Natural Remedies in Pregnancy

Remedies for
Dee Anne Domnick, Founder & Director
Barefoot Doctors’ Academy
Nausea in early pregnancy is a
condition that often can be
managed nutritionally:
 Build digestive fire
 Drink hot ginger tea
 Eat small, frequent meals
 Drink red raspberry leaf tea
 Drink fluids between, but not with,
 Drink hot peppermint leaf tea
Avoid cold drinks & cold foods
Avoid food that are fried & greasy
Avoid sugary and other refined foods
Chew well
 Drink hot chamomile tea
 Avoid fluids upon rising
 Eat dry crackers first thing in
….More on ‘Morning Sickness’
 Avoid going long
periods without food
Vitamin B6:
25 mg., 3-4 times/day
 Drink Sparkling cider or
ginger ale
 Wear loose clothing
 Increase raw, fresh
foods (as tolerated)
 Avoid foul &
unpleasant odors
 Eat a high protein
snack before bedtime
More on Nausea in Pregnancy
Also Try:
 ‘Pericardium 6’(PC6) or Nei Guan
pressure point pressure--located 4
fingers above lower wrist line, in center
of wrist
Smelling cut lemons
Chiropractic adjustments
Cold wash cloths applied to face
Warm blankets from the dryer
Lavender oil
 Rest when you are tired
 Fresh air
 Sunshine
 Prayer and meditation
 Positive visualization
 Listening to good music
 Singing
 Deep Breathing
Ginger Zingiber officinalis
 Anti-emetic
 Anti-inflammatory agent
used for arthritis
GI protectant
CV stimulant
Anti-microbial & antiparasitic
 May be too
stimulating for
a woman
who’s prone
to miscarriage
May affect
bleeding time
by inhibiting
Red Raspberry
 Smooth muscle
(tones the uterus, making
labor shorter, more
comfortable & with less
blood loss)
Rubus sp.
 Anticholinesteras
 Spasmolytic
 High in minerals
Bleeding Gums
Gums may become more spongy as hormones & blood flow
increase during pregnancy, causing them to bleed easily.
This symptom usually disappears after pregnancy.
 A pregnant woman should continue to
take care of her teeth and gums and go
to the dentist for regular checkups.
 Make sure of adequate Vitamin C intake
 Red raspberry tea
 Threatened miscarriage
 Inevitable miscarriage
 Incomplete miscarriage
 Missed abortion
‘Welcome Womb’ Tincture
Helpful in preventing First Trimester Miscarriage
 Wild Yam (tubers)
 False Unicorn (root)
 Black Haw (bark of root & stems)
Wild Yam Dioscorea villosa
 Miscarriage
 Adrenal exhaustion
 Inflammatory rheumatism
 Rheumatoid arthritis
 Dysentery
 Diverticulosis
 Stomach & muscle cramps
 Spasmodic asthma
 Intermittent claudication
 Menopausal symptoms
 Pain in the womb & ovaries
 Gall or billiary stones
Also used as an antispasmodic or diaphoretic
False Unicorn Root
Chamaelirium luteum
 Uterine tonic
(apparently due to steroidal saponins)
 Stimulant activities for
genitourinary weakness
 Ovarian tonic effects
 Diuretic effect
For women who
have a history of
miscarriage, begin
taking 3 drops of
False Unicorn root
tincture 4 to 5 times
daily, one month
before conception
and through the
entire first
Black Haw
Viburnum prunifolium
 Antispasmodic
 Helps prevent miscarriage
 Dysmenorrhea
 Stops uterine bleeding
 Encourages recovery from childbirth
 Allays menopausal discomfort
Also used for:
 Asthma
 Nervousness
 General aches & pains
Leg Cramps
 Increase calcium &
 Massage—especially
 Increase potassium
(eat bananas)
 Salt to taste
 Sleep with legs
elevated slightly
before going to bed
Pelvic rocking
Taylor sitting
Avoid pointing toes or
stretching too hard
Cramping in the Arch of Feet
6 Comfort Measures
1. Before you get out of bed, write the alphabet with your feet -- in cursive
preferably! Sounds crazy, but if done each day, it promotes good circulation and
stretching of the ligaments before they must take the strain of the total body weight.
