Lifecycle Overview: Below is a broad overview of the lifecycle of programmatic activities and concepts that involve the proposed database. Activities: Concepts: Cycle Setup Application Submission Application Setup/Intake Review Grant Management Funding & Ongoing Grant/Fiscal Management Financial Management Reporting/Tracking Reporting, Evaluation, Dissemination, Development, Outreach User Admin. Document Storage Constituent/Stakeholder Relationship Management (CRM) For each user, what is their experience along the Lifecycle? Note: Please describe the goal or activity, not the procedure for accomplishing the action. Event: Cycle Setup: Application Submission Application Process & Committee Setup Review Meetings, including travel reimbursements, honorariums, & meeting costs Award Decision and funding model Pre-funding Ongoing Grant Management Fiscal Systems & Fund Management Reporting Internal Systems – tracking outcomes; analysis & evaluation Reporting – External Systems: dissemination None View award offerings; access previously-submitted proposals; access system to set up or update user account; allow applicant to choose his or her institution from a db of institution profiles; create LOI; allow auto fill of required information from the LOI to the application; designate access to others to read/approve application; be notified of acceptance/submission; create & submit application including uploaded documents and data fields that may be searched or aggregated later for programmatic analysis (e.g. budget; lay abstract; key words; key institutional officials) as well as specified document uploads; request uploadable blinded letters of recommendation/collaboration; validate application completeness prior to submission; print full application; access on-line help. None None Access system to determine funding status; view reviewer critiques; view average score and/or average subcategory score; receive email from program. Access system to provide required items the prospective grantees must complete prior to receiving funds; send/receive email to/from program; receive automatic notifications/co mmunications from system; view initial payment status, account numbers and relevant financial information. -Provide annual reports; request changes in PI or Institution; enter progress report data (e.g., accrual, publication & patent links; leveraged funding: source & amount; news briefs) using data fields that may be searched or aggregated later for programmatic analysis; receive requirements notifications; receive late requirements notifications; access on-line help. Read-only access Answer surveys to report on outcomes of research projects or provide feedback; provide outcomes of funded research such as publications, additional funding resulting from RGPO award. None User Type: Applicant/ Grantee1 1 Applicants become grantees once pre-funding requirements have been satisfied and the institution accepts the award terms. - Enter annual/final expenditures; request changes to budget; request carry-forwards; request no-cost time extensions; receive late notifications; view annual & final payment status; access on-line help Event: Cycle Setup: Application Submission Application Process & Committee Setup Review Meetings, including travel reimbursements, honorariums, & meeting costs Award Decision and funding model Pre-funding Ongoing Grant Management Fiscal Systems & Fund Management Reporting Internal Systems – tracking outcomes; analysis & evaluation Reporting – External Systems: dissemination Program information page (links to RFP, GAM2, system tutorial) Access system to provide institutional approval and ability to complete application on behalf of PI; update institution and user profiles. Define a contracts and grants contact and a fiscal contact. View submission status None Access system to determine funding status Access system to upload award requirements; full function Access system to upload annual reports; full function including ability to submit grant modification requests via data fields. Access system to enter financial reports; request changes in budget; Ability to submit annual progress reports via data fields None User Type: Campus C&G Officer (View funding decision) Access system to view payment status; Ability to supply account/fund info to receive award; Access award related fiscal info 2 Grants Administration Manual Event: Cycle Setup: Application Submission Application Process & Committee Setup Review Meetings, including travel reimbursements, honorariums, & meeting costs Award Decision and funding model Pre-funding Ongoing Grant Management Fiscal Systems & Fund Management Reporting Internal Systems – tracking outcomes; analysis & evaluation Reporting – External Systems: dissemination NA NA Request travel arrangement preferences in advance of in-person meetings. System should reject requests that are not within the designated meeting time. Accesses application materials and application critique narratives during meeting, accesses preliminary scores. Enters conflict of interests, if not determined previously, views meeting orientation slides and guidance slides. Enters final scores. Modifies critiques, submits final critiques after meeting, but within a specified time window. NA NA NA NA NA Participates in reviewer surveys to help evaluate quality and effectiveness of peer review. Robust scoring capabilities (edit, blinded, lock, analysis, comment) and option for no scoring (view only). none none none none none User Type: Peer Reviewer Access system to collect meeting logistics and personal preferences. Access system to update reviewer professional profile, including other affiliations (i.e. advocates), report application review preferences, view assignments, report conflicts of interest, access reviewer guidelines and instructions, confidentiality and conflict of interest agreement, and the applications. Accept or decline Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest agreement. Enter application critique narrative information. Enter preliminary scores either overall or in specific