DIRECT CERTIFICATION OF STUDENTS ELIGIBLE FOR FREE OR REDUCED MEALS PROJECT P R OJ EC T CHA R TER FOR C ER T IFIC A TION EXECUTIVE SPONSOR – SECRETARY DESIGNATE HANNA SKANDERA BUSINESS OWNER – MICHAEL ARCHIBEQUE, CIO PROJECT MANAGER – LISA HAMILTON ORIGINAL PLAN DATE: 2012 REVISION DATE: 2012 REVISION: INITIAL RELEASE Table of Contents 1. PROJECT BACKGROUND ................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -RATIONALE FOR THE PROJECT ........................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1.2 SUMMARY OF THE FOUNDATION PLANNING AND DOCUMENTATION FOR THE PROJECT .............. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1.3 PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................................3 2.0 JUSTIFICATION, OBJECTIVES AND IMPACTS...................................................................................................... 5 2.1 AGENCY JUSTIFICATION .............................................................................................................................................5 2.2 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES ...............................................................................................................................................5 2.3 TECHNICAL OBJECTIVES .............................................................................................................................................6 2.4 IMPACT ON ORGANIZATION........................................................................................................................................7 2.5 TRANSITION TO OPERATIONS ......................................................................................................................................7 3.0 PROJECT/PRODUCT SCOPE OF WORK .............................................................................................................. 8 3.1 DELIVERABLES .........................................................................................................................................................8 3.1.1 Project Deliverables .....................................................................................................................................8 3.1.2 Product Deliverables .................................................................................................................................10 3.2 SUCCESS AND QUALITY METRICS ..........................................................................................................................11 4.0 SCHEDULE ESTIMATE ..................................................................................................................................... 11 5.0 BUDGET ESTIMATE ......................................................................................................................................... 11 5.1 FUNDING SOURCE(S) ..............................................................................................................................................11 5.2. BUDGET BY MAJOR DELIVERABLE OR TYPE OF EXPENSE - ..............................................................................................12 5.3 BUDGET BY PROJECT PHASE OR CERTIFICATION PHASE ..................................................................................................12 6.0 PROJECT AUTHORITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ............................................................................ 12 6.1 STAKEHOLDERS .................................................................................................................................................12 6.2 PROJECT GOVERNANCE PLAN .............................................................................................................................1 6.3 PROJECT MANAGER.............................................................................................................................................2 6.3.1 PROJECT MANAGER CONTACT INFORMATION ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. 6.3.2 PROJECT MANAGER BACKGROUND ...........................................................................................................2 6.4 PROJECT TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................................................2 6.5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY .....................................................................................................................2 7.0 CONSTRAINTS .................................................................................................................................................. 3 8.0 DEPENDENCIES................................................................................................................................................. 3 9.0 ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 10.0 SIGNIFICANT RISKS AND MITIGATION STRATEGY ....................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 11.0 COMMUNICATION PLAN FOR EXECUTIVE REPORTING ............................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 12.0 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION - IV&V ................................................................................. 