Now in 3D – Teaching and Learning! Carole Hruskocy and Sandy Foster Regis University USA Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of 3D technology on student academic achievement, retention of content knowledge, and student engagement in schools participating in a pilot study. Data from classroom observations, teacher and student interviews, student surveys, teacher focus groups, teacher journals, and pre and post test scores from end of unit exams were collected to evaluate the impact of 3D. A qualitative, evaluative case study was conducted using constant comparative method of data analysis to look for similarities and differences between and among data collected from each site. Findings from the study revealed the following: (1) student engagement is increased when 3D simulations are integrated into the curriculum, (2) student achievement may be improved relative to discussions, illustrations, and writing when students are exposed to 3D simulations, (3) gains in special education student scores were observed when 3D simulations were integrated into lessons, (4) 3D technology may assist in diagnosing vision problems. This paper concludes with discussion and suggestions for further research. Introduction It is important that today’s students be experienced in 21st century learning skills that include learning and innovation skills; information, media, and technology skills; and life and career skills (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2009). There are a number of technologies available to teachers and students that support development of the aforementioned skills and integration of the National Education Technology Standards (NETS) into the curriculum. One emerging technology is 3D imaging. “As a result of the worldwide commitment to teaching science and math and spurred by stimulus dollars for technology purchases, 3D content and the tools that support it are being widely embraced by industries including government, education, business and house of worship” (PR Newswire, 2010, para. 1). Initial research on the use of 3D technology in teaching and learning indicates that test scores increase more than 35 percent and retention of information is enhanced (PR Newswire, 2010). Although initial data indicates gains in student learning it is important to continue research on the use and integration of 3D technology to better understand its impact on student learning and information retention. The Boulder Valley School District 3D Pilot Program can provide additional data on the viability of integrating this emerging technology into curriculum and its impact on student learning. This paper draws on data collected from a pilot study conducted in Boulder Valley School District (BVSD). The goal of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a 3D technology learning pilot program in BVSD. Through collection, analysis and interpretation of data from participant interviews, focus groups, classroom observations, reflective journaling, surveys and pre and posttest scores from end of unit exams, this pilot study attempted to address the following broad research questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is the effect of 3D technology on the academic achievement of students in Boulder Valley School District? What impact does the 3D learning experience have on retention of content knowledge? What impact does the use of 3D technology have on secondary students’ attitudes and personal beliefs about science? What impact does the use of 3D technology have on student interest in learning? What impact does the use of 3D technology have on student engagement? Research Sites and Participants Four schools participated in the pilot study, one elementary school and three secondary schools. Eight teachers and 575 students among 6 classrooms took part in the study. The elementary school provided a classroom with students identified as students with special needs and students identified as gifted and talented. One secondary school provided classrooms with students identified as English Language Learners and students on free and reduced lunch. Another secondary school provided a classroom with students identified as students with special needs and behavioral disabilities, and the third secondary school provided advanced placement classrooms and students identified with special needs. Each classroom was equipped with DLP 3D enabled Vivitek projectors and 36 to 40 pairs of battery operated Xpand DLP Link 3D Glasses. Digital Light Processing (DLP) is a trademark owned by Texas Instruments. This technology uses millions of microscopic mirrors that reflect light to create3D images that appear to be projected directly in front of students in the classroom (Texas Instruments Incorporated, 2009). DLP is the same 3D technology used in movie theatres across the world. Because the technology in DLP projectors is so fast and produces two images on the screen, one in the right eye and one in the left eye and because they are compatible with single chip DLP projectors, Xpand DLP 3D Glasses were used. The technology of these glasses works to combine the two images together to help create the 3D effect one experiences (Xpand, 2011). Additionally, all teachers’ laptops were preloaded with a number of 3D simulations from 3D software manufacturing companies such as Designmate, Cyber Anatomy, Bio Interactions, JTM, Eon, and Navtek. The teachers did not need to meet for training on how to use these simulations. However, they did meet on a few occasions with the district technology department to get acquainted with the software and to meet with the researchers to discuss the design of the pilot study. Methodology The primary research methodology used for this pilot study was a qualitative, evaluative descriptive case study with a secondary focus on grounded theory. The constant comparative method of data analysis was used to look for similarities and differences between and among data collected from each site. Findings Key findings from the study include: 1. 2. 3. 