Permit Application Forms REC.LAW.007 CONTENTS Page EVENT PERMIT GUIDELINES Introduction ........................................................................................... 4 How to use this handbook........................................................................ 4 Frequently asked questions (FAQ) ............................................................ 5 A-Z Definition of key terms ...................................................................... 7 Event expenses ...................................................................................... 9 Council support for community events ....................................................... 9 Events without Permits ............................................................................ 9 The event permit process in Brimbank ...................................................... 9 Applying for an event permit .................................................................. 10 Event permit essentials ......................................................................... 10 Indemnity and public liability insurance ........................................... 11 The risk management plan ............................................................. 11 The emergency management plan .................................................. 13 Supplementary documentation and permits ............................................. 13 The site plan ................................................................................ 14 Waste management ...................................................................... 14 Traffic management ...................................................................... 14 Street parades and processions ...................................................... 15 Events affecting public transport ..................................................... 16 Filming ........................................................................................ 16 Fireworks ..................................................................................... 16 Food permits: Registrations or Notifications ..................................... 17 Reserve bookings ......................................................................... 17 Events requiring occupancy permits ................................................ 19 Siting permits for large temporary structures ................................... 20 Events and planning permits .......................................................... 20 Billboards and signage................................................................... 20 Supplementary external licences, permits and approvals ........................... 20 APRA licences ............................................................................... 21 Authorisation from Vic Roads ......................................................... 21 Metropolitan Fire Brigade - Total fire ban day permits ....................... 21 Operator Licences (UAVs) .............................................................. 21 Parks Victoria ............................................................................... 21 Temporary liquor licences .............................................................. 22 Victoria Police............................................................................... 22 Working with children checks ......................................................... 22 Notifying Authorities and the public......................................................... 22 APPLICATION FORMS Event permit application A: Event Notification .......................................... 24 Event permit application B: Event Planning and Indemnity......................... 26 City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 2 of 69 REFERENCES AND RESOURCES A-Z of event planning for an event permit ............................................... 30 Access ......................................................................................... 30 Alcohol ........................................................................................ 30 Cleaning and waste management ................................................... 30 Disability access ........................................................................... 30 Event cancellation ......................................................................... 31 Event power ................................................................................. 31 Event staff ................................................................................... 31 First Aid ....................................................................................... 31 Food and beverages ...................................................................... 32 Lighting ....................................................................................... 32 Gas bottles: Liquid petroleum gas (LPG) .......................................... 32 Noise .......................................................................................... 32 Parking........................................................................................ 32 Signage ....................................................................................... 33 Temporary structures .................................................................... 33 Toilet facilities .............................................................................. 33 Vehicle access .............................................................................. 34 Water .......................................................................................... 34 Weather ...................................................................................... 34 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Event permits and related fees schedule ................................ 35 Appendix 2: Key roles in event management ........................................... 37 Appendix 3: Food at events ................................................................... 40 Appendix 4: A sample risk management plan ........................................... 41 Appendix 5: Communication and event management ................................ 