Long-term Monitoring of the Des Moines River Donna S. Lutz Des Moines River Water Quality Network Presented at the Des Moines Water Works January 28, 2008 What is the Des Moines River Water Quality Network? • Initiated in July 1967 as preimpoundment study for Saylorville Reservoir, expanded to Red Rock Reservoir in 1971 •Long-term record, 40 years at many sites, total of 252 parameters, about 485,000 individual data records • Currently 7 regular sampling sites, monitored 22 times per year for up to 50 parameters •Data available through annual reports, paradox database, & project webpage Des Moines River Basin •Length 535 mi •Width 50 mi •Basin 12,884 sq mi about ¼ size of Iowa Saylorville Reservoir •24 mi valley/54 mi flood •5,520 acres/ 16,100 flood •1,100 ac-ft/yr sedimentation Red Rock Reservoir •18 mi valley/33 mi flood •15,250 acres/ 1,625,00 fl •4,470 ac-ft/yr sedimentation Raccoon River Sub-basin North Raccoon/Middle Raccoon/South Raccoon Basin 3,411 sq mi Routine Parameters Physical Chemical temperature, flow/elevation turbidity, secchi disc depth, gas saturation dissolved oxygen, BOD, TOC, nutrients, suspended solids metals, pesticides Biological chlorophyll pigments bacteria Important Programs: Short-term Bacteria River, reservoir and beaches Is it safe to swim, wade? State of Iowa WQ Stds Based on E Coli Class A1 & A3 (1o & children) geomean 126 /100ml Sample max 235 /100ml Class A2 (2o contact) geomean 630/100ml Sample max 2,880 /100ml Bacteria Monitoring Important Programs: Short-term Are they safe to eat? For people and critters Cyprinus carpio Fillets (28 yr) Whole (20 yr) Dieldrin, Chlordane, Heptachlor epoxide, Alachlor, Trifluralin and Chlorpyrifos Electrofishing on Iowa River Pesticides in Fish Important Programs: Short-term Fish Kill Investigations Thermal Stress Dorosoma cepedianum Large kills, one species, similar size Gas Supersaturation Minor to large kills, many species and size ranges Either extreme gas pressure or lowered outflow Important Programs: Short-term What’s Up? Why is water so foamy? Oily? Green? Important Programs: Long-term What is normal? Is water quality improving? (degrading or can’t tell?) Major Players Nutrients Pesticides Chlorophyll Bacteria WQI Significant Findings Non-point sources are the main contaminants; Point source loading has decreased soil erosion and siltation primary resource problem Ave. loading to Red Rock 5,400 metric tons/day Improved wastewater treatment has significantly reduced ammonia loading Nitrate levels have increased, with the greatest increases seen 1967-1986, paralleling increases in N fertilizer use Total Phosphate levels have decreased slightly, but only by about 0.01 mg/year Significant Findings (cont’d) Overall, water quality has significantly improved at most sites, according to water quality index values Pesticide levels in fish are low, but may still be of concern Gas supersaturation-induced gas bubble trauma causes periodic fish kills below Red Rock Dam DMRWQN Website http://te-webserver.cce.iastate.edu/research/lutz/dmrwqn/dmrwqn.html Project description, site photos Monitoring event data, monthly & annual reports Beach bacteria data Long-term data available from Lutz or website Acknowledge source, ie RI Corps Provide us with analysis or report Monitoring Event Report Annual Report Focus on Nitrite +Nitrate N Ammonia oxidized to nitrate (bacterially mediated) Sources Nitrite, intermediate product, (1967-76, max 0.68 mg/l, 99% of samples <0.20 mg/l) Fertilizers, oxidation or organic N, fixation of N2, precipitation, sewage effluents Losses Leaching, assimilation living organisms, conversion to other forms Soluble, easily leaches from soil TRANSFORMS & MOVES with WATER Nitrate vs Flow, Raccoon River near Van Meter 7.07 mg/l 2,078 cfs Nitrate 12 12000 10 10000 8 8000 6 6000 4 4000 2 2000 0 0 Flow (cfs) Nitrate (mg/l as N) Flow 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 1983 1981 1979 1977 1975 1973 Nitrate vs Flow Des Moines River near Boone R² = 0.627 10 9 Nitrate (mg/l) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2000 4000 6000 Flow (cfs) 8000 10000 12000 Baseflow Discharge (in) 25 20 15 10 5 0 15 10 5 0 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 15 Baseflow Percentage Stormflow Discharge (in) Total Discharge (in) Results – Streamflow Changes 10 5 0 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Regression Models Relating Baseflow to Nitrate Qb provided best r2 value (0.61) compared to Q (0.59), Qs (0.48) or Q% (0.27) What is normal? Des Moines River at Boone 40 yr annual average, 5.86 mg/l Raccoon River at Van Meter 35 yr annual average, 7.07 mg/l → Was 2007 water year unusual? DMR 7.11 mg/l Raccoon R 9.58 mg/l Are nitrate concentrations increasing? Need to use statistical techniques to discern and describe trends Data is not normally distributed so used non-parametric statistics Loftis and Ward, Colorado State University - tested 7 statistical tests Recommend Seasonal Kendall test Data was flow-adjusted – influence of climatic events removed Seasonal Kendall Tau Trend Analysis, Significant Trends (95%) (from Monthly Mean Data, flow-adjusted) NO2+NO3 N NO2+NO3 N n mean slope Des Moines River near Boone 1972-2007 1972-1986 1986-1997 425 163 133 6.16 6.21 6.00 no trend no trend no trend 1997-2007 129 6.36 +0.26 NO2+NO3 N n mean slope Raccoon River near Van Meter 1972-2007 1972-1986 1986-1997 377 163 133 7.07 6.83 7.22 +0.05 + 0.21 no trend 1997-2007 129 7.81 +0.15 180 16 160 14 140 12 120 10 100 8 80 6 60 40 20 0 Ia N Use Ia Corn Acres 4 2 0 Corn Acres Lbs/acre Nitrogen Fertilizer Use and Corn Acres Planted 1964- 2006 Raccoon R at Van Meter, Recent data shows increasing trend 0.14 mg/l/yr *but only at 90% confidence DMR at Boone, Recent data shows increasing trend 0.26 mg/l/yr Exceedance vs Flow, Des Moines River at Boone months 12000 8 10000 7 6 8000 5 6000 4 3 4000 2 2000 1 0 0 Flow (cfs) # of months >10 mg/l Nitrate 9 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 1994 1992 1990 1988 1986 1984 1982 1980 1978 1976 1974 1972 1970 1968 Exceedance vs Flow, Raccoon River at Van Meter months 9 # of months >10mg/l Nitrate 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 flow Linear (months) 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 What this means to DMWW Nitrate concentrations are increasing in the Raccoon River, currently at a rate of 0.15mg/l/yr Is the 10 mg/l drinking water standard being exceeded more often? Yes, in the Des Moines River, maybe in the Raccoon River. Overall, is water quality better? Yes, according to WQI DMR WQI based on %DO (0.21) pH (0.14) BOD (0.14) NO2+NO3 (0.13) Ammonia (0.17) Turbidity + Sus Solids (0.21) For more information dslutz@iastate.edu http://www.ccee.iastate.edu/research/lutz/homepage.html If interested contact me about statistical methods employed