Exchange Briefing / Round Table

October 2, 2009
 Introduction
 Remedy / Support / Migrations
 Compromised Accounts
 EAS Archiving Updates
 PDA Updates
 Exchange 2007 Updates & Notes
 Exchange 2010 Update
 Office 2010 (Windows) Notes
 Support Q&A / Discussions / In-Depth Demo’s
Remedy / Support
 Ticket Process
 Incidents v. Work Orders
 Send EVERYTHING in tickets PLEASE!!!
Follow up with email to if needed
 (for critical tickets, VIP issues, etc.)
 Escalate to Jay Flanagan if needed
 Tickets required to have Local Support review first
 Sending user created tickets back to LS for review
 Incomplete information or missing troubleshooting steps back to LS for
 Ticket Trends
 Migrations
 Missing Email
 Email bounces / undeliverable messages
 Generic Exchange Sponsored Accounts – please route to
 Departmental migrations
 After hours
 Consolidate when possible
 Batch migrations
 Advanced scheduling
 Users cannot request – only local support
 Questions
 Where are you with migrations?
 Are there any large batches tentatively planned?
Missing Email
 Did it migrate over?
 If recent, let us know to investigate;
corrupt mail
 GroupWise data – it’s gone
 Did the user move it?
 Users accidently drag/drop
 Do a search / manual review of each
 Did it get deleted?
 Check Deleted Items folder
 Tools / Recover Deleted Items
 Folder centric
 Deleted Items folder
 Original folder
 Outlook 2003 – registry change required
 If found, select them and restore
 Client issues
PST files
IMAP local files / client rules
What to do:
 Check EAS Archive
 Do a search and/or manually look
 If found, select them and restore to
 Remedy Ticket for large /
complex restores
 Create Ticket
 Give us folders, date to go back to
 We only restore from Archives
Email bounces / undeliverable emails
 IMCEAEX bouncebacks
 Client remembers Eagle, user now on Exchange
 Clear client auto-complete cache (.nk2 files)
Type partial address, delete
 Purge contacts created from GAL entry
(cannot just modify contact)
 Download latest Offline Address Book (OAB)
Updated 2x daily
 After hours migrations
Email bounces (cont’d)
 Other reasons:
 ISPs blocking Emory
Compromised accounts
 Phishing scams, viruses, web server compromise, etc.
Let us know!
 Remedy ticket
 Please send headers / error messages
 Mail forwarding
 Students turned staff
 Other account oddities
Compromised Account Procedures
Once identified and confirmed, we will:
We will immediately reset the user’s EUV account
Disable / block all outbound email for the user
Email the EUV Helpdesk, EHC Helpdesk, EUV
Security, EHC Security and notify them of the
situation. We also advise EHC to reset the password of
the EHC account (if user has one).
Email Local Support (if known)
Create a Remedy Ticket and route to Local Support
Comp. Accts (cont’d)
What we need from you:
Inspect any workstations/laptops this user uses.
Once cleaned or re-imaged
Look for malware, viruses, worms, rootkits, etc.
Look for any signs user responded to phishing email, etc.
Please coordinate same process for user’s other offices (ie.
EHC, if applicable)
Same procedure is required for home use machines
(or have user do this / outsource / etc.)
Once we get an “OK” from you, we will re-enable
outbound email for the user. BUT…
Comp. Accts (cont’d)
What happens if it re-occurs:
 We follow the same procedure, but the user will have all email (inbound AND
outbound) blocked.
 We will not restore service until EUV/EHC security gives ok
 Could potentially require temporary disablement of accounts
Why these measures?
The user’s account has been compromised (id and password)
Any data they have in email has now been potentially exposed
Access to other systems / applications could be compromised
HIPAA / FERPA restricted data could be exposed
Number one issue has been spam blasts from these accounts
Adds Emory servers to global blocklists (blocks email for EHC and EUV
Some delay email, some bounce it
Takes days to fully recover
Looks bad for Emory
EAS Updates
EAS IDOL Project Update
 All users are currently indexed using the IDOL search index
 Searching being done across both Alta Vista and IDOL indexes
 Alta Vista indexes are currently being migrated to IDOL indexes
 Approximately 1250 users per week
 Estimated project completion is 1st Qtr 2010
New Support Contract in place
 With VAR – CAPAX (they did our IDOL upgrade)
 Improved response time to issues
 Better access to engineers
Server / Client Updates
 All back end components have been upgraded to 6.1.9 current release
 New Windows desktop client 6.1.9 (in testing)
 Bug fixes, feature improvements- not mandatory
 Updated EAS Web Access
 New Mac Enterprise Entourage Client (EEC client made by Rand)
EAS Archive Policies
• The policies are based on three things:
• Message Size
• Message Classes (i.e. Email message, Calendar item, etc.)