2. Apply ice to the feet. Sit down, put your feet up and ice for 10 to 15 minutes, four
times a day.
3. Wear supportive shoes. Sometimes shoe inserts, which support the arch, work
very well for this. Birkenstock makes supportive shoes, as well as arch supports.
4. Consult with a podiatrist or a physical therapist. They can offer a wealth of
information and exercises to help relieve this complaint.
5. Time should heal your pain. Unfortunately this pain might not go away
immediately after you give birth. This may take from six months to one year to resolve
completely. Using other comfort measures, should help you in the meantime.
6. Massage your own feet or do an exchange with a friend or your partner.
To Stop a Leg Cramp in Progress:
 Point heel
 Stand on affected leg
 Massage leg
Varicose Veins
 Hereditary
 Exacerbated by hormones of pregnancy
 Exacerbated by impaired circulation in the legs
Varicose Veins
 Vitamin E supplements:
Start with 200 I.U. daily
Build up to 600-800 I.U. daily by the 7th month
Gradually cut back to 200 I.U. by 37 weeks gestation
More on Varicose Veins
 Avoid prolonged sitting or
 Exercise
Swimming is good gentle exercise
Pelvic Rocking
Do ankle circles (not pointing toes)
several times each day
Lay on slant board several times per
Lay down & elevate feet often
Taylor sit on floor--avoid chairs
Wear loose clothing
Wear pregnancy support hose
Abdominal support to take
weight off of legs (belly binder)
Vitamin C (500mg. or to bowel
tolerance) with Rutin (50mg.)
and bioflavonoids
Homeopathic Ruta 30c
Tissue salt: Calc. fluor.–
take 1 - 2 times a day.
Witch Hazel soaks
Nettle tea
Oak Bark tea compresses
Hot Comfrey compresses
Prenatal Cradle V2 Supporter
for Vulvar Varicosities
 During pregnancy, vulvar varicosities can
occur for many reasons. Increased weight
of the enlarged uterus sometimes creates
pressure on veins in the pelvic area and
interferes with the flow of blood returning
from the legs. Naturally higher levels of
estrogen promote growth, while increased
progesterone tends to relax the smooth
muscles of the vein walls. The relaxed
veins can become distended and "pop out"
as vulvar varicosities. Wearing the V2
Supporter before rising in the morning,
helps prevent excessive swelling of the
vulvar veins.
Because of increased pressure on the rectum and perineum,
and the increased likelihood of becoming constipated as the
pregnancy progresses, hemorrhoids are common in late
 Eat high fiber foods
 Avoid refined foods
 Eat lots of fresh & dried fruits
 Drink lots of pure, fresh water
 Chamomile tea (some people are allergic to)
 Prune juice (at least 2 - 4oz., twice daily)
 Get daily exercise
 Avoid Straining.
Certain iron supplements can
contribute to constipation.
Chelated iron is preferable.
Caused by impaired circulation and/or constipation
Avoid straining!
 High Fiber Diet
 Whole grains & legumes
 Increase fruit & vegie intake
 Pelvic rocking
 Increase fluid intake
 Kegel exercises
 Herbal Sitz baths
 Put feet up on small stool
(use same herbs as for varicosities)
while sitting on toilet for B.M.
 Witch Hazel on soft cotton
 Homeopathic Hammamelis
material placed into anus or  Aloe vera gel mixed with
against it (or ‘Tucks’)
cooked rolled oats,
 Avoid hydrocortisone creams
refrigerated, and used as a
 Common & considered normal in early
and late pregnancy
 Get more rest—Your body is trying to tell
you something!
 Check for anemia
 Review lifestyle: Emotional, nutritional,
work, activity levels, etc., and make
adjustments where necessary
Comforting the Back & Legs
As a woman's weight increases, her balance changes, which can increase chance of
back strain. Pelvic joints that begin to loosen in preparation for childbirth also can
contribute to this back strain. Proper posture and proper lifting techniques throughout
the pregnancy can help reduce the strain on the back.
Do Hatha Yoga. Pelvic Rocking or the ‘cat’ exercise in yoga and ‘wagging the tail’ pumps blood to the low back & pelvic
area. Avoid double leg lifts. Practice good posture.
