
Proof by Deduction
Deductions and Formal Proofs
• A deduction is a sequence of logic statements, each
of which is known or assumed to be true
• A formal proof of a conclusion C is a deduction that
ends with C
• What is known or assumed to be true comes in three
– Premises that are assumed to be true
– Any statement known to be true (e.g., 1+1 = 2)
– Sound rules of inference that introduce logic statements
that are true (assuming the statements they are based on are
also true)
Careful Again…
• A formal proof guarantees that the original
statement is a tautology
– If any premise is false, the statement is true (P  Q is
true when P is false)
– If all premises are true, we are able to guarantee that the
conclusion is true (by the proof derivation)
– Thus, the statement is always true (i.e., is a tautology)
– A proof does NOT guarantee that the conclusion is
Valid Proof vs. Valid Conclusion
Consider the following proof:
If 2 > 3, 2 > 3  3 < 2, then 3 < 2 .
1. 2 > 3
2. 2 > 3  3 < 2
3. 3 < 2
1&2, modus ponens
Yes! Sound argument
Is the proof valid?
Is the conclusion valid? No!
Hence, a valid proof does not guarantee a valid
conclusion. What a valid proof does guarantee is that
IF the premises are all true, then the conclusion is too.
Main Rules of Inference
A, B |= A  B
A  B |= B
A  B |= A
Variant of simplification
A |= A  B
B |= A  B
Variant of addition
A, AB |= B
Modus ponens
B, AB |= A
Modus tollens
AB, BC |= AC
Hypothetical syllogism
A  B, A |= B
Disjunctive syllogism
A  B, B |= A
Variant of disjunctive syllogism
AB, AB |= B
AB |= AB
Equivalence elimination
AB |= BA
Variant of equivalence elimination
AB, BA |= AB
Equivalence introduction
A, A |= B
Inconsistency law
Reduction of Rules of Inference
Easy to show validity of rules with truth tables
• Using laws, we can also reduce the number of
rules of inference
– Too many to remember
– Too many to program! (Project)
• Example: modus tollens
B  A contrapositive
modus ponens
It turns out that modus ponens plus some simple laws are usually
enough, and it can get even simpler…
1. Exhaustive Truth Proof
Show true for all cases
– e.g.
Prove x2 + 5 < 20 for integers 0  x  3
02 + 5 = 5
12 + 5 = 6
22 + 5 = 9
32 + 5 = 14
< 20
< 20
< 20
< 20
– Thus, all cases are exhausted and true
– Same as using truth tables  when all
combinations yield a tautology
2. Equivalence to Truth
Transform logical expression to T
Prove: R  S  (R  S)
R  S  (R  S)
 R  S  R  S
 (R  S)  (R  S)
de Morgan’s law
double negation
implication (PQ  PQ)
law of excl. middle (P  P)  T
Use laws only!
2. Equivalence to Truth (cont’d)
2b. Transform lhs to rhs or vice versa
Prove: P  Q  P  Q  Q
P  Q  P  Q
 (P  P)  Q
distributive law (factoring)
law of excluded middle
Use laws only!
3. If and only if Proof
• Also called necessary and sufficient
• Since P  Q  (P  Q)  (Q  P), we can
create two standard deductive proofs:
• Transforms proof to a standard deductive
proof  actually two of them
3. If and only if Proof: Example
Prove: 2x – 4 > 0 iff x > 2.
Thus, we can do two proofs:
(1) If 2x – 4 > 0 then x > 2.
(2) If x > 2 then 2x – 4 > 0.
(1) 1. 2x – 4 > 0 premise
2. 2x > 4
1, algebraic equiv.
3. x > 2
2, algebraic equiv.
(2) Similarly, suppose x > 2. Then 2x > 4 and thus 2x – 4 > 0.
Note that we could have also converted the lhs to the rhs
Proof: 2x – 4 > 0  2x > 4  x > 2
4. Contrapositive Proof
• Since P  Q  Q  P (by the law of
contrapositive), we can prove either side of
the equivalence, whichever is EASIER
• E.g., prove: if s is not a multiple of 3, then s
is not a solution of x2 + 3x – 18 = 0
– Infinitely many non-multiples of 3 and nonsolutions to the quadratic equation – HARD!
– Let:
• P = s is a multiple of 3
• Q = s is a solution of x2 + 3x – 18 = 0
– Instead of P  Q, we can prove Q  P
4. Contrapositive Proof (cont’d)
Prove: if s is a solution of x2 + 3x – 18 = 0,
then s is a multiple of 3
Proof: The solutions of x2 + 3x – 18 = 0 are 3
and – 6. Both 3 and – 6 are multiples of 3.
Thus, every solution s is a multiple of 3.
Note: Using a contrapositive proof helps get rid of the not’s
and makes the problem easier to understand  indeed, the
contrapositive turns this into a simple proof we can do
5. Proof by Contradiction
• Note:
P 
P  F
• Thus, P  P  F
• Substituting R  S for P, we have
• RS
(R  S)  F
• And finally
(R  S)  F  (R  S)  F
 R  S  F
 R  S  F
de Morgan’s
double negation
5. Proof by Contradiction (cont’d)
• Thus, we have
– RS
 R  S  F
• Hence, to prove R  S, we can
– Negate the conclusion
– Add it as a premise (to R)
– Derive a contradiction (i.e. derive F)
• Any contradiction (e.g., P  P) is equivalent to F, so
deriving any contradiction is enough
Note: in our project we will implement the semantics of our language by
programming the computer to do a proof by contradiction
5. Proof by Contradiction: Example
• Prove: the empty set is unique
Since P  (P  F), we can prove P  F instead
i.e. We can prove: if the empty set is not unique, then there is a
contradiction, or, in other words, assuming the empty set is not
unique leads (deductively) to a contradiction.
• Proof:
– Assume the empty set is not unique
– Then, there are at least two empty sets 1 and 2 such that
1  2
– Since an empty set is a set and an empty set is a subset of
every set, 1  2 and 2  1 and thus 1 = 2
– But now we have 1  2 and 1 = 2  a contradiction!
– Hence, the empty set is unique