Manifest Destiny

First coined by newspaper editor, John O’Sullivan in
".... the right of our manifest destiny to over spread and
to possess the whole of the continent which Providence
has given us for the development of the great experiment of
liberty and federal development of self-government
entrusted to us. It is right such as that of the tree to the
space of air and the earth suitable for the full expansion of
its principle and destiny of growth."
A myth of the West as a land of romance and adventure
Set in the frontier (line between areas of settlement
and those areas dominated by nature and native
US Frontier consisted of Great Plains, mountains,
deserts and basins of the far west
Miners are
attracted to the
far west by
discovery of
precious metals
 California Gold
Rush of 1849
 Klondike Gold
found in Yukon,
near Alaska in
Made travel to the West Coast easier
 Helped to close the final frontier and
open the region to settlement
Made federal land available to settlers
 Used mostly by Farmers
 Farmers had to overcome lack of rain
-digging water wells
-making sod houses
-barbed wire
-steel plows
Drove cattle on
long “drives”
across the open
range to rail
Read the following push and pull factors
 On your notesheet rerank the push and
pull factors based on what you think
would be the most important reason to
head west
 Then in 15 words explain your chart
US wanted to defeat
the Indians to close
the final frontier and
open the region to
 Factors that eroded
Native American
control of the West
-Forced removal (Trail of
-Flood of settlers
-Destruction of Natural
Federal troops defeated Sioux and other
tribes on the Great Plains and Southwest,
forcing them onto reservations
 Policy of US govt was to move native
Americans to western reservations
Sought to help
“Americanize” Native
Americans, had the
opposite effect
-threatened tribal ways
-hunters, not farmers
-infertile lands
-reservation life
 Abolished Native
American tribes, and
allotted tribal lands to
individual Indians who
often sold them
Granted U.S. citizenship to all Native
Americans born in the US
opportunities and
conflicts that existed as
Americans moved
westward consisted of
___________, _____________,
and ___________.
Write you own verse to Home on the Range about the
impact of the settlement of the West on different groups
of people.
Your song should have four lines one for miners,
ranchers, settlers and Indians, describing one important
effect that group had on the settlement of the West
Using the word frontier, create an
acrostic poem
What are the three most important
innovations, or inventions, of your
--write them down on your notesheet be
prepared to share
American industrialization proceeded at
a rapid pace in the decades after the
Civil War
Contribution of Government
 Protection of property and contracts
 Passing of protective tariffs
 System of patents fostered new
entrepreneurs to
develop new
industries and
expand them
 Individuals are free
to produce and
sell whatever they
 People go into
business to make
a profit
Prices are set by supply and demand
 Inefficient companies that are unable to
compete go out of business
Growth of Population, rise of corporate
form of business and skills of
entrepreneurs allowed US economy to
 Development of the corporation as a
business organization
 No longer just individuals but
shareholders with “stocks”
Development of the Transcontinental Railroad and
other new railroad lines:
- improved travel to the west
- Created a demand for steel
- Tied the country together
- Created a national market from coast to coast
Bessemer Process in
steel production
 Electricity gave birth to
new industries and
-Sewing machine
-Telephone (Alexander
Graham Bell)
 Oil industry replaced
whale industry
 All contributed to
America’s economic
Which do you think had a greater
impact on the people of its time:
computer or the typewriter?
 Which do you think had a greater
impact on the people of its time: cell
phones or the telegraph?
 Which do you think had a greater
impact on the people of its time: the
Internet or electricity?
Was the rise of industry good for the
United States?
The rise of Industry was (good/bad) for
the US because of _____________ and
_____________, ______________.
Which of the following factors do you
feel was most important to America’s
growth in the Gilded Age?
-Inventions and technology
-Rise of large industry
-Relationship between big business and
the government
 1. List the factor you choose
 2. Why you think that factor is most
important (Look at your graph)