SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS STUDIES MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY KOTTAYAM MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ORGANISATION STUDY Time Schedule Date of starting the organisation study : Latest by 01.05.2012 Date of completion of organisation study : Latest by 31.05.2012 Date of submission of first copy of report to the supervising teacher in the School : Latest by 15.06.2012 Date of OS Presentation : 16.06.2012 to 19.06.2012 Date of submission of Final report : 30.06.2012 Note: The duration of the organization should be for minimum of 30 days (including intervening Sundays and Holidays) Co-Ordinator Organization Study Director 1 Guidelines for ORGANISATION STUDY Organization study is one of the core area in which every student of MBA programme has to undergone at the end of Second Semester, for a minimum of one month in an Organisation of their choice. The organization chosen should be a public limited manufacturing organization preferably from outside the state. Objectives i. To familiarize the students with a business organization to relate theory with practice. ii. To familiarize the students with an organization structure and its functioning iii. To familiarize them with the different departments in the Organisation and their functions and activities including documentation. iv. To enable the students to understand how the key business processes are carried out in an Organisation. v. Understand how information is used in Organisation for decision making at various levels including data flow diagram. vi. To conduct a SWOT analysis of the organization vii. To study the financial performance of the organization by doing financial analysis viii. To understand the extent of technology adoption including ICT, in the organization for various functions/activities. The major objective of the Organization Study is to better understanding of the area-wise subjects taught in their Business Management Programme. This should also prepare the students with enough understanding about business Organisation to enable them to locate problems to be solved as ‘Final Year Project’ later in their course. Please Keep in mind the fact that this is NOT intended to be a problem-solving project, which has to be done in the final year. Please bear in mind that processes and functions are your focus and not data from various departments, which should only be used to help you understand the organization. How to Choose an Organization Try and choose an Organisation with all functional departments, where you will be able to see and understand: Operations & Systems, Accounts & Finance, Personnel & HR, Marketing Functions and their interactions with each other. The Organisation chosen should have all the above functional areas for you to study. 2 How to conduct the Study a) Have an organisation coordinator/guide in the organisation. Visit the organisation and have a walk through and identify and acquaint themselves with the different departments. b) Make the organisation chart for the organisation and try to understand the functions of the managers/officers and supervisors in the different departments Record the observations of yours and clarify with your supervisor to check if the same is correct. c) Identify the key functions of each department and try to understand how it is carried out (the process). For e.g. Materials department having the purchase function. Process could be collect intends, check intends, find suppliers, get quotes, decide whom to purchase from, prepare and issue purchase orders, follow up till delivery is got. d) Draw the Organization chart of the entire organization as a whole and its departments separately. e) Decision making process in each of the department and the data flow f) Try and interact with all the top Officials and customers (both external & internal) users, to find if there are problems with the processes. Make record of your findings. g) Find how the following are done in the organisation i. New product/services development ii. Marketing Details about the Marketing Mix Advertising Sale - locating customers Qualifying customers Contacting customer and making sales Order filling Payment collection etc Departmental structure & Functions Product profile Competitors Supply Chain management Distribution Channels Sales& Demand Promotional efforts Pricing strategies Advertisement Sales promotions Sales force structure Warehousing Complaint handling Market research 3 iii iv v. vi. Market share analysis Subsidiary departments Marketing intelligence, information systems Operations/Manufacturing - The operations/ Manufacturing process - Raw materials and conversion - Procurement Processes - Stores functions - Production planning and control - Quality control - Inventory Management - Materials Management Accounting and Finance - Accounting systems adopted - Source & application of funds - Management of payables and receivables - Costing system - Pricing system - Budgeting and budgetary control etc Financial analysis of a few previous years’ statements of accounts Personnel & HR - Recruiting & Selection Process - Induction & Placements - Training & Development – types & where used (process of training) - Performance Appriasal - Fringe Benefits/ Incentives - IR Scenario - Grievances & Grievances handling - Discipline IT & Systems Department - Extent of the use IT and other technologies for various activities. Identify the type of hardware and software (SAP, ERP etc) being used in the Organization. f. Study the extent of technology adoption in each departments including ICT. g. Do a SWOT analysis h. Do the Financial analysis of the organization Faculty Supervision and Organization Supervision The School will allot a faculty for each of the student to supervise your organization study. The Students should note the following: 4 All students should to meet and discuss with your respective faculty supervisor before leaving for organization study. All students should update the progress of the study with your faculty supervisor at least once in a week with written report emailed. All students should submit the duly filled evaluation report in the prescribed format from your organization Guide to the Faculty supervisor. Any changes, if required, in the organization study can be made with the consent of your faculty supervisor. Evaluation On return to SMBS each students will be required to make a presentation of the study and will also have to submit a written report, which will be used for evaluation. The parameters of the evaluation are Organization Understanding, Identification of key/critical/problem areas, Analysis, Presentation and Study Report. Please also make it a point to send a joining report (By the organisation Guide/Co-ordinator) from the organisation within a week of your reporting for the study to the Faculty Supervisor. Please mark your attendance daily with the organisation Guide. The school shall also contact the organisation guide to receive a confidential feedback report about each student at the end of the project. All students are requested to bring the duly filled (sealed) confidential report (the format is enclosed in appendix) from your organization Guide and hand over to your Faculty Supervisor, after completing the study. Format of the OS Report to be submitted The letters should be Times New Roman font ,12” size with 1.5” space between lines. The major headings should be 16” size and sub headings 14” size. All subsection should be numbered like 1,1, 1,2,1.3 etc…..(for subsections of chapter 1). Contents to be included in the OS Report Title Page Certificate from the Organization Certificate from the Faculty Advisor Acknowledgement Abstract (One page) Contents Chapter 1: Introduction about the Organization Chapter 2: Industry Profile, which your chosen organization belongs to 5 Chapter 3: Organization in detail with all Information includes: General Information Organization Structure & Organization Chart Role and Responsibilities of various Executives Process/activities/products/services Individual Departments and its Structures/functions/activities Decision Making Process in each of the departments with data flow Details of the strategies used for various activities Details of the competitors and the organization’s present position/status etc Chapter 4: Details of Financial Analysis with support of Balance sheet and other such documents. Chapter 5: Details of extent of Technology adoption including IT for various operations/activities Chapter 6: Details of SWOT Analysis Chapter 7: Your evaluation of the functioning of the organization. Identification of areas for improvement possible and suggestions for the organization based on your study Chapter 8: Report on your Mini Project Chapter 9: Chapter10: Problem Objectives Methodology Data Collection and Analysis Findings and Recommendations Your Learning Experience Conclusions. References 6 A template of the Title Page is shown below Organization Study Report on Oil and Natural Gas India An Organization study Report submitted to Mahatma Gandhi University for the partial fulfillment of the Award of Master of Business Administration Submitted By Reghuraj Metha (Reg No. 121006) Under the Supervision of Dr.Nidhin Choudhary School of Management & Business Studies Mahatma Gandhi University Kottayam June 2012 7 SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS STUDIES MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY KOTTAYAM MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ORGANISATION STUDY Evaluation Report Name of Student : ________________________________________________________________ Name of the Organization: _______________________________________________________________ Period of Study : From _____________________ to _____________________ To be filled by your Supervisor at the organization (Kindly tick in the appropriate box) 1. Punctuality &Regularity Very Regular Regular Not regular 2. Seriousness Very serious & Dedicated Serious Calls for improvement Very courteous Courteous Needs to improve Very able Able Yet to develop Very much willing Willing Not much willingness shown Does work with complete focus Partially Focused Needs to focus Very much Exhaustive Average Patchy Very much interested Shows some interest Not interested 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Courtesy and Manners Ability to Understand Willingness for hard work Working towards an objective Coverage of topics Interest in linkages among functions Can conceive Somewhat business as a comprehensive whole view OVER ALL PERFORMACE 10 (Please put your marks: out of 100) Other Remarks or Suggestions: 9. Capacity to see business as a whole Signature of the Supervisor: Needs to widen horizons Office Seal Name: Designation: Organisation: Pleas Note: Student is required to bring this form in a sealed envelope, duly filled by the supervisor at the organization . 8