The Mystery of Memory - Austin Peay State University

The Mystery of Memory
NCTM Regional Conference & Exposition
Nashville, TN
November 19, 2009
The Mystery of Memory
Presenter Information
Kay Haralson, Associate Professor
Student Success Specialist, Title III Grant
Austin Peay State University
Clarksville, Tn 37044
The Mystery of Memory
•“Memory is an organism’s
ability to store, retain, and
subsequently retrieve
The Mystery of Memory
So what determines what gets stored and what
gets trashed?
Why are some memories easily retrieved and
others put up a fight?
Why can I remember what type of flowers were
in the lei I wore at a luau in Hawaii 10 years ago,
but can’t remember if I turned off the coffeepot
this morning?
Why can I remember faces of former students,
but not names?
How can I purposefully create lasting memories?
Understanding how memory works will shed
light on some of these questions.
The Mystery of Memory
Three Phases of Memory
1. Learning or encoding phase
2. Storage or retaining phase
3. Retrieval phase
Source: Sprenger
The Mystery of Memory
Your memory works similar to a digital camera.
• View, Click and
Step 1 • Save or Delete
• Transfer and
Step 2 • Store
• Locate and
Step 3 • Use
Source: Staley
The Mystery of Memory
Problems can occur during any phase
Learning phase
• Lack of attention, focus, or concentration
Storage phase
• Sleep deprivation, interruptions during storage
Retrieval phase
• Lack of appropriate cues or triggers, distortion
of information
Source: Sprenger
The Mystery of Memry
 The categories of memory are related to
the duration of memory retention.
1. Sensory memory
2. Short term memory (temporary)
 Immediate memory
 Active working memory
3. Long term memory (permanent)
 Explicit memory (declarative)
 Implicit memory (non-declarative)
Source:, Sprenger, Wikipedia
The Mystery of Memory
1. Sensory Memory
• Information enters our brain through our
senses. (i.e. seeing, hearing, touching, etc.)
• Operates subconsciously or consciously
• It is where we put information briefly while
we decide what to do with it.
• Degrades very quickly, stays up to 30
• If information is determined to be
unimportant it drops out of the temporary
memory system.
Source: Sprenger, Wikipedia
The Mystery of Memory
2. Short Term Memory
• Immediate memory (conscious memory)
 The process by which sensory memory is
held in the brain.
 Allows us to take in new information and
hold it while more is added.
 Adult capacity for this short term storage is
between 3 to 5 items.
 Can recall something from several seconds
to up to a minute without rehearsal.
Source: Sousa, Sprenger, Wikipedia
The Mystery of Memory
Look at the letters below for 3 seconds
and try to remember as many as possible.
The Mystery of Memory
Write down the letters you remember.
Your sensory memory saw all twelve
letters, but your immediate memory
probably only placed 3−5 in short term
If I asked you to recall the letters five
minutes from now, you would probably
remember even fewer.
The Mystery of Memory
However, if the twelve letters are
“chunked” into meaningful groups of
letters, you will be able to recall more
letters. Try again. When the next slide
goes away, write down the letters you
The Mystery of Memory
The Mystery of Memory
A “chunk” is a “perceptual unit”. If the letters
are random, each letter is a “chunk” of
information. But if the letters are separated into
meaningful groups, each group becomes a
Chunking can increase memory capacity.
The ideal size for chunking is 3 (whether
meaningful or not). Ex. Phone numbers, car tags,
street addresses, initials, pledge of allegiance.
Sources: Thompson & Madigan, Wikipedia
The Mystery of Memory
2. Short Term Memory
• Active Working Memory
 When something from sensory memory
requires more of our attention it is
transferred to working memory.
 Working memory is like a computer screen,
where we work on something and
eventually dispose of it or save it elsewhere.
 Information can be retrieved for up to a
minute without rehearsal.
 Capacity very limited, stores between 5−9
Sources: Sousa, Wikipedia
The Mystery of Memory
2. Short Term Memory
• Active Working Memory and Memory Process
 It is where new and old information meet.
 When exposed to new information our brains
look for “hooks” or previously established
memories related to the new information to
increase the likelihood of recall.
 Stores the first words of a sentence so you
understand the sentence when you get to the
 Allows you to retain a question while your
mind searches for an answer.
Sources: Sousa, Sprenger, Wikipedia
The Mystery of Memory
Four Factors Affecting Immediate and
Working Memories are Important for
• Interest
• Intent
• Understanding
• Prior Knowledge
Even without the others, having the “intent”
to learn can make the difference.
Source: Hopper
The Mystery of Memory
 Time Limits of Working Memory
• Preadolescents 5-10 minutes
• Adolescents and adults 10−20 minutes
• After this time, focus drifts, fatigue,
boredom sets in
• To maintain focus, you must change the way
you deal with the item. (i.e. switch from
listening to physically applying it, talk about
it, make connections to other learning)
Source: Sousa
The Mystery of Memory
Implication for Teachers
Consider capacity limits and time
limits on working memory when
planning lessons.
The Mystery of Memory
3. Long Term Memory
• Implicit Memory (Nondeclarative)
 Memory that occurs without conscious effort
and was not consciously learned.
 More involved with feelings and “how to”
rather than “what”.
 Three types:
 Conditioned response
 Procedural memory
 Emotional memory
Sources: Sousa, Sprenger, Thompson and Madigan, Wikipedia
The Mystery of Memory
• Conditioned Response
Formed by repetition
Creates strong networks in the brain, lasting
Some may require a trigger (Plop, plop, fizz, fizz . . .)
Other may be automatic, i.e. singing the alphabet,
reciting multiplication facts, pledge of allegiance
Use this memory type to help learn information
by using melodies, rhymes, metaphors, etc.