5 13.0 PROJECT CHARTER AGENCY APPROVAL SIGNATURES..................................................................................... 6 14.0 PROJECT CHARTER CERTIFICATION APPROVAL SIGNATURE ........................................................................... 6 i Revision History REVISION NUMBER DATE COMMENT 1.0 August 14, 2007 Original DoIT PMO Document 2.0 August 8, 2012 Initial Draft ii 1. PROJECT BACKGROUND 1.1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - RATIONALE FOR THE PROJECT The Student Nutrition Bureau (SNB) of the New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) seeks to: 1) develop an centralized electronic environment that will support the certification of students that are directly eligible for free or reduced meals based on status that is determined by data collected from the New Mexico Human Resources Department and the Children Youth and Families Division (CYFD); 2) share this data daily with the state and Local Education Agencies (LEA), private schools and Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) schools so that we can; 3) ensure that more of New Mexico’s neediest students are served meals at no cost; 4) integrate the Direct Certification Process with existing systems to achieve a single Student Nutrition Portal. 1.2 SUMMARY OF THE FOUNDATION PLANNING AND DOCUMENTATION FOR THE PROJECT Currently there are several layers of activities performed to support the Direct Certification (DC) System that occur at both the state and Local Education Agency (LEA), private and Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) school level that are decentralized, largely manual and therefore error prone. New Mexico Human Services Department (NMHSD) compiles individualized lists of children newly enrolled in Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for each school entity. Similarly, the Children, Youth and Families Division (CYFD), provides a list of foster students. These lists are sent to a New Mexico Public Education Department (NMPED) server, and schools download the lists to conduct their own matching process and to enter into their School Meal Point of Sale Systems (POS). The result of has been the misidentification of a student as eligible or ineligible at the POS. This places a burden on children and families to provide supporting documentation. The Student Nutrition Bureau seeks to develop a system that will centralize this data, provide central probability matching and provide timely, accurate data to the state, Local Education Agencies (LEA), and private or Bureau of Indian Education (BIE) schools. Furthermore, we recognize the need for interoperability with the NMPED data warehouse Student Teacher Accountability and Reporting System (STARS) and existing Student Nutrition modules; Student Nutrition Claims Web Application (SNC) - The SNC application is a self- contained system, which provides LEA and private or BIE schools the basic functionality to track and manage annual United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) agreements and monthly food service claims. This includes required reporting and other document management tools. Decision Support Toolkit (DST) - The DST is a web based application that provides interface and reporting tools to accomplish the following: • Access to direct, meaningful business information about a school’s nutrition program to aid in making data based decisions. • Measure and manage a school’s nutrition program against industry benchmarks. • Address under-performing areas of a school’s program and build upon the progress made in those that are performing well. This will result in a robust Student Nutrition Portal, as well as a rich data set that can support NMPED and other state stakeholders. 3 1.3 PROJECT CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Does the project fit into the criteria for certification? Which and how? CRITERIA YES/NO EXPLANATION Project is mission critical to the agency Yes The NMPED seeks to improve the academic success rate of all students in New Mexico. Without proper nutrition students fail to thrive and reach their fullest potential. The Direct Certification Program targets New Mexico’s most at-risk population. Project cost is equal to or in excess of $100,000.00 Yes $864,000 awarded by the USDA. Project impacts customer on-line access Yes The Direct Certification Program will interface with multiple data sets and web based systems to provide districts and schools (Private and BIE) portal-like access to information related to the eligibility of students for Free or Reduced Meals as well s other aspects key to the implementation of a USDA compliant local student nutrition program. Project is one deemed appropriate by the Secretary of the DoIT Yes The Direct Certification Project is critical to the improvement of New Mexico’s Student Nutrition Program as deemed by the award of the Direct Certification Project Grant by the USDA. The Direct Certification Project is scheduled for initiation at DoIT. 4 Will an IT Architecture Review be required? Yes Will comply with NM DoIT standards. 2.0 JUSTIFICATION, OBJECTIVES AND IMPACTS 2.1 AGENCY JUSTIFICATION IDENTIFY AGENCY MISSION, PERFORMANCE MEASURE OR STRATEGIC GOALS TO BE ADDRESSED THROUGH THIS PROJECT NUMBER NMPED DESCRIPTION The following are excerpts from our agency’s strategic plan: Vision Bold, visionary reform that puts students first in every decision will increase student achievement and prepare our kids for success in colleges and careers. We call on every educator, student, parent, community member and public servant to share in the responsibility for the success of our children and, ultimately, the future of the great state of New Mexico. When we put our kids first, New Mexico will win. Mission A focus on students means an emphasis on five strategic imperatives: • Expect a smarter return on New Mexico’s investment • Require real accountability for real results • Ensure our students are ready for success • Reward effective educators and leaders • Provide effective options for parents The direct certification process supports our vision and specifically, the mission to “ensure our students are ready for success”. 2.2 BUSINESS OBJECTIVES USE THE FOLLOWING TABLE TO LIST MEASURABLE BUSINESS OBJECTIVES NUMBER DESCRIPTION BUSINESS OBJECTIVE 1 Increase the match accuracy for the Direct Certification of free and reduced meal eligible students. RATIONALE Since 2009 until 2011 the average accuracy rate has been 63%. The USDA requires at a minimum, an 80% rate to ensure our state’s eligibility for basic and supplemental USDA funding. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The USDA required Benchmarks for this project are: 80% for 2011-2012 90% for 2012-2013 95% for 2013-2014 5 NUMBER DESCRIPTION BUSINESS OBJECTIVE 2 Increase participation of LEAs, private and BIE schools in the use of Direct Certification Data. RATIONALE The current decentralized system does not readily enable a measurement of at the local level. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The user logs of the Direct Certification System will record BUSINESS OBJECTIVE 3 Present Student Nutrition Information in a comprehensive and centralized way to stakeholders. RATIONALE The data for the direct certification students as well as other data sets exists in a variety of formats depending on the decisions of the local program. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The Direct Certification System is a central database that will receive and exchange data from HSD, CYFD, NMPED STARS database and local student nutrition programs. We can query data and generate verification, exception and other types of reports to validate the data. BUSINESS OBJECTIVE 4 Provide a portal that will assist in student nutrition program planning, implementation, and evaluation at the state and local level. RATIONALE The Student Nutrition Program offers two separate modules. The Direct Certification would be the third. We seek to maximize all modules by having a single portal. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA All modules will meet interoperability requirements. participation. 2.3 TECHNICAL OBJECTIVES NUMBER DESCRIPTION TECHNICAL OBJECTIVE 1 To provide an interface to a two-tier matching system. This interface will afford the user a means to retrieve both automated (first tier) and probabilistic matching students. BUSINESS OBJECTIVE 1 Increase the match accuracy for the Direct Certification of free and reduced meal eligible students. TECHNICAL OBJECTIVE 2 The matching application will be made available to all LEAs, as well as training and focus groups, which will contribute to the success and acceptance of the application. BUSINESS OBJECTIVE 2 Increase participation of LEAs, private and BIE schools in the use of Direct Certification Data. TECHNICAL OBJECTIVE 3 Identify all stakeholders and organize change management, steering, and user-training committees as required. BUSINESS Present Student Nutrition Information in a comprehensive and centralized 6 NUMBER DESCRIPTION OBJECTIVE 3 way to stakeholders. TECHNICAL OBJECTIVE 4 To integrate the three main Student Nutrition Bureau applications – Decision Support Toolkit, Student Nutrition Claims, and the new Direct Certification software – via the STARS data warehouse. The District and Location Codes created in STARS will be mapped to the location information of the three applications. The goal is to create a seamless experience for the end users and provide a standard means of integration. BUSINESS OBJECTIVE 4 Provide a portal that will assist in student nutrition program planning, implementation, and evaluation at the state and local level. 2.4 IMPACT ON ORGANIZATION The impacts on the organization are areas that need to be addressed by the project through its planning process. They may not be internal project risks, but they can impact the success of the project’s implementation. AREA DESCRIPTION END USER A centralized Student Nutrition Portal with accurate and easily accessible Direct Certification Data will enable End Users to support program implementation and fidelity. BUSINESS PROCESSES This Project will improve NMPED’s, LEA’s and schools’ (BIE and private non-profit) business processes and data quality. IT OPERATIONS AND STAFFING Additional staff, hardware, training, and support will allow NMPED to continue to improve the quality of local student nutrition programs. OTHER 2.5 TRANSITION TO OPERATIONS The transition to operations areas include items that are asked in the certification form to assure that the project has accounted or will account for these matters in its planning and requirements specifications. AREA DESCRIPTION PRELIMINARY OPERATIONS LOCATION AND STAFFING PLANS The operation will be hosted by the NMPED (Federal Server Farm) at DoIT. Staff includes existing IT and SNB staff, as well as two IT contract employees. DATA SECURITY, BUSINESS CONTINUITY The data that is received or sent goes through a secure web server and is authenticated by active directory. Firewall is provided through our web proxy server. All backup and disaster recovery is conducted through Tivoli Recovery software and is stored on tape offsite. 7 AREA DESCRIPTION MAINTENANCE STRATEGY The project will be supported by existing IT and SNB staff as well as two new IT contract employees. Periodic revisions and maintenance of the system will be performed by IT as well as help desk support and documentation. INTEROPERABILITY The proposed Direct Certification Project will need to interface with two external data sources (Batches from HSD and CYFD) STARS, Claims System, and the Decision Support Toolkit (DST). RECORD RETENTION We conduct a nightly backup and every 14 days perform an archive to an external drive. CONSOLIDATION STRATEGY In support of the state’s direction to consolidate internally, PED employees will be responsible for the ongoing enhancement and maintenance of the Direct Certification Project. 3.0 PROJECT/PRODUCT SCOPE OF WORK 3.1 DELIVERABLES 3.1.1 PROJECT DELIVERABLES This initial list of project deliverables are those called for by the IT Certification Process and Project Oversight memorandum, but does not exhaust the project deliverable documents Project Charter The Project Charter for Certification sets the overall scope for the project, the governance structure, and when signed is considered permission to proceed with the project. The Project Charter for Certification is used to provide the Project Certification Committee with adequate knowledge of the project and its planning to certify the initiation phase of the project Certification Form The Request for Certification and Release of Funds form is submitted when a project goes for any of the certification phases. It deals with the financial aspects of the project, as well as other topics that indicate the level of planning that has gone into the project. Many of the questions have been incorporated into the preparation of the project charter 8 Project Management Plan IV&V Contract & Reports IT Service Contracts Risk Assessment and management “Project management plan” is a formal document approved by the executive sponsor and the Department and developed in the plan phase used to manage project execution, control, and project close. The primary uses of the project plan are to document planning assumptions and decisions, facilitate communication among stakeholders, and documents approved scope, cost and schedule baselines. A project plan includes at least other plans for issue escalation, change control, communications, deliverable review and acceptance, staff acquisition, and risk management. “Independent verification and validation (IV&V)” means the process of evaluating a project to determine compliance with specified requirements and the process of determining whether the products of a given development phase fulfill the requirements established during the previous stage, both of which are performed by an organization independent of the lead agency. Independent verification and validation assessment reporting. The Department requires all projects subject to oversight to engage an independent verification and validation contractor unless waived by the Department. The Department of Information Technology and the State Purchasing Division of General Services have established a template for all IT related contracts. The DoIT Initial PROJECT RISK ASSESSMENT template which is meant to fulfill the following requirement: “Prepare a written risk assessment report at the inception of a project and at end of each product development lifecycle phase or more frequently for large high-risk projects. Each risk assessment shall be included as a project activity in project schedule.” Project Oversight Process memorandum Project Schedule A tool used to indicate the planned dates, dependencies, and assigned resources for performing activities and for meeting milestones. The de facto standard is Microsoft Project Monthly Project Status Reports to DoIT Project status reports. For all projects that require Department oversight, the lead agency project manager shall submit an agency approved project status report on a monthly basis to the Department. Project Closeout Report This is the Template used to request that the project be officially closed. Note that project closure is the last phase of the certification process 9 3.1.2 PRODUCT DELIVERABLES Requirements Documents Software requirements will be identified based on input from the identified stakeholders and technical reviews. The low-level requirements document will be provided to all