Year 9 Information Technology Semester One 2011 Name : ________________ Theory Topic: Software Contents SOFTWARE 3 INTERFACE DESIGN CHARACTER-BASED USER INTERFACE OR COMMAND LINE INTERFACE GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE EXERCISE 1 3 3 3 4 SYSTEM SOFTWARE 7 OPERATING SYSTEM SCHEDULING HARDWARE OPERATIONS: MEMORY MANAGEMENT: CONTROLLING PERIPHERAL DEVICES: FILE MANAGEMENT: SYSTEM SETTINGS: SECURITY SINGLE TASK/MULTI-TASK SINGLE USER/MULTI-USER UTILITY SOFTWARE EXERCISE 2 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 11 11 APPLICATION SOFTWARE 14 SOFTWARE PACKAGES FREEWARE SHAREWARE OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE CUSTOM SOFTWARE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS EXERCISE 3 14 14 14 15 15 15 17 REFERENCES 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software Software Software is the detailed instructions used to direct the hardware to perform a particular task. It controls the processing and movement of data within a computer system. A computer needs software to tell it what to do and it needs hardware to carry out the actual work. There are two main types of software known as system software and application software. Interface design The user interface is the way the user interacts with the software. The function of the user interface is to provide a means of communication between the user and the computer. There are two common types of user interfaces: the character-based or command line user interface (CLI) and the graphical user interface (GUI). Character-based user interface or Command Line Interface The character-based user interface or command line interface requires the user to give instructions using only characters. The user types the characters using a keyboard. The first widely used operating system was the OS/360 system and it used a character-based interface. The OS/360 system was developed in 1964 for all computers in IBM’s System/360 family. MS-DOS (Microsoft disk operating system) uses a characterbased interface. It was very popular and became the industry standard for IBMcompatible computers in the 1980s Character-based interfaces are still being used. UNIX (pronounced ‘you-nicks’) is a multi-user operating system that was developed by AT&T Bell Laboratories. The character-based UNIX interface is similar to MS-DOS although the commands are different. It is still widely used on Internet servers. Graphical user interface The graphical user interface (GUI, pronounced ‘gooey’) allows the user to give instructions using a mouse, and clicking on icons and menus. A GUI provides an easy-to-use and consistent interface for a range of applications. Microsoft Windows (or Windows) is the most popular GUI. Some of the main features of a GUI are: Window—everything done on the computer appears within a rectangular frame called a window. The user can open several windows at the same time and work on different programs. Each window can be closed, resized, moved, minimised or maximised. Icon—a small picture that represents a program, file, folder or shortcut. Text describing the icon appears when the user points at the icon. Double-clicking the icon will open the file. Menu—an onscreen list of available commands and tools. To open a menu, click on the menu name. A pull-down menu will be displayed. A command is then chosen by clicking on its name. Page 3 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software Pointing Device to interact with the GUI. So GUI’s are also known as WIMP environments – Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointing device Another variation of WIMP is Windows, Icons, Mouse, Pull-down menus. GUI was first used by the Xerox Corporation in the 1970s. However, it was not until the Apple Macintosh in 1984 that the GUI became popular. Microsoft followed a few years later with the Windows OSBoth Mac OS and Windows have added new features to their GUI to make them easier to use. Even though there are differences many users can easily switch between operating systems. GUIs offer several clear advantages over character-based user interfaces. Applications developed for a GUI have the same consistent appearance as the operating system. Skills learnt in one application can be used in another. For example Cut, Copy and paste work similarly in all programs and are always found under the Edit menu. These features make it easier for people to understand and learn how to use a GUI compared to a CLI. A GUIs are also more forgiving. Most dialog boxes have a ‘Cancel’ button and the ‘Undo’ command allows users to reverse the last action. However, there are disadvantages with GUIs. They require faster processors, more memory, more disk space, higher quality screens and the software is more complex to write. Features of a GUI Application software written for a GUI must follow a strict set of guidelines that control how the application looks and how standard operations are performed. Exercise 1 1. Complete the following a. What do GUI and CLi stand for. b. Explain the difference between a GUI and a CLI. c. What is it about a CLI that makes it harder to use than a GUI. 2. Describe the following GUI elements a. Dialogue box b. Window c. Pull down menu Page 4 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software 3. In relation to a Window what do the following mean a. Title Bar b. Minimise c. Maximise d. Close 4. What is a keyboard shortcut. 5. Complete the following table of keyboard shortcuts Page 5 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software Operation Mac OS X Windows Cut Copy Paste Close window. Print Open Save Undo Redo Page 6 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software System software System software manages all the operations needed to run the computer. It affects the way the user interacts with a computer. System software carries out a range of functions, such as starting up the computer loading the application software storing files communicating with peripheral devices System software includes the operating system and utility software. Operating system The operating system (OS) is the software that supervises and controls the hardware. It is usually installed on an internal hard disk of the computer. Turning on a computer starts the boot process. A ROM chip that contains the startup instructions (on older Intel computers this was called BIOS (basic input output system), now called EFI – Extensible Firmware Interface) executes a power-on self test (POST) to make sure system hardware (system devices such as the video display card, keyboard and mouse, hard disk) is connected and operating correctly. After the POST is completed successfully, the BIOS/EFI loads the operating system. The primary function of the startup program in ROM (BIOS/EFI) is to load and start an operating system. The operating system runs continuously whenever the computer is on. Most of the time the operating system works in the background. When you use an application it interacts with the operating system. For example, to print a document you select the print command of the application and a request is passed to the operating system, which performs the task. The most common operating systems are Windows, Macintosh, and different flavours of the Linux/UNIX operating system. The operating system performs a variety of tasks: Scheduling hardware operations: The CPU or processor is required to perform many different tasks. Older processors had only one core – the part that does the actual processing of instructions – and could only do one task at a time. However, because the processor is so fast it gave the appearance of performing many tasks at once. Modern processors have multiple cores and so can do more than one task at a time. Think of the processor as the brain and each core as an arm that can perform a task. The operating system determines when the CPU will perform each task. A common way of allocating CPU time is called time slicing. A time slice is a fixed amount of CPU time. With this technique, each task in turn receives a time slice. The operating system can also direct the CPU to switch between different tasks to take advantage of idle time on one task. Memory management: The operating system controls how the CPU relates to memory. It must ensure data is efficiently accessed and not overwritten. This involves dividing the available memory between different tasks and swapping data between memory and secondary storage. Virtual memory is a technique used by the operating system to increase the amount of memory. It uses spare hard disk Page 7 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software space to supplement available RAM. Virtual memory is slower than RAM. Page 8 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software Controlling peripheral devices: The operating system provides the communication with all input, output and storage devices. It uses specific software for each type of peripheral device. This specific software is referred to as a device driver or driver for short. For example, a mouse driver is the software that tells the computer how to receive data from a mouse. Printers are relatively slow devices compared to other peripheral devices. To increase printer efficiency the operating system uses a technique called spooling. Spooling transfers the print job to a spool queue, where it waits until the printer is free and it can be printed.. File management: The operating system organises and keeps track of files. A file is a collection of data that is recognised by a file name. It can be work you create on the computer, a data file or an application. File names consist of unique names followed by a period (.) and file name extension. The file name extension indicates the type of information stored in the file. Files are stored and organised into folders (also called directories in some OS’s). A folder can hold both files and additional folders. The contents of a folder are displayed in a window. The window shows the properties of the files and folders of each file, such as the file name, size, type, or date modified. Operations that can be performed are create new files/folders, delete files/folders, open files/folders, close files/folders, rename files/folders and copy/move files/folders. System settings: The operating system allows the user to customize the many settings to the user’s preference. For example, the System Preferences(Mac)/Control Panel (Windows) allows you to change a computer’s theme, desktop background, screen saver, screen resolution, time and netwok settings. Security Users can have individual usernames and passwords. The OS also tries to protect users from themselves requiring passwords for some operations such as deleting files and by requiring administrator level passwords to perform operations such as installing/deleting software, adding/deleting user accounts. There are various classifications of operating systems. Single task/Multi-task Single-tasking allows only one task to be performed at one time. Palm OS ,used on a Palm handheld computer, is a single-task operating system. Personal computers in the 70’s and 80’s were single task. Multitasking allows several applications to work at the same time. Windows and Mac OS are multitasking operating systems. Single user/Multi-user In addition to single and multitasking, operating systems are classified as single-user and multi-user. A multi-user operating system allows many different users to access the computer’s resources at the same time. UNIX is an example of a multi-user operating system. Windows and Mac OS are single Page 9 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software user operating systems. Page 10 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software Utility software Utility software performs routine tasks to support the operation of the computer system. Operating systems contain utilities to assist in the management of the system. However, users often purchase more powerful utility software. Some common examples of utility software include: file compression to reduce the size of a file. It allows the user to store more data and makes data transmission faster. diagnostic tools to compile technical information about a computer’s hardware and software disk scanners to detect and correct problems on a disk and search for and remove unwanted files disk defragmenter to reorganise files and unused space on a computer’s hard disk—allows data and programs to be accessed faster uninstaller to remove an application and any associated entries in the system files device drivers to provide communication with a peripheral device— provided with the peripheral device or can be downloaded from the Internet backup software to copy selected files or the entire hard drive onto another disk anti-virus program to prevent, detect and remove viruses. Exercise 2 1. Explain the difference between: a. a file and a folder b. single-tasking and multitasking c. a disk scanner and a disk defragmenter. 2. Copy and complete the following sentences: a. System software manages all the _______ needed to run the computer. b. A _______ is a fixed amount of CPU time. c. A file is a collection of data that is recognised by a _______. Page 11 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software d. _______ performs routine tasks to support the operation of the computer system. 3. True or false? a. BIOS/EFI executes a POST to make sure the hardware is connected and operating correctly. b. Spooling is the specific software for each type of peripheral device. c. UNIX is an example of a single-user operating system. d. Most operating systems do not contain utility software. 4. a. What is an operating system? b. List as many operations as you can that an OS can perform on files and folders. c. Apart from tasks on files and folders list four tasks performed by the operating system. d. How does the operating system manage memory? e. List 10 custom settings available in Mac OS X. f. Is Mac OS X or Windows 7 a single user or multi-user operating system g. List four utilities supplied with your computer. h. Is there any type of utility that everyone should purchase? If so what is it? Page 12 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software Page 13 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software Application software Application software is a program used for a specific task. Application software consists of off-the-shelf or software packages and custom software. Software packages An off-the-shelf software package is a complete and documented program(s). Software packages can be bought to cover nearly all requirements. They include: word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheets, database management systems, paint programs, draw programs, web browsers, video editing software, animation software, presentation software, authoring software. Software packages usually include documentation with instructions for installing the software. Installing software transfers files to the hard disk to enable the software to work. Most software packages contain Quickstart guide, User manual and help files It is also common for software companies to supplement and update their help files with online help from their website. Access to this help often requires the user to register their software package with the software company Most software packages have new versions being developed. These versions contain new features and hopefully any errors (or bugs) in the previous version have been fixed (bug fix). The general version of a software package is often recognised its title, such as Microsoft Office 2011 or Internet Explorer 7. The actual version is usually denoted as a number. For example the current version of Word in the Microsoft Office 2008 suite is Word 12.2.4 Major and minor changes to the software package are shown by a change in the less significant numbers. Eg Word 12.3.1 is more up to date than Word 12.2.8 When you purchase a new version you are upgrading your application software. It is important when upgrading or purchasing new software to check that your hardware and operating system are compatible. The latest versions of the software often place greater demands on the hardware and operating system. Upgrading your software may require an upgrade in your hardware and operating system. Compatibility requirements are usually specified on the software package and should be checked before the application is bought. Program suites contain several applications. The cost of an software suite is less than the total price of each application. Examples of Program suites include MS Office and Adobe CS. Freeware Freeware (from "free" and "software") is computer software that is available for use at no cost or for an optional fee. Although users may download it for no cost, the copyright owned by the author keeps the software from being used in any way not expressly approved by its author. Shareware Page 14 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software The term shareware (also known as trialware or demoware) refers to proprietary software that is provided to users without payment on a trial basis. Shareware is usually offered either with certain features only available after the license is purchased, or as a full version but for a limited trial period of time. Once the trial period has passed the program may stop running until a license is purchased. Shareware is often offered without supports or updates which only become available with the purchase of a license. The words "free trial" or "trial version" are also indicative of shareware. Open Source software Software available free of charge as an alternative to conventional commercial models. Open source software can be used and disseminated at will, and the source code is open and can be changed as required. The only condition is that the user make such changes known and pass this information on to others. Open source software is the shared intellectual property of all developers and users and, thanks to the collaboration, often achieves a higher level of quality than software produced using conventional means. Custom software Even though software packages are very flexible one may not be available to do exactly the task you need. Custom software is written for the needs of a specific customer(s). It is written to fit the exact requirements of the problem and is labour intensive. For these reasons custom software is expensive. Custom software is written by a programmer using a programming language such as C++ or Visual Basic. System requirements A computer system is made up of hardware and software that work together, processing data to achieve a purpose. The relationship between hardware and software is important. Software depends on a particular hardware configuration to work effectively. This is known as the system requirements for the software. Different software places different requirements on the hardware. For example a word processor places less requirements on the speed of a processor than movie authoring software. All software companies are required to clearly state the system requirements of their products. System requirements include Operating system Processor type and speed Amount of RAM Page 15 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software Hard drive space Peripherals The system requirements may also include specific peripheral devices. For example movie authoring software would specify a DVD burner in order to create a DVD. Page 16 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software Exercise 3 1. True or false? a. Microsoft Works is an example of a software package. b. A software package is usually more expensive than custom software. 2. What am I? a. Software that can be downloaded and used. A fee is paid only if you decide to keep using it. b. The process of transferring files to the hard disk to enable the software to work. c. Software that can be downloaded and used for no charge. 3. Copy and complete the following by replacing the letter in brackets with a suitable term: Users (a) their software when they purchase a new version. However, it is important to check software and hardware (b) before purchasing the software. The (c) versions of the software often place greater demands on the (d). 4. a. b. c. d. List the onscreen support provided by most software packages. Why do users upgrade their software? What is custom software? List four things that are almost always specified in an applications System requirements. Page 17 of 18 Year 9 Information Technology Topic: Software References Grover, D. et al, (2007) Information and Software Technology Powers, G. K. (2004) Information and Software Technology Shelly, B.S. and Vermaat, M. E. (2010) Discovering Computers 2010: Living in a Digital World, Introductory Wilson, C. (2007) Exploring Information and Software Technology (4th ed) Page 18 of 18