Information Systems in Organizations 3.1.1 Running the Business: Enterprise Systems (ERP) Review • Learn IT! Assignment #2 – Due 9/28 – Fast-Food Drive-Through • Learn IT! Assignment #3 – Due 10/23 – ERP Systems • Learn IT Assignment #4 – Cyber Analytics ( – Starts 10/1 and due 10/30 Learn IT! Assignment #2 • Create a swim lane diagram that documents the process of taking and filling an order at a fast-food drive-through. • Questions and Steps Who? • • • • Customer Clerk Point-of-sale Terminal Kitchen What? • Placing an order • Paying for the order • Receiving the food When? • Receiving the food - Placing an order - Paying for the order – Preparing the food Example Course Topics Overview • • • • Unit 1: Introduction Unit 2: Systems Analysis Unit 3: Organizational Systems Unit 4: Consumer Systems 8 Unit 3: Organizational Systems How do large firms function today? 3.1. Types of systems in organizations 3.1.1. Running the business: enterprise systems (ERP) 3.1.2. Managing the business: decision-making (analytics, BI, dashboards) 3.1.3. Growing the business: knowledge management, R&D, and social business 9 Unit 3: Organizational Systems 3.2. Systems management 3.2.1. Business analysis, requirements, and systems acquisition 3.2.2. Developing systems: programming, testing, and deployment 3.2.3. Systems integration: standards, interoperability, and external collaboration 3.2.4. Managing risk: security, hackers, and privacy 10 Unit 3: Organizational Systems 3.3. Digital business innovation 3.3.1. Generating IT value 3.3.2. Competitive advantage of digital business models 11 Business processes that span multiple functional areas Risks Change Single Database Costs Executive Support What is an ERP system? One copy of data Many modules Integration Partner SAP, Oracle and Microsoft Benefits Single System Remember Swim Lane Diagram? Who does what and when? Legacy Systems Information Flow Diagram Sales Warehouse Accounting Does your customer view your organization as the “well oiled machine”? What kind of non-value added work is created when inventory data or credit data is old? Enterprise System Sales + Warehouse + Accounting How many copies of data do I have? How much non-value added work do I eliminate when inventory and credit data are current? How much better is my decision making with a single copy of all data? How much happier are your customers when they are dealing with the “well oiled machine”? Exercise • Break up into teams of 3-4 • On the following slide, identify all of the system interfaces: – What system needs to talk to what other system – One line per data flow Price Updates In fo g fe r Tra ns Bill ing e of Tim at rice late sP alcu IDM S Da taba se and tch Jobs Bil ls ,T File s Ba Flat es s, In vo ic As ,A SM D ata er rd ,P O O r O rd ers fo g lin ht S P la nti ng d/ pe hip Shipment Informat ion Order Data trol Info rmation Qualit y Con atio n Info rm om er Quality Control System dC ust an les C ha es ult s and Inve st R Te PO Custom er Orders ng e Job Upda N oti tes ce s ntory Sequ en tial Fi Order Data for Order Data Rec n, rm atio Info Pri ce ch ed u Freight Bills Fre ig S an d ac ke d P be to ers rd O er S ve rs Ord rm Te ho rt Ps du le s, ch e Plant Schedu ling Package Stand Maint ard enan ce es Fil Co n Sy ste m Orde r Da Dat a Ord er qu E an d C os ts Tim e, yc le S iz P 's P M e