Launch & Recognition Awards - gcwcc

Inspiration and Engagement
Celebration and Recognition
Launch and Achievement Night
April 29, 2015
Bookend Events in the New Landscape
• Provide some information on the 2015 GCWCC bookend
• Launch of the GCWCC
• Recognition Awards Process
• Achievement Night
• Your bookend events
• Pulling it together strategically
In the past (2011- 2014)
• The Governor General opened the campaign on the grounds of
Rideau Hall
• Invitations sent to Deputy Heads, Champions, Leaders
• The Chair spoke of the campaign priorities (video release last 2 years)
• Prestige Sponsors were thanked for their donations
• The campaign goal was revealed – media snapshot
The New Landscape (Options) for GCWCC Launch
Date – early September or mid-September
By invitation or a larger gathering (a rally perhaps) ?
Inspirational Speaker ?
Should a financial goal be “revealed” ?
Your Launch
Some questions
• What role will your launch have in your campaign strategy?
• How does the idea of “a launch” fit into the new landscape of education,
information and inspiration? And what does inspiration look like ?
• What will your message or theme be to set the tone for your 2015
• To Blitz or not to Blitz ?
• When in the timeline should the canvass start?
Achievement Night: Reinvigoration
• Past two years, the focus has been on making the end of the campaign
more celebratory and more inclusive
• Campaign leaders told us there should be
– More recognition of volunteers and their efforts
– More space for awards and recognition for smaller departments, agencies and crown
– More fun.
• Awards remain part of Achievement Night
– While the departments, agencies and crown corporations have their names on the
plaque or certificate, it is really about the people who have come together and work
very hard to raise money for causes close to their heart.
– Awards are one way to recognize those efforts in a public way.
– Now we can bring videos and photos of your campaigns to the celebration as well
Achievement Night: Scenario
• Since 2013, held at the Museum of Nature (6:00 – 9 pm)
• Cash Bar
• Videos, Twitter Wall, Rolling Photo Montage, Photo Wall
• Smiling people – agencies, volunteers, major donors, unsung heroes,
campaign leaders – just people
• There is a buzz, chatter, and real some real excitement
• It is about :
– Recognizing the contributions of all federal employees to make “it” happen
– Saying thank you for giving to the community in so many ways, and
celebrating the knowledge that you have made a difference
– Showing 2015 highlights from as many campaigns as possible – special
stories, special people, fun moments, moving moments
– Recognizing excellence and outstanding achievements
Award Descriptions
Chair’s Cup – for overall campaign excellence
Michael Nurse Award – for outstanding campaign teamwork
Next Generation Award – for successful engagement of the next generation
National Team Spirit Award – for success in establishing a Canada-wide campaign,
engaging employees across the country
– Mitchell Sharp Award – a nominated award for meritorious service from a federal
– Leadership, Friends and Stars Award – increase in number of donors in each category
over the previous year
– Pledge Rate Recognition – recognizing pledge rate increases over the previous year
– Thanks a Million – recognizing organizations that raised over $1M in the NCR
2014 Two New Inclusive Awards
My Campaign! Award – five awards for innovation and creativity in customizing
and personalizing the campaign experience so that it reflects the passions and
compassions of employees. Recognition for unique branding and promotion of
inclusiveness, employee participation, enthusiasm, and community involvement.
– Based on department size: < 250 employees; 250-999 employees; 1000-2000
employees; 2001-3999 employees; >4000 employees.
Honour Roll for “Un-Sung” Campaign Heroes – a nomination award for individuals
who have made an outstanding contribution through participation and
commitment to their workplace campaign and who may or may not have been
recognized for this.
– 2014 suggested one per organization
Award Process Highlights
In the past, the call for submissions has been in November and the Achievement
Celebration in early December
For 2015, the call for submissions is proposed for January with the Celebration
following in the next months.
Each award is based on the considerations that are clearly described in the criteria
related to the award and which are posted on the website.
Each submission is reviewed and assessed by the Sub-Committee for Awards and
Recognition, which is made up of members of the Cabinet Committee
The Sub-Committee presents their recommendations to the full GCWCC Cabinet.
The Chair shares the results with the Clerk of the Privy Council
Recipients are announced on Achievement Night.
2014 Submissions
Submissions were received in the following categories
The Chair’s Cup
10 submissions
The Michael Nurses Award
7 submissions
The Next Generation Award
6 submissions
The National Team Spirit Award 4 submissions
The My Campaign! Award
14 submissions
The Un-Sung Hero Honour Roll 19 nominations
• No nominations were received for the Mitchell Sharpe Award.
Inspiring Excellence and Achievement
Use the spirit of the awards to motivate your team and guide your
My Campaign! (Branding)
Unsung Heroes are out there in your organization
National Team Spirit (engaging your regional offices)
Next Generation ( creativity, energy, ideas )
• The Community is always the real winner.
Your Campaign Close
Large or Small
Appreciate your volunteers - thank you
Let volunteers know they made an impact
Recognize - value the unique contributions , including your team’s
Celebrate the achievements
This Year
• Consider making a submission
• Come with your team to achievement night, whether or not you
made a submission