Slide 0 - Koffi Arabustar

The Valley of Acacia
Snacks & Sauces
Manufacturers Ltd
 The Valley of Acacia is a snack and sauces manufacturer that will supply a range
of ginger and pepper sauces with different flavours and fried snacks.
 The Valley of Acacia snacks and sauces has all the resources in place to be a
success. The founders are a partnership named Mr Koffi Mick Prevost and Ms
Consuelo Borile Gomez. They both began their journey within the catering industry
back in Spain where Koffi was an importer of African dry fruits, coffee and cocoa
and Consuelo owned and successfully ran a small sandwich and coffee shop also
in Spain.
Our History
The original recipe for COBOGO SAUCES was invented and developed by Ms Florencia Gomez,
whom is the mother of Consuelo Borile Gomez (Director of COBOGO SAUCES). Back home in
Equatorial Guinea (Central Africa), Ms Florencia Gomez used fresh ingredients and exotic
flavorings to prepare her sauces which was hugely appreciated by her restaurant customers.
With Consuelo’s passion for cooking, she decided to resurrect her mothers’ successful sauce
recipes here in the UK, and together with her husband Koffi Mick Prevost, they decided to go into
business proposing more sauces. Today Cobogo Sauces have become a big success within the
food condiment industry.
Our Mission Statement
Business Objective
The Valley of Acacia Sauces & Snacks has several objectives that they will achieve
within the next three years. The first is an increase in sales to reach £1million by Year
5. The business hopes to have at least 30 different outlets in Year 1, that will distribute
their snack products and to have an ever-expanding geographic distribution area.
The projected turnover is £7000 per month following access to additional working
Overall Objectives:
 Increase sales significantly over the next 3 years
 Add products and services to meet market demand
 Improve stock turnover, reduce the cost of goods sold
while maintaining the high quality of the products
 Export products to overseas markets
Current position
Both founders have acquired several years of experience between them in the food
production industry and food hygiene standards.
An examination of the company's products was conducted by MAS (Manufacture
Assistant Services), who are the government body for start-up food processing
companies and also Glacia Ltd who are a food consultant expert, concluded that the
products have a promising future.
The business is currently in the introductory phase of the business cycle.
Access to additional working capital will allow them to move
the business into the growth phase where The Valley of
Acacia anticipates acquiring a significant market share of the
savoury snacks and sauces market.
Products and Services
The Valley of Acacia will sell its Cobogo sauces and snacks to an ever-growing
clientele and expand to larger geographical areas.
Cobogo Sauces sells quality and product-uniqueness in a market segment with low
competition. The company has researched and reviewed other similar food item
companies, tracking their successes and positioning similarly.
The following are the products that The Valley of Acacia is currently processing and
45g pack of snacks
80g pack of snacks
28ml of ginger & pepper sauce
500ml of ginger & pepper sauce
The Sauces
 Our ready-made ginger and pepper sauces will consist of different flavours that will
include; hot chilli, sweet chilli, medium chilli, chicken and oregano. They have been
received favourably in the market and we plan to expand their distribution in hotels,
restaurants, catering companies, pizza houses, coffeehouses, bars, pubs and takeaway outlets all over the country.
 A variety of flavours such as cinnamon, sorrel, ginger and other spices are used to
manufacture snacks. The snacks will be marketed to cinemas, pubs, school
canteens, coffeehouses and restaurants, and can be consumed with all kind of
drinks, juices and yoghurts.
 The Valley of Acacia is currently in negotiations with Tesco
and Sainsbury's for shelf space.
Cobogo Pepper Sauce
Our own Cobogo Pepper Sauce serves as a great combination to any savoury dish
and can be used as a condiment, dip, table and cooking sauce. The pepper sauces
are our most appreciated product and our best seller. The sauces can add a unique
spicy flavor to your meals or at your parties. Made with fresh ingredients it can be
used to compliment every kind of food. The sauces are natural and made with red
chilli pepper, and many other flavours. It can be used as a taco sauce, or to flavour
your rice. It is VERY tasty with meat dishes and can be added to minced meat for
authentic tasting taco's, a robust meat marinade, and delicious with chops or chicken.
