Deep Space and Solar System New Test/New Quiz Universe Biggest Oldest Planet Galaxy Milky Way Moon Smallest Youngest Solar System Star Sun The Universe is • Everything: all space, matter, and energy that is in existence. • More than 10 billion years old Distances in space • The speed of light is used for measurements of distances in the universe • One light year is how far light travels in one year (based on distance NOT time) • We see all night stars as they were when the light we see left each star The Milky Way and other Galaxies • Our solar system is located on a spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy • The Sun is one of Billions of stars orbiting within the Milky Way Galaxy Origin of the universe and solar system: Big Bang Theory • The universe was created from an explosion that took place 10 – 20 billion years ago • The universe started out with all its matter in a small volume and then expanded outward in all directions “Spect” words • The spectrum is the band of colors that composes of white light, in the order of the rainbow (from Long to short wavelength) • A spectroscope is a scientific instrument that breaks up the light from a star into its component colors in order to identify which elements are present in that star • A spectral line is a bright or dark line found in the spectrum of some radiant sources • A dark line spectrum from a star – Is like a fingerprint or a bar code – Gives information about composition, temperature, and motion of a celestial object Evidence of the Big Bang Theory • Comic background radiation – Sensitive radio receivers pick up radiation from all directions – This is the “noise” of the explosive birth of the universe • Doppler Effect Red Shift is a shift in wavelength of a spectrum line away from its normal wavelength If the source is moving away from the observer, there is a red shift toward longer wavelengths Blue Shift is a shift in wavelength of a spectrum line toward its normal wavelength If the source is moving toward the observer, there is a blue shift toward shorter wavelengths • Why do we think the universe is expanding? Light reaching us from distant galaxies has a lower frequency then expected Therefore, the universe is expanding Stars form when • Gravity causes clouds of molecules to contract until NUCLEAR FUSION “Lighter elements” to “Heavier” ones H H H = hydrogen He = Helium He Fusion releases great amounts of energy of millions of years The Stars • Differ from each other in size, temperature, & age • Our Sun is a medium size star Life cycle of a star High Mass stars Super Giants Nebula Protostar Super Nova Black Hole Neutron star Main Sequence 90% of all stars (SUN) (Red) Giants White Dwarf Low Mass stars Black Dwarf