Always squat rather than bending over to pick things up. This protects the back from strain & injury.
A body pillow helps reduce muscle discomfort during sleep. It can provide support under your tummy and behind your back.
Sleep on a firm mattress.
Hot stones, a hydroculator, heated rice sock, or hot water bottle will relax the muscles wherever applied.
Very soothing for your back, neck, leg, etc.
Flat shoes with arch support can ease the back pain associated with pregnancy. You might even want to invest in one pair of
shoes half a size larger and/or wider than you normally wear. Avoid high heals.
Getting a massage can fill the body with endorphins — feel-good hormones — that can soothe both mother and baby. Also,
learn self-massage or use a massager on your feet as well as on your neck and shoulders to ease tension throughout your
Scented essential oils can also ease sore backs and tired legs. Rose oil helps relieve backaches, tangerine and geranium
invigorates achy feet and legs, and relaxing lavender helps you sleep.
Put your feet up often to alleviate swelling and improve circulation. Avoid standing for long periods of time.
A muscle relaxant, lavender flowers were traditionally heated and pounded into a poultice,
then placed on the woman's lower back to ease tension and loosen tight muscles during
Sore Breasts
 Well fitted Support bras can ease breast
 A maternity bra or a larger-size athletic bra will often
be comfortable for sensitive breasts.
 Do not wear a bra while sleeping.
Stretch Marks
 Cocoa butter
 Vitamin E
 Aveda’s Miraculous Beauty Replenisher
 Pregnant Belly Balm
 Live foods
 Can be caused by zinc deficiency
 Watch weight
Pregnant Belly Balm
A rich, nourishing balm to prevent stretch marks.
Apply daily to the abdominal skin surface, breasts, buttocks and thighs.
 Shea Butter
 Jojoba Oil
 Coconut Oil
 Olive Oil
 Beeswax
 Lavender Oil
Heartburn and Indigestion
caused by pressure on the intestines and
stomach (which, in turn, pushes stomach
contents back up into the esophagus)
 Identify offending foods & eliminate
 eat smaller meals throughout the
day, chew thoroughly
 avoid lying down shortly after eating
 Teas of chamomile, alfalfa or
 Avoid soda preparations & antacids
 Avoid gassy foods & fats
 Eat apples, yogurt or toast
 Yogurt & honey
 Chew on lemon peel
 Umeboshi Plum
 Aloe vera
 Papaya
 Milk can neutralize
 Identify offending foods & avoid
 Build digestive fire
 Hot ginger tea
 Avoid cold drinks
 Lie down & do abdominal breathing
 Pelvic rocking
 Knee chest position
 Avoid soda preparations
Itchy Skin
 Stick to wearing natural fabrics. Cotton or linen
allow quick evaporation of moisture and let your
skin breathe.
 Use gentle, natural, biodegradable, plant-based
laundry and body care products. Rinse well.
 Take oatmeal baths.
 In hot weather, take frequent cool showers.
 Drink plenty of filtered water and blood-cleansing
teas, such as: Dandelion root, Burdock root,
 Relax, especially facial muscles
 Calcium supplements
 Chamomile tea
 Be cautious with aspirin use
 Tea or tincture of hops, skullcap, or catnip
 If persistent or severe, call healthcare
Sharp pain towards Groin
Overstretching of round ligaments which support
the fast- growing uterus
 Do pelvic rocks
 Lean forward until it subsides
 Drink red raspberry tea
 Avoid double leg lifts
 Always turn to the side & push oneself up from
a laying position to avoid further straining of
round ligaments
Sleep Challenges
 Avoid coffee, cokes, chocolate &
other caffeinated substances
Be sure to get enough exercise
Sleep with more pillows supporting
back & knees
Use visualization & breathing
exercises to relax
Drink chamomile tea before bedtime
Enjoy an orgasm
Husbands: Help ensure that emotional climate is serene.
Bladder Infection
 Notify your healthcare practitioner
 Drink extra fluids
Spring or filtered water
Cranberry juice, unsweetened
Uva Ursi tea
Marshmallow Root tea
Vitamin C—1000mg./ 3 times per day
Avoid sugars
Urinate frequently, emptying the bladder completely
Echinacea tea
or tincture,1/2 dropperful, 4 times daily
Urinary Tract Infections
Signs & Symptoms:
 Burning on urination
 Frequency of urination
 Blood in urine
 Leukocytes in urine
With kidney involvement:
 Nausea & vomiting
 Back pain--costovertebral angle (CVA) tenderness
Seek medical support!