Health benefits
Made with sweet red pepper, hot chilli pepper, garlic and onions, the pepper sauce range has many benefits:
The phytochemicals in onions improve the working of Vitamin C in the body, which improves immunity. Onions
and garlic are both rich in sulfur-containing compounds that are responsible for their health-promoting effects.
Red peppers contain several phytochemicals and carotenoids, particularly beta-carotene, which lavish the body
with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits. Red peppers contain almost 300 percent of your daily Vitamin C
intake. Besides being a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C is also needed for the proper absorption of iron.
Cobogo Pepper Sauce (Benefits)
Additional Health Benefits
Pepper is a condiment well known around the world. Cobogo Pepper Sauce is a spicy pepper-based sauce that
goes well with a variety of foods. The nutritional and health benefits of the ingredients discovered, offer the same
benefits as spicy food and hot peppers. You can boost your metabolism, help find relief from headaches and
ward off depression all with one great, versatile sauce.
Nutritional Facts
The nutritional facts of Cobogo Pepper sauce may not be a long list of calories and fat, but there is a bit of
sodium to watch out for. Some other health benefits of sodium include improved heart performance,
improved nervous system and glucose absorption.
Sodium is the primary ion and electrolyte within the body, and it is needed for blood regulation.
Red Pepper
Red pepper is the key heat component in Cobogo pepper sauce, and it's known to boost metabolism which
can aid in weight loss. Spicy peppers also contains Capsaicin which is an anti-inflammatory. Hot peppers are
also packed with vitamins A and C and beta-carotene. Adding a little spice into your life is a great way to
experience the health benefits of Tabasco without packing on the calories.
Cobogo Ginger Sauce
Made with red pepper, garlic, lemon and ginger, this exotic sauce have great flavor and taste. Garlic
strengthens the immune system as well as helps to fight chest infections, coughs and congestion. In
the winter months garlic is a great food to boost your immune system and ward off colds and flu.
Used to aid digestion, ginger is believed to increase digestive fluids, alleviating indigestion and
associated problems such as flatulence. It is known to relieve nausea and morning sickness.
Associated, the ingredients of Cobogo ginger sauce gives to the sauce a special flavor that stimulates
your appetite.
Aromatic, pungent and spicy, ginger adds a special flavor and zest
to your meals and many fruit and vegetable dishes. Historically,
ginger has a long tradition of being very effective in alleviating
symptoms of gastrointestinal distress. Modern scientific research
has revealed that ginger possesses numerous therapeutic
properties including antioxidant effects, an ability to inhibit the
formation of inflammatory compounds, and direct anti-inflammatory
effects. Also the ginger sauce help for a gastrointestinal relief.
Cobogo Ginger Sauce (Benefits)
It is a great source of citric acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium;
Pathogen protection and scorching source of antioxidants;
Prevents Sinusitis and relieves Congestion Capsaicin – It has potent antibacterial properties that fight and
prevent chronic sinus infections, or sinusitis. Because it is so hot, it also helps to stimulate secretions that help
clear mucus from your nose, thereby relieving nasal congestion. This phytochemical may also help relieve sinusrelated allergy symptoms.
Fight Inflammation Capsaicin is a potent anti-inflammatory agent. It works by inhibiting Substance P, which is
associated with inflammatory processes. Capsaicin is being looked at as a potential treatment for arthritis,
psoriasis and diabetic neuropathy;
Soothes Intestinal Diseases. A Duke University study found that capsaicin may lead to a cure for inflammatory
bowel disease (IBD). The substance can also help to kill bacteria such as H. pylori, which can help prevent
stomach ulcers.
Burns Fat and Lose Weight - Capsaicin is a thermogenic agent, which means it increases metabolic activity.
