Living Learning and Theme Community Proposal Process Central Washington University May 2 2013 University Housing and New Student Programs 1 Table of Contents Living Learning and Theme Community Responsibilities General time frame for creating a new Living Learning or Theme Community Procedure for creating a new Living Learning or Theme Community Proposal document for creating a new Living Learning or Theme Community Ian Miller, Assistant Director of Residence Life Phone: 509-963-1704 2-5 5-7 7-9 10-13 Email: 2 Central Washington University University Housing and New Student Programs Living Learning and Theme Community Proposal Process Assistant Director of Residence Life Ian Miller Living Learning and Theme Community Responsibilities The following is a basic outline of general responsibilities to show what and how each LLC and TC Faculty/Staff work in conjunction with the University Housing Professional Staff (ACC/RHCs) and University Housing Student Staff (RAs and CPs). Living learning and Theme Community Professional Housing Staff (ACC/RHC) Responsibilities: • Supervise CPs and/or RAs • Work with LLC/TC Faculty/Staff and CP/RA to ensure monthly advisory board meetings are scheduled; attend and actively engage. If you are working with a Theme Community you will take the lead in scheduling these meetings with the TC Faculty/Staff. Ensure an informative and attractive monthly newsletter is produced and distributed to students, LLC/TC Faculty/Staff, and Residence Life Leadership Team. If you work with a Theme Community you and/or the RA will need to produce the newsletter. Develop positive relationships with LLC/TC Faculty/Staff – stay in weekly contact with them. Attend LLC/TC programs Support the LLC/TC Faculty/Staff and Advisory Boards to develop mission statements and learning outcomes involving students from the community. Work with LLC/TC Faculty/Staff to determine ways to assess if the mission and learning outcomes of the community are being met Review MAP-Works to assess and determine appropriate programs and events based on student’s needs. Support CP and LLC/TC Faculty/Staff in creating programs and events. Ensure intentional programming is happening. • • • • • • The following LLCs have a Community Programmer: Aviation Casa Latina Education Leadership Music Students for the Dream Science Talent Expansion Program (S.T.E.P.) William O. Douglas Honors College (DHC) Additional responsibilities may be developed and implemented at a later date. LLC Community Programmer (CP) Responsibilities: Ian Miller, Assistant Director of Residence Life Phone: 509-963-1704 Email: 3 • • • • • • • • • • Develop positive relationships with LLC/TC Faculty/Staff – stay in weekly contact with them. Provide opportunities for LLC/Theme Faculty/Staff to interact casually with students in the halls and elsewhere. Assess students needs and interests; actively encourage involvement in Advisory Board meetings Support the mission of the community through programming and academic enrichment. Assist with assessment processes to ensure that community learning outcomes are being achieved. Serve as an academic role model and mentor to students. Develop and facilitate 3 programs per month and 1 community developer per week Ensure that an informative and attractive monthly newsletter is produced and distributed to students. This involves communication with the LLC/TC Faculty/Staff and Housing Professional Staff on a regular basis to get information to put in the monthly newsletters. Due and posted in hall(s) by 1 of each month. Coordinate the scheduling of monthly advisory board meetings by working closely with LLC Faculty/Staff, Housing Professional Staff, RAs, and students to ensure that is occurs at a mutually agreeable time. Help develop a shared sense of identity and a positive community atmosphere. Review MAP-Works to assess and determine appropriate programs and events based on student’s needs. Support RHC and LLC/TC Faculty/Staff in creating programs and events. Ensure intentional programming is happening. Additional responsibilities may be developed and implemented at a later date. Resident Assistant (RA) Responsibilities: • • • • • • • Successfully complete regular RA responsibilities. • Some programming initiatives should be LLC/TC focused, roughly equivalent to the percentage of their residents who are in the LLC/TC • Develop a positive relationship and coordinate programming efforts with CP (if applicable) Facilitate the development of positive community of the LLC/TC based on the mission and vision statement and learning outcomes. Help integrate LLC/TC with larger community in the building. Work collaboratively and assist CP with community development within LLC/TC (if applicable) Attend and actively participate in Advisory Board meetings Provide ideas for items to be included in monthly newsletter – distribute newsletter (if applicable) Review MAP-Works to assess and determine appropriate programs and events based on student’s needs. Support CP and LLC/TC Faculty/Staff in creating programs and events. Ensure intentional programming is happening. Additional responsibilities may be developed and implemented at a later date. LLC Faculty/Staff Responsibilities: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Provide foundation for LLC/TC including Mission, Vision, Goals, and Learning Outcomes Assist with the development of marketing and recruitment material to be sent out to new incoming students Attend monthly Advisory Board Meetings Provide guidance and overall direction to help create a co-curriculum that supports the mission, vision, and learning outcomes of the community. Attend Discover Orientation LLC breakfast, if possible Attend LLC/TC Luncheon in early September during Fall Student Staff Training Attend LLC session during WWW (LLC only) Attend and prepare for LLC/TC Summit in late April or early May Participate/attend at least one program per month within the LLC or Theme Community Provide information in a timely manner for the monthly newsletters Assist with LLC/TC recruitment efforts which encourage students to stay and participate in the LLC/TC Stay in regular contact with the Housing Professional Staff (RHC/ACC) and Student Staff (CP/RA). They are expected to stay in touch and keep you informed on a weekly basis. Attend LLC Faculty Orientation & Training* Review and assessment of LLC/TC program Ian Miller, Assistant Director of Residence Life Phone: 509-963-1704 Email: 4 • Review MAP-Works to assess and determine appropriate programs and events based on needs. Support CP and RHC in creating programs and events. Ensure intentional programming is happening. Additional responsibilities may be developed and implemented at a later date. Stakeholders Meetings (Formally known as Advisory Boards): • • • Should be scheduled according to CP (or RHC/ACC) and LLC/TC faculty schedules—keep in mind LLC faculty/staff will probably need to meet during the day. Meal times may work well for meetings. Members include: LLC/TC Faculty and Staff, Residence Hall Coordinator (RHC), Community Programmer (CP), and students. Topics to discuss: • LLC/Theme mission and learning outcomes (revisions) • Assessment - What are the needs of the students? • How can the LLC support academic needs of the students? • Development & direction of the LLC/theme community • Upcoming programs/events; future programs/events • LLC/Theme recruitment plan • Evaluation – are we meeting our learning outcomes? How do we know? Additional responsibilities may be developed and implemented at a later date. Newsletters: • • • • • Need to be done monthly by the last work day of the previous month If you have a CP it is her/his responsibility to complete newsletter If you do not have a CP it is the responsibility of the RHC/ACC to ensure the newsletter is completed Need to go to: LLC/Theme students, LLC faculty/staff, RHCs/ACC, Jenna, Richard, Ian & John Topics for newsletters should include but not limited to: • Programs/Events • Date/Time/Location for Advisory Board meetings • Contact information for LLC/Theme Community staff • LLC/Theme Community Mission Statement and Learning Outcomes • Department/Office information that applies to the LLC/Theme Additional responsibilities may be developed and implemented at a later date. Supervision: • Community Programmers and Theme Community RAs are supervised by the Housing Professional Staff (RHC). In some instances there is also an RHM that has some day to day management responsibilities. If there is feedback or issues regarding the performance of a CP or RA who is working with the LLC/TC, it is important for the LLC/TC Faculty/Staff to contact the RHC as soon as possible to help resolve and document the situation. 1-on-1 Meetings: • The ACC/RHC would schedule regular 1-on-1 meetings to discuss LLC/TC development and programmatic initiatives. This should also include the LLC/TC Faculty/Staff whenever possible. • Be prepared to discuss the following information: • What programs have been completed and are planned? • What faculty have been in the building? • What have your staff done to contribute to the Learning Outcomes for your LLC(s) and/or Theme Communities? Ian Miller, Assistant Director of Residence Life Phone: 509-963-1704 Email: 5 • • • What have you done to contribute to the Learning Outcomes for your LLC(s) and/or Theme Communities? Are your students satisfied with their LLC/Theme experience? How do you know? What do you need from me? LLC/Theme University Housing Funding: • • • • Each residence hall with Living Learning Communities and/or Theme Communities will received $200 per LLC and/or $100 per Theme Community into the hall account. There are other limited discretionary funds available through the Assistant Director of Residence Life. To access these funds the RHC/ACC should contact through e-mail or with a Memo (so there is a written record of the request). Student staff should first go through their LLC/TC when requesting funds. If LLC/TC Faculty/staff want to request funds they should first talk with the Housing Professional Staff (ACC/RHC). If additional funds need to be requested a request will need to be submitted to the Assistant Director of Residence Life. (Refer to University Housing and New Student Programs LLC/TC Funding Request Form, pg. 15) General Time Frame for Creating New Living-Learning Communities or Theme Communities Process Step 1 Month The overall process could require up to 2 to 3 years preplanning and setup. Procedures to be completed Sponsoring Academic Department meets with University Housing for initial informational meeting and feasibility of new LLC/TC. Included in this discussion