58 MEDICINA EAA Medicina uses earth medicine to open up

Medicina uses earth medicine to open up consciousness and take one into
Who is Medicina?
Medicina is in charge of the medicine the natural world gifts to humankind, mainly from the
plant kingdom, to include mushrooms, cacti and other serums from nature. She is here for the
healing of body, mind and spirit. Some of her medicine heals the physical body, some the mind
and its perceptions, some the spirit and its doubts and burdens, some the heart and some heals all
at once.
Her medicine may be gentle or challenging, her ‘healing crisis’ may feel like a ‘little death’. She
is here to open portals to other kingdoms, of the planet and beyond, and to bring the medicine of
the vegetable, animal and mineral kingdoms to human beings for the sharing of consciousness
and the healing of dis-ease.
The plants are boundary dissolvers and designed to help humans especially tune in to the
symbiotic nature of reality, either in the mental realms (psychedelic, ‘sacred medicine’) or in the
realm of the physical body where they mingle with the cells and systems of the body and work
their healing magic.
Medicina is the guardian of this realm and she who makes the prescriptions.
Location/Sphere of Influence
Rain forests/jungles/sacred plants/mind & body altering substances
64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 2010
Medicine plants/ hummingbird.
Nature & Description of Dakini
Welcome to the world of sacred medicine plants, the realm of Medicina. She opens portals to
other realities, in health and consciousness, by adjusting bio-chemistry.
The sacred medicine of the plants is offered through Medicina as a way of connecting us to the
whologram. That is their function. This is why most indigenous and ancient cultures employ the
use of sacred hallucinogens in their rituals and practices – because the medicine plants facilitate
that connection to all that is.
Medicina gives us access to ways of seeing and knowing that interpenetrate the kingdoms.
She is depicted in the center of a mandala. She salutes the divine spirits who move through these
substances and honors them. Her dress is of Ayahuasca vine. The emanations of her
consciousness connect her with the heart of the energy field of the plants.
The outer mandala is from a Nepalese representation of the Medicine Buddha, and shows the
plants sacred to health and longevity. Sacred medicine plants adorn the inner rings of the
mandala, those who offer journeys for the spirit as their healing and lift the veils between the
There are guardians of the portals of the four directions and marijuana buds are her dancing
In the center mandala, Medicina is seated. A table is laid before her with samples of her
medicine chest, those things she carries as her medicine bundle and administers them for recreation. Different families of medicine plants are represented - vines, mushrooms, cacti and
A rainbow spore serpent borders the mandala.
Divinatory Meaning
Medicina has something for you in her medicine pouch.
She has come to you because you need special medicine.
She can diagnose you, but you have to be her representative in this. What do you need to make
yourself feel whole? You need to step outside yourself and become your own physician of your
psyche, your own mental health inspector,
A situation in your life may be toxic or healing, it is a matter of quantity, degree, dose.
It is time to expand your consciousness, to go beyond your ‘normal’ reality base, says Medicina.
She has many sacred plants, potions and formulas in her medicine bag, her medicine mandala.
You may require a precise prescription.
As the medicine Dakini, a health condition could be indicated, or one of mental or spiritual
Medicina may be calling you to cleanse or purge.
A vision quest may be indicated.
If you are taking pharmaceutical medicines for conditions related to mental health, Medicina
suggests you considered trying natural remedies.
64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 2010
Indicates the need to pay attention to your health and/or the need to transform negative psychic
and emotional patterning.
You must take your medicine.
First the body must be purified, the body dissolved.
If you are seeking guidance for a life situation, project, relationship, the indication is that you
expand your mind and come to it from that expanded perspective. Open up the cracks in reality
to see underlying patterns, geometries and other ways of viewing ‘reality’.
What medicine does the present situation need to ‘cure’ it?
The toxicity created by one part of a plant may be remedied by another part of the same plant.
Medicina says this is a special ‘tip’ for you right now.
If there is something that feels toxic, there is another aspect of this that is the antidote. You just
need to look at it from a different perspective and you see that the remedy to the ‘poison’ is
already built in to the system.