This, in turn, helps to burn calories and fat. Many popular ‘fat-burning’ supplements on the market contain
capsaicin, as the substance may significantly increase metabolic activity for over 20 minutes after it has been
The Jams
THE VALLEY OF ACACIA have created various types of COBOGO CHILLI JAMS with different benefits:
Four flavours:
Fruits are low in fat, sodium and calories. They have absolutely no cholesterol and are an important source of many
vital nutrients, including dietary fibre, Vitamin C, folate (folic acid) and potassium. Our fruit jams provide our bodies
with beneficial & quick boosts of energy; make our bodies healthier and our lives more energized and satisfying.
BENEFITS OF GREEN MANGO: Green mangoes are extremely beneficial in treating blood disorders because of its
high Vitamin C content. It increases the elasticity of the blood vessels and helps the formation of new blood cells. It
aids in the absorption of iron and prevents bleeding tendencies. It increases body resistance against tuberculosis,
anaemia, cholera and dysentery.
Green mangoes have more Antioxidants and Vitamin C than red mangoes. These antioxidant properties protects the
body against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Green mango is silver bullet for intestinal problems
Green Pineapple Chilli Jam - Benefits
 Pineapple is not only valued for its sweet taste. It has been used for centuries to treat digestion
problems and inflammation.
 Pineapple fruit contains a proteolytic enzyme bromelain that digests food by breaking down
protein. Bromelain also has anti-inflammatory, anti-clotting and anti-cancer properties. Studies
have shown that the consumption of pineapple regularly helps to fight against arthritis, indigestion
and worm infestation.
 After long hours of work, eating pineapple helps to burn off calories.
Green Apple Chilli Jam - Benefits
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is an old Welsh proverb that most of us are familiar with, but what
makes this fruit so special? What health benefits are associated with eating apples?
As one of the most cultivated and consumed fruits in the world, apples are continuously being praised as a "miracle
food". In fact, apples were ranked first in Medical News Today's featured article "What Are The Top 10 Healthy
Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants, flavanoids, and dietary fibre. The phytonutrients and antioxidants
in apples may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart disease: A good reason
to enjoy our green apple chilli jam!
Tomato Jam - Benefits
The tomato has been referred to as a ‘functional food’. A food that goes beyond providing just basic nutrition,
additionally preventing chronic disease and delivering other health benefits, due to beneficial phytochemicals such
as lycopene.
Improves vision: Vitamin A, present in tomatoes, helps to improve your eyesight as well as prevent night-blindness
and muscular degeneration.
Good for digestion: Eating tomatoes daily can keep your digestive system healthy as it prevents both, constipation
and diarrhoea. It also prevents jaundice and effectively removes toxins from the body.
Helps fight cancer: According to studies, tomatoes contain large amounts of the antioxidant lycopene, that is
effective in lowering the risk of cancer, especially lung, stomach and prostrate cancers.
Rosquilletas Snacks & Exotic Donuts
Made without butter and eggs, our ‘donuts’ are naturally healthier to eat, tasty with delicious flavour.
Our flavours include:
Exotic Donuts Ingredients
Our donuts are made with plain flour, potato flour, rice flour, bananas and apples to produce the different unique
flavours. The donuts are very tasty, healthier and appeals to everyone because they are a comfort food, relieve
stress, and makes one ‘feel good’.
Enjoy the benefits of the flavours:
According to Chinese Medicine, there are 5 main food flavors: Pungent (spicy), Sour, Sweet, Salty & Bitter. It is
important to have a balanced diet with all flavours. If a person has not reached optimum health, then some foods
with certain flavors may help restore a healthy body and mind.
Flavours are also health boosters.
Cobogo Amazing Soup Varieties
Made with meat, fish or vegetables, our savoury soups are amazingly combined with yam, green plantain and potato.
