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OneCF Leader February 2015 Task Book
Your individual leadership and your OneCF Leadership Team are
critical for the continued OneCF Center improvement success.
Successful high performing front line teams benefit from
leadership teams who pay attention and create conditions for
successful improvement activities.
The OneCF Leadership Program has had two overall aims focused
on individual and team leadership leading quality improvement
and creating the conditions for your OneCF Improvement teams
You have focused on improving your individual leadership, your
paired “dyad” leadership and your OneCF Center Leadership
Team. We have heard stories about your CF Center leadership
across the continuum not meeting regularly to now meeting
regularly to review performance and develop improvement
strategy. Communication and relationships are improving. Role
modeling and setting expectations for all CF staff will result in a
high performing CF Center.
Please review the following list to complete tasks for yourself and
for your CF Center. We repeatedly hear from staff about the
importance of having a leader follow up and ask questions about
improvement and also providing the protected time to learn and
complete the improvement activities.
1. Please complete the Adobe Connect Learning Session Survey Monkey
2. Complete three QI Needs Assessment tools as a Pedi team, Adult team,
and OneCF team
Your team will receive the QI Needs Assessment tool to discuss
within your team and determine what improvement capabilities you
have learned and practice now. It is important to review, discuss and
come to agreement on each of the improvement skills together as a
You will receive the QI Needs Assessment Monday, February 9.
Please complete by Friday, February 20.
The beginning and current QI Needs Assessment will be sent to
leaders and coach on Friday, February 27.
3. Review the OneCF LLC Team Task book and provide support, time and
resources to complete the tasks to prepare for Baltimore.
4. Include the following topics in a OneCF Improvement Team Meeting:
Review the pre/post status of your QI Needs Assessment
Reflect about the OneCF activities and what you have
Brainstorm how to sustain the work you have accomplished
creating a OneCF Center. Complete and bring the “Sustaining
OneCF Center” worksheet with you to the Baltimore meeting.
5. Reflect on about your own leadership development and the
development of the OneCF Leadership team over the past 15 months.
You will receive your pre & post self and 360 leadership report on
Friday, February 13.
Arrange time with your “paired/dyad” leaders and OneCF Leadership
team to:
–review and discuss the reports to identify strengths and
opportunities for continued development individually, as a
paired leadership team and a OneCF Center leadership team.
- Complete the individual and paired leader and OneCF
Leadership team worksheets and bring to Baltimore
6. Using the PowerPoint Template, create a 1-2 slides per topic.
Review your original RFA
Registry pre-OneCF LLC and current measures
QI Needs Assessment pre/post
Improvement measurement pre/post
OneCF Center leadership team worksheet
Please email to Patricia by 5 PM (ET) on Friday March 19:
7. Review the Relational Coordination (RC) survey email lists and survey.
You will receive an email with the survey and email lists, please
review and make corrections as soon as you can and no later than
Noon on Monday, February 9 to email to Margie:
The RC survey will be sent out on Wednesday, February 18; be sure
to encourage participants and “create conditions: for colleagues to
complete the RC survey by Monday, March 2nd 5pm ET. Any
questions, contact Patricia.
RC reports will be distributed during the Baltimore meeting.
8. Reflect on the following “feedback” opportunity in Baltimore:
1. What have been helpful actions from the coaches to advance your
OneCF Center leadership of team improvement efforts?
2. At this stage of the OneCF LLC, what coaching and leadership support
will be most helpful
9. Reading
Helping, Schein.
Chapter 7: Team as Perpetual Reciprocal Helping
Chapter 8: Helping Leaders and Organizational Clients