conceals, or knowingly and improperly, avoids, or decreases an obligation to pay or transmit money or property to the state, relative to the medicaid program. Also specifies that the amount of the civil penalty described above for a violation of medicaid fraud would be adjusted by the Federal

Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act. Requires that the court dismiss an action or claim for medicaid fraud, unless opposed by the state, if substantially the same allegations or transactions as alleged in the action or claim were publicly disclosed in a criminal, civil, or administrative hearing in which the state or its agent is a party; in a state legislative, state comptroller, or other state report, hearing, audit, or investigation; or from the news media, unless the action is brought by the attorney general or district attorney general or the person

bringing the action is an original source of the information. Defines "original source" as a person who either prior to such a public disclosure has voluntarily disclosed to the state the information on which allegations or transactions in a claim are based or who has knowledge that is independent of and materially adds to the publicly disclosed allegations or transactions, and who has voluntarily provided the information to the state before filing the action. Specifies that if the state elects to intervene and proceed with an action for medicaid fraud brought by a person other than the attorney general, then the state may file its own complaint, or amend the complaint of the person who had brought the action, to clarify or add detail to the claims in which the state is intervening and to add any additional claims with respect to which the state contends it is entitled to relief. (Part of Administration Package 2012)

Senate Status 03/22/2012 - Set for Senate Finance, Ways & Means Committee 03/27/12.

House Status 02/23/2012 - House passed with amendments 1 and 2.

SB2241 / HB2379

In-home visitation programs funding criteria revised.

Category Health Care

Sponsors Sen. Mark S. Norris / Rep. Gerald McCormick

Description Redefines evidence-based research. Requires scientific research on in-home visits to be evaluated using either randomized controlled research designs or quasi-experimental research designs with equivalent comparison groups. Clarifies "in-home" visit, excluding any Medicaid funded disease management or case management services or programs which may include home visits. 50 percent of state appropriated funds are to be used for evidence-based models in fiscal year 2012-2013 and 75 percent in 2013-1014 and after. (Part of Administration

Package 2012)

Senate Status 03/21/2012 - Senate Health & Welfare Committee recommended. Sent to Senate Calendar &


House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House Health & Human Resources Committee 03/28/12.

SB2253 / HB2391

TN Prescription Safety Act of 2012.

Category Health Care

Sponsors Sen. Mark S. Norris / Rep. Gerald McCormick

Description Enacts "Tennessee Prescription Safety Act of 2012." Expands and clarifies the "Controlled

Substances Monitoring Act of 2011." Authorizes the commissioner of health to promulgate rules on the sharing and dissemination of data and information in the database with other states and enter into such agreements. Requires all prescribers, dispensers, and physician extenders in practice for more than three calendar days per year in Tennessee to be registered in the controlled substance database. Requires prescribers and dispensers to submit information on dispensed controlled substances, including whether the prescription is new, the date the prescription was issued, and the source of payment, to the database within 24 hours, instead of monthly. Requires the controlled substance database committee to review the information in the database and notify law enforcement of any violations of law. Adds to the list of who confidential database information may be available to and requires each database user to have a separate authentication access code. Requires prescribers and dispensers to check the controlled substance database prior to prescribing or dispensing a controlled substance at the beginning of a new treatment and least every six months after that. (14 pp) (Part of

Administration Package 2012)

Senate Status 03/21/2012 - Senate Health & Welfare Committee recommended with amendment 1, as amended. Sent to Senate Government Operations.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House General Subcommittee of Health & Human Resources 03/27/12.

SB2313 / HB2516

Board of nursing - sunset.

Category Government Organization

Sponsors Sen. Mike Bell / Rep. Jim Cobb

Description Extends the termination date of the Board of Nursing to June 30, 2014. Under the Tennessee

Governmental Entity Review Law, the Board was scheduled to terminate on June 30, 2011, and is currently in wind-down. Alters the membership composition of the board. Reduces, from four to two, the number of consecutive terms a member may serve. Requires that seven members of the board be physically present at a meeting before a license may be suspended.

Requires the Uniform Administrative Procedures Act be applicable to all disciplinary proceedings.

Senate Status 03/08/2012 - Senate passed with amendments 1 and 2.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House Calendar & Rules Committee 03/27/12.

SB2353 / HB2479

Definition of physician expanded under PPO Transparency Act.

Category Professions & Licensure

Sponsors Sen. Eric Stewart / Rep. Charles Curtiss

Description Expands the definition of a physician in the Preferred Provider Organization Transparency Act to include chiropractic physicians.

Senate Status 02/27/2012 - Senate passed.

House Status 03/21/2012 - Set for House floor on 03/26/2012.

SB2406 / HB3406

Adoption of rules regulating nurse practitioners.

Category Professions & Licensure

Sponsors Sen. Randy McNally / Rep. David Shepard

Description Eliminates requirement that the board of medical examiners and the board of nursing jointly adopt rules to regulate supervision of nurse practitioners. Deletes provision that grandfathers in advanced practice nurses if they hold registered nurse license in good standing and current national specialty certification in the advanced practice specialty prior to May 22, 2002.

Senate Status 03/21/2012 - Failed in Senate Health & Welfare Committee for lack of majority, after adopting amendment 1.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House General Subcommittee of Health & Human Resources 03/27/12.

SB2407 / HB2569

Doctor shopping laws expanded.

Category Health Care

Sponsors Sen. Randy McNally / Rep. Bill Dunn

Description Expands responsibility to report under "doctor shopping" laws. Gives hospitals access to controlled substance database for certain purposes and immunizes them from liability.

Requires photo identification for persons picking up prescriptions. Allows federal law enforcement to access controlled substance database without warrant. Allows real-time electronic access to controlled substance database for law enforcement and pharmacists.

Requires pain clinics to be owned by Tennessee doctors or hospitals. Penalizes interference with pharmacists' decisions to fill prescriptions. Allows methadone clinics to query controlled substance database prior to prescribing drugs to patients.

Senate Status 03/20/2012 - Senate Judiciary recommended with amendment. Sent to Senate Finance, Ways

& Means.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House Health & Human Resources Committee 03/28/12.

SB2408 / HB2570

Failure to report info to controlled substance database.

Category Criminal Law

Sponsors Sen. Randy McNally / Rep. Bill Dunn

Description Creates a Class C misdemeanor for the willful failure to report information to the controlled substance database. Establishes a Class B misdemeanor for the second offense and a Class

A misdemeanor for every subsequent offense.

Senate Status 03/20/2012 - Senate Judiciary deferred to the last calendar.

House Status 03/07/2012 - House Health & Human Resources deferred.

SB2414 / HB2574

Requires suspension of doctor with federal drug indictment.

Category Health Care

Sponsors Sen. Randy McNally / Rep. Bill Dunn

Description Authorizes the commissioner of health or the practitioner's licensing board to suspend on an emergency basis the license of a practitioner who is under state or federal indictment involving sale or dispensing controlled substances.

Senate Status 03/21/2012 - Senate Health & Welfare Committee recommended with amendments 1 and 2.

Sent to Senate Calendar & Rules.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House Health & Human Resources Committee 03/28/12.

SB2416 / HB2568

Drug overdose reporting requirements established.

Category Health Care

Sponsors Sen. Randy McNally / Rep. Bill Dunn

Description Requires the board for licensing health care facilities to establish a protocol by rule for hospitals, community health centers, and clinics to report drug overdoses by January 1, 2013.

Senate Status 03/22/2012 - Set for Senate Floor 03/26/12.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House Health & Human Resources Committee 03/28/12.

SB2581 / HB2549

Health care providers - interventional pain management.

Category Health Care

Sponsors Sen. Stacey Campfield / Rep. Matthew Hill

Description Authorizes the board of nursing to provide a certificate of competence in interventional pain management to a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA), which will allow the CRNA to perform invasive procedures involving any portion of the spine, spinal cord, sympathetic nerves or block of major peripheral nerves, if the CRNA provides the board with certain evidence. Also authorizes the board of nursing to provide a certificate of competence in interventional pain management to a nurse practitioner if the nurse practitioner provides certain evidence to the board. Authorizes the committee on physician assistants to provide a certificate of competence in interventional pain management to a physician assistant if the physician assistant provides certain evidence to the commission. Specifies requirements for physicians practicing interventional pain management.

Senate Status 01/23/2012 - Referred to Senate Health & Welfare Committee.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House General Subcommittee of Health & Human Resources 03/27/12.

SB2587 / HB2724

Pain management clinics prescribing medication.

Category Professions & Licensure

Sponsors Sen. Ken Yager / Rep. Bob Ramsey

Description Revises the list of prescribed medication for patients at a pain management clinic.

Senate Status 03/19/2012 - Senate passed with amendment 1.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House General Subcommittee of Health & Human Resources 03/27/12.

SB2609 / HB2684

Unauthorized use of physician DEA registration number.

Category Tort Liability

Sponsors Sen. Charlotte Burks / Rep. Ryan Williams

Description Provides immunity to any medical doctor or osteopathic physician who makes a report to a law enforcement agency regarding unauthorized use of the doctor or physician's DEA registration number by an employee of the doctor or contractor of the doctor to write prescriptions.

Senate Status 03/21/2012 - Senate Health & Welfare Committee recommended with amendment. Sent to

Senate Calendar & Rules.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House Calendar & Rules Committee 03/27/12.

SB2634 / HB2497

Health insurance offered in other states permitted in TN.

Category Insurance Health

Sponsors Sen. Jack Johnson / Rep. Glen Casada

Description Allows insurers authorized to sell insurance in Tennessee to issue individual accident and sickness policies in Tennessee that are currently approved for issuance in another state.

Specifies that "individual accident and sickness policy" includes comprehensive major medical coverage for medical and surgical benefits, and also includes "high deductible health plans" sold or maintained under Section 223 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Senate Status 03/22/2012 - Set for Senate Commerce, Labor & Agriculture Committee 03/27/12.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House Health & Human Resources Committee 03/28/12.

SB2679 / HB2834

Immunity when reporting certain injuries in good faith.

Category Criminal Law

Sponsors Sen. Mae Beavers / Rep. Barrett Rich

Description Requires health care providers to notify law enforcement of injuries believed to be caused by exposure to a meth lab. Grants civil and criminal immunity to those making reports in good faith. Makes violations a Class A misdemeanor.

Senate Status 03/22/2012 - Set for Senate Floor 03/26/12.

House Status 03/19/2012 - House passed with amendment 2.

SB2680 / HB2957

Certificate to operate a pain management clinic.

Category Health Care

Sponsors Sen. Brian K. Kelsey / Rep. Mark White

Description Extends the grace period for renewing a certificate to operate a pain management clinic from

90 days to 120 days.

Senate Status 03/21/2012 - Taken off notice in Senate Health & Welfare Committee.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House General Subcommittee of Health & Human Resources 03/27/12.

SB2874 / HB3028

Child abuse - mother's ingestion of drugs during pregnancy.

Category Criminal Law

Sponsors Sen. Steve Southerland / Rep. David B. Hawk

Description Includes ingestion of illegal drugs during pregnancy, which causes the child to be born with illegal substances present within the child's bodily fluids, as part of the definition for severe child abuse. Broadly captioned.

Senate Status 03/22/2012 - Set for Senate Judiciary Committee 03/27/12.

House Status 03/21/2012 - Taken off notice in House General Subcommittee of Judiciary.

SB2943 / HB3157

Minimum health coverage for Memphis Plan Act of 1991.

Category Insurance Health

Sponsors Sen. Mark S. Norris / Rep. John J. Deberry Jr.

Description Specifies that coverage made available in plans under the Memphis Plan Act of 1991 constitutes minimum essential health coverage for purposes of compliance with federal law regarding maintaining minimum essential coverage (26 USC 5000A).

Senate Status 03/19/2012 - Senate passed.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House Commerce Committee 03/27/12.

SB3003 / HB2567

Tamper-resistance technology extended to opioid analgesics.

Category Health Care

Sponsors Sen. Bo Watson / Rep. Glen Casada

Description Requires pharmacists dispensing opioid analgesic drugs to dispense a form whose formula uses tamper resistant technology to deter tampering or abuse.

Senate Status 03/21/2012 - Senate Health & Welfare Committee recommended with amendment. Sent to

Senate Calendar & Rules.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House Health & Human Resources Committee 03/28/12.

SB3383 / HB3544

Sunset - TennCare pharmacy advisory committee.

Category Government Organization

Sponsors Sen. Mike Bell / Rep. Jim Cobb

Description Sunsets the state TennCare pharmacy advisory committee on June 30, 2016.

Senate Status 03/08/2012 - Senate passed with amendment 1.

House Status 03/21/2012 - Set for House floor on 03/28/2012.

SB3630 / HB3625

Underinsureds payments to certain health care facilities.

Category Health Care

Sponsors Sen. Eric Stewart / Rep. Mike Sparks

Description Prohibits certain health care facilities from requiring an uninsured or underinsured patient from paying more than 110 percent of the Medicare reimbursement for health care services.

Senate Status 03/21/2012 - Taken off notice in Senate Health & Welfare Committee.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House General Subcommittee of Health & Human Resources 03/27/12.

SB3718 / HB3435

Monitor compliance with indigent dental services.

Category Health Care

Sponsors Sen. Roy B. Herron / Rep. Bob Ramsey

Description Requires, rather than allows, health commissioner to monitor compliance with indigent dental service requirements. Requires commissioner to impose sanctions for noncompliance.

Senate Status 03/21/2012 - Senate Health & Welfare Committee recommended with amendment. Sent to

Senate Finance.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House General Subcommittee of Health & Human Resources 03/27/12.

SB3745 / HB3830

Tennessee Colon Cancer Screening Program Act

Category Insurance Health

Sponsors Sen. Roy B. Herron / Rep. Glen Casada

Description Enacts "Tennessee Colon Cancer Screening Program Act." Creates a program to provide colon cancer screening for uninsured individuals between the ages of 50 and 64 and other uninsured individuals determined to be at high risk of developing colon cancer. Establishes a colon cancer screening advisory committee. Requires the department of health, with the advice of the committee, to develop and expand programs, employ administrative personnel, establish an awareness campaign, and provide an annual report. Requires all entities that provide health insurance coverage for hospital and surgical expense insurance to provide coverage for colorectal screening tests.

Senate Status 03/20/2012 - Senate Commerce, Labor & Agriculture recommended with amendment 1. Sent to Senate Finance, Ways & Means.

House Status 03/22/2012 - Set for House General Subcommittee of Finance 03/28/12.