Balance your poisons.
In modern culture people tend to use ‘recreational drugs’. Medicina is very clear that her purpose
in bringing the consciousness of the living medicine offered by the Mother through the natural
kingdom is to re-create your being and your way of seeing.
Ancient and indigenous cultures have generally employed the use of sacred medicine to bridge
the worlds and enable them to have access into the realms of energy and light that underlie the
fabric of existence and to the ever present world of spirit, invisible to the mundane eye. This
alliance permits them to see the workings of the divine in everything and to travel to celestial
realms. It allows them to see what work they need to do on themselves to more fully participate
in this blissful cosmic dance.
The medicine plants bring embodied wisdom, wisdom for your living being, here and now, for
they too are living beings.
Mycilia form the basis of our soil. They form not only a biological web but a web of
Spores are imprintable with consciousness. They can carry their own earth wisdom, but can also
be imprinted with intelligence that comes from other dimensions.
The cactus carries the memories of the desert and postures of the shamans as they aligned their
bodies with the stars, receiving the star wisdom.
The vines of the jungle hold deep and powerful keys, and the herbs that grow freely and easily
help us tune in in our daily lives.
These living natural entities know how to open our minds and impart their wisdom of a
holographic universe. They show us understanding that lies beyond the scope of our five senses
and attunes us in to other ways of knowing. The veils of perception are lifted and the technicolor
wonderland of multidimensional reality opens like a flower of life.
They are our allies on our earthwalk.
There is a whole cornucopia of legal medicine plants, cactus and mycilia. Some wish to form a
special relationship with you for the healing and/or elucidation of your body and/or your mind.
They heal the rift between body and mind.
The sacred medicine plants are the appointed ambassadors of the various kingdoms. They carry
the full potency of the realm and can be toxic and transforming, healing and revealing. They
want to work with us because that’s their job.
The plants are our teachers. Let them speak to you.
There is a plant/ there are plants who want to help you.
64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 2010
N.B. Medicina says that pharmaceutical substances, synthetic formulas, can also come into her
domain, as long as they have the right vibrational frequency, which is heart- centric and
encourages the wisdom of the One. Pharmaceuticals with negative side effects tend not to fall in
this category.
All that comes out of nature is of nature. The manipulations of man are capable of distorting the
effect of the elements involved when their consciousness is not in tune with the symbiotic
fashion by which nature works. However, in the bigger picture, these cause temporary
aberrations in the field and nature, the great resolver, in the end will take back and resolve all.
We are children in the Garden of Eden. Remember, garden. The plants were here first and they
are what make it heaven on earth. Listen to them.
The inclusion of herbs, herbal and natural formulas to improve your health.
Research into what the plant world has to offer you to support your health, on any and all levels.
1. Journey in vision with Medicina through resonance.
If you have ever had any mind altering experience, Medicina says you may be able to
activate some of the cellular memories of this opening by meditating with her.
She feels there is something there for you to see, to recall, to re-ignite.
If you have not had this experience, she hopes to stimulate this vision space through your
meditation with her mandala.
You have ancient cellular memory which connects you with all that is.
Utilizing her mandala as a portal, connect with the image of whichever of the sacred
plants you are drawn to. Meditate upon it as a living, breathing entity.
Now open up the portal, through the being that is Medicina, through her pulsing green
gateway, and see where you go, what comes to you. She will be your guide.
This is a realm of subtle impressions and whispered wisdom. Be aware.
2. Make some shift in your reality from the wisdom you receive.
3. Thank the plants for being our teachers and our friends and those who hold them sacred.
Dakini Transmission
I am the wisdom of the green
The transmission in the spores
Purveyor of encoded wisdom
Of ancient earth and galactic futures
Unlock the secret codes
Prepare to die to be reborn
Dissolve all you know
64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 2010
Become one with universal wisdom
I dissolve all myths of separation
I realize
That I am part of everything
And everything
Is part of me
I can heal myself
By listening to
The universe within
And offering it
What it needs
To balance its system
And attune
To the natural mystic order
64DakiniOracle.org © Penny Slinger 2010