ta Applications Prod m en t du nn in Pla 10 ss la ers ,C rd O se es ,C rc ha Pu ,B atc h Pa rty d hir Fil Home Grown Fil Pro e uct du So cti urci on ng/R Pla Prod elea ns uctio sed n Pl Order ans s/Sh ort Term Carrier Contra cts Te rm Lo ng pti on , O B U S g Pro Bu sin ce s Ref eren (Jap an File Cro ss SK Us ers /T rd O Re le as ed M s, P ro du cti on S BO FT Ps Co ns um ca st A cc o un t O rd ers ,F ore an d Da ta to ark ets M al an d A ctu rd ers ,D em an d D ata P la n In Pla fo n es s es s Ye arl y aste r Cu On stomer ly) M ans, ip w n G ro e Ho m tion Transa ctions Data/Class 10 Produc t Assignment Order and Produc Long Term Production Plans Inventories, Resource Master, BOM,Transactiion Information, Schedule tail Quality Control Data n Res ults b Re sults Formats du Pro HIS TR nce of COA , on cti 1 yr. Invoice Detail y ail /jD pies sts es Fil Maintena T Acce ss E R ally En Report Monomer Consumpt ion Rec eipt s Table tered La ca re Fo bles Ta Co mail Fax/e User on cti ed Link du Pro Manually Entered Datam art Te st ly th on ,M Path Extra ct PCA Dat a Info, PO's, and Item Desc riptiio es vo ic In Pro du ct on pti um ns ry to through Web Resu Co ven y In Contra cts OFP Mont hly ifications Spec d an ail ,D the Peopl e who Input Identificatio n Refer en Batchce: Prod Numb uct Co er... ding, Test on ry Logon of Codes, cti to Any ata D , Test Test du ERS Invoic es Custo mer Service Report s ifications uct Spec lts, Prod ry Inter nal Data QCS es for ERS nto ve ven In OTIF Exter nal Data Custo mer Servic e e COA Pro Custom er Complai nt Handlin g System Invoic nt APR CCH S Word Docu ment Asset Utiliza tion Pla Report s (up-to 65) as In Compl aints A/P Workfl ow Rep sine Bu nt ies Po oices Metri cs Order s/ Shipm ents lic ss Invoices NCACP g ortin Chin a Inven Global Logistics r De de Or Webtre nds Reporti ng d rio Pe t PPQ M Dema nd Planni ng Tool Batches Teste d in the Lab, Finis hed Pack ages of Inp u Knoxv ille Barco ding atab 2D DB nd ual Geon Interlin king om a fr Dat ble Man VSA M ODS tory ,E t d ou C Inpu Branch Wareh ouse Invento ry Sys Plant Quali ty Contr ol Manu Cycle Ta yers Manual Input cti on All Data From LICONS on s ca ti Ap pli sts rd Co Stan da Co sts H & R Sta nd ard Queries nts cume g Do ing oic Inv Bu Manu al ssag Me Orders Entered Manualy Data abou t m Syste ed Inv Index s tion Operati onal Report s an r ns tio ac Training Manage ment System Web Trends Vistor Badge tro l ati on rm B illi Constants Corporate B us in ices Invo ati on rm fo In nc e Re fe re Custom Marke from t Direc APR tory Inf and o Annu LAR al Pr oduc tion Pl s rt o ep lR sta ry C FT ts tC os Output can be to Screen, File, Printer nte r ri P ile , cre en ,F S to ut utp O ng In fo del s Mo an cial Fin ipm en Sh C os ts S PR M d an Sa le s PR M S Busin ess Fin ancials Billin g ortin dR ep se s an a Entry Validate Dat xP urpo Ta ts Amoun ca r Lo RCM S Global Shipp ment Info le yc C Product Identific ation File Associated Words Rail Carri ers es Ca D eli Custo mer Da ta Detail Invoic e and A/R s Fixed Asse t Ac coun t Ba lance s Tax Data Paymen t Detail ucher, Payro ll Ac coun t Ba lance Paid A/P Vo Paid Vouc Construction her Info Costs Sales Freight Costs Annual Budget Amounts rts M1 Repo nts m ou tA ge ud tB Un of ipts er ce Ord , Re ipts ce T re e dget , IP OPIM No Longer Supported By Dir ec en Sh ic