ClearLake Primary Care Patient Information Management System By, Richard Hobbs Nikitha Vempati Kalaivani Ramasamy Dorothy Hogg The preferred software application is for the automation of the patient information management for the ClearLake Primary care. The application can be used in any hospital, clinic, dispensary or pathology labs for maintaining patient details, schedule appointments, test results, provide medical prescriptions and billing reports. Summary An integrated computer-based system that functions within the clinic’s network, serves as a single repository for maintaining patient information and other related records. Provides organized working conditions and maintains more reliable, and consistent data. Provides support for GUI forms for immediate and easy data storage and retrieval. Supports role based authorization, to enhance the security measures. Maintains and generates accurate reports for viewing and analyzing. Proposed Solution Number of forms – 20 Number of reports - 6 Forms and Reports Login Form Welcome form Front-desk staff Welcome form Lab-Technician Reset Password Form Welcome form Doctor Change Password Form Opening form Hierarchy Welcome form Administrator Purpose: Allows the user to enter their username and password and validates with the ones existing in the backend secure database. Field Type Size Default userName Text 20 None passWord Text 8 None Login form Comments * Masked Purpose: If the user forgets the password or username, he/she can enter the Email address to reset their password. Field Type Size Default Comments emailAddress Text 20 Email format Password reset form Purpose: This form allows the user to change password. It requires the user to enter the username and old password. Field Type Size Default userName Text 10 None passWord Text 8 None Password change form Comments Masked * Login form Front-desk staff Lab-Technician Doctor Administrator Patient Data Entry Form Test Results entry form Generate Tests Add User form Patient Information form Appointment Scheduler form Generate Reports form Medical Prescriptions form Invoice Test Results View form Payment Blood Test Results Data Entry Forms Hierarchy Urine Test Results X-Ray Test Results Purpose: This form enables the Front-desk staff to navigate to the appointment scheduler form and patient registration form. Welcome form – Front-desk staff Purpose: This form enables the Lab-technician to navigate to the test results entry form to enter test results for the patients. Welcome form – Lab technician Purpose: This form enables the Doctor to navigate to different forms for viewing patient details, test results and provide billing information. Welcome form – Doctor Purpose: This form enables the Administrator to navigate to different forms for viewing or generating reports and adding a new user. Welcome form - Administrator Purpose: This form allows the administrator to register a new user. The password will be emailed to the user. Field Type Size Default Comments userRole Text 10 emailAddress Text 10 None Email Format, Required firstName Text 10 None Required lastName Text 10 None Required dateOfBirth Date addressLine1 Text 20 None city Text 10 None state Text 10 None zipCode Text 5 None Gender Char 1 None mobilePhone Text 10 None Qualification Text 10 None Specialization Text 10 None ComboBox, Required None Combo-box (M and F) homePhone Add user form Optional Purpose: The Purpose of this form is to schedule an appointment for the patient with the requested Doctor. The form displays a list of available time for the selected Doctor. The staff can select the date and time and confirm the appointment. Field Type Size Default Comments doctorName Text 10 None ComboBox appointmentDate Text Current Date MonthCalendar appointment Hour Text List of Hours ListBox firstName Text 20 None lastName Text 20 None Appointment scheduler form Purpose: The purpose of this form is to register a new patient by entering patient information and save it in the database. The form also supports updating information for already existing patients. Field Type Size Default patientID Text 10 firstName Text 10 None lastName Text 10 None dateOfBirth Date addressLine1 Text 20 None city Text 10 None state Text 10 None zipCode Text 5 None Gender Char 1 None registrationDate Date homePhone Text 10 None maritalStatus Text 10 None Insurer Text 10 None accountNumber Text 10 None Comments None Combo-box (M and F) None Patient data entry form Combo-box Purpose: The purpose of this form is to allow the doctor to view patient information including personal details and previous medical health records. The doctor can search for the patient by name or PIN(Patient Identification Number). Field Type Size patientID Text 10 addressLine2 Text 10 None mobilePhone Text 10 None guardianName Text 10 None emergencyContact Name Text 10 None emergencyContact Number Text 10 None medicalHistory RichText 40 None Patient information form Default Comments Unique Identifier Date and Comments Purpose: The purpose of this form is to enter and order the tests to be performed on the patient. It is accessed by the doctor and the appointed staff member. Field Type Size Default Comments appointmentDate Date default None From appointment table PatientData.patientID Text 10 None Doctor input PatientDate.lastName Text 20 None lookup PatientTable.firstName Text 20 None lookup StaffPersonals.staffID Text 10 None Doctor input StaffPersonals.lastName Text 20 None lookup StaffPersonals.firstName Text 20 None lookup StaffPersonals.officePhone Text 12 None lookup CPT Code Text 10 None Code is behind the name comments Text 255 None Doctor input Generate test form Purpose: This form allows the technician to choose the form necessary to enter data results according to the test performed. The doctor will also access this form to view the results. Field Type Size Default Comments patientID Text 10 None User input lastName Text 20 None