Source: Sprenger
The Mystery of Memory
• Procedural Memory
Implicit-procedural memory deals with
knowing how rather than knowing what.
It is the learning of motor and cognitive skills,
automated procedures, i.e. riding a bike, finding
our way to work, counting, math operations.
Procedural memory is enhanced by rote
In procedural memory a set of steps can be
followed to produce an outcome, without
knowing why we are doing them.
Sources: Sousa, Sprenger, Thompson & Madigan
The Mystery of Memory
• Emotional Memory
 The most powerful memory.
 Neutral experiences leave little to remember.
 Experiences that stir emotions are remembered
longer. You remember what you FEEL.
 Emotional memory accounts for our fears, phobias,
likes, and dislikes.
 Emotions affect attention, perception, decision
making, and memory.
 Creative thinking skills and problem solving can
create emotional memory.
 Using discussion, role playing, etc. to add emotions
to learning.
Sources: Sousa, Sprenger, Thompson & Madigan
The Mystery of Memory
Implication for Teachers
Personalize learning, make up stories,
have students create stories and
relate information to life experiences.
The Mystery of Memory
3. Long Term Memory
• Explicit Memory (Declarative)
 Memory explicitly stored and saved, i.e.
names, facts, music, objects, events
 A conscious and almost effortless recall of
facts and events
 Can be consciously retrieved and put into
 Two types:
• Episodic Memory
• Semantic Memory
Source: Sousa, Wikipedia
The Mystery of Memory
• Episodic Memory
The conscious memory of life events.
Is location and circumstance related.
To remember what you did last Saturday you
must remember where you were. This leads to
who you saw, what you said, what you felt, etc.
Importance for learning: Triggers can be used
to retrieve episodic memory, i.e. A student
looks at the whiteboard or the teacher,
visualizes the teacher explaining a problem
and triggers the memory of how to work the
Sources: Sprenger, Wikipedia
The Mystery of Memory
Implication for Teachers
Test in the same environment in which
the learning occurred, with the same
teacher in the room.
Provides TRIGGERS!
The Mystery of Memory
•Semantic Memory
Knowledge of facts not related to any event.
Must be practiced or rehearsed for encoding.
(Learning dates, names, facts, etc.)
Must be consciously processed for retention.
Teaching strategies for semantic information
include mnemonics, acronyms, creating
hooks, etc. (This is one reason faculty use seating charts,
identifying each student with a location.)
Sources: Sprenger, Wikipedia
The Mystery of Memory
Keys to Memory
Pay attention - intentionally stay focused
Visualization - create a visual image in your
mind, the brain thinks in pictures and
concepts, not words
Association - find something to connect the
information to (hooks)
Imagination - get creative when visualizing
or making associations
Source: Charpko
The Mystery of Memory
Implication for Teachers
By creating a visual representation of
a situation that is relevant to the
student, greater meaning is
The Mystery of Memory
Enhance Memory and Increase Retention
• Rehearsal
Rote Rehearsal −When something needs to be
learned exactly, i.e. memorizing a poem, dates.
• More likely to remember if rehearsal is spaced
out over extended periods of time.
• Chunking aids memory and recall.
Elaborative Rehearsal − Information does not need
to be exact, more important to associate new ideas
with prior knowledge, make connections and assign
meaning, i.e. reading and discussing a novel.
• Goal of learning is not just to acquire knowledge,
but to use it in various settings that are relevant.
Source: Sousa ,Sprenger
The Mystery of Memory
Implication for Teachers
Information is most likely to get stored if it
makes sense and has meaning. The more
we teach through declarative memory,
involving understanding and meaning,
the more students will succeed and enjoy
Source: Sousa
The Mystery of Memory
• Look at the list of 5 words below for 5
The Mystery of Memory
Forgetting and Degree of Learning
We remember best that which comes first,
second best that which comes last, and least
that which is in the middle. (PrimacyRecency Effect)
Distributed practice leads to better retention
than does massed practice.
What were the five words?
Sources: Sousa, Thompson and Madigan
The Mystery of Memory
Factors that Influence Memory
Aerobic exercise - increases the oxygen to the
A healthy heart - the brain needs a good
supply of blood
Healthy diet and plenty of water
Sleep - the brain molds newly learned
information into lasting memories most
successfully while we rest.
Sources: Chrapko, Sprenger,
The Mystery of Memory
Factors that Influence Memory
Stress or depression - anxiety or
depression hampers memory
Mental exercise - keeping your mind active
Memory is enhanced by: color, pleasant
smells, space, movement, patterns,
repetition, connections, fun
Sources: Chrapko, Sprenger,
The Mystery of Memory
The Basics to Remember!
• Memory is about making CONNECTIONS!
• Connections start with hooks and visual
• Recall is determined by how well your
memories are connected and how many paths
you have made to that memory in the brain.
• Well worn paths provide better recall.
• Chrapko, Tonia. “Secrets of the Brain: the Mystery of Memory.” Science
Mysteries. 2004. 17 Nov 2009
• Hooper, Carolyn, “Memory Principles.” Study Skills Memory Principles. 2003. 17
Nov 2009 <>.
• “Memory.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 11 Nov 2009
< >.
• “Memory Fitness.” MemoryZine. 11 Nov 2009
• Sousa, David A. (2008). How the Brain Learns Mathematics. California: Corwin Press,
• Sprenger, Marilee B. (2003). Differentiation Through Learning Styles and Memory.
California: Corwin Press, Inc.
• Staley, Constance C. (2009). Focus on College Success. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage
• Thompson, Richard F. & Madigan, Stephen A. (2007). Memory: The Key to
Consciousness. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
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