44 Appendix 6: Disability access ................................................................. 45 Appendix 7: An emergency management plan template ........................... 46 Appendix 8: Sample event site safety checklists ....................................... 47 Appendix 9: Incident & Hazard Report Form ............................................ 49 Appendix 10: Doing the paperwork ......................................................... 51 Sample production schedule ........................................................... 52 Sample contractor agreement ........................................................ 53 Sample performer agreement ......................................................... 54 Sample stall holder confirmation letter ............................................ 56 Appendix 11: Notification letter template ................................................. 58 Appendix 12: Marketing your event ........................................................ 59 Sample performer registration form ................................................ 61 Sample stall holder registration form ............................................... 63 Useful contacts ..................................................................................... 65 City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 3 of 69 Introduction Festivals and other events have been used by communities throughout the ages as a celebration of cultural values, beliefs and special occasions whereby community ties are also strengthened. Council welcomes events that are well planned, safely conducted and that do not impact adversely on the rest of the community. The coordination and conduct of an event is a serious undertaking not only in terms of time, effort and cost but also the safety of public, contractors and event staff. Organisers undertake a ‘duty of care’ for which they are morally and legally accountable in the event of loss or injury. Sound event planning and risk management have become essential to conducting an event within the legal requirements of Local Laws and the relevant Acts which bind the Crown, State, Federal and local tiers of government and their agencies. This handbook has been framed with relevant codes of practice and legislation in mind. It outlines the Council's event permit application process, permit requirements and provides essential information for organisers conducting events in Brimbank. How to use this handbook This handbook is designed to address the event permit requirements of a wide range of events and activities from activities such as low impact filming or small events requiring only basic event permit documentation to high impact filming or large festivals requiring a raft of supplementary approvals and supporting documentation. The FAQ section will address common queries while ‘The Event Permit Process in Brimbank’ chapter will run through the essential and supplementary documentation and approvals that may be required depending on the nature and size of an event. Event permit requirements will become clear as you work through your event permit application form especially Application Form B: Event Planning. The handbook is also a resource for event organisers with event documentation samples, templates and planning guidelines offered through a number of appendices and an A-Z of planning for event permits under ‘References and Resources’. For additional advice or assistance with event planning and the permit application process, please call Brimbank City Council on 9249 4000 and ask to speak to the Community Development Compliance Officer. Please note: This handbook is intended as a general guide to assist event organisers with the planning and management of local events. It does not substitute for professional advice on regulations and safety standards in individual or special cases. If in doubt, organisers should also consult the appropriate legislation or seek professional advice. In addition to information contained in this handbook, organisers must exercise due care, skill and judgement when planning their specific events. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 4 of 69 Frequently Asked Questions When will I need an Event Permit? An event permit is required whenever an event or activity involves any of the following: Any activity or event on Council land including a park, reserve, footpath or roadway that goes beyond regular use or purpose of the above spaces (e.g filming); A public gathering of more than 60 people on a Council reserve, footpath or road; A private gathering of more than 100 people on a Council reserve, footpath or road; Road closures or changed traffic and parking conditions; Any event that will impact on the local community through significant noise levels; Carnival rides and temporary infrastructure such as portable toilets, marquees or stages and electrical equipment on Council property; and, Fireworks including firecrackers. Recurring community events such as monthly markets on Council land can obtain an event permit to cover multiple occasions provided layout, hours, attendances and other event features remain the same. Significant changes will require a permit be reissued. Recurring events such as monthly markets and fairs on private land will require a Planning Permit from Council’s City Planning Department. Why will I need an Event Permit? The Event Permit Application has been developed to ensure local events and activities: Abide by the Council’s Local Laws; Meet safety standards for public events under relevant codes of practice and legislation; Protect Council and community property; and, Balance the interests of both event organisers and the broader community. How long will the permit application process take? The event permit process generally takes between 6 months for major events (over 2,000 people expected) and 3 months for smaller events. Event permits for filming activities run on relatively shorter time frame of approximately 5 working days subject to all the necessary documentation being provided. How do I apply for an Event Permit? Follow the guidelines presented in this handbook and lodge your event permit application on Brimbank City Council’s most current, official Event Permit Application forms. Your event permit application can be lodged: Online at Via E-mail to By post to: Community Development Compliance Officer City Compliance Brimbank City Council Post Office Box 70 Sunshine VIC 3020 Via Fax, attention Community Development Compliance Officer, 9249 4805 and, In person at any Council Customer Service Centre. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 5 of 69 What will an event permit cost? A non-refundable application fee of $55 applies to every event permit application. Subsequent permit fees will depend on the scale and nature of events. There is no permit fee charge for public events run by community based, not for profit groups. See Appendix 1 on p35 for an indicative permit fees schedule. The permit application fee is to be paid when submitting Application Form A. The permit fee, where applicable, can be paid when submitting Application Form B and final documentation or on a Tax Invoice from Council. Credit card payments can be made over the counter at Council Customer Service Centres. PLEASE NOTE: Supplementary permits for a Place of Public Entertainment (POPE), a substantial temporary structure and temporary food permits are administered by separate business units at Council and may involve additional fees. Can I book a Council reserve for my private function or activity? Yes. An event permit may or may not apply but a reserve booking is required for any function or activity on reserves involving more than 60 people or a jumping castle, animal farm, marquee or other significant equipment. Applicants without their own public liability insurance (PLI) booking a passive reserve for a private function must provide Council with a copy of the PLI Certificate of Currency from any contractor bringing a jumping castle, equipment or marquee on to Council land. See also ‘Reserve bookings’ on page 17 for more information. Can I book a Council reserve for a wedding ceremony? Yes. These are managed as private functions. There are currently 3 sites across Brimbank that may be suitable for a wedding ceremony. These include: The Lakes Reserve, Chichester Drive, Taylors Lakes (Melway Ref. 13 J1); Cairnlea Lake Reserve, Furlong Road, Cairnlea (Melway Ref. 25 K5); and, Hugh McKay Memorial Gardens, Anderson Road, Sunshine (Melway Ref. 26 G12). Booking applications for weddings at other passive reserves will be considered on a case by case basis. Will I need Public Liability Insurance (PLI) No event permit will be issued without proof of adequate and current public liability insurance to cover the event including event set up and pack up. When will an event permit be refused? A permit may be refused if a public authority (e.g. Brimbank City Council, Victoria Police, Metropolitan Fire Brigade, WorkSafe Victoria, Vic Roads, Public Transport Victoria) raises an objection to the event. This may occur if it is deemed that: The event poses an unreasonable risk to public safety; The event/ activity is not supported by Council; The location does not have the capacity to accommodate the event; There is no proof of adequate or current public liability insurance (PLI) for the event; The event permit application is not completed or submitted in time; and, The required support documentation (such as a PLI Certificate of Currency, risk, emergency and/or traffic management plans) for the event is lacking or inadequate. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 6 of 69 A-Z Definition of terms Bond: Amount held as surety prior to event and returned after the event if a reserve or venue is returned undamaged and in acceptable condition. Cost recovery: The process of recovering any financial costs incurred by the Council as a result of an event such as clean-up costs and repairs to grounds or facilities. Community: Sector defined as not for profit, incorporated and non-incorporated community organisations. Corporate function: Event organised for invited guests by corporate or commercial sector for promotional and/or commercial purposes. Council property: Defined as land owned, occupied or managed by Council including any buildings or things owned, managed or controlled by Council on that land. Emergency Management Plan: Outlines how event organisers will respond to serious incidents requiring the assistance of emergency services and/or evacuation of a site. Event: An event includes any planned activity such as filming or public event where any permanent or temporary structure, open area, fenced or unfenced, footpath and roadway contains a number of persons greater than that normally found at that location. Event Coordinator: The Event Coordinator is the key contact person who delivers the event by coordinating the activity/ event. In large scale events, the role may be divided between a team of people. See also Appendix 2 ‘Key roles in event management’ on p37. Event Organiser: Any individual, group or incorporated body seeking authorisation to conduct an event/ activity within Brimbank City Council’s municipal boundaries. The event organiser is the event permit applicant who provides the public liability insurance cover for the activity/ event and indemnifies the Council. Event Permit: Written notice of authorisation required and provided before an event or activity as defined on page 6, can be conducted in Brimbank. The Event Permit will specify conditions and requirements that are to be addressed by the event organiser. Event Permit Application: The official Event Permit Application forms A, B and Indemnity Form in the Brimbank Event Handbook which must be submitted with all required event planning documentation before an event permit can be issued. Filming – Low-impact: Defined as involving a total of 6 people or less, single camera and handheld sound recorder and no impact on regular vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Filming – High-impact: Involving large crew, significant equipment, vehicles, simulated violence, action scenes and/or impacting on regular vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Food Notifications - Registrations and Statements of Trade: Documents required by local and State Government Health Departments if you are a community group, club or voluntary association that intends to sell or serve food at an event from a temporary marquee, stand, van or indoor venue without a registered kitchen. See also p17 and Appendix 3 ‘Food at events’ on p40. Infrastructure: In event terms, infrastructure means the various structures and equipment brought on site to deliver both event and site amenity to event patrons (e.g. staging, marquees, temporary toilets). Logistics: In event terms, logistics generally refer to the scheduling and flow of goods (infrastructure) and services necessary to produce the event. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 7 of 69 Not-for-profit sector: An organisation that is not operating for the profit or gain of its individual members, whether these gains have been direct or indirect. Occupancy Permit: Written approval from a Municipal Building Surveyor (MBS) to run an event at a Place of Public Entertainment or ‘POPE’ and written approval from Victorian Building Authority (VBA) to run an event involving large temporary structures such as; A tent, marquee or booth with a floor area greater than 100m2; Prefabricated building exceeding 100m2 (other than that placed on the ground level) Seating stand for more than 20 persons; and. Stage or platform exceeding 140m2. See also p19. Place of Public Entertainment (PoPE): A POPE is defined as any building or space greater than 500 square metres, substantially enclosed by a fence or similar feature that may be used for public entertainment (a concert, sporting or other public event) at Council or privately owned premises. Private ceremony: An event such as a wedding ceremony for a small number of invited guests (maximum of 100 on a reserve), generally treated as a ‘private function’. Private function: An event/ activity for invited guests (maximum of 100 on a reserve), such as a family gathering and birthday party. Public event: An event open to the general public and expected to draw over 60 people. Reserve Booking: Written authorisation required before an event, activity or private function can be conducted on a Council reserve. See p17. Risk Management Plan: The Risk Management Plan sets out a list of each event’s hazards and associated risks, the assessment of each risk’s likelihood and consequence and the actions to manage each risk to an acceptable level of safety. See also p11 and Appendix 4: ‘A sample Risk Management Plan’ on p41. Safety Officer: Safety Officers have extensive experience and/or qualifications in Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S). They provide independent advice with managing, monitoring and reviewing risks and hazards at a festival site. See also Appendix 2 on p37. Site Warden: A site warden assists with the safe set up, running and pack up at an event. Events over an extensive area should appoint a site manager per area coordinated by a Chief Warden which in some cases may also be the Event Coordinator. See also Appendix 2. Siting of Temporary Structure Approval: Written approval from MBS, his/her delegate, to erect a large temporary structure for an event within City of Brimbank. See also p19-20. Supplementary approvals, licenses and permits: Relate to written approval from a range of Council departments or external authorities with responsibilities for a specific event site or activity (such as a sportsground booking, traffic management on major roads, fireworks or the serving of alcohol). Copies must be submitted as part of the event permit application where indicated in this handbook and Application Form B. Traffic management: Any event reasonably expected to impact on local parking amenity and regular traffic conditions, will require a traffic management plan before an event permit can be issued. See also p14. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV): Also known as a ‘drone’, commonly used in filming, photography, other commercial and recreational uses, all subject to stringent guidelines by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA). City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 8 of 69 Event Expenses Event organisers are responsible for all costs arising from the conduct of their festival or event. These costs typically include insurance, staffing, program activities, entertainers, power, water, rubbish collection and site cleaning, traffic management, security and equipment hire. Where a festival or event generates a cost to the Council, the Council will seek to recover those costs from the event organiser(s). Cost recovery usually relates to post-event rubbish removal, site cleaning and repairing damage to Council property. Council Support for Community Events Council provides the following support for local event organisers: Liaison and general advice through the event permit process including safe food handling, safety planning and traffic management; Assistance and advocacy with external authorities; Provision of Council reserves and facilities at reasonable rates or at no charge to community and not for profit sector; Promotional listing on Brimbank City Council’s Calendar of Events website subject to approval by the Media and Communications Unit; and, Funding for local events through the annual mid-year Brimbank Community Grants Program. See Useful Contacts on p65. Events without permits A festival or event requiring a permit as defined in this handbook, must not be conducted in the City of Brimbank without an Event Permit or an Occupancy Permit for a Place of Public Entertainment or ‘PoPE’. This applies to extra activities not included in the event permit application and to those events or activities where approval and an event permit have been denied. Events conducted without permits expose the event organisers to serious legal liability in the event of injury or damage. They may interfere with emergency services, other permitted activities at the same venue or create a public nuisance and community risk. Council can issue on–the–spot Infringements of $250 or prosecute the matter in the Magistrates Court where penalties of up to $2.000 are applicable to events conducted without the required permit or operating outside their permit conditions. Information gathered by Council during its investigation will also be passed on to the relevant agencies such as Victoria Police, State departments, the Environment Protection Authority or WorkSafe Victoria where further and much heavier penalties may apply. The Event Permit Process in Brimbank The event permit process generally consists of 10 key steps: 1. Please read event permit and planning guidelines in this handbook relevant to your event. Call the Community Development Compliance Officer if you have additional queries; 2. Once you have decided on the event, date, time and place, you can complete and submit ‘EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION A: Event notification’ with your application fee. 3. As planning progresses, you may complete and submit ‘EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION B: City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 9 of 69 Event planning details’. Application Form B can be lodged prior to finalising all relevant approvals and documentation but the latter must all be submitted before an event permit can be issued; 4. Notify any authorities as required. See ‘Notifying authorities and the public’ p22: 5. Establish and follow up any required supplementary permits and approvals; 6. You may be required to attend an Event Permit Stakeholder Meeting with the Community Development Compliance Officer, other relevant staff and local authorities. 7. You will need to finalise and submit all relevant supplementary documentation no later than 2 weeks before the event. 8. Please pay the event permit fee where this applies to complete your permit application; 9. An event permit will be issued subject to conditions relevant for your event. Please have this with you during the event. 10. If considered necessary, you may be requested to attend a post event meeting for a debrief with relevant authorities. Applying for an event permit An Event Permit Application includes forms A, B and the Indemnity Form EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION A: Event notification Form A should be lodged 6 months before a major event (2,000+ people) and 3 months before a significant event (500+ people). Permit applications for small events can be processed over a 8-6 week period. The application fee is due when submitting Form A. Permit applications for high-impact filming can usually be managed over a 1-2 week period and low-impact filming over 3-5 business days subject to all permit documentation being submitted. EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION B: Event planning details Form B details key features of your event, other supplementary approvals that may be required and includes the Indemnity Form. It should be lodged no later than 6 weeks prior to the event, preferably with all supplementary documents, approvals and permits attached. The latter must all be lodged no later than 2 weeks before the event. Requirement The event organiser must submit an application for an event permit on the official Event Permit Application forms. The application needs to be an accurate reflection of the proposed event and submitted with all relevant documentation. It is the event organiser’s responsibility to ensure event permit conditions are complied with. Any significant breach of event permit conditions will render the event permit null and void, exposing event organiser(s) to fines and jeopardising the issuing of permits for future events. Event permit essentials Before any Event Permit can be granted, Forms A and B must be completed and submitted with the following essential documentation: The Indemnity Form, completed and signed; A copy of the applicant’s public liability insurance ‘Certificate of Currency’ covering event hours as well as set up and pack up; A Risk Management Plan and Emergency Management Plan. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 10 of 69 Indemnity and Public Liability insurance Public liability insurance or ‘PLI’ provides financial protection from damage or injury claims made against the event organiser. PLI may be obtained to cover just the event (including set up and pack up time) or the event may be covered under the organiser’s annual PLI policy in which case, event organisers need to ensure their annual PLI policy will cover their event activities prior to lodging their Event Permit Application. Brimbank City Council requires that all event permit applicants complete and sign the Indemnity Form to indemnify Council against claims arising from their events. This indemnity must be backed by a copy of the event permit applicant’s Certificate of Currency for a minimum $10 million PLI. Major events will require $20 million PLI. Events involving a partnership with Council will also need to cite Brimbank City Council as an interested party in their PLI Certificate of Currency. Affordable PLI for not-for- profit community organisations is available on-line via: Requirement Event permit applicants must complete and sign the Indemnity Form and provide Brimbank City Council with a copy of their Certificate of Currency for a minimum $10 million ($20 million for major events) public liability insurance that will cover their event including set up and pack up. Event organisers are advised to minimise their own public liability exposure by ensuring that each stallholder and contractor at their event provides them with a copy of their PLI cover and agrees to indemnify the event organiser from any claims arising from their own products, services or activities. This is particularly important where high risk activities such as fireworks, carnival rides and staging are concerned. Sample contractor, performer and stallholder agreements setting out public liability arrangements are provided in Appendix 10 attachments p51-56. Applicants booking passive reserves for small private functions not requiring an event permit must abide by all booking conditions and provide a copy of the PLI ‘Certificate of Currency’ from any contractor bringing a jumping castle, animal farm, other structures or equipment on to Council land. A PLI ‘Certificate of Currency’ is also required for Personal Training on Council Land. The Risk Management Plan Regardless of public liability insurance, event organisers retain a legal and moral ‘duty of care’ to take every reasonable measure in planning and running safe events. Moreover, WorkSafe Victoria consider every event involving paid staff to be a work site with due care required for the safety of all concerned - staff, volunteers, participants, contractors and public during set up, the event itself and the post event clean up. Risk planning begins with the identification and assessment of all possible hazards and risks. This process is improved when it draws on the experiences and perspectives of everyone involved in organising the event. The following table provides just an indicative sample of a few critical hazards and related risks that generally arise at public events. Please note the distinction that is made between a hazard and a risk. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 11 of 69 Example of some more common safety hazards and risks at events HAZARDS RISK TO BE ADDRESSED Extreme weather: Wind Injury or damage from airborne infrastructure (marquees) Extreme weather: Heat Dehydration or sun stroke from heat or sun exposure; Electrical Equipment Injuries from tripping over leads ‘’ Electrocution from unsafe electrical equipment Site hazard: Tree stumps Injuries from trips and falls Site hazard: River Drowning (unattended children) Food stalls Burns from exposed flame and hot plates ‘’ Food poisoning Carnival Rides Exposure to sharp or moving equipment or equipment failure Serious Incident Violent person(s) with weapons ‘’ Injuries from stage collapse Crowd Crush from overcrowding or stampede Alcohol Injuries and scuffles from intoxicated participants Fireworks Injury and/or damage from fall out The above is not a comprehensive list. Events generally involve specific site and activity risks that will need to be noted and addressed in the risk management plan. Events also carry financial, administrative and public relations risks but the focus for an event permit risk management plan is the safety of all concerned. The Risk Management Plan: Identifying and assessing risks A sample risk management plan is offered in Appendix 4. It includes a standard risk assessment table to help assess each hazard and the associated risk(s) it may pose. The Risk Management Plan: Managing or controlling risks Once identified and assessed, hazards and associated risks need to be managed with a set of measures or ‘controls’ to minimise harmful outcomes. In descending order of importance, controls include: Eliminating the risk by rethinking the event plan. This is recommended for major risks that cannot be adequately managed; Substituting a hazard with one that carries less risks; Minimising a risk by limiting exposure to it; Engineering solutions such as fencing off a hazardous area; An administrative solution such as a procedure to deal with a hazard or risk; Training to deal with a hazard or risk; and, Personal protective equipment such as goggles, gloves, hats and sunscreen. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 12 of 69 Consider these control options as you work through the management of hazards and risks in a risk management plan. The final plan should list: Every potential hazard area at your event; Every risk you can identify against each hazard; The assessment of each risk - its consequences against its likelihood; The ‘controls’ applied to reduce risks to an acceptable level of ‘residual’ risk; and, The person(s) who will be responsible to implement risk controls. A risk management plan can help with safety planning for your event and can be updated and refined over time and subsequent events. It is both a legal and working document to be supported by safety inspections before and during the event. See Sample Risk management Plan template on p41 and ‘Sample Event Site Safety Check List’ on p47. The Emergency Management Plan An emergency management plan is a vital aspect of risk planning. It specifically addresses how you will manage serious incidents in those critical minutes before emergency services arrive to take over. Serious incidents may include: Dangerous person(s) or civil disturbance; Explosion or fire; Bomb threat; An extreme weather incident (e.g lightning strike) The collapse of significant infrastructure such as a stage or seating. An emergency response plan should be a brief document that identifies: Who will determine when to activate the emergency response plan and call the emergency services; How the event will be halted and the public notified; How a hazardous zone or incident will be contained; Evacuation areas and routes; How will the evacuation process be managed; Access for and hand-over to emergency services; Collection of information and completion of an incident report; Who will notify key stakeholders (Council included); and, Who will manage any media enquiries. See also Emergency Management Plan template in on p46. PLEASE NOTE: WorkSafe requires that it be provided with notification of all serious incidents /near misses involving paid staff. Requirement A risk management plan and emergency management plan appropriate to the scale of the event must be lodged with every event permit application. Supplementary documentation and permits Depending on the event, additional documentation may be required such as: An event site plan; A waste management plan; A Traffic Management Plan OR, a Traffic and Transport Management Plan; Fireworks documentation; City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 13 of 69 Supplementary Council permits or approvals such as: o Food Notification or Registration and a Statement of Trade for each food stall. o Reserve booking approval if event is on a Council owned sports ground; o Occupancy Permit for an event at a ‘Place of Public Entertainment’; o A Siting of Temporary Structure Approval for substantial temporary structures; o A permit to erect roadside billboards on Council and Vic Roads property. The site plan A site plan is required where infrastructure such as marquees, film units or other significant equipment is being brought on to Council land. The event site plan should indicate: North orientation and any boundary roads; Key site features such as existing buildings, trees, gates, fences and other barriers; Main activity areas; Site layout of major structures and/or equipment; Event pathways, entry, exit points and emergency access; