2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 These are wonderful words penned by Paul and true today; if we know Jesus Christ personally we can especially after all the heavy stuff he has just been identify with the sentiments so eloquently expressed offloading. They are like a breath of fresh air. The by Paul—God loved me, and God chose me! preacher man says to these dear folk, be secure! The end of our election, as the missionary statesman We read in verse 13, But we ought always to thank Charles Simeon pointed out, ‘… was to salvation itself, God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because from with all its inconceivable and lasting blessings.’ We the beginning God chose you to be saved through the cannot explain such love, neither should we explain it sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the away! truth. Joyce Daugherty, a member of Southeast Christian Having looked at some perspectives that impact Church in Louisville, Kentucky, travelled to an tomorrow’s world in the previous few verses, Paul orphanage in Donetsk, Ukraine, and it was there that now looks back to eternity past and relishes the she saw two-year-old Kristen. Her beautiful blue eyes delicious relationship these dear saints have with the framed the edges of a facial tumour, a haemangioma, one who is from everlasting to everlasting. but even that could not hide the baby’s impish grin. For him, this is a supremely joyous moment as he ‘Kristen’s eyes were so alert that I just kept watching reflects on their odyssey in grace. Paul reckons he can her,’ said Daugherty. ‘There was something special do no better than sincerely thank God for every one of that tumour could not hide. I could have taken any of them—a people who are the apple in the eye of God. the children I saw home with me. At the same time, I They are deeply loved by the Lord with a love that is knew if I adopted Kristen, she’d have more than a new undying and unchanging, a love that is uninfluenced start—she’d have a new life.’ and undeserved; a love that is measureless and ‘These children are throwaways in Ukraine,’ says matchless; a love that keeps on loving in spite of … Nancy Stanbery who has helped facilitate more than quite simply, it is a love that does not know how to do 130 adoptions in that land. ‘Most Ukrainian families anything else but love. are afraid of a child with any kind of disability. Irrespective of the huge pressures they faced and Mothers take them to an orphanage or abandon them even though the odds were stacked against them in so in a public place, walk away, and never look back.’ many ways, they can feel secure in his love. Totally Daugherty chose Kristen. In November 2004 a secure. They can rest and relax in the warmth of his Louisville surgeon removed the haemangioma. Thin unfailing love—a love that will not let them go. scars are healing and everything about Kristen has Away back before time itself the believers in this changed dramatically. She chatters constantly— church were personally chosen by God to be part of saying ‘I love you’ over and over again to her mum. his international family. In mercy and grace he set his In a similar way, while we were still unlovely, our affection upon them and, when the time was right, he heavenly Father chose us, adopted us, and gave us savingly drew them to himself. new life in Jesus. Today, we can only love him In a nutshell, that is how the doctrine of election because he gave us the opportunity, and he amazingly works out in practice. It was true then, it is no less continues to love us. As Christians, we must and do the gospel message—the day and hour, as Paul put it, love God as our Father. when we believed in the truth. Our salvation finds its springs in God himself. And I In a multi-faith society, pluralism and ‘diversity’ are agree with the Puritan Thomas Manton that ‘waters presented as the be-all and end-all of religious are sweetest and freshest in their fountain.’ God is experience. It needs to be said that there is no other the source, the origin, of our salvation. Behind it all, route for a man to take in order for him to be right there is God! Before it all, there is God! Beneath it with God than through trusting the absolute truth as all, there is God! we have it in Jesus Christ. It is exclusive! It is crucial. Everything about our salvation, whether past, present, In Christ alone! or future, has God’s hallmark on it. There are many The Puritan Richard Baxter (1615-91) noted: ‘If the transformational benefits and blessings from this gospel were a fable or human device, and if the word enterprising doctrine that have an ongoing input in of God were not true, ministers have the most our daily life. unworthy employment upon earth.’ It crushes human pride (cf. Titus 3:5). It exalts God (cf. There is one way—Jesus. There is one door—Jesus. Psalm 115:1). It produces unsurpassed joy (cf. 1 Peter There is one message—Jesus. 1:1-2, 6, 8). It grants unimaginable privileges (cf. We read in verse 14 that God called you to this Ephesians 1:3). It promotes holiness of life (cf. through our gospel, that you might share in the glory Colossians 3:12-13). It provides security (cf. of our Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing Jesus Christ is a two- Philippians 1:6). way relationship—we are called to him and he shares The reality of God’s electing love is manifest in our life his life with us. by the Holy Spirit and his unique ministry of When we cast a vote for Jesus, we are on the winning sanctification. He is the one who sets us apart from team. When we came as sinners to Jesus, he certainly sin to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord; he is the did not back a loser in his eyes. We did not whistle for one who encourages us to pursue righteousness and help; he did the calling first! We come to him as the to embrace the will of God for our life (cf. Romans result of his love. He does not come to us as a result 15:16; 12:1-2). of our love. Our love for him results from him calling He is actively engaged in this role from the moment of us, and our acceptance of that call. our conversion to Jesus Christ and it is something that This is God’s effectual and irresistible call (cf. Romans he keeps on doing until we are glorified at the end of 8:30); it is an intensely gratifying experience for it life’s journey. His desire is that we might reflect the