interested parties. Design Documents As the design will conducted utilizing an AGILE methodology, design documentation will be provided in iterations. Systems Specifications and Architecture These documents will be developed in iterations, as the design may change the system requirements and/or architecture of the system. SNB FTE position. Description developed and the position will be posted for hire. Interviews will be conducted, selection and hire. Contracts for IT Project Manager and IT Programming/Database Support Define scope of work. Contractor chosen via NMDOIT agreements. Contracts written and secured. MOU NMHSD and NMPED Areas to update in current MOU identified. All data points to be shared included in MOU. Scope of timeline and responsibilities of both parties agreed upon Signed MOU in place. State Code Modification Identify areas in existing assessment state matching code that will be viable for the DC matching. Develop new code and customized module for testing. DC Manual Manual will be drafted and utilized for training of internal staff, as well as LEA users of all participating sites. Manual will be revised as needed. Mapping of Systems Identify new reports to be generated for DC. New reports are generated and utilized by LEAs, private and BIE. DC Matching System Personnel secured. State Code modification occurred and mapping finalized. Agreements in place. System quality tested internally and off-site. Training and Technical Assistance Internal staff trained in the new system. LEA sites trained in the new system. Ongoing technical assistance. Error pone LEAs, private and BIE schools identified and provided additional assistance. 10 3.2 SUCCESS AND QUALITY METRICS NUMBER DESCRIPTION QUALITY METRIC 1 PERFORMANCE TO SCHEDULE QUALITY METRIC 2 PERFORMANCE TO BUDGET QUALITY METRIC 3 QUALITY OF DELIVERABLES 4.0 SCHEDULE ESTIMATE Task Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Project Cert Define Requirements Contract Approval (if needed) Hire Staff Build (modify after test) Test Train Rollout 5.0 BUDGET ESTIMATE 5.1 FUNDING SOURCE(S) SOURCE AMOUNT US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE DIRECT CERTIFICATION GRANT $864,000 US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FLOWTHROUGH FUNDS TO THE STUDENT NUTRITION BUREAU TBD ASSOCIATED RESTRICTIONS 11 May Jun Jul 5.2. BUDGET BY MAJOR DELIVERABLE OR TYPE OF EXPENSE ITEM COST ESTIMATE Total Cost of Project $790,306 Personnel Equipment Total $74,000 Training Total TBD Travel (instate only) TBD 5.3 BUDGET BY PROJECT PHASE OR CERTIFICATION PHASE NA PROPOSED CERTIFICATION SCHEDULE FOR CURRENT FISCAL YEAR (AGENCY TO COMPLETE FOR ALL PHASES) Phases Amount Requested Major Deliverable(s) Due Dates Initiation: 30,000 IV & V 10/20/12 Planning: TBD Project Management Plan 10/20/12 Implementation: TBD Project Phase(s): Closeout: Project Phase(s): TBD TBD TBD 6.0 PROJECT AUTHORITY AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE 6.1 STAKEHOLDERS Name Stake in Project Organization Hanna Skandera Sponsor NMPED Secretary-Designate Michael Archibeque Project Director NMPED IT Chief Information Officer NMPED Regina Madrid Program Manager NMPED Title Student Nutrition Program Manager 12 Lisa Hamilton Project Manager NMPED IT Data Quality and Analysis Manager TBD DC Coordinator NMPED SNB Kevin Adkins DBA 2 for current Student NMPED Nutrition web-based modules. SNB DBA 2 TBD DBA Contractor (TBD) Programming/Database Support (Contractual Services) Jenny Ramos Content Area Expert Appleseed Rachel Moskowitz Content Area Expert NMHSD TBD Content Area Expert NMCYFD TBD (Retta Prophet retired) Chip Goodman Vendor Support InTeam Manager TBD Conducts pilot testing and provide input into errors LEAs, Private And BIE Schools Pilot site SN Directors DC Coordinator 13 PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 1 6.2 PROJECT GOVERNANCE PLAN Project Sponsor NMPED Secretary Designate Hanna Skandera Project Director Michael Archibeque, CIO Steering Committee Content Area Experts/Advisors Regina Madrid PAGE 1 Procect Manager Interim Lisa Hamilton Contractors IV & V TBD Quality Assurance Project Team End Users PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 2 6.3 PROJECT MANAGER NAME ORGANIZATION PHONE EMAIL LISA HAMILTON NMPED IT DIVISION 827-7937 670-6745 LISA.HAMILTON@STATE.NM.US 6.3.2 PROJECT MANAGER BACKGROUND Lisa Hamilton is the current Data Quality and Analysis Manager for the NMPED – IT Division. She has 23 years experience in education and educational technology. She has managed projects for NMPED since 2007. She will be the Project Manager for initiation, planning, certification, implementation and roll-out phases for this project. She will work closely with the Program Manager Melinda Webster, who has managed and completed the RFP for this project. 