• Age
• The policies for email messages are:
• All messages are written to archive for backup/restore purposes
• Any message >10MB in total size is stubbed the first day
• 7 days old or older that are >1MB in total size are stubbed
• 30 days old and older are stubbed, regardless of size
• 395 days old (13 months) and older are in archives only
There will be no stub or message left behind in the Exchange mailbox
These items are accessible by searching or by browsing your archives
EAS Archive Policies (cont’d)
• The policies for calendar items are:
• All items are written to archive for backup/restore purposes
• Calendar items take on the same policies as messages except for the
archive-only age
7 days old or older that are >1MB in total size are stubbed
30 days old and older are all stubbed, regardless of size
2 years old and older are placed into the archives only
There will be no stub or item left behind in the Exchange calendar
These items are accessible by searching or by browsing your archives in EWA
• EAS uses the calendar item end date for timelines, not the creation
• The policies for other items are:
• All messages are written to archive for backup/restore purposes
• Will not stub/archive-only Contacts, Notes, Tasks, or Distribution
• All items in the Deleted Items folder are stubbed each day
EAS Archiving - Top Issues
 EAS Recycle Bin
 Non deleted messages went into recycle bin
 Options
 PDA’s
 Outlook Client Plug-in
 Toolbar disappears
 Microsoft Vista install inconsistencies (32bit and 64bit)
 Windows 7 compatibility
 EEC Mac Client
 Inconsistent behavior when forwarding / replying to search or
stubbed messages
 Snow Leopard compatibility
EAS Web Access Updates
Scroll bar functionality (when using maximum number of lines for display)
EAS Web Access (cont’d)
 Messages can now be restored back into users mailbox
from the main view and search window
On the right hand side of the toolbar you will see the following:
If you click on the
on the toolbar then you get the following box:
EAS Web Access (cont’d)
 If you click on the down arrow you get a list of options:
 Delete Msg Ref & Stub
 Delete the message reference in the archive, and stub in the mailbox
 Restore Msg
 Restores non stubbed messages back into the mailbox
 Restore Msg & Delete Stub
 Restores the message back into the mailbox , and removes the stub
EAS Web Access (cont’d)
EWA Main Window
EEC Client Update
Enterprise Entourage Client(EEC) – Mac client
 Ability to reply/reply all/forward stub messages from a preview or search
 EAS Web Access (EWA) integration
EAS Archiving Classes
 Do you or your users need an overview?
 Need a review?
 Understand how to search / retrieve their messages?
 Can we schedule training for you?
 Contact Jay Flanagan
PDA Changes / Updates
Blackberry Enterprise Server 5.0
 Latest BES server release
 Provides greater reliability, scalability and administration
 Blackberry Administration Service is web portal
Opportunity to delegate some functions to Service Desk/Local
Support – i.e. reset activation passwords, wipe devices
 Pilot targeted for end of October;
 Seamless move with migration tool
 Does not require Enterprise Activation
 Devices need to be on 4.2.1 minimum version;
 Exception: 8830 with 4.3.0 needs to be updated;
 Working on list of impacted users
PDA Updates (cont’d)
 < 60 users now
 No longer cost effective
 Cost for maintenance, hardware refresh, etc. ($20,000)
 Annual user maintenance would be up to $200
 Declared as legacy application
 No longer accepting new GoodLink accounts
 Targeting EOL January 1, 2010
 Cleanup/notifications in process (will send list to Local-L)
 Users need to be migrated to ActiveSync or BES
 1400 Current BES users, 2191 – 4567 ActiveSync users
PDA Updates (cont’d)
PDA Security Policies
 Testing PDA device security policies
 Will include Active Sync, BES
 Mostly focused on password policy
 4 characters
 10 minute timeout (iPhones must set manually on device)
 Erase handheld after 10 failed attempts
 Looking for volunteers to help test
 No automation to add users automatically
Known issues seen so far:
 SMS / Pages to BlackBerry devices
Exchange 2007 Updates & Notes
 Changes coming soon:
 Pre-Board / New Hire process update
 Account Automation
 Premium Exchange
 Service now available; initial users moved
 Form in Remedy – must be completed (required - no exceptions)
 Cost is $150 per year – no refunds
 2GB quota (estimated);
2 years of email with year 1 full messages, year 2 stubs
 Current capacity limited to max 250 users; 65 users currently
Exchange 2007 (cont’d)
 Snow Leopard / other clients
 Web Updates
 FAQ’s
Revamping FAQ page
Re-organizing based on product (Exchange, PDA, EAS, etc.)
Trying to make user friendly, self-service
 Asking for topic suggestions, i.e. what do you see the most
questions about
 More frequent updates based on new product
Exchange 2010
 TAP program
 Over 10,000,000 mailboxes active worldwide
 Deployed in Emory production forest
 Stable
 Emory submitted >5 bugs
 Working to build up for true pilot (you will be invited)
 ETA – RTM soon
 Features:
 Public Folders still exist…
 Interoperability between other Exchange systems / MS Live .EDU
 OWA!!!! Mac browser support; share calendars, etc. (demo afterwards)
 Storage overhead decreases – allowing for:
Potentially greater quota’s/capacity
Potentially reduces archiving necessity
DR/BC possibilities – allow databases to replicate > 2 sites
Exchange 2010 (cont’d)
 Architecture being reviewed
 Target is large quotas
Question - Which would your users prefer:
3 years inline stubs/ messages with Outlook/Entourage client
2 years inline messages (no stubs); go to EWA for all older email
 Issues:
 Deployment timing
 CAS upgrade
 Entourage clients - requires EWS to be deployed
Question – How long do you need to complete this?
All traffic via CAS servers (must test VDT connectivity)
Office 2010
 Only in “Tech Preview” release currently (semi-public Alpha release)
 ETA 1st Quarter 2010
 Not mandatory for Exchange 2010
 Both 32bit and 64bit (may be last 32bit release)
 64 bit known limitations
 No 32bit plugin support
No EAS archive toolbar (unknown if will run in 32bit)
No Avaya Modular Messaging toolbar
No Adobe toolbar
 Key changes are in Outlook
 Unknown if ribbons can be disabled
 Outlook sized for large mailboxes
Q&A / Discussions / In-Depth Demo’s
 What questions do you have?
 What are the biggest problems you are seeing?
 What do you need from us (OIT/UTS/Messaging
team) – related to messaging?
 Open Discussions
 Demo requests / reviews