Data Exchang Inbound Electron Updat ed Bu ata tD ipm er Ord In ers s, od Ord d Go d ER an ishe AR ta/N Da Invoice Level Data Suppile ns ra Author Identific ation Comm ents List of All Files Training History Product n) tio en Ret ent verm Go Updated Order Users Personal Orders/Dem and Data European Invoices Export Invoice Data ion for Shipping Teams duling siness Plan Sche ER Bu yr. Tote max s/Status Tote Detail Source Informat R and for NA a (3 Dat an IPT and IBT Info Price er rd istic to Log Are EDI Orders Singa pore is Actiion/Analys Record of the Author r taken by the Autho the ce of Servi of the ence Load Planning per Location d Rooms Exc ell lO Process rn or Patte d on sT ale Service/ Area Identific ation Refer t Input pu l In ua Lists of Booke Confer ence Room LPSCAg hipm ta/ r Da Pro CSR Base ulated is Calc ,S Destin ation Port rica Prism Invoices Locati on er nts Consumed/Shipme Produced to Inventory from Moves the Customers Inventory Order Numb er dS Ord ork ew ,R on cti s/ du File ly Pro nth All Mo R od DP eri ,M f P DC do T En Contai ner Type R an AP me sto /Cu ducts on Info rt Custom Manual Input Man Lion Badg e Mariti me Carrier All e In rvic Se Manu el Mon Cycle Count Tool al Manu Room Reservations/ On Demand Badges Keywo rds Date/ Time n/ atio GE Inform ta ation r Da Extran Carrie Data/ et tics Logis Mida s Freig ht Rate s Cu Shipm ents Daily Planning File, Merge Orders Resources Parameters File, Procurement Orders, to His Da er stem Sy ling Labe stom ily Entity Templ ates Mainten ance Metrics ta Da el ev form Orders, fo In s, Wor k ata tD en Orders Replenishment fin ns atio sific clas t Re ta r Da Orde Ex tra cted Sh ipmfrom en Orde ts rs essing Order Proc lates Or Cu es OPIM on Master Vendor Field Temp ta Inv Ship ment Orders Data Summari zed at a Rem Inbound/Outb itt Leve ound Data l d Info Hazar der l Or torica His and ts ders tmen r Or jus me n sto y Ad ctio tor , Cu sa rec an et Di y Tr ark ntro File/M ve Prod ati rm ed Da fo ally En ter d Co n an er stom ipped Online Applica tion ction ansa Cu Prod GOOD t Sh sign r an de rs de R Or d LA Drafts, Unsh ct Tr rodu ntor In ies nu Market Direct ory r/P me tio loca y Re t en entor File Inve tio uc U's, SK ts, en ipm men d As ns m id CC HS Busin ess Plan me r Inf o, US ct ta on C DFIA sts Va ria nc e Fi le, Gr Busine sses , n, ptio En trie s es s es s hip rhea d Co nt Declarat ions S er ve ctio ns Tim Inf o, Cu sto ing Sourc uct uc Order Status Info um ns ng ippi d Sh an lls ta t Bi Da gh Prod sto ily in us B sa Frei TM S Da Ord an ta Tr s du ctio n Da ent Pro Busine ss Applica tion MI MI rd o, Co Shipm 10 Supply/ Line Order Pad Foc us Reports Used to Track Shipments Cla ss Tolera nce Limits SK ,O er Inf er nsit ventory/ Customer Orders,In Shipment History, Manu el Entry Files Con taining Vehicle ID's os ve y ns XRefere nces Shipment ory , Invent er Orders Custom History, es Dat dC Sur d by ne es ntai ss Mai sine Bu for Major Customer Info ar ts, ard atio n uctio n Pla S+O P me Sold Volu sts reca Fo Ma LOG S+ Us pd ates Prod ntain Tra Customer Data/Order Information o Cu ival Arr oc Data for Trading Partners Pr Va lid ca ted O sts Net tio crip Da ta, uct s an d nce Account Maintena CIS r Inf me jor ated im Est ta Allo Run sts, Prod Des try t Ra tes /Ca rrie r Ro uting fo In isa/ Da ts, Co an dA cc ou Term Forec ast Co n/ U SK