firstName Text 20 None testDateTime Test results entry form None System input Purpose: The requested tests will be listed with boxes to enter the individual test results. The technician will enter the results and submit the form when complete. If the results are pending the form can be revisited to add new results. Once all results are entered, the technician submits complete. The technician and doctor will have different views of this form. What will be enables and visible to each one will be set in the load event of the button the summons the form. Tests results view forms Programming note: GENERATE: The Generate Test form patientID data entry opens open the PatientTest table and writes a new record for each test checked, entering with the [CPTcode] (and [patientID] and test [date/time]). The [results] are empty, the [pending] field is true, and the [billable] field is false ENTER RESULTS:Both of theTestResults form submit buttons send the result to the [result] field of the appropriate record, identified by patient ID, date/time and CPT code. While Pending is true, only the Partial submit button is active. The Pending radio button must be changed to false by the user to activate the Submit Complete Report button. Selecting the Submit Complete Report button flips the billable to true, so the invoice can program can pull tests that have been completed but not billed. The Invoice program will sort Patient Test records first on billable, then on Patient ID, and the Invoice program will read the billable for each patient, get the cost from the CPT table, write the items to the invoice, add the costs and bill the patient. Generate Reports form Billing by physician Billing report Monthly Quarterly Annual Reports Hierarchy CPT report Patient Information report Purpose: The purpose of this form is to provide easy access to the patients medical prescriptions and to print them for the patients. This information will also be stored in the patients Prescription history. Field Type Size Default patientID Text 10 patient Address Text 10 dateOfBirth Date allergies Text 10 None Rx1 Text 10 None Rx2 Text 10 None Rx3 Text 10 None Instructions1 Text 10 None Instructions2 Text 10 None Instructions3 Text 10 None None None Medical prescriptions form Comments Purpose: The purpose of this form is to provide billing information for the patient and an invoice receipt. Field Type Size Default invoiceNumber Text 10 invoiceDate Date accountNumber Text 10 None amountDue Text 10 None paymentDueDate Date CPTCode Text None None 10 Patient billing form None Comments Purpose: This form allows the administrator to generate and view reports based on the reports the administrator selects. Administrator reports form Billing by Physician Billing reports form CPTCODE reports form Hardware diagram Desktop computer specifications – 7 needed 2.0 GHZ dual core CPU 2 gigabytes ECC ram (for servers add 100 MB per user) ECC stands for error correcting code memory 250 GB hard drive Keyboard, optical mouse with wheel 22 inch color monitor - screen resolution 1024 x 768 or larger Laser printer for quick printing Ethernet network card (on network for multiple users) Ethernet hub and wire to attach other computers Internet account with a mail account to use e-mail tools All-in-one laser printer/fax/copier Sound card and speakers For data serving, use UPS (universal power supply - 20 minute battery back up) Network hardware PowerEdge T610 - an Intel processor-based 2-socket tower server Hardware Requirements Microsoft office suite (word, excel, PowerPoint, access) McAfee total protection Iron port encryption software Windows 7 professional Windows 2008 server E-mail client - use Microsoft outlook as the default email client FAX software requirements win fax pro 10.0 Backup options USB memory stick 16 gig CD-ROM read-write Tape back up External hard drive Software Requirements Passwords * Staff Personals staffID userName password * staffID SSN lastName firstName officeNumber officePhone cellPhone eMail streetAddress1 streetAddress2 city state zip Appointment * appointmentDate * appointmentHour * staffID patientID Prescriptions PatientData * patientID SSN lastName firstName homePhone cellPhone eMail streetAddress1 streetAddress2 city state Zip Guardian emrgContactPhone gender Birthdate maritalStatus insurer insureAccountNumber * perscriptionID patientID perscriptionDate drugName Instructions genericOK_YN numberOfRefills allergies Active_YN Doctor Consult * * patientID dateTime bloodPressure weight temperature pulse symptoms diagnosis treatment * invoiceNumber invoiceDate CPTCode patientID PatientTests TestLookup * patientID * CPTcode * testDateTime requestingDr result complete_YN billable_YN ER-Diagram Billing * CPTCode testName testDescription testNormMax testNormMin cost PatientData Staff Personals * staffID SSN lastName firstName officeNumber officePhone cellPhone eMail streetAddress1 streetAddress2 city state zip Passwords * staffID userName password Login Add user Password reset * patientID SSN lastName firstName homePhone cellPhone eMail streetAddress1 streetAddress2 city state Zip Guardian emrgContactPhone gender Birthdate maritalStatus insurer insureAccountNumber Prescriptions Patient information * CPTCode testName testDescription testNormMax testNormMin cost Password change PatientTests * * * appointmentDate * appointmentHour * staffID patientID Appointment set Prescription form TestLookup Doctor Consult Appointment * perscriptionID patientID perscriptionDate drugName Instructions genericOK_YN numberOfRefills allergies Active_YN patientID dateTime bloodPressure weight temperature pulse symptoms diagnosis treatment Patient data entry Forms and table relationship * patientID * CPTcode * testDateTime requestingDr result complete_YN billable_YN Billing * invoiceNumber invoiceDate CPTCode patientID Generate Test Enter/view results Patient billing Thank you! Questions and Suggestions?