will be regarding financial commitment, department and faculty commitment and involvement, and staffing needs. There must be a 3 to 5 year commitment by the proposing academic department to the LLC/TC being proposed. Step 2a All proposals are due June 1 Sponsoring academic department completes the initial proposal for creating the new Living-Learning or Theme Community. Review of draft proposal will be done by University Housing and New Student Programs. Revisions and negotiations will take place between University Housing and New Student Programs and the Sponsoring Department. Step 2b To be completed by August 1 University Housing in conjunction with the Proposing Academic Department will plan and determine marketing plan for Acceptance Booklet and other Recruiting Material. Information on the new Living-Learning community Ian Miller, Assistant Director of Residence Life Phone: 509-963-1704 Email: 6 will be added to Housing Publications and Acceptance Material. – University Housing Office in collaboration with Sponsoring department and Admissions. Step 2c To be completed by November 1 Discuss space location. This will impact Housing ReApplication and Marketing material. Step 2d Final marketing plan will be put into effect and will be in place prior to printing deadlines. Step 2e Final draft of proposal including marketing plan to be agreed upon by sponsoring Academic Department and University Housing. Step 2f Housing applications mailed to all new incoming students with acceptance book. Step 2g Sponsoring Academic Department meets with University Housing Office to go over procedures and get estimated numbers for the new Living-Learning community. (Space impacts Housing Re-Application) Step 2h Housing Re-Application Process and Marketing Material created and printed in November and December Rolled out January-February Step 2i Beginning June 1 University Housing Office confirms housing assignments. Students receive Housing Assignments during Summer Discover Orientation. *additional steps may be added Step 3 September (Fall Quarter) All participants move into the new Living-Learning community. Additional Residence Life Information: 1. September – May: Students may apply and accept housing. 2. December – January: Recruitment for student staff positions for next academic year begins. 3. January – February: Housing Re-Application begins for current on-campus students. Process continues through the remaining academic year. 4. February: Potential student staff participate in selection process & student staff selected 5. June: Deadline to make changes to hall and/or roommate preferences. Ian Miller, Assistant Director of Residence Life Phone: 509-963-1704 Email: 7 6. 7. 8. 9. July: New first year students attend Discover Orientation and transfer students may attend Transfer Orientation Mid-July: Hall, room and roommate assignments mailed to students and students billed for room rent. July-August: Full-time professional staff training August-September: Residence Hall Manager and Student Staff training Procedures for Developing New Living-Learning Communities at Central Washington University (All new Living-Learning communities will be initiated at the start of the fall academic year.) PHASE I: INITIATING PROCEDURES 1. Become familiar with current Central Washington University Living-Learning and Theme Communities. Contact Assistant Director of Residence Life Ian Miller at 509.963.1704 or Additional information may be found at 2. The Proposing Academic Department should begin the planning for the proposal of the Living-Learning or Theme Community. Note: It is expected that the proposing academic department would invest in at least a 3-5 year commitment to the proposed LLC/TC. Please refer to the General Time-Line for creating Living Learning and Theme Communities. 3. Complete the Living Learning and Theme Community Proposal document. Due June 1. Submit to Ian Miller, Assistant Director of Residence Life. PHASE II: APPROVAL PROCEDURES 1. The draft “Living Learning and Theme Community Proposal” should be submitted by June 1, to the department of University Housing and New Student Programs Assistant Director of Residence Life Ian Miller, email: The Assistant Director of Residence Life will set up a meeting to review the information, investigate the applicability, and feasibility. 2. After review, discussion, and finalization, the final proposal will be forwarded, to be approved by the Assistant Director of Residence Life, Director of University Housing and New Student Programs, and Associate Dean of Student Living. Each request for special consideration must be made in writing. The final draft should contain any necessary recurrences based on the preliminary meeting. 3. The Assistant Director of Residence Life will make a decision on the proposal and proceed with the proper approval process. The Department of University Housing and New Student Programs will contact the originator of the proposal as to the status of their proposal and discussion of further setup. PHASE III: RECRUITING PROCEDURES 1. University Housing and New Student Programs prepares materials for Department publication. Timeline for publications will be coordinated by University Housing and New Student Programs with the proposing Academic Department. The proposing Academic Department will develop and coordinate a press release of the new LLC/TC. The timeline will be based on pre-established marketing deadlines. 2. After the proposal gets approved, the Academic Department’s LLC and/or Theme Community Faculty/Staff may begin recruiting participants for the housing component of the program. Information will be provided to the Academic Department regarding the Housing application process for new and current students including priority deadlines. Ian Miller, Assistant Director of Residence Life Phone: 509-963-1704 Email: 8 PHASE IV: ASSIGNMENT PROCEDURES 1. The Office of Admissions verifies that the students have been admitted to the university. Since students cannot be entered in the housing database until they have been admitted, housing requests need to be held until the Admissions Office verifies that the student has been admitted to the university and has an admit date from the Admissions Office. 2. The first list of prospective participants for the Living Learning or Theme Community should be submitted to the Housing Office. Only students in the requested Living Learning or Theme Community will be assigned as per approved proposal. *(This may be subject to change based on occupancy) 3. Referring offices must assure that students follow the regular housing process before requesting special assignment status and wait until they receive a space offer letter or a waiting list letter. 4. The appropriate Academic Department(s) will receive a list from the Housing Assignments Office with pertinent information on each student referred by that office. The referring office will verify this information for accuracy. 5. Discrepancies in the listing of hall preferences between a student’s housing application or space offer form and the request form from the referring office will be returned to the referring office for clarification with the student. 6. The Living Learning or Theme Community Academic Faculty/Staff confirms and finalizes the list of the students in their program (DHC, STEP, and Aviation) with the Housing Assignment Office and releases any unused bed spaces that were allocated to the Living Learning community. 7. When the room and hall assignment process begins, the students who applied for the Living Learning or Theme Community will be assigned before the regular students. Specific roommate requests cannot be accommodated through this process. Students should request these preferences on their housing application. If the student wishes to request a specific roommate, the second student will also need to be submitted by the referring office as a special request to insure both students receive housing. Discrepancies in roommate requests will be referred to the referring office to be clarified with both students. 8. The Housing Assignment Office will finish the room assignment process. All students from this program will be clustered together as roommates whenever possible. PHASE V: STAFFING PROCEDURES 1. Beginning in November through January student staff (Community Programmers and Resident Assistants) recruitment and selection for the following academic year takes place. There is a required GPA of 2.3 cumulative and quarterly for the CP and RA positions. 2. The Living Learning and Theme Community Faculty/Staff are expected to participate in the hiring process in conjunction with University Housing Professional Staff. Final hiring decisions will be based on the needs of University Housing. 3. By April 1, the department of University Housing will hire the Community Programmers and Resident Assistants (RAs) for the residence halls. As part of the interview process, CPs and RAs will be asked about their interest and experience in the Living Learning and Theme Community program and their leadership qualities. PHASE VI: Memorandum of Understanding A memorandum of understanding (MOU) will be created to articulate and capture where expectations lie between the proposing Academic Department and University Housing and New Student Programs. This Ian Miller, Assistant Director of Residence Life Phone: 509-963-1704 Email: 9 document will be updated annually by staff in sponsoring Academic Departments and the Assistant Director of Residence Life. PHASE VII: ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES An ongoing assessment should be part of the Living Learning and Theme Community program, to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. Recommendations based on the assessment should be provided for future academic learning community expansion and needed support services. Ian Miller, Assistant Director of Residence Life Phone: 509-963-1704 Email: 10 Living Learning and Theme Community Proposal Document The following is the proposal form for creating a Living Learning or Theme Community in partnership with University Housing and New Student Programs. The proposing academic department must be willing to invest and pledge to a 3-5 year commitment to the proposed LLC/TC. The information provided will be used to assess the applicability and feasibility of the Living Learning or Theme Community. Due June 1. Please submit to the department of University Housing and New Student Programs, Assistant Director of Residence Life Ian Miller, email: *Note: Due date may be negotiated but may have an impact on the start date of the LLC/TC proposed, marketing