Orde r En Fre igh sto Data ER, NAR File oic Server Datab ase LICONS All Data from to Dat aU e nc en ke ts Static Regio nal Dema nd Sheet s Static Global Deman d Sheets Freight Costs Short eW ritt en po rt In vo Note ice Freigh t Invoices EDI Forecas ts Mast er Data s ar the Ex EDI itta em R ice Pa ym es ic vo en tV Invo lM ar Billing Inform ation nd th-e Operato rs & Secretar ies In nS tand Ma po er to on Re m Ra tes, Mor gM ning Plan to ge to Actual Expen ses ily Da us an Suppl y Chain s SBU's Logi plan s, istic Stat C ch Pro cu rem Relea sed Orde rs, Bu ild on Shi p to Inro ies Ex Adjus y netar to Rates Accounts s t BillRece ivable/ Freigh Time Orders and Inventories Adhoc Quer cy NA R/A ctua in Dur Rs CS rren ata eD nc ser aria r U s V pe Map Pro File Input Cu from r arde De tail, I, ED Gross CAR S CO SA ebusine ss asts Forec Manugis tics Buisne ss Finacia l Datam art r Mo me sto /Cu nts Da ta rw tual File Plant Allocated Costs Repo rts t Fo eigh e Fr Ac Intra com Histor cume g Doy Billin fits d Pro sts an ses Purpo n tio ca pli Ap CO al SA Coob Gl st ent New Busines s Applicat ions Ver ga the s Feed Co les, s, Sa e th for Tax Dire ct Varia nce Entity Costs Flow thly Keywo rd Searc h MI MS Dai ly S er Lev el Dat a Pla n Level Bu De tail, ls cia an hed ons/ Finis Fin of s n Transacti nts ts es Productio es s ne os Goods in Class 10 se Pric cy te po C us Purcha m uct B en Ra Prices, d Co rod urr e tainer an C ang P M Con s ts, R & h tic d Cos xc is Over Hea og ages, lL el Usa ba tion Mod lo Produc G on st to Hierar chy Report s E ti ca Lo d de Ad Co Invent ory, Shipm mer Custo and g by ta Da Used ct ers Notes En try s File ioin s S Sup es uctur in ort ep es e lu Va t Ba lanc er tpu Rates co es /Dire Mitro l Standard Costs TW S un a st Dat nts ou cc A R d an Issu g Ac Ord Foreca d an n turin BPC S Finan Excel l Standards CDRO M ets ark o cti du ro ufac cial Data Ari ba Man Mast er Data sts, Transportation Rates M P cial an ty nti ua Q Fin he rs, Sa pis Busines s Plan & Monthly Actuals Manufacturing Sessio n Form ERIN Burnt onto a CDROM g a Specific Training Form Describin Session Person al Trainin g Form Prod GSI PRM S Inv Print File, n, Scree t to Stand ards of WWB OM ns Protea n Spread Sheet Data Invoice Archivi ng & Retriev al sts Co ctio uc User Impo rts Data TSX n Data Depriciatio Training Sessions Yearly Historical Invoice Data Italian Traini ng Syste m Payments to Carrier s n Ship Form ated Tra nsa ym en t Vo TWS ERIN Pa Inv entor y Va ule s Ou OASI S Traini ng (Intern al) Excel l ucts ta Historical Data, Cost Center Reference Data/Update Budget Ledgers, Plant Allocated Costs Budge t Manag ers ed Rec ord s Regulat ory Informat ion a Dat FRP Daily Cost s es uctio dard Stan LIF O us n Bo LTI ge, Frin Rates Prod Da cial Procure ment Card Invo ices ,M atch Bal an ce Operati onal Report s Budg et Web s Manu el Input t of Sales Balanc es dg et Operati onal Report s nes fere nc Canadi an Billing System Freight Cos ta A/R Lo ca tio nC Co ode/ de/ Nam Nam es es , B usi Budg et Re re ca ply Str Code rton al ctu of Plant Co rpor ate Co de Tran sm iss fo ta e Da oic Inv ents/ trm Mo tween k be a Lin A y, sts Invoice s and Kub ra Forecasts, Supply Plan ail D Co Data Finan Da Account Balances Freight A/P Invoices/Fixed Asset Profit and Cost Reports, Production Reference Data/Business Data Customer Receipts d ne lig A rd da Stan Variance Cost CMD B A/R Paym ent Vouc hers Sh DFIA nd r th n ata D Period Cost and JDE Sal es nk ch ts e Fil atio er US Dome stic Billing os rm Fo gC turin ufac an s le Sa Canadi an Sales System fo s ovide ble/Pr ly th t In Hier ar y In Ta ence on M Cos Ba stom er A/R Move ment Refer Data mart Integr ated Costs Ord Cu e, Cash , dM a an Dat M Invoic er Ord oic e Sy ste m les rts Transmi ssion Files Cas h Ord Routi ng ric al Inv Sa ords e Rec Balanc ipely Process Perform ance Histo Fo G/L Essb ase Form ate d Tra nsac tions , ges har urc ata cD sion TPS Mod po 1 Re HR/ Payr oll ni ctro en d dS Pana gon Ele Dim an dar tan Paper Invoic es ig Fre r Mode s al toric His Ledge r Accou nts Mainten ance Work Process Carrie Codes ct Dire ta Da Inpu fo les a Fi Dat view es Sal ht Leve l Da ta ,S rrifs E AIM GBDB Ta ,F es Rat L er rpor ate Location t of MSA ht ig re Co rd Da ta Dat a ORDI O ess es Freight Costs Statem ents List of Freight Costs Queries sin el Hyperi on r Tax by ea Bu ctory ket Dire DCD F MSA Fixed Assets Export Billing Syste m of Data Invoice Retention INVC Dat a FCM S n bjec t Ar Operati onal Pricing Reports CGII atio form Su ms In vel FP rk to Cle ar Cu sto e Le orat to mer ,O Pape r Wo t ea fer ar Cus bjec t Ar ta Da am Dat ea , Sa les Su Re Custo ms Paper work Info About Carrier s Corp Salt t Ar cs isti bjec g Lo Su es ic vo bal Glo /L In fo In ea ,G ta Da Global Logisi tics Ar er m ct du ro o reca st Transf er Price Data Web Adddit onal Surcha rges to tP Focu , Fo atio rm Info ing e as C lly se ua Ca an M ke re Inf ments Formatted Disburse Mar ctu Stru Sales Data for Plastic Additives ea Sal Mar ints ot Po s Piv bjec t Ar the m n fro Pric us C on nizati Orga Su sin Monthly Sales Files stom er Paper Invoic es ari ffs Haas ding s tant Unit Restructu ring Bu APR t/ Cu Co Info and en ns Co ate rpor Daily Billin gs Le ve l Rohm ea , Sp tom er ly bjec t Ar rd Cost s Area n O New ata Dimen sion Mart aC us D ea , Co sts Su ence ess Prod uc sts PRD B t Ar Co Input is Keyed into all Business the System ides Needed as ov Pr ATTA K User Input da Stan bjec at e as Focus Pivot Table User Input orta tio n by Mitro l Order Data Only ts) ufac turin g Su Order Commit ment Tool Tran Corporate Data h rc DCD A of KMC Knoxv ille ERIN sp Subje ct u Information Corporate Constants Reference Co st ep orts P Payroll Data Dslsct ytd (Corpor ate Constan Man Payr oll Pricin g Focus Datab ase M62 Foreign Sales Corpora te Tax DFIA Info Servi ce ATTA K SACO S or INVC SRC E MCM S P ri ep L an Fore cast HTM Transf er Price File Pricing Data for IPT's tion Informa cin Files ts lR ce d Ex tic Sta DslsC osts Pricing tR Prop erty Fixed Property Data M26 Prici ng Corporate Level Information Sams on Web Trends Reports Manu factin g Mars h LIC ON Reference Data Web Trends Reporti ng an dC os Payroll System s Corpor ate Consta nts Cost Repo rts Banks Insourc e CS Income Tax Pro fit Brazili an Bank File /Profit and Budget Appllica tion Paid Vouch er Detail Constru ction Expens e Data from IDMS Table Freig ht Invoi ce Forecas t Subject ReferencArea, Corpora te e Info Current State System Map Mexic an Payme nts Manage r Applica tion Asp en Office Svs Syste m LOA M DAZ EL Lab Resu lts Mono mers CDR OM Invoic e Archiv al Proce ss Plex eComme rce ERP Challenges • Adoption – People HATE change! • Configuration is extremely complex – Vanilla (config change only) vs. Customization • Implementation is extremely complex • Costs – Rohm and Haas spend $300 million over a period of three years – What else could they have done with $300 million? • Risks – Mega-failures with ERP implementations in the mid-90s – Many companies went out of business as a result • Internally focused – Need supply chain and customer relationship management too ERP Benefits • A single database providing superior, realtime, data-driven decision making • Standardizing business processes based on industry best practices – Force business process reengineering • Reduced operating costs – Rohm and Haas saved $200 million/year Leaders in the ERP Space • • • • SAP Oracle Microsoft Dynamics New cloud based ERP providers? SAP SCM SAP ERP SAP CRM Making it Happen • • • • • • • Executive Sponsor Driven by the business, not by IT Requires experts from all of the functional areas Top-tier Integration Partner Training, training, training Testing, testing, testing Don’t cut corners! – It could cost you a fortune – It could cost you your business Unit 3: Organizational Systems How do large firms function today? 3.1. Types of systems in organizations 3.1.1. Running the business: enterprise systems (ERP) 3.1.2. Managing the business: decision-making (analytics, BI, dashboards) 3.1.3. Growing the business: knowledge management, R&D, and social business 27 Unit 3: Organizational Systems 3.2. Systems management 3.2.1. Business analysis, requirements, and systems acquisition 3.2.2. Developing systems: programming, testing, and deployment 3.2.3. Systems integration: standards, interoperability, and external collaboration 3.2.4. Managing risk: security, hackers, and privacy 28 Unit 3: Organizational Systems 3.3. Digital business innovation 3.3.1. Generating IT value 3.3.2. Competitive advantage of digital business models 29 Review • Grades • Learn IT! Assignment #3 – Due 10/23 – ERP Systems • Learn IT Assignment #4 – Cyber Analytics ( – Starts 10/1 and due 10/30 2015 University-wide/National student competition Work in teams or individually Real-world problems for Merck / QVC / PA BAllet Use any tool. Workshops throughout October Opens October 1, entries due October 30th $10,000 in prizes for winning entries / First Prize $2,500 The Challenges Will an Ebola vaccine change world heath? Who is the best audience for cultural institutions? Can TV and digital jointly increase sales? A good graphic tells a story Good graphics help compare large amounts of data easily They look at data from multiple angles… It’s also about choosing the right data… Good graphics provide meaningful insight Under pre-1920 rules: men only The electoral result of the 2012 election Under 1850 rules: white men only Infographics: They can be simple Or they can be more complex, combining several types of data Infographics tell a story using data and images For more information, visit Worksheet Activity • Worksheet “Business Processes: Procure to Pay” Review • Grades • Learn IT! Assignment #3 – SAP Login Information on Gradebook – Due 10/23 • Learn IT Assignment #4 – Cyber Analytics ( – Starts 10/1 and due 10/30 Worksheet Activity • Worksheet “Business Process : Procure to Pay with ERP” Worksheet Activity • Worksheet “Organizational Systems : Filling in the Income Statement”