Health – Food and Nutrition To do list: 1. research folio Investigate health – food and nutrition; looking closely at: Good food choices and a balanced diet. Functions and needs of the body. Planning, designing and budgeting menus. Accessibility to affordable and healthy foods. Opportunity to work in the food industry. -Please use initiative to independently search the internet, and other medias, as well as draw ideas from practical and theoretical class activities. 2. product or performance Create an original nutritional recipe book, hold a nutritional cooking class, or create a community lunch. 3. written or spoken Present an appraisal of the community’s healthy eating habits, and provide recommendations to promote healthy eating habits and nutrition. -400-700 words written or 2.5-3.5 minutes spoken 4. SWOT analysis presented digitally Provide a SWOT analysis of the effectiveness of the inquiry processes used whilst providing the community with data and recommendations. -2-4 minute digital presentation (Powerpoint, blog, podcast, video for net, etc.) 5. Examination As an active citizen, you will respond to scenarios where critical thinking and reflection will be employed to make good choices and helpful recommendations about nutrition. -90 minutes for several short responses Key words: Active citizen Investigate Initiative Recommendations SWOT analysis Critical thinking Reflection Appraisal Inquiry Sustainable practice Health – food and nutrition Unit 2, 2015 Healthy food project Personal skills: Good food choices and a balanced diet. Functions and needs of the body. Planning, desinging and budgeting menus. Interpersonal skills: Accessability to affordable and healthy foods. Citizenship skills: Opportunity for working in the food industry. Component 1 offers opportunities for students to: Plan and undertake social investigations Recognise concepts and ideas around the development of life skills that relate to social contexts Organise information and material related to social contexts and issues Use language conventions and features to communicate ideas and information, according to purposes Component 1: product or performance ‘Appetising investigation’ You have been employed by the school to test out some healthy eating techniques on the community. You are to inquire about the eating habits, the knowledge on nutrition and healthy food, and the potential dietary improvements of the school community. To do so you will need to create a healthy food project to be shared within the community that will facilitate your inquiries. The aim is to promote healthy food, good eating habits and nutrition. You could create an original nutritional recipe book, hold a nutritional cooking class, or create a community lunch. Try to make your healthy food project more appealing by using a theme of your choice. Whilst conducting your healthy food project you will aim to find out whether people like the food, want to eat the food, are familiar with the food and the ingredients, if they would eat and make the food themselves, as well as individuals’ water consumption habits. Component 2 offers opportunities for students to: Recognise and describe concepts and ideas related to the development of personal, interpersonal and citizenship skills. Describe and explain the ways life skills relate to social contexts Explain issues and viewpoints related to social investigations Organise information and material related to social contexts and issues Analyse and compare viewpoints about social contexts and issues Use language conventions and features to communicate ideas and information, according to purposes Communicate the outcomes of social investigations, to suit audiences Component 2: written or spoken 400-700 words written or 2.5-3.5 minutes spoken Students will present an appraisal of the community’s healthy eating habits, and provide recommendations to promote healthy eating habits and nutrition. ‘Savoury suggestions’ You have made your inquiries. You now know the ways in which the community eats and thinks about food. It’s time to present a written or spoken appraisal of the school community’s nutritional knowhow. Bring together the knowledge you have gathered from your community investigation as well as other forms of research. Use your newfound knowledge and experience to provide recommendations on the implementation of further healthy food projects, as well as specific healthy food, good eating habits and nutrition strategies tailored to the Deception Bay FLC community. You will need to argue that healthy eating is essential for personal health and well-being, therefore your recommendations are vital to the community. Your appraisal should cover the following questions: What research did you undertake to inform your recommendations? Why did you choose this form of research? Appraise inquiry processes and the outcomes of social investigations Plan and undertake social investigations How does the community’s knowledge of healthy food, good eating habits, nutrition, and water consumption fair in the world of health? How reluctant is the community to engage in healthy food practices? What life skills might the community gain from being involved with healthy food projects? What are some further recommendations on healthy food, good eating habits, nutrition, and water consumption? What life skills might the community gain from your further recommendations on healthy food, good eating habits, nutrition, and water consumption? What did you learn from conducting research on community health and eating habits? On reflection, is there anything that you would change about your research that would make it more efficient, effective and/or beneficial both as a service and as a research tool? Component 3 offers opportunities for students to: Apply concepts and ideas to make decisions about social investigations Use language conventions and features to communicate ideas and information, according to purposes Appraise inquiry processes and the outcomes of social investigations How do projects, similar to the one you previously created, promote healthy food, good eating habits and nutrition? What benefits are generated by the implementation of healthy eating projects for yourself, and the community? How well can healthy eating projects promote healthy food, good eating habits and nutrition? How may the community benefit from projects like the one you conducted? What are some of the healthy eating projects and initiatives already established in the community? What are some of the community’s views around healthy food, good eating habits, nutrition, and water consumption? Component 3: multimodal 2-4 minute digital presentation ‘Succulent sustainability’ With any health studies, there is a need to make sure that they are done efficently and effectively; The act of investigating needs to be benificial to community health, therefore an investigation becomes a necessary and sustainable practice. Create a SWOT analysis of the effectiveness of the inquiry processes used when providing the community with data and recommendations. This will be demonstrated in class! Your role: You are an expert in the field of your chosen project, as well as food, nutrition, healthy eating habits and community health and wellbeing. Conditions: This assessment consists of three components. The healthy food project could take many forms as long as it is based on nutrition. The appraisal can be 400-700 words written or 2.5-3.5 minutes spoken The SWOT analysis can be a 2-4 minute digital presentation. Make sure the appraisal includes an introduction, body and conclusion.