Earth Science Rocks! Warm up October 9 Question: Why do you think caring & principled might be good learner profile terms for your new unit on soil? Earth Science Rocks! MYP Unit Question: How does land change? Area of Interaction: Environment Learner Profile: Caring and Principled Earth Science Rocks! Standard: Investigate the scientific view of how the Earth’s surface is formed. Learning target: Today I am learning about soil because human survival depends on it. Activating strategy Soil analyzer Soil Formation Loose weathered material on Earth’s surface where plants can grow Soil How does soil form? Soil forms as rock is broken down by weathering and mixes with other materials Bedrock Solid layer of rock beneath the soil What is the composition of soil? Soil is a mixture of rock particles, minerals, decayed organic material (humus), air, and water Why is humus good? Makes spaces for air and water Rich in nitrogen and minerals that plants need to grow Organisms in the soil Living things make space for air and water in soil Decomposers break down the remains of dead organisms into smaller pieces and digest them with chemicals. What is a soil’s texture Soil texture depends upon size of individual particles Gravel – 2mm or larger Sand – less than 2 mm Silt - less than 1/16 mm Clay – less than 1/256 mm Clay soils Dense, heavy texture Hold a lot of water Not much space for air Sandy soils Water drains quickly Lots of space for air Nutrients wash out of the soil Loam Soil with equal parts clay, sand and silt Crumbly texture that holds both air and water Soil horizon A layer of soil that differs in color and texture from the layers above or below it. Mrs. McIntire standing by a soil profile at Red Top Mountain. Soil horizons A horizon – top soil – crumbly, dark brown soil that is a mixture of clay, humus, and other minerals B horizon – sub soil – usually clay and other particles washed down from A horizon, little humus C horizon – partly weathered rock How do horizons form? How do the horizons form? Bedrock weathers and forms C horizon A horizon develops from C horizon when plants add organic material to soil and rocks mechanically and chemically weather B horizon develops when rainwater washes clay and minerals from A horizon into B horizon.