E-COM 500 - Business and Information Technology Credit Hours: 3 Contact Hours: This is a 3-credit course, offered in a 14 week format. The exact number of hours per week that you can expect to spend on each course will vary based upon the weekly coursework, as well as your study style and preferences. You should plan to spend 10-12 hours per week in each course reading material, interacting on the discussion boards, writing papers, completing projects, and doing research. Faculty Information Name: Phone: CSU-GC Email: Virtual Office Hours: Course Description and Outcomes This course introduces students to the ways private and public enterprises depend on information technologies for achieving strategic and operational objectives. Businesses have expanded to include technology linkages between supplies and customers that imply increasing the need for information technology resources within firms. These resources have become more visible and the accompanying roles and accountability of information systems functions have changed dramatically as a result. The overall objectives of this course are to provide comprehensive coverage of IS management practices and technology trends for advanced students and managers. Students are exposed to the role of the information technology manager. Students will learn how to align business and IT objectives toward common strategic directions promoting operational efficiency. Students will learn strategies for assessing the feasibility of technology-based solutions to complex problems in organizations that rely on information technology to achieve business objectives. Students will also learn strategies for evaluating cutting edge technology along with current industry standards with a focus on the impacts to an organization. Emphasis will be placed on the role of an information technology manager in the preparation and implementation of enterprise-wide IT infrastructure solutions that are flexible, sustainable, and efficient and that add value to an organization. Course Learning Outcomes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Appropriately apply information technology terminology. Describe information systems that are used in organizations to accomplish operational tasks. Analyze and evaluate information technology trends. Describe various impacts of technological innovation on business. Analyze cost considerations with information technology initiatives. Analyze and explain the benefits of networking technology in the workplace. Participation & Attendance Prompt and consistent attendance in your online courses is essential for your success. If for some reason you would like to drop a course, please contact Saudi Electronic University. Online classes have deadlines, assignments, and participation requirements just like on-campus classes. Budget your time carefully and keep an open line of communication with your instructor. If you are having technical problems, problems with your assignments, or other problems that are impeding your progress, let your instructor know as soon as possible. Any assignment not completed within 7 days of the due date will not be graded and a score of zero (0) will be assigned. Course Materials Required: Brown, C. V., DeHayes, D. W., Hoffer, J. A., Martin, W. W., & Perkins, W. C. (2012). Managing information technology, (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prenctice Hall. ISBN: 9780132146326 Austin, R. D., Nolan, R. L., & O’Donnell, S. (2009). The adventures of an IT leader. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press. ISBN: 9781422146606 Course Schedule Due Dates The Academic Week begins on Sunday and ends the following Saturday. All assignments are due by Saturday at midnight KSA time of the week assigned. Any assignment not completed within 7 days of the due date will not be graded and a score of zero (0) will be assigned. Discussion Activities: Application of knowledge is an important step in the learning experience and every course has key discussions wherein students can apply and analyze content as well as move toward synthesis. This course has Discussion Forums that provide learners an extended opportunity to interact with one another in an instructor-facilitated dialogue that focuses on key course themes. Students will apply and synthesize knowledge learned to case studies simulating real-world decisionmaking. Mastery Exercises: These exercises will assess learner knowledge in each topic area. Critical Thinking Application Assignments: each assignment will require students to apply their knowledge learned in the module to real-world scenarios. Week # Readings Chapters 1, 2, & 3 in The Adventures of an IT Leader Assignments Discussion (25 points) Chapter 1 in Managing Information Technology 1 Carr, N. G. (2003, May). IT doesn’t matter. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from http://www.proxios.net/pdf/ITDoesn'tMatter.pdf Chapter 4 in Managing Information Technology Chapters 13, 14 & 15 in The Adventures of an IT Leader Discussion (25 points) Mastery Exercise (0 points) Critical Thinking (90 points) Mastery Exercise (0 points) Discussion (25 points) Mastery Exercise (0 points) Critical Thinking (90 points) Mastery Exercise (0 points) Discussion (25 points) Chapter 16 in The Adventures of an IT Leader Critical Thinking (90 points) Discussion (25 points) Mastery Exercise (0 points) Critical Thinking (90 points) Mastery Exercise (0 points) Discussion (25 points) Critical Thinking (90 points) Discussion (25 points) Mastery Exercise (0 points) Chapter 2 in Managing Information Technology, pp. 19-33 2 Chapter 2 in Managing Information Technology, pp. 34-59 3 Chapter 3 in Managing Information Technology 4 5 6 Melville, N., & Ramirez, R. (2008). Information technology innovation diffusion: An information requirements paradigm. Information Systems Journal, 18(3), 247-273. 7 Chapters 5 & 6 in Managing Information Technology 8 Chapter 7 in Managing Information Technology 9 Chapter 12 in Managing Information Technology Greengard, S. (2009, December). 10 trends for 2010. Baseline, (101), 16-22. 10 11 Power Point Lecture: Davenport, T. (2011). QuickTalks: Tom Davenport: Analytical technologies [Books 24x7 video]. Retrieved from http://mmlviewer.books24x7.com/toc.asp?bookid=4343 7 Big Data and Cloud Computing: IBM. (2012, August 2). Competing for the individual: How small & medium businesses can capture the big data opportunity. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLG8xEhj6Lo 12 Chapter 11 in Managing Information Technology Chapter 13 in Managing Information Technology 13 Chapters 4 & 5 in The Adventures of an IT Leader Discussion (25 points) Mastery Exercise (0 points) Portfolio Project (350 points) Carr, N. G. (2003, May). IT doesn’t matter. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from http://www.proxios.net/pdf/ITDoesn'tMatter.pdf 14 Brynjolfsson, E. (2003, July). The IT productivity gap. Optimize, (21). Retrieved from http://ebusiness.mit.edu/erik/Optimize/pr_roi.html Assignment Details This course includes the following assignments/projects: Week 3 Case Study: Selection of an Information Technology Platform (90 points) Read the case study I-1, from the 7th edition of Managing Information Technology, entitled IMT Custom Machine Company, Inc.: Selection of an Information Technology Platform. Write a debriefing report that includes the pros and cons of the four options presented to the VP and Division Manager in the case study. Include a recommendation for the one of the four options you feel would be the most appropriate solution. If none of the four options is the appropriate solution, recommend a new option. In your response remember to address the following: • • • • • • • • How well staff is able to handle the option Key applications and their ability to work with type of system Tools available that work with the type of system Stability of vendor[s] Cost Consistency with business group strategies and vision Budget and capacity planning Software licensing Your report should be 4-5 pages in length and well-written. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. Week 5 Critical Thinking: Case Study: Debriefing Report for VoIP2.biz, Inc. (90 Points) Read case study I-2, from the 7th edition of Managing Information Technology, entitled VoIP2.biz, Inc.: Deciding on the Next Steps for a VoIP Supplier. Write a debriefing report to include options for future activities to be presented to the Board of Directors detailing the following options: Staying with current plan Closing down the company Selling the company Slowing down rate of growth Asking for a 90 day extension to take care of the cash flow problem Reduce expenses Other possibilities Your report should be 3-4 pages in length and well-written. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. Week 7 Critical Thinking: Reviewing the Adventures of an IT Leaders (90 Points) For this assignment, complete a 3 to 5 page summary based on your readings in the Adventures of an IT Leader. As you read the chapters think about pertinent issues and the relationship of these factors to situation outcomes. As you prepare your paper, respond to the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. How much time and effort should an IT department devote to scanning for and analyzing emerging technologies? What are your responses to Bernie Ruben’s three questions in taking action on the blog issue at IVK: a. What if anything should we do about this blog entry? b. What should be our general policy about blogging based on inside information from within the company? c. What should be our process for spotting emerging technologies and analyzing them to see how they might e relevant to use for better or worse? Which of the three proposed processes should IVK sue for enforcing infrastructure technology standards? Recommend and justify. Are IT standardization and innovation (or flexibility) in conflict in an organization like IVK? What do you think of the kid’s toolkit approach to management? Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. Week 9 Critical Thinking: Website Analysis (90 Points) The objective of this assignment is for you to increase your knowledge about how businesses are leveraging the Internet to conduct business. Because you will be using public web sites to do your research, the focus will be on marketing, sales, and customer service transactions with end-consumers (B2C). 1. Choose an industry of interest where several companies have developed online e-business strategies with public B2C web sites. This industry might include traditional companies operating as bricks-and-clicks firms, as well as dot-com companies. 2. After you have looked at several public web sites for companies in this industry, select 3 or 4 companies you think will provide an interesting comparison about how companies are leveraging the Internet today. (Hint: you might want to include one company with a website you think is significantly inferior to at least one other company’s site.) 3. Analyze each of the websites in terms of the overall “look-and-feel” of the site from the perspective of the targeted consumer, as well as how well each web site has addressed the 7Cs in the model developed by Rayport and Jaworski (described at the end of Chapter 7 in the textbook). 4. Write up your findings, including the following content: Introduce the industry you selected and the web sites you selected. Include the reasons why you chose this industry and these particular companies, and include the URL for each site. Describe and also compare the ways that these companies’ web sites address the 7Cs and any other characteristics you wish to emphasize. For example: o How easy was it to identify the content or services available? o How easy was it to navigate between pages? o Did the site download easily? o Was the use of graphics and animation appropriate for the target audience? o Were the linking capabilities of the Web exploited? o Was there a sense of “community”? o Was a privacy policy available and easy to find? Based on your analyses, provide some recommendations for the company whose web site you considered to be the weakest. Be sure your ideas are appropriate for the industry you selected, and take into account whether companies in this industry traditionally have sold directly to end-consumers or not and using what channels (e.g., catalog, physical store, or via a distributor). 5. Use outside resources to provide current statistics and forecasts for the industry you selected, as well as any information about B2B applications that the companies may be using. Be sure to provide full citations to all third-party sources, including a “last date accessed” for all references to a URL. The SEU Virtual Library is an excellent site to find outside resources. Your paper should be 3-4 pages in length and well-written. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. Week 11 Critical Thinking: Case Study: Making Information Systems Investments (90 Points) Read case study IV-1 from the 7th edition of Managing Information Technology, entitled The Clarion School for Boys, Inc.—Milwaukee Division: Making Information Systems Investments The case study provides an example of the practical and political difficulties encountered in IS planning and also provides an example of assessing current IS resources. Develop a detailed outline of a long-range information system plan for Clarion—Milwaukee. A long-term plan should include the following sections: • • • • • • • Statement of precise objectives Analysis of current and future environment, including business, information technology, and user information Proposed information technology action plan, including hardware, applications, personnel, network, and facilities Resource and funding needs justification Implementation plan Organizational change Training Label each section clearly. Note: special consideration should be made to adoption of innovative, emerging, or IT trends. Your outline should be 2-3 pages in length and well-written. Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. Week 14 Portfolio Project – Consultant Case Study (350 pts) Put together a case presentation based on one of the following options: 1) Case from the text book Managing Information Technology 2) Case based on The Adventures of an IT Leader 3) Case from real work situation (must be pre-approved) Follow a problem-solving approach. You will play the role of consultant assuming you have been hired by the organization to: 1) Provide objective opinion of the situation (specific details below) 2) Provide realistic options for actions for the organization. Final project includes two artifacts: 1) Presentation – can be done in PowerPoint, Google Docs presentation, or other presentation software readable by the instructor. a. Each slide should include lecture notes – i.e., what would you say if you were actually presenting this? b. Make sure each slide summarizes the general idea – you do NOT want to be reading slides to your audience. 2) Summary report – maximum length of 5 double-spaced pages. a. Can include copies of tables and diagrams used in presentation, but they must be cited according to APA guidelines. b. Describe the current situation. c. The problem/and or opportunity, depending upon which case you have chosen. d. The solution and justification for why you’ve chosen that solution. e. An evaluation of the solution and how it will be effective in solving the problem or leveraging the opportunity. Course Policies Course Grading 20% Discussion Participation 45% Critical Thinking Activities 35% Final Portfolio Paper Any assignment not completed within 7 days of the due date will not be graded and a score of zero (0) will be assigned.