K. Nichols 2013 COMMUNICATION Task 1 WE COMMUNICATE: K. Nichols 2013 To make relationships To maintain those relationships To pass information To meet our needs To develop and maintain our self concept To work effectively For our happiness SO WHAT’S DIFFERENT ABOUT COMMUNICATING IN CARE SETTINGS? We need to make professional relationships We need to obtain and share information about service users, sometimes by using special methods We often need to put our own needs to one side and focus on meeting the service users needs But our communication at work still affects our self concept and happiness. K. Nichols 2013 K. Nichols 2013 Problem solving Welcoming people Calming people who are experiencing strong emotions K. Nichols 2013 Establishing professional relationships Asking for information Explaining issues, policies and procedures Building an understanding of another person’s life Clarifying issues Providing emotional support Exchanging ideas/learning new ideas Carrying out interviews and assessments Building a sense of trust Problems with....... K. Nichols 2013 POP QUIZ- WRITE THE ANSWERS IN YOUR YELLOW BOOKLETS Q1- What are the 4 forms/ways we can communicate? Q3- a) Write a sentence for that demonstrates informal communication. b) Name a place/person who you would use this form with Q4- Give 3 reasons why we communicate. Q5- List 1 positive and 1 negative about communicating one-to-one Q6- List 1 positive and 1 negative about communicating in a group ***When you are finished, please close your book and get our your homework and any worksheets from class before the holidays. Please have your planner out and open to today’s date (15.04.13)*** K. Nichols 2013 Q2- a) Write a sentence for that demonstrates formal communication. b) Name a place/person who you would use this form with POP QUIZ- WRITE THE ANSWERS IN YOUR YELLOW BOOKLETS Q1- What are the 4 forms/ways we can communicate? -Verbally -non-verbally -written -technology Q3- a) Write a sentence for that demonstrates informal communication. b) Name a place/person who you would use this form with -Answers may vary Q4- Give 3 reasons why we communicate. -To make relationships -To maintain those relationships -To pass information -To meet our needs -To work effectively -For our happiness -To develop and maintain our self concept Q5- List 1 positive and 1 negative about communicating one-to-one -Answers may vary Q6- List 1 positive and 1 negative about communicating in a group -Answers may vary K. Nichols 2013 Q2- a) Write a sentence for that demonstrates formal communication. b) Name a place/person who you would use this form with -Answers may vary WHY DO SERVICE USERS AND CARE WORKERS COMMUNICATE ORALLY? Fill in the following spaces on your describing wheel. K. Nichols 2013 To give information To obtain information Exchange ideas Meet physical needs Meet intellectual needs Meet emotional needs Meet social needs Turn the page over and for each section on the back you must give the who what why where, when and how these oral communications work in a health and social care setting (nursery or retirement home) VERBAL SKILLS Listening Not talking, concentrating on what is said Open questions A question that can’t be answered with yes or no. Closed questions A question that can be answered with yes or no Paraphrasing Repeating back what the person has said using their own words/phrases Clarifying/Summarising Repeating back what the person has said in a different way Examples for team points! K. Nichols 2013 NON-VERBAL SKILLS Eye Contact Facial Expressions Hand movements Head movements Proximity Signs, symbols, pictures Posture Appearance K. Nichols 2013 ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY P1/M1 M2-Describe different forms of alternative communication for different needs, using examples from health and social care. Use the case study on your assignment sheet and on the next slide to help you complete this assessment K. Nichols 2013 P1- Identify different forms of verbal and nonverbal communication CASE STUDY Several of the young adults have a hearing impairment, three use English as an additional language, two have visual impairments and one resident is without speech. The manager has asked you to produce some materials for new staff on the different types of communication used within the residence. K. Nichols 2013 SCENARIO: You are a volunteer at the Brookside Residence for young adults with severe learning disabilities. WHAT TO INCLUDE IN YOUR LEAFLET/BOOKLET P1- A leaflet/booklet which describes the different forms of verbal and on-verbal communication which are used in the setting and explains the advantages and disadvantages of each form when used in a) 1-1 interactions and b) group Interactions M1- Your leaflet/booklet must also include an assessment of how effective each one would be in enabling communication. **REMEMBER** this is a leaflet to inform others, don’t write as if your talking to a friend, make it professional and informative. Make it easy and enjoyable to read- add pictures and don’t have your writing too close together. K. Nichols 2013 M1- Add more to your leaflet/booklet which describes the different forms of communication which would enable residents, staff and volunteers to communicate with each other K. Nichols 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS Space – too small room or large open area, lots of windows Interruptions – other people coming in the room or the interaction Room set up; positioning of sender and/or receiver, seating etc Relationships- handed the card back rudely- too informal Physical influences- language barrier, speed tone (Pace) K. Nichols 2013 Noise – Background or sudden, external Heat – too hot or too cold Lighting – interrogation bright light or too dull and intimate! Ventilation/Heating- to hot or too ocld. MEETING NEEDS OF INDIVIDUALS K. Nichols 2013 Special Needs – specialised communication not used eg. Braille Cultural Differences – HSBC advert, something’s can be offensive Misunderstandings – no clarifying, misinterpretations, confusion etc. Appropriate language – formal, informal, street language, foreign language etc Not empathising – not reassuring, giving extra time, comforting distressed individual Poor previous experience - stereotyping BARRIERS… What is a Barrier? A Barrier is something that “gets in the way” or stops another thing from happening K. Nichols 2013 THERE ARE 3 MAIN WAYS IN WHICH COMMUNICATION CAN BE BLOCKED… • If a person cannot see, hear or receive the message; • If a person cannot make sense of the message; • If a person misunderstands the message. K. Nichols 2013 AN ADDITIONAL BARRIER CAN BE… LISTENING SKILLS Can be external or internal; • External (e.g., noise, an uncomfortable temperature or seating etc); • Internal include a variety of conditions or reactions within the speaker or listener, such as: -Emotional interference. Defensiveness. Hearing only facts and not feelings. Not seeking clarification. Hearing what is expected instead of what is said - Stereotyping • - K. Nichols 2013