material, etc. Title of Living Learning or Theme Community: Anticipated Begin Date (ex: Fall 2014): * All programs will start in a fall quarter, see timeline for more details. I. Objectives: (What is the purpose of the proposed LLC/TC?) II. Mission Statement of the LLC/TC: III. Vision Statement of the LLC/TC: IV. Primary Goals of the LLC/TC: V. Learning Outcomes of the LLC/TC: VI. Academic Requirement (If yes, list name of class(s), and course description | University 101?): VII. Are students required to be admitted into a specific program in order to participate in the LLC/TC? If so, please describe the program and list the requirements for being admitted into the specific program. VIII. Advantages: This program could benefit the participants in the following ways: This program aligns with the following University goals and initiatives: Department of University Housing and New Student Programs Mission Division of Student Life Goals and Outcomes Proposing Academic Department’s Mission Please explain how it aligns with the above selections: IV. Marketing Plan: (Please explain and include information regarding plans for creating marketing material such as brochures, table clothes, flyers, posters, etc. Note: It is expected the academic department pay for the cost of such marketing materials for the duration of the LLC/TC) V. Recruitment Plan: Ian Miller, Assistant Director of Residence Life Phone: 509-963-1704 Email: 11 (Please explain and include information regarding plans for recruiting members including new students and current students. This may be tied to the academic departments marketing plan.) VI. Housing location and additional needs: Considering the mission of this program, the characteristics of the participants, and the different rent price points within Residence Life, we anticipate the following: Number of male participants: Number of female participants: Total number of participants: Please consider the following hall(s) and floor(s) as the living component for this program. Hall(s): Style of Hall(s): Floor(s): Upper-Class: First-Year: Both Upper-Class and First-year: Rationale: VII. Programming: (Please include information regarding type of programs students would be expected to attend and include information of any required academic programs.) VIII. Financial commitment to programs: (Please explain and include information regarding the academic department’s ability to fund desired programs.) IX. Selection of students: The participants of this program will be chosen from: And the participants must fulfill the following criteria: X. LLC/TC Faculty/Staff: University Housing is not the experts of the academic discipline and therefore, requires the participation and involvement of the LLC/TC faculty/staff. This involvement will require some evening and weekend time commitments. LLC/TC Faculty/Staff Member-(must be a full-time faculty or staff member at the University, and ultimately responsible for advising, budget, and assessment) Provide the name and contact information for the primary faculty that will be involved: Names: Title: Ian Miller, Assistant Director of Residence Life Phone: 509-963-1704 Email: 12 Department: Phone: Email: Include name and contact of any other additional faculty or staff who will be involved with the LLC/TC. Names: Title: Department: Phone: Email: VI. Budget: Please include any anticipated expenses related to this program and how those funds will be provided: Please include the estimated Academic Department Budget for the LLC/TC: VII. Assessment: An assessment report must be created and submitted to the Assistant Director of Residence Life by July 1 for the previous academic year, which would include mission, outcomes, measures, findings, and recommendations. Please include a brief description of an action plan for assessment and how you intend to apply the information learned to this program. This report is presented at the annual LLC/TC Summit during Spring Quarter. IX. Additional Information for Discussion: Future plans for LL/TC, LLC Luncheon, CP recruitment and selection process, housing re-application process, etc. Submitted by: Date: Title: Email: Phone Number: Signature: _______________________________ Name of Department Chair: Date: Phone Number: Signature: _______________________________ Email: Dean of Department: Date: Ian Miller, Assistant Director of Residence Life Phone: 509-963-1704 Email: 13 Email: Signature: _______________________________ Phone Number: Primary Faculty/Staff Name: Date: Title: Email: Phone Number: Signature: _______________________________ This proposal should be submitted to the Assistant Director Residence. The AD of Residence Life will make any notes or recommendations before passing it on the Director of University Housing and New Student Programs. Finally, it must be approved by the Associate Dean of Student Living. Assistant Director of Residence Life: Approved Approved Not Living Learning Communities: Notes: Signature: __________________________________ Date: Director University Housing and New Student Programs: Approved Approved Not Notes: Signature: __________________________________ Associate Dean of Student Living : Date: Approved Not Approved Notes: Signature: __________________________________ Ian Miller, Assistant Director of Residence Life Phone: 509-963-1704 Date: Email: