2010 AAIM on Target Arkansas Association of Instructional Media 39th Annual Conference April 18-20, 2010 Hot Springs Convention Center AAIM on Target 2010 – Hot Springs Convention Center AAIM Officers and Board President Vice-President Past President Secretary Treasurer Journal Editor Historian Commercial Rep Elected Board Appointed Board Table of Contents Diane Hughes Jana Dixon Lori Bush Beth Stone Devona Pendergrass Sherry Asbell Joyce McCain Mike Grisham Debra Warren Barbie James Connie Zimmer Sara Dickey Dwain Gordon Karen Richardson Karen Sue Flud Rachel Shankles AAIM Committee Chairs AEA Committee Annual Conference Audit Committee Awards Constitution Election AID Disaster Relief Leadership Development Legislative Committee Long Range Planning Membership Newsletter Nominating Parliamentarian Professional Materials Publications Publicity Scholarship Student Awards Program Student Media Festival Web Services Carol Thompson Jana Dixon Mary Woodruff Dwain Gordon Lori Bush Ann Ayres Brenda Wayne Brenda Sharpmack Vicki Brown Devona Pendergrass Jil’Lana Heard Karen Richardson Lori Bush Kay Bland Cathy Toney Barbie James Karen Sue Flud Karen Wells Judy Pearson Beth Stone Kriste Rees Cheryl Davis Lori Bush Dr. David Spillers Rachel Shankles Program Cover Credits Picture from cover under Creative Commons license with attribution to http://www.flickr.com/photos/vizzzual-dotcom/2655969483/ AAIM on Target 2010 – Hot Springs Convention Center From the Conference Chair/President-Elect: Jana Dixon Conference Committee Chairs Sherry Asbell – Exhibits Chair Cathy Toney – Door Prizes Jillana Heard - Authors Dwain Gordon – Awards Jeanna Cook – Signs Sue Ellen Bristow – On-Site Registration Glenda Jenkins – Photography Heather Hughes – Local Events Wendy Burfeind – Local Events Karen Sue Flud – Facilitators Co-Chair Margie Rutledge – Facilitators Co-Chair Paula Brookman - Decorations Vicki Brown – Goody Bags Karen Wells – Tickets Barbie James – Registration Karen Richardson – Registration Sara Dickey – Retirees/Program Diane Hughes – Program Rachel Shankles – Program Conference Committee Members Judy South Connie Zimmer Mrs. Padgett Isaacks Carol Falwell Keri Simpson Anita Teel Judy Stewart Celeste Ashcraft Charlotte Wilson Kelle Meeker Lavanda Gillum Patti Fletcher AAIM on Target 2010 – Hot Springs Convention Center From the President: Diane Hughes AAIM on Target 2010 – Hot Springs Convention Center General Conference Information Name Badges Your AAIM Conference name badge is your personal identification and official pass to all AAIM sessions and exhibits. Please wear it at all times. No one will be admitted to the conference sessions without this identification. Tickets are required for the Monday awards luncheon. Staff Development Documentation The Arkansas Department of Education Annual Assurance Confirmation Approval Code for this year’s AAIM conference is: This code appears on the certificate that you receive for attending sessions and is your documentation. Page # of this program has been created for your convenience to list the sessions you attend. The specific focus areas of the sessions you attend are documented in the program. You must sign in at each session in order to receive professional development credit. The sign-in sheets are kept on file by the AAIM organization as conference documentation. A 50-minute session can count as one professional development hour. Professional development cannot be provided for time spent with exhibitors, authors in the exhibit hall, or at the Awards Luncheon. Session Evaluations Session evaluations will be distributed and collected by the facilitator in each session. We have an excellent slate of session presenters this year, but they always want to have feedback on their presentation and its effectiveness for you. Please take time to complete these evaluations and leave them with the session facilitator. Conference Evaluations PLEASE take time to complete the online conference evaluation when you get home. This information is invaluable in planning the 2011 conference. Your input is greatly appreciated. The link will be on the AAIM website. Membership Dues Your AAIM membership is automatically renewed with your conference registration. Your annual membership runs from conference to conference each year. Please remind your fellow AAIM members who were not able to attend conference to renew their membership by completing the form and returning it. Encourage other colleagues who are not AAIM members to join. Consider giving the gift of an AAIM membership to a friend. This is a wonderful way to acknowledge the completion of a degree or welcome a new colleague into the profession or to your district. All forms are available online at http://aaim.k12.ar.us. Membership benefits include receiving two journals a year, newsletters, the membership directory, and participation on the invaluable AAIM listserv. Clothing Wear comfortable shoes. The Hot Springs Convention Center is attached to the Embassy Suites, but it can be a long walk from one end to the other. Also, please wear layers. Room temperature cannot be controlled. Cell phones: Please keep your cell phones off or on vibrate during all sessions and in the exhibits, so as not to distract fellow attendees. AAIM on Target 2010 – Hot Springs Convention Center Conference at a Glance th Saturday, April 17 8:30 – 11:30 1:30 – 3:00 4:00 The Personal Productivity Wiki with Tony Vincent AAIM Student Media Festival AAIM Board Meeting Lakeside HS Technology Center Lakeside HS Auditorium Lakeside HS Media Center Sunday, April 18th (All conference sessions are in the Hot Springs Convention Center) 10:30 12:00 – 12:50 1:00 – 1:50 2:00 – 2:50 3:00 – 4:00 4:30 – 6:00 Registration Opens 8 Concurrent Sessions 8 Concurrent Sessions 8 Concurrent Sessions 1st General Session with Tony Vincent: “Cloudy with a Strong Chance of Learning” Grand Opening of the Exhibits & Presidential Reception honoring our AAIM President, Diane Hughes…………………………………………………………Exhibit Hall A Author signing by Dr. Steven Layne………………………..Exhibit Hall A Dinner on Your Own…Networking Opportunity (Sign up for reservations at local restaurants at the registration booth.) Monday, April 19th 7:45 8:00 – 8:50 9:00 – 10:00 10:10 – 11:00 11:15 – 1:15 1:30 – 2:20 2:30 – 3:20 3:30 – 4:30 4:45 – 5:30 Registration Opens 8 Concurrent Sessions 2nd General Session with Dr. Steven Layne: “Igniting a Passion for Reading: Confessions of a Reading Arsonist” Author signing immediately following presentation in Exhibit Hall A 8 Concurrent Sessions 3rd General Session Awards Luncheon Greetings from AECT President Introduction of Dr. Nancy Willard, Executive Director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use 8 Concurrent Sessions 8 Concurrent Sessions 4th General Session with Dr. Nancy Willard “Cyber Savvy Schools: Facilitating Change” Snacks with the Vendors - Closing of the Exhibits and Door Prizes Tuesday, April 20th 7:45 8:30 – 9:20 9:30 – 10:20 10:30- 11:20 11:30 – 1:00 Registration Opens 8 Concurrent Sessions 8 Concurrent Sessions 8 Concurrent Sessions 5th General Session – Closing by Keynote speaker Dr. Nancy Willard “Cyber Savvy Schools: Embracing the Future” Annual Business Meeting AAIM on Target 2010 – Hot Springs Convention Center Keynote Speakers Tony Vincent started teaching fifth grade in Omaha, Nebraska twelve years ago when it wasn’t so easy to publish online. Knowing that students were motivated to see their work on the Web, Tony first had students write their book reviews on Amazon.com. Later his students spent each school year adding to their classroom site, Planet 5th. They published writing, photos, journals, art, videos, and more. Planet 5th became so popular that it received thousands of hits from around the world. In 2004 Tony became Willowdale Elementary’s technology specialist. He worked with students in grades kindergarten through five and their teachers to integrate technology. He developed Radio WillowWeb in 2005, making it the first podcast from an American elementary school. Tony left regular teaching at Willowdale to become an independent consultant in 2006. While he misses his former school, he’s had an amazing few years. He has worked with teachers and students from around the world. Tony co-wrote Handhelds for Teachers & Administrators, a book about handheld computers, iPods, and podcasting. He presents at educational conferences and travels to schools to deliver workshops to teachers and students, focusing on free and inexpensive learning and communication tools. His websites include Learning in Hand, Our City Podcast, and the Arizona K12 Center Technology Blog. See everything Tony's up to online at tonyvincent.net. Dr. Steven Layne serves as full time Associate Professor of Education and Literature at Judson College in Elgin, IL. His vast array of experience working at multiple grade levels in the public schools allows him a unique camaraderie with teachers and librarians and his award-winning books for children and young adults add another appealing element to his dynamic presentations. He is a frequent keynote speaker at large conferences and gatherings of literacy educators and librarians throughout the world. Steve continues to do a few school appearances each year as a guest author and provides inservice for schools throughout the nation. Steve has been honored with numerous awards for his work as an educator and researcher. In 2001, he received one of the Milken Foundation's National Awards for Teaching Excellence in the amount of $25,000.00. He was also named to the 2001 All-Teacher Team by USA TODAY newspaper and was chosen as the Edwin A. Hoey Award Winner for U. S. Outstanding Teacher at the junior high level by NCTE in 2001. Steve was the 2000 ICARE for Reading Award winner and the 1999 Reading Teacher of the Year in Illinois. In addition, his doctoral dissertation research garnered the AAIM on Target 2010 – Hot Springs Convention Center Keynote Speakers Outstanding Researcher Award from Northern Illinois University's College of Education Alumni Council as well as the Winn Research Award given by the State of Illinois Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development in 1997. Steve's interest in state and community literacy organizations has led to active leadership positions on the boards of the Northern Illinois Reading Council and Literacy Volunteers of America's Fox Valley Affiliate. He has also served as a reader for the Rebecca Caudill Young Reader Award Committee and been active in the DuPage Literacy Roundtable. Steve has been a member of several committees for the Illinois Reading Council throughout his involvement with the organization and currently serves as its past president. Nancy Willard, M.S., J.D. is the director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use. She has degrees in special education and law. She taught “at risk” children, practiced computer law, and was an educational technology consultant before focusing her professional attention on issues of youth risk online and effective management of student Internet use. She has focused on issues of youth risk online and effective Internet use management since 1995. Nancy is author of two books. Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats: Responding to the Challenge of Online Social Cruelty, Threats, and Distress (Research Press) and Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savvy Teens, Helping Young People Use the Internet Safety and Responsibly (Jossey Bass). Nancy's focus is on using research-based insight to address these issues. Nancy’s book, Cyberbullying and Cyberthreats, provides educators and other professionals with insight into the concerns of cyberbullying, plus guidance on how schools can implement a comprehensive plan to address cyberbullying through policies, Internet and cell phone use management, education of students and parents and a process to investigate cyberbullying incidents and effectively respond. Nancy’s book for parents and other adults, Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savvy Teens provides a comprehensive overview of all Internet safety and responsible use concerns, plus insight into influences on online behavior and extensive background information on effective parenting of today’s totally wired children and teens. In recent years, Nancy has presented for statewide conferences for a range of professional audiences, including safe schools, bullying prevention, educational technology, and mental health. These presentations have been in the states of Washington, California, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Indiana, Illinois, Oklahoma, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. She has also recently presented at the National Safe Schools Conference, the National Technology in Education Conference, the American Association of School Counselors, and the National Association of School Psychologists (Spring 2010). Sunday, April 18, 2010 Concurrent Sessions 1 12:00 – 12:50 ►1 New Members Session 12:00 – 12:50 Room 201 Presenters – Jil’Lana Heard, Lake Hamilton Junior High & Lori Bush, Lake Hamilton High School Audience – ALL New Members Facilitator This session will introduce you to AAIM’s purposes and goals along with its current officers. Tips will be given on how to make the most of your AAIM membership and conference experience. Door prizes will be given! ADE Focus Areas: ADVL ►2 Copyright and Intellectual Property: On TARGET with the Future of Education* 12:00 – 12:50 Room 202 Presenter – Jud Copeland, Associate Professor, University of Central Arkansas Audience – ALL Facilitator The recent legislative changes in the U.S. copyright law and intellectual property policies have highlighted the need for both teachers and students to broaden their knowledge of how information is produced and consumed inside the school environment. In particular, copyright sits squarely in the center of the learning experience: from teaching and the course materials purchased, licensed, or borrowed; to the ownership and authorship of faculty research, etc. Who has the responsibility of teaching this broader understanding of copyright issues? What do instructors need to know about copyright and intellectual property for their own teaching, scholarship and publications? What do they need to know to direct the work product of their students? What do students need to know to become responsible researchers, creators, and authors? This presentation is a direct response to these issues. ADE Focus Areas: ADVL, EDTY, INST ►3 Cool Tools in Web 2.0 12:00 – 12:50 Room 203 Presenter – Michelle Moore, Technology Specialist, Park IB School/HSSD Audience: Elementary/Middle Facilitator Looking for ways to enhance students’ literacy learning experiences with technology? This session will show how Park International Baccalaureate School uses Web2.0 applications to enhance language arts learning and capture students' interest. Come explore these “cool tools” and learn how you can lead students to think about reading and writing in new and engaging ways. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, EDTY, INST, BCLC ►4 CSI in the Stacks 12:00 – 12:50 Room 204 Presenters– Jacqueline Vergason, Media Specialist – Benton Middle School and Christie Schade, Media Specialist – Benton Junior High Audience – Middle/Secondary Facilitator Use a tried and true approach to teaching research with a twist of adventure. This session will take you from using basic print reference guides (dictionary, encyclopedias, etc.) to on-line sources such as Nettrekker. Students will learn they can’t believe everything they read as they become a Crime Scene Investigator. ADE Focus Areas: INST, SFCA, EDTY ►5 Targeting Our Readers: Identifying the Lifetime, Schooltime, & Reluctant Reader Populations 12:00 – 12:50 Room 205 Presenter –Dr. Wendy Rickman, Assistant Professor, University of Central Arkansas Audience: All Facilitator – In this session, the traits of readers and non-readers who make up our student populations will be discussed along with suggested activities to target those populations. ADE Focus Areas: INST, PLDS, BCLC ►6 Radio for Kids, by Kids 12:00 – 12:50 Room 208-209 Presenter – Tony Vincent, Educational Consultant, Learning in Hand Blog Audience – ALL Facilitator The real power of podcasting comes from the creation of the audio programs that are posted online for a global audience. Learn about the making of two amazing podcasts: Radio WillowWeb and Our City. Gain valuable instructional strategies, recording tips, and useful techniques for creating podcasts with students. ADE Focus Areas: INST, EDTY Sunday, April 18, 2010 Concurrent Sessions 2 1:00 – 1:50 ►7 Targeting “Kindles” and other electronic readers for your library and personal use!* 1:00 – 1:50 Room 102 Presenter – Jeanna Cook, Library Media Specialist, Lamar High School, Lamar Audience – ALL Facilitator Discussion about the Amazon “Kindle” and other electronic readers will be held. We will target ways they can be used in your library and for personal use. There will be discussion on ways your school can find funding for Kindles in your library. There will also be Kindles to view during the session. ADE Focus Areas: INST, EDTY ►8 Finding the Lost Year: What Happened When Little Rock Closed its Public Schools 1:00 – 1:50 Room 103 Presenter – Dr. Sondra Gordy, Professor of History, University of Central Arkansas Audience – Middle, Secondary Facilitator Description to be printed in the program: Dr Sondra Gordy, Professor of History at the University of Central Arkansas, discusses her book on the year after the Central High desegregation crisis of 1957. Her research was guided by over seventy interviews with former students and teachers, both black and white, who were lockedout of public high schools in Little Rock in 1958-59. She and a lost-year class member, Sandra Hubbard, produced a 60 minute documentary and have a website on this research. http://www.thelostyear.com ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST ►9 Copyright and Intellectual Property: On TARGET with the Future of Education* 1:00 – 1:50 Room 202 Presenter – Jud Copeland, Associate Professor, University of Central Arkansas Audience – ALL Facilitator The recent legislative changes in the U.S. copyright law and intellectual property policies have highlighted the need for both teachers and students to broaden their knowledge of how information is produced and consumed inside the school environment. In particular, copyright sits squarely in the center of the learning experience: from teaching and the course materials purchased, licensed, or borrowed; to the ownership and authorship of faculty research, etc. Who has the responsibility of teaching this broader understanding of copyright issues? What do instructors need to know about copyright and intellectual property for their own teaching, scholarship and publications? What do they need to know to direct the work product of their students? What do students need to know to become responsible researchers, creators, and authors? This presentation is a direct response to these issues. ADE Focus Areas: ADVL, EDTY, INST ►10 Targeting Collaboration: The Long Arm of the Media Center 1:00 – 1:50 Room 203 Presenter – Mrs. Ferris Jackson, Bob Courtway Middle School, Conway, AR Audience: Middle, Secondary Facilitator The presenter will outline ways that the media center can forget creative partnerships within the school’s community through various activities. Representatives from different disciplines within the school will discuss developing a strong relationship through collaboration. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, ADVL, SFCA, PLDS, PAR, BCLC ►11 Librarian Tested, Kid Approved 1:00 – 1:50 Room 204 Presenter – Jennifer Dowdle, Elkins Primary/Middle Library Media Specialist Audience: Elementary Facilitator Do you work with the “little” ones and are always on the look-out for great entertaining picture books? Or you need ideas on how to incorporate those fun-to-read books we all love into our standards? Since picture books are often an overlooked aspect of instructional media in K-2 education. I will focus on identifying entertaining picture books and incorporating them into lesson plans and Library Media Standards. ADE Focus Areas: CK12, INST, SFCA ►12 Characteristics of Highly Successful School Library Media Specialists 1:00 – 1:50 Room 205 Presenters – Dr. Stephanie Huffman, Associate Professor and Dr. Wendy Rickman, Assistant Professor, University of Central Arkansas Audience: All Facilitator – The session will focus of the traits that exemplify successful school library media specialists. Do you have those traits? Are good school library media specialists born or are they created through training and environmental factors? All of the various facets that exemplify excellence will be explored. ADE Focus Areas: ADVL, MNCO ►13 Do So Much with iPod touch 1:00 – 1:50 Room 208-09 Presenter – Tony Vincent, Educational Consultant, Learning in Hand Blog Audience – ALL Facilitator iPod touches and iPhones are finding their ways into students' and teachers' hands. There are good reasons these devices are popular: tens of thousands of useful software applications in the App Store. Get great ideas as Tony Vincent shares terrific apps for learning and teaching. Learn about apps that help educators and students stay organized, be creative, and study. Learn about all of this along with tips and tricks for using iPod touch in schools. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, EDTY, INST Sunday, April 18, 2010 Concurrent Sessions 3 2:00 – 2:50 ►14 Using Arkansas Ideas to Meet Your Professional Development Needs 2:00 –2:50 Room 102 Presenter – Maranda Rios-Blanchard, Portal Trainer and Kim Hall, Elementary Curriculum Trainer, AETN Audience – ALL Facilitator This session will teach you how to log in/sign up, how to become proficient as a system user and use the IDEAS portal as a tool that could be utilized at faculty meetings and during PLC meetings for Professional Development. ADE Focus Areas: SFCA, EDTY, PAR, BCLC ►15 Experience the Power of Titlewave.com 2:00 –2:50 Room 202 Presenter – Valerie Brasseale, Follett Library Resources Account Manager Audience – ALL Facilitator Learn how easy it is to use www.titlewave.com for collection development, collection analysis, and curriculum support. We’ll introduce all the new features and review many others to remind you why TITLEWAVE is the website you can’t live without. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, SFCA ►16 SPEDding to the Target 2:00 –2:50 Room 203 Presenter – Mrs. Ferris Jackson, Bob Courtway Middle School, Conway, AR Audience: Middle, Secondary Facilitator – The presenter will demonstrate how media specialists can assist (self-contained) SPED teachers in utilizing the library to enrich their students’ educational experiences. The presenter will share ideas on using story quilts, animated short stories, writing strategies, and understanding math using reference materials. ADE Focus Areas: INST, ADVL, SFCA, PLDS ►17 “Target” Your SLEs and “hit” a “Bulls-eye” with your lesson plans! 2:00 –2:50 Room 204 Presenters – Cathy Toney, Library Media Specialist, Conway School District & Judy South, Library Media Specialist, Conway School District Audience: Elementary Facilitator – Can’t seem to choose the right “arrow” to hit the “target” on your lesson plans? Come and hear two Conway media specialists explain how Conway School District organized the Arkansas Library Media Frameworks/SLEs into a pacing guide. They will share how they created their lesson plans to “target” each SLE with the pacing guide. Examples of weekly plans, books, and activities will be shared. ADE Focus Areas: INST, SFCA ►18 Characteristics of Highly Successful School Library Media Specialists* 2:00 –2:50 Room 205 Presenters – Dr. Stephanie Huffman, Associate Professor and Dr. Wendy Rickman, Assistant Professor, University of Central Arkansas Audience: All Facilitator – The session will focus of the traits that exemplify successful school library media specialists. Do you have those traits? Are good school library media specialists born or are they created through training and environmental factors? All of the various facets that exemplify excellence will be explored. ADE Focus Areas: ADVL, MNCO ►19 Using Children's/Young Adult Books to Excite Young Writers 2:00 –2:50 Room 207 Presenter – Dr. Steven Layne, Associate Professor of Education and Literature, Judson College in Elgin, IL Audience: All Facilitator We’re always in need of a good response to kids who say, "I can't think of anything to write about." After this energizing presentation, you'll have several great answers! Join award-winning author Steven Layne as he uses a wide-range of children’s picture books and middle grade novels to introduce five key arenas from which authors draw story ideas. Come and discover how easily this information translates into practice. ADE Focus Areas: ADVL, MNCO ►20 10 Things You Should to Know about Twitter 2:00 –2:50 Room 208-09 Presenter – Tony Vincent, Educational Consultant, Learning in Hand Blog Audience – ALL Facilitator Believe it or not, Twitter can be a valuable learning tool for educators. However, lots of people admit to "not getting" Twitter. As a result, according to Nielsen 60% of U.S. Twitter users don't return to Twitter after a month. Twitter's value to busy teachers isn't apparent and many ask why they would bother with Twitter. To help you understand and use Twitter effectively, learn about the 10 things you should know to get you started using Twitter. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, EDTY, INST Sunday, April 18, 2010 General Session 1 3:00 – 4:00 ►21 General Session 1: Cloudy with a Strong Chance of Learning 3:00 – 4:00 Room 207-09 Presenter – Tony Vincent, Educational Consultant, Learning in Hand Blog Audience – ALL Facilitator Nowadays much of what we do can be created and stored on the web. Techies call this cloud computing, and it requires only a web browser and internet. Cloud computing offers an affordable way to engage students in learning. Find out about some new and favorite web-based tools that you'll be excited to use in the classroom. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, EDTY, INST Sunday, April 18, 2010 Presidential Reception Hall A 4:30 – 6:00 Dinner on Your Own - Networking Opportunity Don’t miss out! Sign up at the Registration Table before 4:15 for reservations Monday, April 19, 2010 Concurrent Sessions 4 8:00 -8:50 ►22 Student Access to Libraries: Cooperation between School and Public Libraries 8:00 – 8:50 Room 102 Presenter – Connie Zimmer, Associate Professor/Coordinator of LMS Program at Arkansas Tech University Audience: All Facilitator – What happens at the end of the day when school is over and students either return to their homes or go to a temporary place to stay until they can go home? Some venture to their local public libraries. Sometimes they find a welcoming atmosphere and other times, they find signs saying they must be accompanied by an adult. Across the country, school and public libraries have worked together to provide services to these youth. This session is the result of research looking for cooperative programs that work related to cooperation between school and public libraries. ADE Focus Areas: ADVL, MNCO, PAR, BCLC ►23 Flip Secrets 8:00 – 8:50 Room 103 Presenter – Rachel Shankles, Library Media Specialist, Lakeside High School, Hot Springs Audience – ALL Facilitator Flip cameras are the rage, but there are some caveats that make them much more versatile and user-friendly. Find out the expert tricks. ADE Focus Areas: INST, EDTY, BCLC ►24 Reaching Reluctant Readers with the Arkansas Oil Days Collection 8:00 – 8:50 Room 201 Presenter – Brenda Hutcheson Fickey, Children’s Author & Speaker Audience: Elementary/Middle Facilitator The Arkansas Oil Days Collection is designed to reach reluctant readers with successful, innovative strategies on a variety of instructional and cognitive levels. These historical fiction/mystery/suspense novels are useful across the curriculum with colorful characters readers identify with immediately; fast-paced, action-packed storytelling with unpredictable twists that rival other entertainment mediums; pertinent conflicts that address current situations; and familiar settings for increased interest. With teaching moments throughout the reading experience, students enjoy learning as they “secretly” develop reading skills that work regardless of the subject matter. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, BCLC ►25 Improve Student Learning with High-Tech Equipment and Results 8:00 – 8:50 Room 202 Presenter – Sharon Lollies, Regional Sales Director for Educational Technology Solutions Audience: All Facilitator – Want to improve student learning with technology and equipment? Come to this session to hear the research that supports the use of this equipment and learn how to plan for its implementation. Factors for selecting the “right” equipment for your school will be shared and questions will be answered. ADE Focus Areas: EDTY ►26 Character is Essential to Leadership 8:00 – 8:50 Room 203 Presenters – Dr. Kerry L. Roberts, Assistant Professor, Perkins College of Education, Stephen F. Austin State University & Dr. Sid Womack, Professor, College of Education, Arkansas Tech Univ., & Dr. Shellie Hanna, Assistant Professor at Arkansas Tech University Audience: All The common-sense definition of character is that of “who we really are, when no one else is around.” By contrast, reputation is “who people think we are.” This presentation examines the literature about character. How leadership is formed by the character of the individual who is the leader? This presentation is timely because of the need for accountability and the number of educators having character issues, the data comes from students in administration programs. ADE Focus Areas: ADVL, SUP ►27 Books + Technology = 21st Century Learners 8:00 – 8:50 Room 204 Presenter – Anita Teel, Library Media Specialist; Kelle Meeker, High School English Teacher; and Anna Williams, High School English Teacher Audience: All Facilitator Our students are ever changing, and if we want to have successful 21 st Century Learners we must adapt. As educators we must bring our students’ world into the classroom. How do we do this? Let’s examine the use of urban fiction combined with wordles and animotos. Let’s look into using Gaggle and LibraryThing. Not only will this combination grab students’ attention, but it will involve parents. This will also enable you as a teacher to move toward a paperless classroom. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, EDTY, PAR ►28 A Mixed Bag of Technology Tricks 8:00 – 8:50 Room 205 Presenter – Sara Dickey, Library Media Specialist; Kelle Meeker, High School English Teacher; and Anna Williams, High School English Teacher Audience: All Facilitator Learn FREE new technology tools, web sites and classroom motivators to shake things up in your classroom. You and your students will love these new ideas! We will share ways to use advanced Google searches, WolframAlpha, Zamzar, Spelling City, Etherpad, Wordle, Glogster, netTrekker, IDEAS, Thinkfinity, 4teachers.org, Pics4Learning, NetSmartz.org and more. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, ASM, SFCA, COGR, EDTY, PAR Monday, April 19, 2010 General Session 2 9:00 –10:00 ►29 General Session 2: Igniting a Passion for Reading: Confessions of a Reading Arsonist 9:00 – 9:50 Room 207-09 Presenter – Dr. Steven Layne, Associate Professor of Education and Literature, Judson College in Elgin, IL Audience: All Facilitator With his trademark combination of humor and heart, Steven Layne tackles one of the most significant issues in reading instruction today: How to engage reluctant readers. Teaching the skill of reading is viewed by many educators as a major objective; teaching the will of reading is too often an afterthought. Dr. Layne’s charismatic blend of anecdotes and practical suggestions are sure to fan the flame of literacy into a raging inferno—inspiring librarians as well as their students to keep the bedside lamp on just a little bit later into the night. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, COGR Monday, April 19, 2010 Concurrent Sessions 5 10:10 –11:00 ►30 Beyond The Book: Building, Implementing, and Managing a Strong E-Book Collection for the 21st Century Teacher and Student. 10:10 – 11:00 Room 207-09 Presenter – David Burrow, Regional Manager Audience: All Facilitator Building an e-book collection is coming to all media centers. We will demonstrate how to implement and manage e-books in your collection as well as your library automation system that will make checking out a book to a teacher or a student effortless while still increasing the circulation of your library. Never tell a student “that book is checked out”. The use of e-books will prove beneficial to teachers and students as they all will have Simultaneous use of the same book if needed . Buckle your seat belts and get ready to understand how you can easily implement this technology to your media center. ADE Focus Areas: INST, SFCA, EDTY, BCLC ►31 Forming District Librarian Share Groups in Your Area 10:10 – 11:00 Room 103 Presenter – Rachel Shankles, LMS, Lakeside High School & Allison Floyd, LMS, Waldron Elementary Audience: All Facilitator – The WeDewey group in Garland County was formed in 2009 by Rachel and a few key LMSs in her area and has grown and been very successful and worthwhile for all the school librarians in that area as well as the children and youth librarians from the public library. Another group formed by Alison Floyd, Waldron Elementary LMS, Has been successful also and meets once a month in the Russellville area this year. ADE Focus Areas: INST, ADVL, SFCA, MNCO, EDTY, BCLC ►32 Using Arkansas Ideas to Meet Your Professional Development Needs (Repeated Session) 2:00 –2:50 Room 102 Presenter – Maranda Rios-Blanchard, Portal Trainer and Kim Hall, Elementary Curriculum Trainer, AETN Audience – ALL Facilitator This session will teach you how to log in/sign up, how to become proficient as a system user and use the IDEAS portal as a tool that could be utilized at faculty meetings and during PLC meetings for Professional Development. ADE Focus Areas: SFCA, EDTY, PAR, BCLC ►33 10:10 –11:00 Room 104 Presenter – Dr. Michael Spector, AECT President ►34 The Principal’s Role in Leading Media Endeavors 10:10 – 11:00 Room 201 Presenter – Dr. Janet Tareilo, Assistant Professor, Perkins College of Education, Stephen F. Austin State University & Dr. Sandra Stewart, Assistant Professor, Perkins College of Education, Stephen F. Austin State University Audience: Elementary Facilitator Many times the busy and hurried world of the campus principal causes some aspects of school leadership to be placed on a back burner. One of those areas is the library and media services offered on the campus. Two former elementary principals will offer suggestions for principals as well as media specialists on ways to foster a shared leadership that benefits a school and all of its students. Points of discussion will include ways to foster reading initiatives in the classroom, develop a media plan for the school, and ways in which a principal can support the school librarian in enhancing technological services to students. ADE Focus Areas: ADVL, SUP ►35 Alphabet Soup 10:10 – 11:00 Room 202 Presenter – Susan Gilley, Technology Coordinator, Bergman School District Audience: All Facilitator This presentation is a potpourri of ideas and strategies that I have found to be helpful in any educational setting. I will be demonstrating a variety of things from software to hardware to internet web sites to gizmos and gadgets I have found along my educational travels. Participants will leave the presentation with ideas for implementation in their classroom and/or media center. Some specific examples include: delicious, photo story, slide story, school pads, wacom tablets, shape & photo collages, graphic organizers, twitter, wordle, cameras, etc. It will be a jam-packed, fast-paced, one-stop, get-it-all session. Updated from last year as well. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, EDTY ►36 Let the EBSCO Databases Enhance the Learning Experience 10:10 – 11:00 Room 203 Presenter – Travis Dintelman, Field Sales Representative, EBSCO Publishing Audience: All Facilitator – Put your library resources in the spotlight! Your school has acess to a wealth of information and resources available at your fingertips on the world wide web from anywhere in the world. Allow us the opportunity to polish your EBSCO Database knowledge so you can show your Superintendents, Principals, Teachers, Faculty and Students how to make their lives easier when it comes to searching for valid, trustworthy and citable information. From research projects and continuing education to general reference, you will find something for everyone within EBSCO Databases. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, ADVL, SFCA, EDTY, COGR, PAR, BCLC ►37 Target on Butler Center Books 10:10 – 11:00 Room 204 Presenters – Kay Bland, Education Coordinator, Butler Center, Central Arkansas Library System & Steve Teske, Encyclopedia of Arkansas, Butler Center Audience: All Facilitator – Butler Center Books publishes books for use in Arkansas schools. Free online lesson plans are designed to accompany these books. The session will feature one of the newest publications, Homefront Arkansas: Arkansans Face Wartime. The co-author of the book, Steve Teske, will describe how an author “checking facts” will research many resources, including museums. His work as a fact-checker for the Encyclopedia of Arkansas will provide attendees information to share with others about how a resource such as an online encyclopedia can maintain “authority”. Kay Bland will share the lesson plan developed for this book. Other recent publications to be featured in the session include a book written by high school students entitled Beyond Central, Toward Acceptance and a fictionalized account of a murder mystery during the territorial time period of Arkansas entitled Surprised by Death. All books will be available for purchase at the session. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, SFCA ►38 Solutions for the Reluctant Reader 10:10 – 11:00 Room 205 Presenter – Celia Anderson, Author Audience: All Facilitator – ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, SFCA ►39 Internet Safety Education – CIPA (Repeated session) 10:10 – 11:00 Room 207 Presenter – Nancy Willard, Director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use Audience: All Facilitator Nancy will provide an overview of Internet safety issues that need to be addressed and key points in providing effective instruction. This breakout session will discuss vital issues in Internet safety, one of the components of our Library Media Frameworks and something we should all be concerned about teaching our students. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, SFCA, EDTY Monday, April 19, 2010 Awards Luncheon 11:15 –1:15 Monday, April 19, 2010 Concurrent Sessions 6 1:30 – 2:20 ►40 Beyond the Stream 1:30 – 2:20 Room 102 Presenter - Karen Wells, Library Media Specialist, Midland High School Audience – ALL Facilitator Did you know that Discovery Education launched a major content and features upgrade to its digital platform this year? Now, finding and playing video segments is just one component of DE Streaming. Valuable resources include a built-in interactive atlas, hundreds of writing prompts, thousands of quiz questions, and a whole lot more. During this session you’ll learn tricks on managing DE Streaming’s new student center as well as how to integrate the new DE Streaming tools into your 21st century curriculum. ADE Focus Areas: INST, ADVL, EDTY, BCLC ►41 Internet Safety Videos 1:30 – 2:20 Room 103 Presenter – Brenda Sharpmack, Technology Coordinator Audience: All Facilitator Teachers and students are shown videos to teach responsibility when using school’s computer and when accessing school’s Internet appropriately. Short video clips include Cyberbullying, Internet Safety tips, Plagiarism, Text Messaging, and Vandalism. Watson Chapel School teachers are encouraged to view and discuss these videos prior to students using school computers. Participants can also share what they do in their school districts. ADE Focus Areas: EDTY ►42 Introduction of the Arkansas Oil Days Collection to School Libraries and Classrooms 1:30 – 2:20 Room 201 Presenter – Brenda Hutcheson Fickey, Children’s Author & Speaker Audience: Elementary/Middle Facilitator The Arkansas Oil Days Collection is designed to reach reluctant readers with successful, innovative strategies on a variety of instructional and cognitive levels. These historical fiction/mystery/suspense novels are useful across the curriculum with colorful characters readers identify with immediately; fast-paced, action-packed storytelling with unpredictable twists that rival other entertainment mediums; pertinent conflicts that address current situations; and familiar settings for increased interest. With teaching moments throughout the reading experience, students enjoy learning as they “secretly” develop reading skills that work regardless of the subject matter. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, BCLC ►43 Twitter: It’s Not Just What You Had for Breakfast! 1:30 – 2:20 Room 202 Presenter – Susan Gilley, Technology Coordinator, Bergman School District Audience: All Facilitator It’s way more than what you had for breakfast. Twitter is a fantastic social networking and resource tool that can transform your digital landscape. Join me as I share with you how twitter can impact you and help you interact with your digital native students. As digital immigrants you will appreciate everything that twitter has to offer. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, BCLC, EDTY ►44 Letters about Literature Program: Reader Response & Reflective Writing Workshop (Part 1 of 2) 1:30 – 2:20 Room 203 Presenter – Catherine Gourley, Director, National Letters about Literature Program Audience – Middle, Secondary Facilitator Letters about Literature is a reading promotion program of the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. This interactive workshop is intended for teachers and librarians who work with students in grades 4 through 12. Specifically, the workshop will explore the following questions: What is reader response? What is reflective writing? Do teachers influence how a reader responds to a text? Does meaning reside solely within the text? What specific authors and themes, if any, are more likely to produce meaningful reader responses? How can teachers uses LAL’s teaching materials to help children make the leap from decoding information to becoming fluent readers? ADE Focus Areas: INST, PLDS, COGR, BCLC ►45 Integrate Technology with Britannica Online School Edition! 1:30 – 2:20 Room 204 Presenter – Jim Roberts, Executive Account Representative Audience – ALL Facilitator Britannica Digital Learning serves teachers, educators, librarians, and all ages of students better than ever before. Elementary, middle, and high schools are especially invited to see new Read Aloud and Web 2.0 features, provided to all Arkansas schools free of charge, thanks to Arkansas Traveler! Attend this session and learn how much there is to discover with Britannica! ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, SFCA, EDTY ►46 Children Have Changed: Many Books Missed the Memo 1:30 – 2:20 Room 205 Presenter – Celia Anderson, Author Audience: All Facilitator – ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, SFCA ►47 Internet Safety Education – CIPA* 1:30 – 2:20 Room 207 Presenter – Nancy Willard, Director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use Audience: All Facilitator Nancy will provide an overview of Internet safety issues that need to be addressed and key points in providing effective instruction. This breakout session will discuss vital issues in Internet safety, one of the components of our Library Media Frameworks and something we should all be concerned about teaching our students. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, SFCA, EDTY ►48 Successful Strategies for Building Lifetime Readers: Great Ideas You Can Put in Place Tomorrow! 1:30 – 2:20 Room 208-09 Presenter – Dr. Steven Layne, Associate Professor of Education and Literature, Judson College in Elgin, IL Audience: All Facilitator Energetic author and educator Steven L. Layne promises a session to delight, empower, and motivate every school librarian/media specialist. How do librarians and their staff ignite a passion for reading in kids who live in a world that offers them a hundred choices and ways to spend their time? This fast-paced session, based on Steven’s popular book Igniting a Passion for Reading offers practical ideas that will keep kids reading and loving books. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, COGR Monday, April 19, 2010 Concurrent Sessions 7 2:30 – 3:20 ►49 Thinkfinity 2:30 – 3:20 Room 102 Presenters – Sara Dickey, Library Media Specialist, Paragould High School Audience: All Facilitator Description to be printed in the program: Thinkfinity.org provides free K-12 lesson plans, student materials, interactive tools, reference materials, and other resources for educators and parents . The content partners who produced the discipline-specific, standards-based resources are: American Association for the Advancement of Science, Council for Economic Education, International Reading Association, National Center for Family Literacy, National Council of Teachers of English, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Geographic Society, ProLiteracy, Smithsonian National Museum of American History, and The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Come learn all about it! ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, ASM, SFCA, EDTY, COGR, PAR ►50 Using a Theme Approach: Teaching Research Skills 2:30 – 3:20 Room 103 Presenter – Katherine L. Powell, Educational Project Manager Audience: All Facilitator The students will travel the roads of a selected county of Arkansas through the study of primary and secondary resources. They will use a theme of an Arkansas Heritage Event to identify and locate information to generate data furthering their use of research skills. Likewise, the students will use the following headings and research skills—people, places, things and events to classify and organize information into a portfolio for presentational projects. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, SFCA ►51 AAIM for the Bull’s Eye in Elementary Library Media Centers 2:30 – 3:20 Room 104 Presenter – Celeste Ashcraft, Library Media Specialist, Louise Duraham Elementary ( K-2) Audience: Elementary Facilitator – Round-table session designed for elementary library media specialists to share ideas for programming, decorating, funding, and also for lesson plan ideas. Please bring several of your best ideas for each of these areas so we can share with each other. This session will only be as productive as we make it! ADE Focus Areas: INST, SFCA, PAR ►52 Robo-Writer 2:30 – 3:20 Room 105 Presenter – Carla Killough McClafferty, Author Audience: All Facilitator – Examples of how author Carla Killough McClafferty uses technology for research then incorporates that information into the text of her award-winning non-fiction books. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, SFCA, MNCO, EDTY, COGR, BCLC ►53 10:10 –11:00 Room 104 Presenters – Jil’Lana Heard, Library Media Specialist & ►54 Hitting the Mark with Accelerated Reader K-12 2:30 – 3:20 Room 202 Presenter – Whitney Ivy, LMS, Blevins, AR Audience: All Facilitator -Pat Anderson, Huntsville High School Accelerated Reader can be a success in K-12. Come see and hear a success story with examples, tips, and ideas for you to take and apply at any level. ADE Focus Areas: INST, ASM, EDTY, BCLC ►55 Letters about Literature Program: Reader Response & Reflective Writing Workshop (Part 2 of 2) 2:30 –3:20 Room 203 Presenter – Catherine Gourley, Director, National Letters about Literature Program Audience – Middle, Secondary Facilitator Letters about Literature is a reading promotion program of the Center for the Book in the Library of Congress. This interactive workshop is intended for teachers and librarians who work with students in grades 4 through 12. Specifically, the workshop will explore the following questions: What is reader response? What is reflective writing? Do teachers influence how a reader responds to a text? Does meaning reside solely within the text? What specific authors and themes, if any, are more likely to produce meaningful reader responses? How can teachers use LAL’s teaching materials to help children make the leap from decoding information to becoming fluent readers? ADE Focus Areas: INST, PLDS, COGR, BCLC ►56 Continuing with Traveler 2:30 –3:20 Room 204 Presenter – Sally Hawkes, Manager of Network Services Audience – All Facilitator Overview of the Traveler Project, reviewing what’s new, marketing, and what needs to be done at your school to participate. ADE Focus Areas: EDTY ►57 New Release Books Your Students Will Love to Read 2:30 –3:20 Room 205 Presenter –Leslie Bermel, Junior Library Guild, Plain City, Ohio Audience – Elementary/Middle Facilitator Out of thousands of children’s books published every year, which do you choose for your collection? This book talk will highlight some of this year’s newest releases. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST ►58 Internet Safety Messages for Parents 2:30 –3:20 Room 207 Presenter – Nancy Willard, Director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use Audience: All Facilitator Key issues for parents of children, tweens, and teens - and guidance on reaching those parents for school library media specialists and teachers. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, EDTY, PAR Monday, April 19, 2010 General Session 4 3:30 – 4:30 ►59 4th General Session: Cyber Savvy Schools - Facilitating Change 3:30 – 4:30 Room 207-09 Presenter – Nancy Willard, Director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use Audience: All How we can facilitate change in technology adoption and a three point plan to create Cyber Savvy Schools establishing 21st century learning environments, ensuring universal competencies in digital media safety, citizenship, and literacy, and providing targeted risk prevention and intervention to address youth risk online. We will not accomplish change if educational technology enthusiasts continue to believe that if they just push hard enough eventually other educators will think and act like they do. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, SFCA, BCLD, EDTY Refreshments with the Vendors Door Prizes & Closing of Exhibits 4:45 – 5:30 Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Concurrent Sessions 8 8:30 – 9:20 ►60 Exploring the World Book Web 8:30 – 9:20 Room 102 Presenter –Floyd Hicks, Regional Vice-President with World Book, Inc. Audience – All Facilitator An overview of all of the databases on the World Book Web including World Book Kids, World Book Student, World Book Advanced, World Book Discover, World Book Digital Libraries, World Book Dramatic LearningReader’s Theater database for improving reading fluency, two Spanish Web sites, one Lower level French database. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, ASM, SFCA, BCLD, EDTY, PAR ►61 Let the EBSCO Databases Enhance the Learning Experience 8:30 – 9:20 Room 103 Presenter – Travis Dintelman, Field Sales Representative, EBSCO Publishing Audience: All Facilitator – Put your library resources in the spotlight! Your school has acess to a wealth of information and resources available at your fingertips on the world wide web from anywhere in the world. Allow us the opportunity to polish your EBSCO Database knowledge so you can show your Superintendents, Principals, Teachers, Faculty and Students how to make their lives easier when it comes to searching for valid, trustworthy and citable information. From research projects and continuing education to general reference, you will find something for everyone within EBSCO Databases. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, ADVL, SFCA, EDTY, COGR, PAR, BCLC ►62 Experience the Power of Titlewave.com 8:30 – 9:20 Room 201 Presenter – Valerie Brasseale, Follett Library Resources Account Manager Audience – ALL Facilitator Learn how easy it is to use www.titlewave.com for collection development, collection analysis, and curriculum support. We’ll introduce all the new features and review many others to remind you why TITLEWAVE is the website you can’t live without. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, SFCA ►63 READING…It’s Not Just for Kids 8:30 – 9:20 Room 202 Presenter – Paul Sivils, Librarian, Arkadelphia High School Audience: All Facilitator A one-hour session on how to improve your reading life. As educators, we preach the importance of reading to our students. But sometimes we are a bit slack in our personal reading habits. This workshop is designed to rekindle the love of reading and offers six tips that will help broaden and deepen the reading experience. ADE Focus Areas: INST ►64 Gold Standards: Using Benchmark Released Items with Library Media Frameworks 8:30 – 9:20 Room 203 Presenter - Melisa Rutherford, Library Media Specialist, Blytheville Intermediate School Audience – ALL Facilitator Presenting a process through my personal story of working with school consultants, literacy coach and literacy instructors how a resource was developed in which the grade specific library frameworks and the benchmark released items. Through this process lessons including bell ringers, assessments and further resources have been developed and implemented in both library classes and classroom instruction. ADE Focus Areas: SFCA ►65 Targeting “Kindles” and Other Electronic Readers for Your Library and Personal Use!* 8:30 – 9:20 Room 204 Presenter – Jeanna Cook, Library Media Specialist, Lamar High School, Lamar Audience – ALL Facilitator Discussion about the Amazon “Kindle” and other electronic readers will be held. We will target ways they can be used in your library and for personal use. There will be discussion on ways your school can find funding for Kindles in your library. There will also be Kindles to view during the session. ADE Focus Areas: INST, EDTY ►66 New Release Books Your Students Will Love to Read 8:30 – 9:20 Room 205 Presenter –Leslie Bermel, Junior Library Guild, Plain City, Ohio Audience – Middle/Young Adult Facilitator Out of thousands of children’s books published every year, which do you choose for your collection? This book talk will highlight some of this year’s newest releases. DE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST Autograph Session with Nancy Willard, Room 208-09 9:30 – 10:20 Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Concurrent Sessions 9 9:30 – 10:20 ►67 Exploring the World Book Web 9:30 – 10:20 Room 102 Presenter –Floyd Hicks, Regional Vice-President with World Book, Inc. Audience – All Facilitator An overview of all of the databases on the World Book Web including World Book Kids, World Book Student, World Book Advanced, World Book Discover, World Book Digital Libraries, World Book Dramatic LearningReader’s Theater database for improving reading fluency, two Spanish Web sites, one Lower level French database. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, ASM, SFCA, BCLC, EDTY, PAR ►68 Beyond Slideshows with Windows MovieMaker 9:30 – 10:20 Room 103 Presenter – Erin Shaw, Greenbrier Middle School Library Media Specialist & Tracy McAllister, Wooster Elementary LMS Audience: All Facilitator This session will show participants how to move beyond just creating photo slideshows with MovieMaker. Student created projects for social studies and other classes will be demonstrated as well as professional uses for the program. ADE Focus Areas: INST, EDTY ►69 Collaboration: What Makes it Work? 9:30 – 10:20 Room 201 Presenter – Ann Miles, Sales Executive Audience: All Facilitator Building successful collaboration between library media specialists and classroom teachers means having the right resources in place and making sure teachers and instructional specialists know how to use them. In this presentation Follett Software will present some field-tested pointers for integrating the library into the classroom using Destiny Library Manager. ADE Focus Areas: INST, BCLC ►70 On Target with - netTREKKER 9:30 – 10:20 Room 202 Presenter – Melissa Williams, Library Media Specialist, Paragould Audience – All Facilitator Session will include a survey of the major features of the netTREKKER internet search tool. This versatile tool is available free for use by all schools and school patrons in Arkansas thanks to the ADE. ADE Focus Areas: CK12, INST, SFCA, EDTY ►71 Free software that is downloadable to your computer 9:30 – 10:20 Room 203 Presenter – Gordon R. Sutherlin, Professor of Education, Harding University Audience: All Facilitator There is a growing pool of downloadable software and online software that will make teachers more productive, accomplishing administrative tasks, preparing instructional materials, and even presenting instruction. A few software packages that are downloadable will be presented. A list of several packages with descriptions will be given out. ADE Focus Areas: INST, EDTY ►72 Spring 2010 ADE Update 9:30 – 10:20 Room 204 Presenter – Shirley Fetherolf, Program Advisor Library Media Services, ADE Audience: All Facilitator What’s new for school librarians from the Arkansas Department of Education. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, SFCA, EDTY, BCLC ►73 Online Resources for Teaching AR History in the Elementary Classroom. 9:30 – 10:20 Room 205 Presenter – Lori Diffey, Media Specialist, Carver Magnet Elementary & Karen Sebourn, Media Specialist, Baseline Elementary Audience – Elementary Facilitator Using 21st century tools to teach AR History. Participants will receive a list of websites, lesson plans and activities to use with students. ADE Focus Areas: INST, EDTY ►74 Facilitating Change: Getting to Work* 9:30 – 10:20 Room 208-209 Presenter – Nancy Willard, Director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use Audience: All Facilitator Join Nancy for this highly interactive session to collaboratively plan in order to facilitate change in your school. Let’s work together to target our goal of creating Cyber Savvy Schools! ADE Focus Areas: INST, EDTY Tuesday, April 20, 2010 Concurrent Sessions 9 9:30 – 10:20 ►75 Fun Free Photo Programs 10:30 – 11:20 Room 102 Presenter – Rachel Shankles, Library Media Specialist, Lakeside High School, Hot Springs Audience – ALL Facilitator Rachel will demo the ease of use of two Web 2.0 photo collage programs. These are free and can be used for all sorts of things professionally and personally. ADE Focus Areas: INST, EDTY ►76 Beyond Slideshows with Windows MovieMaker* 10:30 – 11:20 Room 103 Presenter – Erin Shaw, Greenbrier Middle School Library Media Specialist & Tracy McAllister, Wooster Elementary LMS Audience: All Facilitator This session will show participants how to move beyond just creating photo slideshows with MovieMaker. Student created projects for social studies and other classes will be demonstrated as well as professional uses for the program. ADE Focus Areas: INST, EDTY ►77 PLN: Personal Learning Network 10:30 – 11:20 Room 201 Presenter – Lisa Byrd, Teacher, CMS High School Audience: All Facilitator A PLN is something every teacher needs in our technological environment and today there is no reason why we should not take full advantage of the web as a professional development tool. In this session I will demonstrate the importance of a Personal Learning Network and how to go about creating your own. ADE Focus Areas: CK-12, INST, MNCO, EDTY, BCLC ►78 On Target with – netTREKKER* 10:30 – 11:20 Room 202 Presenter – Melissa Williams, Library Media Specialist, Paragould Audience – All Facilitator Session will include a survey of the major features of the netTREKKER internet search tool. This versatile tool is available free for use by all schools and school patrons in Arkansas thanks to the ADE. ADE Focus Areas: CK12, INST, SFCA, EDTY ►79 Integrated technology in classroom: AverPen – integrating multiple devices 10:30 – 11:20 Room 203 Presenter – Gordon R. Sutherlin, Professor of Education, Harding University Audience: All Facilitator Integrating different forms of technology into a classroom can be a challenge. All those wires and devices to hook up and keep track of. A new technology that integrates SmartBoard/wireless tablet capabilities and student response into one easy to use pen will be discussed and demonstrated. ►80 “Target” Your SLEs and “hit” a “Bulls-eye” with your lesson plans! 10:30 – 11:20 Room 204 Presenters – Cathy Toney, Library Media Specialist, Conway School District & Judy South, Library Media Specialist, Conway School District Audience: Elementary Facilitator – Can’t seem to choose the right “arrow” to hit the “target” on your lesson plans? Come and hear two Conway media specialists explain how Conway School District organized the Arkansas Library Media Frameworks/SLEs into a pacing guide. They will share how they created their lesson plans to “target” each SLE with the pacing guide. Examples of weekly plans, books, and activities will be shared. ADE Focus Areas: INST, SFCA ►81 Arkansas Teen Book Award 10:30 – 11:20 Room 205 Presenter – David Eckert, Assistant Director, Craighead County Jonesboro Public Library Audience – Middle/Secondary Facilitator – Lori Bush & Jil’Lana Heard Are you having a hard time engaging your teens in reading? Now they can have a voice by voting on their favorite books. Introduction of the Arkansas Teen Book Award, started in 2009. Discussion of its brief history and the steering committee’s vision. Discussion of methods for promoting the award to teens and how librarians can become readers. Librarians will learn ways they can become active participants. This session will provide all of the ins and outs to this relatively new award, plus it will explain how you, as the media specialist or English teacher, can get involved as well. Please join us. ►82 Facilitating Change: Getting to Work* 10:30 – 11:20 Room 208-209 Presenter – Nancy Willard, Director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use Audience: All Facilitator Join Nancy for this highly interactive session to collaboratively plan in order to facilitate change in your school. Let’s work together to target our goal of creating Cyber Savvy Schools! ADE Focus Areas: INST, EDTY Tuesday, April 20, 2010 General Session 5 & AAIM Business Meeting 11:30 – 1:00 ►83 General Session: Cyber Savvy Schools: Embracing the Future 10:30 – 11:20 Room 207-209 Presenter – Nancy Willard, Director of the Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use Audience: All Facilitator – The challenge…are you ready to help our schools become Cyber Savvy? Are you ready to embrace the future? Hear the details of the work done in the breakout sessions Facilitating Change and learn how you can be part of the effort. This could be the beginning of a statewide initiative to change. ADE Focus Areas: INST, EDTY AAIM on Target 2010 – Hot Springs Convention Center Conference Session Presenters Anita Teel taught secondary English for ten years. Her love of books and computers led her to get a masters degree in library science and information technology. Anita has been an LMS for 7 years. Ann Miles is a Sales Executive with Follett Software Company. She specializes in custom solutions for districts and their libraries, enhancing resource management and emphasizing collaboration throughout the school. Anna Williams has taught English at the secondary level for 5 years. Anna is working toward a paperless classroom by implementing private student email accounts and digital lockers through Gaggle.net. Anna is also a certified Smart Notebook trainer. Brenda Hutcheson Fickey was born and raised in Camden, Arkansas. She is a graduate of Fairview High School in Camden, earned her BA in English and history education from East Texas Baptist College in Marshall, earned her M.Ed in language arts from the University of Alaska Anchorage, and earned two diplomas from the Institute for Children’s Literature in Connecticut. She enjoyed more than 25 years in the classroom teaching writing on all levels, finishing her teaching career after the 2007/2008 school year to write full-time. Since 2007, she has been known as The Reluctant Reader’s Friend with the success of her first Arkansas Oil Days novel Whispering Darkness. The Arkansas Oil Days Collection currently has three novels in publication with more coming soon. Brenda Sharpmack has been Technology Coordinator at Watson Chapel School District since 1995. She was The Instructional Technologist at Arkansas River Service Co-op for 5 years prior to going to Watson Chapel. She is responsible for the total technology program that includes technology staff development for all certified staff, technology plan required by the state, district-wide web page, all instructional programs, Gradequick, EDLINE, APSCN support, training, and SIS reporting to the state. Carla Killough McClafferty is the author of In Defiance of Hitler: The Secret Mission of Varian Fry, Something Out of Nothing: Marie Curie and Radium, The Head Bone’s Connected to the Neck Bone: The Weird, Wacky and Wonderful X-Ray, and Forgiving God. She is a sought after speaker at local, national, and international venues. Carol Croy has been in education for 29 years serving as a business teacher, principal, assistant principal, techprep coordinator, dean of women, with the last 13 years as technology coordinator. She has received the AAIM Technology Leader of the Year and is on the board of ARKSTE. Catherine Gourley, a nationally published, award-winning author of nonfiction books for young adults, is also the principal writer for The Story of Movies, a visual literacy outreach program for middle school children produced by The Film Foundation, Los Angeles. Gourley has presented both nationally and internationally at educational conferences and book festivals, addressing issues of visual and print literacy respective to children and young adults. Cathy Toney has been a library media specialist for 19 years (14 years in Texas and 5 in Arkansas) and was a Kindergarten and First grade teacher for 15 years. She is the media specialist at Sallie Cone Elementary School (K-4) in the Conway School District. She is a committee member of the AAIM board, chairmen elect of AASL, a member of ArLA and ALA. Celeste Ashcraft has been a library media specialist for 4 years, but has also taught English and Family and Consumer Sciences. She serves grades K-2. She has been an AAIM member for 5 years. Christie Schade graduated from the University of Central Arkansas in 1994 with a BSE in Early Childhood Education. In 1999, she completed a MSE with an emphasis in Early Childhood at Henderson State University. Later she returned to the University of Central Arkansas and earned a MS in Library Media & Information Technology in 2004. She lives in Benton with her husband Steve, and two daughters, Connie (19) a freshman at Henderson State University and Susan (14). Connie Zimmer is an Associate Professor of Secondary Education at Arkansas Tech University. She has been a school librarian for 18 years, a public librarian for 2 years, a college professor for 19 years, a firefighter for 7 years, and a church librarian for 17 years with some of these jobs concurrent. She teaches courses dealing with library technologies, information services, youth literature, and David Burrow has been in educational sales and consulting for over 20 years. He has presented at numerous state-wide conferences as well as served on many national and state advisory boards. He is currently President of the Alabama Library Expo organization and has served that organization for over 15 years. David Eckert received an MLS degree from Kent State. He has served as an academic librarian, a school librarian, a teen librarian, and now as the Assistant Director of the Craighead Co. Jonesboro Public Library. He also actively participates in several local community organizations. Erin Shaw is in her 17th year of teaching. Her first 7 years were spent teaching 8th and 9th grade science and the last 10 have been as a media specialist both at the high school level and the middle school level. She earned a B.S.E. in Biology from the U of A in 1993, her master’s degree from UCA in 1999, and achieved National Board Certification in 2006. She is married and has 3 boys. Evelyn McFadden is a national board certified library media specialist at Har-Ber High School in Springdale. She is a past president for AAIM. She is also a past recipient of the AAIM Library Media Specialist of the Year award. She has been a STAR member of the Discovery Education Network for the past four years and presently serves on Discovery Education’s Arkansas Leadership Council as Chair. She has attended Discovery Education’s Leadership Symposium as well as Discovery’s National Institute. Ferris Jackson is in her fourth year as a Library Media Specialist at Bob Courtway Middle School. She is a 1998 graduate of Conway High School. Mrs. Jackson graduated from UCA with a Bachelor of Science in Education in 2001. In 2004, she earned a Master’s degree as a Special Education Curriculum Instructional Specialist. In 2005, she also earned a Master’s degree in Library Media and Information Technology, and received Advanced Placement Certification at the University of Arkansas. Mrs. Jackson has taught Special Education and 11 th and 12th grade English/English (Inclusion). Currently she is seeking her administration certification at Harding University. Floyd Hicks is a former teacher with a Master’s Degree in education. He has been a Graduate assistant at Arkansas State University and secondary school teacher and is currently Regional Vice-President with World Book, Inc. Glenda Jenkins is a library media specialist at Caddo Hills Elementary School in Norman, Arkansas. She has served as AAIM secretary and on various AAIM committees. She has been a STAR member of the Discovery Education Network for the past four years and presently serves on Discovery Education’s Arkansas Leadership Council as Blog Chair. She has attended Discovery Education’s Leadership Symposium as well as Discovery’s National Institute. Dr. Gordon Sutherlin has been teaching technology and assessment at the College of Education, Harding University for the past 20 years, after 17 years teaching mathematics, science, and computer science in the public schools in Saskatchewan, Minnesota, and Arkansas. His advanced degree is in instructional design and technology. He is the director of a Masters of Technology degree at Harding University. Jacqueline Vergason graduated from Henderson State University in 1993 with a BS in Elementary Education with emphasis in Early Childhood. She taught kindergarten for a total of 12 years in Benton and Springdale school districts. She got a MS degree from the University of Central Arkansas in 2007 in Library Media & Information Technology. She has been a Media Specialist for almost 4 years; Two years in a K-5 elementary and almost 2 years in a 6-7 Middle School in Benton. She lives in Benton with her husband Keith, and two children, Zane (10) and Hannah (14). Dr. Janet Tareilo, after 24 years in public education as a teacher, program director, and principal, began her career in higher education at Stephen F. Austin State University four years ago. She is an Assistant Professor in the Secondary Education and Educational Leadership Department where she teaches face-to-face, as well as online courses regarding school law, action research, and instructional leadership. Currently, her university service includes being the coordinator for the Principal Preparation Program, membership on the Faculty Senate, and the Library Committee. Her research agenda includes reviewing the effectiveness of principal preparation programs, understanding social justice issues, and improving leadership abilities in newly assigned principals. Dr. Tareilo has authored a book, On the Other Side of the Desk: A 20/20 Look at the Principalship, co-authored several research projects, and presented at state and national conferences. Jeanna Cook is the library media specialist at Lamar High School and an Adjunct Professor at Arkansas Tech University in Russellville, Arkansas. She is also National Board Certified in Library Media. She was awarded the AAIM Outstanding Individual Achievement Award in 2008. In the past she has served AAIM as the legislative chair and the audit committee co-chair as well as serving on the nominating and conference committees. She is also a past chair of the Arkansas Association of School Librarians. Jennifer Dowdle is in her third year as a LMS at Elkins. She earned her Master’s in Library Media at the University of Central Arkansas in December 2008. Before moving to the media center, she was a classroom teacher for nine years. She is currently split between both the K-2 and 7-8 buildings; however, she spends a majority of her day at the K-2 building. Jessica McGrath was born and raised in Mansfield, LA, and attended college at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches, LA, where she received a Bachelor of Art Degree in Elementary Education. After college she and her husband moved to Ft. Worth, TX, to pursue master's degrees. In December of 2007 she graduated from Texas Woman's University with a Master's of Library Science. She and her husband live in Benton, AR, where he serves as youth minister at Calvary Baptist Church, and she is the Head of Adult Services at Saline County Library. Jim Roberts, Special Representative, Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc. Jud Copeland is the Associate Professor in the Department of Leadership Studies in the College of Education at University of Central Arkansas, teaching in the Graduate Library Media Program at UCA since August 2007. Courses include Cataloging and Classification I; Technical Services; Administration of Information Programs; Research Methods and Intellectual Property and Copyright. His research focus is on emerging models of library administration; copyright and intellectual property in the digital environment; and the impact of the new cataloging code on the role of library media specialists. Judy South has been a library media specialist for 10 years and was a classroom teacher for 16 years. She is the media specialist at Ellen Smith Elementary School (K-4) in the Conway School District. She is a member of AAIM and ArLA. Karen Sebourn has lived in Little Rock her whole life. She received her BSE in art from HSU, her Elementary Ed. and Reading Certification from UALR and her Masters from UCA. She taught reading for most of her twentysomething year career in Little Rock School District until she “wised up” and became a library media specialist 6 years ago. Her fondest hope is that she occasionally inspires a child to read something new and different. Karen Wells is a national board certified library media specialist at Midland High School in Pleasant Plains. She serves on the AAIM conference committee and is currently the co-chair of the AAIM Scholarship Committee. She is a past recipient of AAIM's Library Media Specialist of the Year award. She has been a STAR member of the Discovery Education Network for the past four years and presently serves on Discovery Education’s Arkansas Leadership Council as Events Chair. She has attended Discovery Education’s Leadership Symposium as well as Discovery’s National Institute. Katherine L. Powell is certified in Social Studies – Grades 7012, has fifty years teaching experiences in Arkansas and the AAIM’s Outstanding Media Program Award in 1998, and a Life Time License from the Arkansas Department of Education in 2008. Besides AAIM, her other interests are varied and include the Jefferson County Genealogy Society, Unified Christian Alliance, and Eighth Baptist Church – Youth Director. Kay Bland, education coordinator at the Butler Center, Central Arkansas Library System, prepares free online lesson plans and other free educator resources utilizing entries in the online Encyclopedia of Arkansas History and Culture, Butler Center Books, and other Butler Center resources. Bland is an adjunct faculty member in the LIBM program at UCA. Kelle Meeker has been a high school English teacher for 17 years working with students of all ability levels. She holds a masters degree in curriculum and instruction and is a National Board Certified teacher. Dr. Kerry Roberts started his educational career in the state of Washington. He received his doctorate from Washington State University in 1983 in School Administration. He has been a public school administrator over 20 years and a superintendent of schools for over 10 years. He currently is on faculty at SFASU and his area of research is leadership style and its effects on different variables. Leslie Bermel is a lifelong reader and particularly enjoys great picture books and YA novels. She's been employed at Junior Library Guild for the past 9 years where she conducts training sessions for new employees. However, the best part of her job is conducting book talks for librarians all over the country. She lives in Ohio with her son Erik and 4 dogs. Lisa Byrd has been an English teacher for the past twenty years and a yearbook adviser for the past five. Technology has always been a hobby since getting a Vic20 for Christmas as a teenager. Lisa has been married to Danny Byrd for 21 years with three children: Josh, 19; Madelyn, 16; and Sam, 13. She earned her MLA in English in 2005 and hopes to one day become a doctor-- A doctor of English. “Technology is a way to take control of learning what I want when I want to learn it and not wait for the spring catalog of summer courses. We all have something to teach each other. Technology affords us the chance to do it.” Lori Diffey moved to Little Rock five years ago and is the Media Specialist at Carver Magnet Elem. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education from ASU and her Masters from UCA. She was a classroom teacher for three years before landing her “dream job” as a Media Specialist. One of her goals is to foster a love of reading and technology into the lives of children. When she isn’t reading, you can find her at the nearest beach. Melisa Rutherford has been an educator for twenty-one years and a Library Media Specialist for the last 14 years for the Blytheville Public Schools. Melisa has presented for the Arkansas Reading Association and for AAIM. She is presently the President of the Northeast Arkansas Reading Council and Publicity Chair for the Arkansas Reading Association. She is actively involved in her community serving on the Lights of the Delta Festival Board, Northeast Arkansas Pageant Association and the Blytheville FFA Alumni. Melisa’s interests include genealogy, photography and of course, reading. Melisa is a member of the ALA, ASLA, AAIM, Arkansas Reading Association, International Reading Association, and Northeast Arkansas Reading Council. Melissa Williams is currently the Library/Media Specialist at Baldwin Elementary School in the Paragould School District. She has been a Library/MediaSpecialist for 28 years. She has served in libraries K-12 in three school districts over the years. She has been a member of AAIM since the early 1980’s . Michael Spector, PhD. President, Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), Editor, Educational Technology Research & Development (ETR&D), Professor, Learning and Performance Support Laboratory (LPSL), Doctoral Program Coordinator, Learning, Design and Technology (LDT), University of Georgia. Michelle Moore for the past six years has taught K-5 Technology in a computer lab setting. Her school’s technology curriculum aims to enhance “inquiry-based” learning through research, communication and visual expression not only within our own school, but reaching out to our community and beyond. She has presented professional development technology workshops within her school district as well as other districts in our state. She has also developed presentations for HSTI and the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC). Paul Sivils has been the librarian at Arkadelphia High School since 1989. He received his National Board certification in 2005. He loves almost anything that has to do with books. Rachel Shankles has been a member of AAIM since 1988. She writes a column for the ArLA and AAIM journals. She is presently moderator of the AAIM listserv. Sally Hawkes has been with the Arkansas State Library since 1985. She majored in Library Science at Bowling Green State University and received her accredited MLA from University of South Florida. She has worked as a school librarian, children’s librarian, reference librarian and adult services librarian in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Illinois. She is also the author of 11 novels under the names Sarah Hawkes, Sally Falcon and Sarah Eagle. Sara Dickey has been in education for 31 years and has been LMS at Paragould High School for the last 12 years. She has served on the AAIM board for several years and has held various offices. She is a National Board Certified Teacher, Star Discovery Educator, MET (Master Economics Teacher), and received the ISTE/ARKSTE “Making It Happen” award in 2008. Sandra Stewart is an Assistant Professor of educational leadership and principal certification in the Department of Secondary Education and Educational Leadership at Stephen F. Austin State University. Dr. Stewart teaches courses in curriculum and instructional leadership, special programs, action research, and community relations. She is the curriculum coordinator for the ENLACE grant; creating ELL/ESL course modules and objectives for both elementary and secondary pre-service teaching certification programs for the College of Education. Dr. Stewart’s research interests include curriculum leadership, social justice and equity in public schools with an emphasis on special programs, and educational leadership effectiveness. She has co-written two chapters in books and is in the process of co-writing two research articles. Additionally, she has presented research studies at several professional conferences. Sharon Lollies was a Media Specialist for 4 years at Brush Middle School, Brush, CO; Media Specialist for 8 years at Ocoee Middle School (State Demonstration School for Technology in Florida). She is currently Regional Sales Director for Educational Technology Solutions. Dr. Shellie Hanna is an Assistant Professor at Arkansas Tech University and received her doctorate from Oral Roberts University. She has been at Arkansas Tech University for four years. Shirley Feteroff taught English, science and reading before becoming a school library media specialist in 1978. After working in school libraries in Arkansas, Kansas, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, and North Carolina, she now serves as library media specialist for the Arkansas Department of Education’s Curriculum Section. Dr. Sid Womack is a professor at Arkansas Tech University. He started out his educational career in Texas where he received his doctorate from Texas A&M. He teaches in the secondary education department. He has been at ATU for 23 years. Dr. Sondra Gordy, Professor of History, University of Central Arkansas, teaches Arkansas History and works with undergraduate teacher educators. The Lost Year has become her most important project. She has conducted interviews with former black and white teachers and students of the period. Her dissertation, "Teachers of the Lost Year 1958-59: Little Rock School District," focused on the consequences of that disruptive period in teachers' professional and personal lives. Since 1996 she has located and interviewed former students, finding examples of every ramification to the closure of a community's public school system. She has shared this and other research at various national and state conferences and at workshops for teachers. A resident of Conway, Arkansas, Gordy is active in community service and is the past President of the UCA Faculty Senate and the UCA Chapter of the American Association of University Professors. She served two terms on the National AAUP Committee on Membership. She has been awarded the University Teaching Excellence Award at UCA and has twice been a finalist for the University Public Service Award. She is President of the Faulkner County Museum Board and is a former member of the Board of the Arkansas Historical Association. Dr. Stephanie Huffman is currently an Associate Professor at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA). She is the program coordinator for the Library Media and Information Technologies program for the College of Education. Dr. Huffman holds several degrees - a BSE in Vocational Business Education, a MS in Library Media and Information Technologies, and an Ed.D in Educational Leadership. Steve Teske, a fact checker for the Encyclopedia of Arkansas, is the co-author of one of the recently published Butler Center books, Homefront Arkansas: Arkansans Face Wartime. Teske teaches history classes at ASUBeebe, Little Rock Air Force Base campus. Susan Gilley has worked at Bergman School District for the past 12 years and currently serves as the district’s full time technology coordinator. She has 25 years of teaching experience and has been a regular presenter at a variety of conferences including AAIM, HSTI, TIE Cadre, and the OUR Cooperative. Tracy McAllister is in her 22nd year of teaching and is in her sixth year as library media specialist. She is currently teaching at Wooster Elementary School in Greenbrier, Arkansas. She received her BSE from UCA in 1988, her master’s degree from UCA in 2000 and achieved National Board Certification in 2007. She is married and has 2 daughters. Valerie Brasseale lives in Hot Springs and has been the local Arkansas based Account Manager for 5 years. She works with schools Pre-K to 12 across the state to assist with collection alignment and collection development. She celebrated her 5th wedding anniversary and is a proud parent of a giant lab and a white kitty. Dr. Wendy Rickman is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA). She is a faculty member for both the Library Media and Information Technologies program and the Instructional Technology program for the College of Education. Dr. Rickman holds several degrees – a BSE in Social Studies, a MS in Library Media and Information Technologies, and an Ed.D in Educational Leadership. Whitney Ivy is a K-12 Librarian and also teaches English III.