Here is the full selection of our “COBOGO AMAZING SOUPS”:
1). Yams soup with sardine
5). Potato soup with sardine
2). Yams soup with beef
6). Potato soup with beef
3). Yams soup with chicken
7). Potato with chicken
4). Vegetarian yams soup with leek and crochet
8). Vegetarian potato soup with leek and crochet
9). Green plantain soup with sardine
13). Spicy soup with sardine
10). Green plantain soup with beef
14). Spicy soup with beef
11). green plantain soup with chicken
15). Spicy soup with chicken
12). Vegetarian green plantain soup with leek and crochet
16). Vegetarian spicy soup with leek and crochet
17). Bean soup with sardine
21). Vegetable soup with sardine
18). Bean soup with beef
22). Vegetable soup with beef
19). Bean soup with chicken
23). Vegetable soup with chicken
20). Vegetarian bean soup leek and crochet
24). Vegetable soup with hot chilli pepper
Cobogo Amazing Soups - Benefits
Health Experts say that eating soup is an effective way to enjoy the numerous amount of health benefits associated with more
vegetable consumption. Eating an abundance of vegetables soups will probably reduce your risk of heart disease, help control your
blood pressure, lose weight and protect against certain cancers. BECAUSE COBOGO AMAZING SOUPS CONTAINS YAMS,
BENEFITS OF EATING YAMS SOUP: Yam is a good source of energy; 100g provides 118 calories. The dry texture is chiefly
composed of complex carbohydrates and soluble dietary fibre.
BENEFITS OF EATING POTATO SOUP: VITAMIN BOOSTER. Rich in immune-boosting Vitamin C, a medium potato (150g) with
the skin provides 27mg, almost half of the recommended daily intake. Potatoes are also a rich source of Vitamin B, and minerals
such as potassium, magnesium and iron.
BENEFITS OF EATING GREEN PLANTAIN SOUP: Plantain has more calories weight for weight than in the fruit bananas.
Plantains soup have more potassium than bananas. 100g fruit provides 499mg of potassium (358 mg per 100g for bananas).
Potassium is an important component of the cell and body fluids that helps control heart rate and blood pressure, countering
negative effects of sodium.
BENEFITS OF EATING BEANS SOUP: Beans are a super healthy, super versatile and super affordable food. Beans are high in
antioxidants, fiber, protein, B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper and zinc. Eating bean soup regularly may decrease the
risk of diabetes, heart disease, colorectal cancer, and helps with weight management. Beans are hearty and very filling with the
need to eat less.
Spicy Sauces
Rosquilletas Crunchy Snacks
Rosquilletas Doughnuts
The Valley of Acacia is building a reputation for high quality and strong value.
The Valley of Acacia will go to great lengths to provide customers with high quality
snacks and sauces.
The target customers will be consumers who are looking for a unique snacking
opportunity such as cinema enthusiasts, picknickers, white and blue collar workers to
name a few. The target market will also include business establishments such as
school canteens, restaurants, pubs, take away outlets, mini markets and
Our sauces are also targeted at innovators who are willing to try out something new
and unique on the market.
The Valley of Acacia was founded by
Koffi Mick Prevost & Consuelo Gorille Gomez
Koffi Mick Prevost Kouadio – Director
Koffi is a Food Technician with a wide range of experience in the food production industry. He holds a
bachelors degree in biochemistry, a food hygiene certificate and has proven leadership skills involving
managing teams and motivating teams in the fast moving consumer goods industry to achieve their
Additionally, he has demonstrated success in all phases of moving new products from idea to shelf as well
as in-depth experience directing both production /packaging line and marketing / product development
initiatives for food and beverage operations. He has experience with highly perishable product lines with
limited shelf life as well as high-speed packaging operations.
In past projects, he has directed and motivated sizeable teams of up to 50 in union environments.
Koffi has travelled to several countries which makes him more culturally aware and sensitive. He is also
fluent in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Arabic.
Consuelo Gorille Gomez - Director
Consuelo is professional health care assistant with a wealth of experience in maintaining healthy and safety
environments. She has a long track record of dealing with the public in health care and catering, and selfemployed shop management.
Consuelo also holds a NVQ Level 2 qualification in food and drinks service from Uxbridge College.
The Valley of Acacia ltd
46 Saint Peters Road
UB1 2TL - London
Tel 02088130494
Koffi 07946614700
Consuelo 07918359388
Facebook: cobogo sauce
Linkedin: cobogo sauce
Twitter: cobogo sauce
Youtube: cobogo sauce
Thank You