subcategories, communication with Program Officer for programmatic guidance, participate in on line discussion with PO and other reviewers, if on line discussion capability is employed. Council, Advisory Bd., Portfolio Committee none none none Following the meeting, fill out an online travel voucher and submit documentation for reimbursement. Request travel arrangement preferences in advance of inperson meetings. System should reject requests that are not within the designated meeting time. Travel arrangements; Submit & track reimbursable expenses, honoraria, etc. as applicable; Cycle Setup: Application Submission Application Process & Committee Setup Review Meetings, including travel reimbursements, honorariums, & meeting costs Award Decision and funding model Pre-funding Ongoing Grant Management Fiscal Systems & Fund Management Reporting Internal Systems – tracking outcomes; analysis & evaluation Reporting – External Systems: dissemination develop priorities, write RFPs (Calls for Application or Calls), and conduct outreach for multiple funding cycles View all View all View all Same permissions as program officer Same permissions as program officer Fund assignment; Allocation schedule; View/annotate special award status (e.g., tax check off) View all grant activities; Same permissions as program officer Monitor funding model (pre and approved); Program Director sets funding status (selected, wait-listed, notselected for funding), submits funding model to RGPO Exec. Dir. for approval; View fund balances in real time; Commitment reports; Monitor operational costs; Projection capability; Same permissions as program officer Progress announcements (abstracts review, publications, inventions, upcoming presentations); View latest updates/outcomes Program surveys of groups or subsets of groups; Strategic interaction with stakeholders; Adhoc selection for reporting on any outcome that is reported by grantee; RGPO Exec Dir. none View all View all View all Approve, decline funding model View all View all View all View all View all Program Officer Develops priorities, write RFPs (Calls for Application or Calls), and conducts outreach for multiple funding cycles. Collaborates with other staff on on-line application configuration and materials. Answers Scientific/Research/Programmatic Questions from applicants. Reviews and approves letters of intent (or coordinates Council review of LOIs). Participates in decisions about extension requests. Recruits external reviewers based on their expertise and research specialty. Assigns reviewers to committees, assigns applications to committees, and determines application assignment to reviewers, scoring system, monitors preliminary scoring and final scoring. Monitors and participates in online discussions prior to meeting, if pre-meeting online discussion capability is employed. Prior to review meeting, reviews scores and proposes plan to triage certain proposals. Helps monitor scoring during the review meeting, and projects application materials such as abstracts. Shows meeting orientation slides and program guidance slides. Specifies configuration of funding model using compiled score data and other application data. Presents funding model to advisory council, coordinates recording of funding status/decisions, participates in dissemination of funding decisions, scores and critiques to applicants; edits critiques on-line or uploads a Summary Statement prepared by Program Officer Establishes requirements/pr e-award/prefunding requirements. Negotiates with applicants and applicant institutions. Monitors submission of requirements, approves, requirements Receives progress reports, approves or rejects progress reports, changes in aims, monitors achievement of milestones. Considers justification for requests for carry forward of funds, nocost time extensions, and changes in approved expenditures, rejects or approves these requests, or negotiates alternatives. Approves scientific/technical aspects of grant closing. Initial approval of grant payments based on satisfactory prefunding requirements or satisfactory progress. Uses system data on publications and other research outcomes, grant award history, scoring data, and other data for various evaluation measures. Monitor milestone achievements with timeline benchmark. Uses system data to report evaluation measures to stakeholders. Event: User Type: Program Director Same permissions as program officer Event: Cycle Setup: Application Submission Application Process & Committee Setup Review Meetings, including travel reimbursements, honorariums, & meeting costs Award Decision and funding model Pre-funding Ongoing Grant Management Fiscal Systems & Fund Management Reporting Internal Systems – tracking outcomes; analysis & evaluation Reporting – External Systems: dissemination prepare forms and instructions in demo site for working out bugs; convert to live site once things are checked out; Use of Demo site to respond to questions from applicants; review and approve or reject LOI’s in any two stage application process (if applicable); secure reports on numbers, types of LOIs/Applications; review and approve or reject applications; extend or revise deadlines for LOI’s and applications on a case by case or universal basis; send email communication to groups or select individuals; complete quality assurance of application instructions and forms and if error/glitch found, revise and update materials; “validate” function available as a pre-submission of application process (review of application to ensure all required components are completed/files uploaded); Create committees; register reviewers and assign to committees; assign approved applications to committees; solicit reviewer preferences for applications; assign reviewers to applications; identify COI’s; create committee settings (dates, type of review, criteria and weight, timeframes, etc.) run reports (canned and query based) on applications; place applications in review committee into identified review schedule; upload documents; upload new data fields, e.g., program specific ID