IM-C e-Marketing und CRM - Department of Information Systems

WI / IS Seminar Summer 2005:
IT-enabled Business Transformation:
Innovation and Diffusion,
Adoption and Change
Prof. A. Farhoomand, Dr. A. Teubner, Prof. S. Klein
Chair for Information Systems
and Interorganisational Systems
Department for Information Systems
University of Muenster
 Klein 
 Teubner 
 Ali Fahoomand ?
Ali is an educator, researcher and consultant. He is currently Professor of Information
Systems and Director of Asia case Research Centre at the University of Hong Kong. He
has taught and conducted research in universities across Asia Pacific, North America, and
Europe, including executive development engagements at INSEAD and as a Visiting
Scholar at MIT Sloan School of Management. Ali has written five books, developed over
100 case studies, and published 30 plus refereed articles in such outlets as
Communications of the ACM, MIS Quarterly, MISQ Executive and IEEE Transactions. He
is a three-time winner of the SIM International Paper Award and the First Place winner of
the 2004 John Molson MBA International Case Writing Competition. In 2006 he
conceptualized and produced the Focus Asia Business Leaders Case Study and Video
Series. He was nominated and awarded a postgraduate Teaching Award in 2006.
IS Seminar WS05/06 - Vorstellung 4. Juli 2005
 To learn about theories which can help to explain how IT
facilitates the transformation of the economy on different
levels (industry, network, enterprise).
 To be able to apply these theories in the analysis of
concrete business problems.
 To be able to articulate and make a business case.
IS Seminar WS05/06 - Vorstellung 4. Juli 2005
Learning Goals
To study the interlinks among business strategy, technology, and
To gain an understanding of the issues surrounding innovation,
change management and organizational adoption
To learn how to gain strategic leverage from the global IT
infrastructures using the concept of network effect and its applications
in a firm’s strategy formulation and execution processes
To study the role of global IT infrastructures in compressing spatial and
temporal constraints, shortening of the business transaction cycle, and
enhancing market efficiency
To understand major regulatory, legal and international issues in the
To learn how to identify major business issues, find relevant
information, outline credible alternatives, and logically build and
articulate convincing argument in support of a particular course of
IS Seminar WS05/06 - Vorstellung 4. Juli 2005
 Have a proper idea of IT-enabled business transformation:
 Basic knowledge in Information Management as conveyed
in the lecture IM
 Participation in the lecture IOS which is held in the
first half of the term.
 Reading: Managing e-Business Transformation, by Ali
Farhoomand, Palgrave/MacMillan Publishing (2006)
IS Seminar WS05/06 - Vorstellung 4. Juli 2005
Seminar Papers
 Theory-based case studies on (exemplary) …
 the evaluation of ICT-trends, their diffusion and adoption
 the anticipatory assessment of ICT’s impact on business and
industry structures
 the structural transformation of specific businesses through
new ICTs
 the emergence of IOS and ICT-infrastructures in specific
 the challenges networked business imposes on Information
Management (e. g. ioSISP)
IS Seminar WS05/06 - Vorstellung 4. Juli 2005
 Individual class contribution
20 %
 Presentation
30 %
 Seminar paper
50 %
=> 8 CP
IS Seminar WS05/06 - Vorstellung 4. Juli 2005
Seminar Organisation
 Application until
 Max. no. of participants
 Initial meeting
28.02.2007, 10:00 o‘clock,
R. 217
Assignment of topics
 Seminar presentations
~ mid-May – end of June
IS Seminar WS05/06 - Vorstellung 4. Juli 2005
 Application deadline: February, 19th 2007
 E-Mail
 including your motivation for the application
 and a list of 2-3 preferred topics
 to
 further information will be available at:
IS Seminar WS05/06 - Vorstellung 4. Juli 2005