leads to a life of fulfilment and blessing that is way beauty of Jesus and that we might radiate something beyond our wildest dreams. of our heavenly Father’s attractive goodness to those This is what Charles Wesley (1707-88) had in mind who know him not. when he penned: Long my imprisoned spirit lay, Fast We need to be free to be in love with Jesus in front of bound in sin and nature’s night; Thine eye diffused a people—and to be an ambassador to them, through quickening ray— I woke, the dungeon flamed with whom Jesus can introduce himself. light; My chains fell off, my heart was free. I rose, There is nothing airy-fairy about our relationship with went forth, and followed thee. God for it all began when we positively responded to You see, when we experience grace, we enjoy God. Glory is on the horizon for all of God’s people. It is firm grip on the truth, rather than being weak or something that we share the one with the other and, vacillating. Be men! Bold. Strong. Our resolve is in throughout the countless ages of eternal ecstasy, we God. will never grow tired or weary of being in the ‘At every turn,’ writes Philip Greenslade, ‘God’s sweet, presence of one who is all-glorious. fresh, bracing air of truth blows away the fog of lies We share in his glory but we never take it to and propaganda.’ The truth goes marching on! ourselves, nor do we detract in any sense from his In the final couple of verses in the second chapter, he unrivalled, untarnished splendour. It is just that we tells us to be encouraged when he writes: May our savour and relish that eternal moment with his Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who majesty. loved us and by his grace gave us eternal We bask in the limelight of his resplendent loveliness encouragement and good hope, encourage your and we are enraptured with his appealing charm and hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and dignity. We are ‘lost in wonder, love, and praise’ word. when we peer into this load of theology. We reflect When the believers in Thessalonica wondered was it his glory back to him as we praise him. worth all the hassle, Paul gives them a double Great counsel is given by the preacher man in verse booster—not only is the Lord with them, so too is 15, let’s be strong. In other words, do not go running Father God. Both are on their side! Yet another after some new doctrinal fad, some exotic teaching. convincing reference to the deity of our Lord Jesus This is not the time to explore novel ideas about Christ—he is fully equal with the Father in person, theology. This is the time for God’s people to dig their power, and respect. roots down deep and ride out the storm. Back to the In the midst of all the ups and downs of life, there is Bible. Jesus! He offers a clear-eyed perspective on the here Paul’s appeal to these weary pilgrims is an and after. He speaks calm into a troubled heart. He impassioned one for he wants to see them going on whispers words of encouragement and hope to those with the Lord. They felt steamrolled, crushed, and who are struggling to keep going. deflated on the cold, hard concrete. For him and for Paul prays for God to graciously undertake for them, them it is always too soon to quit—there is no point in not to circumnavigate the storms for them. He asks them walking off site when the job is still not finished. God to strengthen them, not for him to spare them. It’s a call to stickability, to persevere, to keep plodding The reality is, they have known and felt his bounteous on! They have so much to lose if they throw the towel love and intimate closeness, they have experienced into the ring and, quite simply, it is just not worth it and enjoyed lavish outpourings of his generous grace, when the final whistle (or trumpet) blows. they have an abundance of hope in their heart, with Paul writes, So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to all this, surely they can smile in the storm. Their life the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word will be inestimably richer through this harrowing of mouth or by letter. experience. The apostle’s desire is for them to be strong in the As John Ruskin says: ‘The highest reward for man’s toil face of relentless opposition. He wants them to dig and trouble is not what he gets for it, but what he their heels in, hold their spiritual ground, and keep a becomes by it.’ By God’s grace … all things work This is the hour for us to get busy for God. We should together for good (cf. Romans 8:28). ‘be up and doing for Jesus’ is how John Wesley At the 2002 Winter Olympics American Apolo Ohno expressed it. We need to use the powers and energy hoped to win his second gold medal in the men’s and gifting that he has sovereignly entrusted to us. 5,000-metre short track speed skating relay. During Maximise the time. Cash in on opportunities. For one one of the turns, an American skater fell but quickly of the goals of a Christian is not only to go to heaven, got back into the race. While the fall and recovery but also to take as many people with him as he can! only took a few seconds, it essentially put the American team out of the race. What was interesting was that the American team began to skate slower and slower, eventually being lapped by the gold-medal Canadians. Why did they slow down? Because the hope of doing well was gone! What a fantastic pick-me-up benediction Paul has just shared with them. An unshakeable promise of present help and future glory. He gives them hope! Fragile hearts are made brave hearts in the courage and hope that God supplies. If that does not do the trick, I have no idea what will! By God’s grace and with God’s help, our best intentions are made good, our good deeds are made better, and our best words are made flesh. Yes, it is difficult and demanding, it is hard going, but there is so much in Christ to really brighten each and every day. In 1851 when C H Spurgeon pastored his first church—Waterbeach Baptist Chapel—in England, he visited one of his parishioners in the country. Over his barn the brother had a weathervane with the words ‘God is love’ on the top. The young pastor questioned the wisdom of that message on the weathervane. He explained: ‘That leaves the impression that God’s love is as unpredictable as the wind.’ The dear countryman responded: ‘What I mean by it is that no matter which way the wind is blowing, God is love!’ Amen.