numbers Triage applications; determine if reviewers have completed scoring individual applications; calculate average committee score; adjust committee settings as appropriate; modify committee average score when authorized to do so by committee members; run reports; change application status based on review results; Access to send out funding notifications to institutional contacts; Access to set up/upload/appr ove requirements; send out notifications; produce/upload templates access to change institutional contact; Access to edit/revise grant award information. Access to update budget entries; reconcile fiscal reports; enter payment release info (amt, year, confirm inst, etc.); Access to run queries for tracking application and grantee information; None User Type: RGPO C&G Staff Ability to add reference URLs (RFP, GAM, system tutorial). Validation of application requirements; Out-of-compliance warnings (unresolved delinquency issues of current or old awards). Ability to revise ranking order. Set or update application status. Access to change/update access privileges for institutional contacts; Access in editing/revising grant award information; Set Up/revise payee vendor information & payment schedules; Ability to customize basic fillable data forms for award compliance; Status report; Ability to apply award restrictions specifically to a grant. 3 4 Carry Forward of Unspent Funds, Change of Approved Expenditures, No Cost Time Extension Did they return a budget? Did they submit a final report? Etc. Access to send out/accept fiscal/progress reports; Access to send out/accept requests for CFUF/CAE/NCTE3; Access to send out reminder/delinquent notifications; Ability to customize basic fillable data forms for grant modifications; Set customizable due dates; System delinquency check (i.e. overdue reports); Upload email exchange and or supporting documents to a specific grant; Monitor spending rate. Ability to apply fiscal business rules; Validation of award closeout check list4. User-friendly query tool for robust and flexible reporting. Event: Cycle Setup: Application Submission Application Process & Committee Setup Review Meetings, including travel reimbursements, honorariums, & meeting costs Award Decision and funding model Pre-funding Ongoing Grant Management Fiscal Systems & Fund Management Reporting Internal Systems – tracking outcomes; analysis & evaluation Reporting – External Systems: dissemination None None None Honorarium/Travel reimbursement; Develop meeting budget (i.e. hotel, airfare other mtg. expenses) Generate realtime dashboard showing of available programs funds to determine allocation of award funding from various fund sources. Review Non-UC agreements and Bruin-Buy vendors to confirm appropriate payment address. This will require integration with other university systems. Receive approval to make payments from Program Director; Ability to track interest payments (and other grant refunds, and Cert. of Insurances on non-UC. Ability to search relational info on past or active grantees Receive data extracts from university systems and from the State of California. User Type: RGPO GBFA Staff For new vendors upload grantee institutions’ certificate of insurance and UCLA W-9 forms Complete and submit payment requests to UC Budget Office (for UC grant recipients) or to the Business Resource Center (for non-UC grant recipients) Return of Funds review final fiscal reports and request refund check from NonUC institution or return of funds from UC Campus; Fund Swaps recover expiring funds and swap for non-expiring funds; Reconcile interlocation transfer and grant payments with General Ledger or Purchasing System. This will require integration with other university systems. Add/upload supporting documentation. Batch upload financial reports and integrate into existing database tables. ; Ability to customize basic fillable data forms for payments. Ability to gather review meeting costs for analysis and decisionmaking Generate grant system adhoc reports- regarding all future grant payments or encumbrances. Event: Cycle Setup: Application Submission Application Process & Committee Setup Notify stakeholders of open Call for Applications, events, etc. NA NA User Type: RGPO – E&D Staff ( or equivalent Program staff functions) Review Meetings, including travel reimbursements, honorariums, & meeting costs Award Decision and funding model Pre-funding Ongoing Grant Management NA NA Query system to produce reports & analysis as needed; Fiscal Systems & Fund Management Reporting Internal Systems – tracking outcomes; analysis & evaluation Reporting – External Systems: dissemination Extract data for analysis/reports on research outcomes across all programs; Strategic interaction with stakeholders; Adhoc selection for reporting on any outcome that is reported by grantee; View latest outcomes; Create PR events and campaigns; Track & announce upcoming publication/outco me events. Query system(s) for comparative analysis and data sharing (e.g., ICRP); Query system for publishing to external websites (e.g., edited lay abstract, progress & final reports; pubmed URL, publication URL, any outcome reported by grantee) Infrastructure Support: System Administrator 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Open Database Concept Serve as the central point of contact between RGPO and the vendor with respect to system functionality. Design, run, and review system activity logs and data integrity checks. Build new tables, as needed. Interface new system data with desktop software (Word, Excel, Access, and Outlook) and assist users with, or directly do interface activities for users, including templates and frequently-used reports (e.g., System Reports). Interface with ODBC5 software to allow database to communicate with external systems, as needed. Track user accounts and permissions. Review backup reports and test-restore backup data to ensure data integrity. Maintain intimate familiarity with the user manuals, the database’s design, and RGPO’s business rules as reflected in the database’s structure and contents.