
Muhammad Talha Hassan
Di. Phasquale
June 5th, 2015.
Essay on Racial Discrimination
Racial discrimination is one of the most appalling problems in our society. It is a way of judging
individuals by the color of their skin rather than by their character. It happens when a person is
less favorable than the others because of their race, color, descent, nationality, or ethnic origin.
From a Catholic perspective, racial discrimination is believed to be unjust and considered to be
a sin that divides the human family, ruins the image of God among specific members of that
family, and violates the human dignity of those called out to be the children of the same father.
Catholic Social Teachings state that racial discrimination mocks the words of Jesus "love one
another as I have loved you." The idea of racism began when the concept of slave trades was
considered. Humans made a decision to divide society into races according to their color and
nationality. African Americans were the unlucky ones that were decided to be one of the
inferior races. These issues can be the result of unequal wealth and resource discrimination,
unfair treatment of individuals with differing trait. Racial discrimination is a form of bullying,
which may lead to suicide, can be prevented by public speaking, global awareness, and through
Racial discrimination affects both perspectives: the person being discriminated for their race,
and the person in charge of the discrimination. Any person who evaluates and excludes another
human being for the reason being of their race may not feel arrogant at the time, but perhaps
later in life. Any person being excluded for their race loses self-confidence, and lives life in fear
because of it. Know try picturing yourself in the situation of someone of an inferior race. The
law states that you must be in a different school than a white person, and you must even go to
a different water fountain than a white person. To summarize it all, this is a very serious issue,
and must be stopped.
Discrimination is still a big problem. There are people in this world that are still racist and
making fun of people that are of different races, not knowing how hard it has been for those
people to ignore the insult of their race but they've been through all the taunting and the
criticism. They should have to really stop because it’s not funny but serious. “Racial
discrimination is still a leading factor in why African Americans have lower incomes than
European Americans”. Race itself is not real. Race only happened when a bunch of people from
Europe decided they wanted to get rich fast without working. So they created a system where
they could dehumanize people who aren't white and use them for free labor. So now it's this
big social construct that we can't seem to get rid of because some people can't wrap their
minds around the fact that race has no biological roots.
Human dignity is something that can’t be taken away. Catholic Social Teaching states that each
and every person has value, are worthy of great respect and must be free from slavery,
manipulation and exploitation. “Catholic social teaching believes that human beings, created in
the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27), have by their very existence an inherent value,
worth, and distinction”. The Church Views, on effect of human dignity are being in the image of
God, the human individual possesses the dignity of a person, who is not just something, but
someone. He is capable of self- knowledge, of self-possession and of freely giving himself and
entering into communion with other persons. And he is called by grace to a covenant with his
Creator, to offer him a response of faith and love that no other creature can give in his stead.
Actually to me it's a very tricky question to answer. But, there are a lot of solutions for this like
living close to different races and thus gaining a better understanding with each other or
another solution for racism may include adding people of different ethnicity in activity. A very
simple way treats others the way you would want to be treated, learn about their cultures and
religions, and if enough people act that way, then discrimination is solved. But in all these
solutions, you have to understand every culture better and you have to respect each culture
whatever it is, so basically it's not the responsibility of only one culture, it goes with all cultures
in the world. If that happens then we may resolve the racism problem.
In the conclusion, racism is unjust and unethical, if we just accept each other for which we are,
racism wouldn't exist.