6.4 PROJECT TEAM ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ROLE Project Sponsor RESPONSIBILITY Provide strategic direction and policy approvals where required. The Project Sponsor will champion the project within the organization and ensure the overall success of the project. Project Director Provide high level project oversight, vision, and direction. Determine and commit appropriate resources. Resolve issues and problems. Provides strategic direction to Program Manager. Provides oversight for the Project Manager, the IT contract, and other IT support provided to the Direct Certification Project. Program Manager Provides oversight for the Direct Certification; ensures all program timelines are adhered to. Works with the IT program manager and the DC Coordinator concerning the SOW and project deliverables. Provides oversight of all reporting; provides project management certification, planning, scheduling, assessment, and reporting documentation in collaboration with the NMPED Chief Information Officer (CIO), the Program Manager, the DC Coordinator and the IT support team. IT Project Manager 6.5 PROJECT MANAGEMENT METHODOLOGY The Department of Information Technology certification process is built around a series of certification gates: Initiation, Planning, Implementation and Closeout. Each of these phases/gates has a set of expected documents associated with it. The gates and the associated documents make up the certification methodology. PAGE 2 PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 3 For some projects such a framework might be sufficient, where for some projects the solution development life cycle (SDLC) with plan, define, design, build, close might be more appropriate. Put most simply how is the project to be structured into a methodology or framework and where do the project and product deliverables fit into this roadmap? 7.0 CONSTRAINTS NUMBER DESCRIPTION K-3 Formative Assessment C01 Timeframe to accomplish the requisite steps needed to actualize this project is narrow. K-3 Formative Assessment – C02 Decisions not made in timely manner. K-3 Formative Assessment – C03 District and school participation and fidelity of use. 8.0 DEPENDENCIES Types include the following and should be associated with each dependency listed. Mandatory dependencies are dependencies that are inherent to the work being done. D- Discretionary dependencies are dependencies defined by the project management team. This may also encompass particular approaches because a specific sequence of activities is preferred, but not mandatory in the project life cycle. E-External dependencies are dependencies that involve a relationship between project activities and nonproject activities such as purchasing/procurement NUMBER DESCRIPTION TYPE M,D,E 1 MOU FOR DATA EXCHANGE BETWEEN HSD AND PED M 2 MOU FOR DATA EXCHANGE BETWEEN CYFD AND PED M PAGE 3 PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 4 NUMBER DESCRIPTION TYPE M,D,E D3 HIRE STAFF M D4 PCC REVIEWS. M D5 FUNDING REQUESTS. M D6 IV&V REVIEWS. M D7 DC Implementation team established and functioning. Project timelines are being met and roles/responsibilities are well defined. M D8 Customized module will be developed and in place for testing. M D9 Documentation of issues, actions taken to correct any issues and enhancements made. M D10 List of identified LEAs, private and BIE Schools to participate in field testing. E 9.0 ASSUMPTIONS NUMBER DESCRIPTION A1 Stakeholder participation and buy-in. A2 Project leadership will have adequate time for project planning activities. A3 Stakeholders will make decisions in a timely manner to support the project schedule. A4 Individuals with different requirements and perspectives will work together to ensure project targets and outcomes are achieved. A5 Project Team members will be assigned and allowed to spend the proper amount of their time to complete their assigned tasks within a reasonable timeframe. A6 The communication plan and timeline will be followed. PAGE 4 PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] 5 10.0 SIGNIFICANT RISKS AND MITIGATION STRATEGY Risk 1 Description – MOUs required do not receive approval within timeframe required. Probability: low Impact: High Mitigation Strategy: Minimize impact by utilizing existing data for the project build Contingency Plan: Look to amend existing data sharing MOUs Risk 2 Description – Staff not hired when needed Probability: low Impact: HIGH Mitigation Strategy: Continue to rely on existing resources. Contingency Plan: Contract Services 11.0 COMMUNICATION PLAN FOR EXECUTIVE REPORTING The need for close coordination and communication with the project team, executive sponsors, vendor team and stakeholders is a vital part of this project. Communication plays an essential role in organizational change success and in ensuring the effective management of project resources. Without documentation, communication cannot support project or change management. Therefore our plan will be formal, documented timely, clear and ongoing. 12.0 INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION - IV&V Project/Product Area Include –Yes/No Project Management Yes Quality Management Yes Training Yes Requirements Management Yes Operating Environment Yes Development Environment Yes Software Development Yes System and Acceptance Testing Yes Data Management Yes Operations Oversight Yes PAGE 5 PROJECT CHARTER [PROJECT NAME] Business Process Impact 6 Yes 13.0 PROJECT CHARTER AGENCY APPROVAL SIGNATURES SIGNATURE DATE EXECUTIVE SPONSOR BUSINESS OWNER PROJECT MANAGER 14.0 PROJECT CHARTER CERTIFICATION APPROVAL SIGNATURE SIGNATURE DOIT / PCC APPROVAL PAGE 6 DATE