Protein Synthesis: The Central Dogma Protein Synthesis • The information content of DNA is in the form of specific sequences of nucleotides along the DNA strands • The DNA inherited by an organism leads to specific traits by directing the synthesis of proteins (chains of amino acids) • The process by which DNA directs protein synthesis (gene expression) includes two stages called transcription and translation Transcription and Translation • Cells are governed by a cellular “chain of command” – DNA RNA protein • Transcription – Is the synthesis of RNA under the direction of DNA – Produces messenger RNA (mRNA) • Translation – Is the actual synthesis of a polypeptide (amino acids), which occurs under the direction of mRNA – Occurs on ribosomes Transcription and Translation • In prokaryotes transcription and translation occur together TRANSCRIPTION DNA mRNA Ribosome TRANSLATION Polypeptide (a) Prokaryotic cell. In a cell lacking a nucleus, mRNA produced by transcription is immediately translated without additional processing. Transcription and Translation • In a eukaryotic cell the nuclear envelope separates transcription from translation • Extensive RNA processing occurs in the nucleus Nuclear envelope DNA TRANSCRIPTION Pre-mRNA RNA PROCESSING mRNA Ribosome TRANSLATION Polypeptide Eukaryotic cell. The nucleus provides a separate compartment for transcription. The original RNA transcript, called premRNA, is processed in various ways before leaving the nucleus as mRNA. Transcription • Transcription is the DNAdirected synthesis of RNA • RNA synthesis – Is catalyzed by RNA polymerase, which pries the DNA strands apart and hooks together the RNA nucleotides – Follows the same basepairing rules as DNA, except that in RNA, uracil substitutes for thymine RNA • RNA is single stranded, not double stranded like DNA • RNA is short, only 1 gene long, where DNA is very long and contains many genes • RNA uses the sugar ribose instead of deoxyribose in DNA • RNA uses the base uracil (U) instead of thymine (T) in DNA. Synthesis of an RNA Transcript • The stages of transcription are: – Initiation – Elongation – Termination Promoter Transcription unit 5 3 3 5 Start point RNA polymerase DNA Initiation. After RNA polymerase binds to the promoter, the DNA strands unwind, and the polymerase initiates RNA synthesis at the start point on the template strand. 1 5 3 Unwound DNA 3 5 Template strand of DNA transcript 2 Elongation. The polymerase moves downstream, unwinding the DNA and elongating the RNA transcript 5 3 . In the wake of transcription, the DNA strands re-form a double helix. Rewound RNA RNA 5 3 3 5 3 5 RNA transcript 3 Termination. Eventually, the RNA transcript is released, and the polymerase detaches from the DNA. 5 3 3 5 5 Completed RNA transcript 3 Transcription Overview Alteration of mRNA Ends • Each end of a pre-mRNA molecule is modified in a particular way – The 5 end receives a modified nucleotide cap – The 3 end gets a poly-A tail A modified guanine nucleotide added to the 5 end TRANSCRIPTION RNA PROCESSING 50 to 250 adenine nucleotides added to the 3 end DNA Pre-mRNA 5 mRNA Protein-coding segment Polyadenylation signal 3 G P P P AAUAAA AAA…AAA Ribosome TRANSLATION 5 Cap Polypeptide 5 UTR Start codon Stop codon 3 UTR Poly-A tail Translation • Translation is the RNAdirected synthesis of a polypeptide • Translation involves TRANSCRIPTION DNA mRNA Ribosome TRANSLATION Polypeptide Amino acids Polypeptide – mRNA – Ribosomes - Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) – Transfer RNA (tRNA) – Genetic coding - codons tRNA with amino acid Ribosome attached Gly tRNA Anticodon A A A U G G U U U G G C Codons 5 mRNA 3 The Genetic Code • Genetic information is encoded as a sequence of nonoverlapping base triplets, or codons • The gene determines the sequence of bases along the length of an mRNA molecule Gene 2 DNA molecule Gene 1 Gene 3 DNA strand 3 A C C A A A C C G A G T (template) 5 TRANSCRIPTION mRNA 5 U G G U U U G G C U C A Codon TRANSLATION Protein Trp Amino acid Phe Gly Ser 3 The Genetic Code • Codons: 3 base code for the production of a specific amino acid, sequence of three of the four different nucleotides • Since there are 4 bases and 3 positions in each codon, there are 4 x 4 x 4 = 64 possible codons • 64 codons but only 20 amino acids, therefore most have more than 1 codon • 3 of the 64 codons are used as STOP signals; they are found at the end of every gene and mark the end of the protein • One codon is used as a START signal: it is at the start of every protein • Universal: in all living organisms The Genetic Code Second mRNA base U C A UAU UUU UCU Tyr Phe UAC UUC UCC U UUA UCA Ser UAA Stop UAG Stop UUG Leu UCG CUU CUC C CUA CUG CCU CCC Leu CCA CCG Pro AUU AUC A AUA AUG ACU ACC ACA ACG Thr GUU G GUC GUA GUG lle Met or start GCU GCC Val GCA GCG Ala G U UGU Cys UGC C UGA Stop A UGG Trp G U CAU CGU His CAC CGC C Arg CAA CGA A Gln CAG CGG G U AAU AGU Asn AAC AGC Ser C A AAA AGA Lys Arg G AAG AGG U GAU GGU C GAC Asp GGC Gly GAA GGA A Glu GAG GGG G Third mRNA base (3 end) First mRNA base (5 end) • A codon in messenger RNA is either translated into an amino acid or serves as a translational start/stop signal