4. Student engagement is increased when 3D simulations are integrated into the curriculum. Student achievement may be improved relative to discussions, illustrations, and writing when students are exposed to 3D simulations. Gains in special education students scores were observed when 3D simulations were integrated into lessons 3D technology may assist in diagnosing vision problems Student Engagement A universal finding from the student was that student engagement is increased when 3D simulations are integrated into the curriculum. Student engagement is defined as high focus and attention on the learning task. Teachers acknowledged that 3D technology had an impact on student engagement and described how this increased engagement had a positive impact on the learning environment. Secondary Teacher: “I believe that this [student attitude and engagement] is where this technology has the greatest effect. The kids were excited to use the 3D and when it was working every student was 100% engaged with the simulation and topic. All conversations were about the simulation … no off task talking that I could hear. And usually there is always some off task conversation.” Secondary Teacher: “…some of my least engaged students became very engaged. Students who are hard to reach were excited about 3D. I was pleasantly surprised by that. I can think of a handful of five or six kids that are tough to get to, and they would be excited about the 3D.” Elementary Teacher: “The kids are interested in the technology and that excitement surrounding the 3D lesson was impossible to top. They pay attention so that they can participate... Are they more interested in learning? I think that kids are more interested in learning when they are excited.” During classroom observations, students appeared to be focused and paying attention when 3D technology was being used. For example, students were correctly responding to questions when the teacher called on them, other students were asking clarifying questions of the processes they were observing, and some students correctly drew lines of symmetry on the white board on images being projected from the 3D projector. Data from student interviews also support these observations. Secondary Student: “I see myself actually paying attention 100 percent when I'm watching the 3D technology, ‘cause sometimes when we're just lecturing, I just text and like play games and stuff. But I really pay attention 100 percent when I'm watching the 3D.” Related to student engagement, increased student interest was a second theme that emerged from the study’s analysis. Teachers and students at all levels reported how interest and excitement were heightened when 3D simulations are integrated into teaching and learning activities. Secondary Student: “It’s [3D technology] a lot more interesting. It keeps me interested in the lesson and it also gets me excited about going to science class.” Secondary Students: “3D makes science more fun,” “I liked 3D,” and “3D made it easier to learn (science)” While student engagement and interest may seem to correlate to student achievement the majority of the teachers did not report significant gains in student post test scores as a result of using 3D technology. Post test scores did improve in all classes but these gains cannot be attributed solely to the use of 3D technology, as there were multiple variables that may have effected student achievement such as instructional strategies, the number of times students were exposed to the 3D videos, and the kinds of assignments or activities selected for the units. Speculation on the impact of 3D technology on student test scores can only be made at this time. Student achievement is measured in ways other than standardized tests and pre and post test scores. Some teachers noted positive differences in essay writing and class discussion after students were introduced to 3D simulations. Essay writing was more descriptive and class discussion evidenced more critical thinking. One teacher observed an increase in students’ higher level thinking as they began to analyze the 3D simulations for content errors. Further research that isolates 3D technology from other variables that may also impact student achievement is needed. The second year of the study will focus on the impact of 3D technology exclusively on student test scores and writing. Retention of Content Knowledge A related finding surfaced relative to recall of information after exposure to 3D technology. Students described how they reconstructed images or their learning while reflecting back on the 3D simulations they viewed in class. This mental reconstruction was reported across schools. Secondary Student: “When I’m doing my homework assignment, I think back and I’m like, oh, I remember that [3D] movie better because I guess I remember it better in 3D because it’s exciting.” Secondary Student: “I talk less and pay more attention, and I understand how to do my homework. It’s like it’s [content] clearer and it just stays in my mind.” Elementary Student: “…when it [3D image] pops out, it makes it [math/learning] more fun, and it [3D] helps you so you can do it [math] better 'cause it [learning material] stays in your head. It stays in your head because it's more fun and you'll remember it.” Additionally, one elementary teacher shared that after teaching the lesson on symmetry and using 3D technology, students were able to see lines of symmetry on objects located on the playground and shared these observations with their teachers. Students with Disabilities Some teachers noted qualitative and quantitative gains in the special education students. Special education students’ engagement increased and gains in these student scores were recorded. One elementary special education student doubled his pre test score for a math symmetry unit. To illustrate, on the pre-test the student scored a 4 [out of 11] and on the post test the student scored a 9. Elementary Teacher: “I think what was the most surprising to me was how well it helped with our special education students. I mean, usually you don't see a gain of points like that when you're doing pre- and post-testing and just teaching a regular lesson. So I think with our special ed children, it [3D] was very good. I was very pleased with the results that we got.” And her co- teacher, colleague confirmed by stating, “The score from the pretest to post test was significantly increased for my special education kids.” Coupled with the elementary teachers’ observations, one secondary teacher described how one student with Asperger’s Syndrome and another student with Narcolepsy were especially focused on and excited about pointing out content errors in some 3D videos. Locating such errors requires analysis and evaluation or high-level thinking skills. This same teacher also observed improvement in other special education students’ thinking and spatial skills. Secondary Teacher: “I have a couple of special education students that I think the spatial issue is a big thing for them. And so being able to see it [3D simulation] over and over and not get bored with it, they're willing to come in and relook at it and kind of tear it apart; especially protein synthesis and DNA replication, mitosis, meiosis –because that's cellular stuff that is really hard in a textbook picture to really figure out the stages. And when you see multiple pictures in a row, they have a hard time ordering it [the process]. And I found with the two students that I was working with they were better able to order steps and figure out what came first, second, third, fourth.” Although gains in special education student scores in the elementary classroom were recorded, it is important to note that the results are based on one math unit. Additionally results on the post test scores may have been impacted by a number of other variables. The observed effect of 3D technology on students’ thinking skills should be explored further for both students in special education and general education. Instructional Strategies and Pedagogy Current 3D technology is teacher-directed where the video is presented in a traditional lecture format. This practice does not align with current best practices for teaching and learning. Effective teaching and learning occur when teachers provide opportunities for students to take an “active role” in their learning via student centered instruction, participation in “hands on” science activities and “open-ended” investigations complete with post activity time for reflection and analysis (Van Secker & Lissitz, 1999; Lustick & Sykes, 2006). As a result, some teachers struggled with teacher-directed instruction. Secondary Teacher: “Because 3D can only be displayed on one screen it creates a very teacher driven lesson. I think this is a flaw with 3D and an area that pedagogically I differ in my teaching approach. There are limitations in how much students can interact with material when it is displayed on one screen controlled by the teacher. Students can discuss what they saw with each other and reflect but there is no way for students to control and interact directly with the animation.” At the same time, the lecture style format of 3D technology also caused teachers to develop new teaching strategies focused on student-directed learning. Secondary Teacher: “It [3D technology] also challenged me in some ways to make it studentcentered, and I really had to think about my instructional strategies and how do I take something that's basically a push-play movie in front of the class that students sit there and just watch, and how do I make that interactive.” As a result of this particular instructional strategy students began to interact with their peers, sharing and reviewing their work with each other. While group work and peer interaction were not formal components of this activity such interaction provided for informal peer assessment. Research (van Gennip, Segers, & Tillema, 2009; Dochy & McDowell, 1997) indicates peer assessment may enhance learning and aid in skill development such as communication and self- evaluation. Metacognition skills may also improve through social interactions (Korakakis, Pavlatou, Palyvos, & Spyrellis, 2009; Reeve & Brown, 1985) that peer assessment can provide. Vision Issues Another area for further exploration is the role of 3-D technology in diagnosing vision problems. During this study a small number of students experienced physical symptoms such as eyestrain, dizziness, visually induced motion sickness (VIMS), and slight headaches. Scientists and experts in the field of optometry were consulted to help resolve these eye issues. Guidelines for 3D usage were established, reviewed, and modified by the American Optometric Association (AOA). Additionally, the AOA discovered this was a unique public health opportunity and information regarding “stereopsis” or the ability to perceive depth in a 3D presentation was developed. Conclusion - Is 3D effective? There appears to be a relationship between 3D technology, student engagement, and retaining and recalling content. Data from both teachers and students provide a variety of information that supports this finding. Both teachers and students feel that 3D technology not only increases engagement, but also helps students to retain information. While positive changes were noted in student engagement and interest when 3D technology was integrated into the curriculum, the impact of increased engagement and interest and 3D technology on student test scores is not clear. Thus it is essential to continue researching gains in student test scores, specifically, research that includes multiple units of study with different learner populations and research that isolates 3D technology from other variables that may also impact student achievement. These initial findings are encouraging as they illustrate a number of positive effects resulting from the integration of 3D technology. To further understand the impact of 3D technology on student achievement including test scores, writing, critical thinking, and spatial skills it is essential to conduct additional research that isolates 3D technology from other variables that may also impact student achievement. The second year of the study will isolate the 3D variable to focus on the impact of 3D technology exclusively on student test scores and writing. References Douch, F. & McDowell, L. (1997). Assessment as a tool for learning. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 23(4), 279-298. Korakakis, G., Pavlatou, E.A., Palyvos, J. A. & Spyrellis, N. (2009). 3D visualization types in multimedia applications for science learning: A case study for 8 th grade students in Greece. Computers & Education, 52, 390-401. Lustick, D., & Sykes, G. (2006). National board certification as professional development: What are teachers learning? Retrieved August 15, 2010 from Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2009). P21 framework definitions. Retrieved August 15, 2010 from PR Newswire (2010). More than 300,000 Texas Instruments DLP 3D-ready projectors installed worldwide from the classroom to the boardroom. Retrieved August 15, 2010 from Reeve, R.A. & Brown, A. L. (1985). Metacognition reconsidered: Implications for intervention research. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 13(3), 343-356. Texas Instruments Incorporated (2009). DLP Technology. Retrieved August 26, 2011 from van Gennip, N.A.E., Segers, M. & Tillema, H. H. (2009). Peer assessment for learning from a social perspective: The influence of interpersonal and structural features. Learning and Instruction, 4(1), 41-54. van Secker, C.E. & Lissitz, R. W. (1999). Estimate the impact of instructional practices on student achievement in science. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(10), 1110-1126. Xpand (2011). Xpand DLP 3D Glasses. Retrieved August 26, 2011 from