Vaccinium macrocarpon
 Acidifies urine
 Decreases bacterial adhesiveness to
cell wall of bladder
UTI preventative:
Drink 15 oz. cranberry juice daily
UTI treatment:
Drink 15 to 32 oz. cranberry juice daily
Uva ursi
Arctostaphylus uva ursi
 Its antibacterial
properties, which can
fight infection, are due to
several chemicals,
including hydroquinone.
 Contains tannins that
have astringent effects,
helping to shrink and
tighten mucous
membranes in the body.
That, in turn, helps
reduce inflammation and
fight infection.
 Used to treat urinary tract
infections and cystitis
(bladder inflammation)
 to be most effective, a
person's urine needs to
be alkaline --acid
destroys Uva Ursi’s
antibacterial effect
Uva Ursi
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi
 kills bacteria in the bladder
 requires cautious use
during pregnancy as it is a
strong diuretic
 Avoid using for more than
5-10 days at a time as
Hydroquinone can cause
liver damage
 Avoid using altogether in
those with compromised
Vaginal Yeast Infection
 Report to your healthcare provider
 Avoid yeast-containing foods
 Eat good quality yogurt with live
 Take one acidophilus capsule, 1 hour
before each meal, continuing for at
least 7 days after symptoms have
 Low-pressured douche of diluted
vinegar or Pau d’Arco tea, followed
by insertion of yogurt or acidophilus
capsule (just before bedtime)
(alcohol, yeasted breads,
fermented anything)
Avoid any type of sugar,
including juice, dried fruit
Homeopathic remedies for
yeast infections
Taylor sit
Wear cotton panties or none
For immediate, temporary relief
from itching, wash with Johnson
& Johnson Baby Shampoo
Water Retention (Edema)
 Get daily exercise
 Increase protein
 Drink lots of fluids—water, juice, cranberry juice
 Rest periodically throughout day on left side
 Watch salt intake, but don’t eliminate
 Elevate feet often
 Have blood pressure & urine checked
Common in pregnancy due to hormonal changes, extra
blood & fluids
 Avoid Caffeine
 Meditate or chant
 Change Scenery
Go for a walk
Visit with a friend
 Aromatherapy
Bergamot, Cedarwood (Atlas, Texas, Virginian), Chamomile (German
and Roman), Frankincense, Hops, Jasmine, Lavender, Linden, Sweet
Marjoram, Melissa (Lemon Balm), Neroli (Orange Blossom), Patchouli,
Rose (Cabbage and Damask), Sandalwood, or Ylang Ylang.
 Talk out your feelings with your mate
 Cry—releases tension, you’ll feel better
 Make love, not war
Hardening of Uterus
Pre-labor warm-ups called Braxton-Hicks contractions
 Generally a good thing
 Remote possibility of premature labor ----
watch for other signs
 Change activity
 Rest
 Abdominal breathing
 Good for baby
 Helps make labor easier
Danger Signs
Call Healthcare provider immediately!!
 Abdominal pain other than ligament pain
or Braxton Hicks contractions
Painful urination or vaginal discharge that
itches or has a strong odor
No movement in utero for 24 hours
Excessive puffiness in hands or face in
connection with other signs
Sudden uncontrollable gush of water from
vagina (ruptured membranes)
Anything coming out of vagina (bag of
waters, foot, etc.)
 Persistent vomiting
 Vaginal bleeding
 Temperature above 100
 Dizziness that persists
 Persistent headache
 Visual disturbances
Your body often knows best and tries
to tell you if there is a challenge!
 Pregnancy is often a very healthy time for
most women.
 Pregnancy lasts for such a short time—relax
& enjoy it.
It’s an amazing and wonderful experience to
feel a live person developing inside of you!
Phone: (808) 987-7008
Dee Anne Domnick, CPM, LM, MH
Barefoot Doctors’ Academy
P.O. Box 371
Hawi, HI 96719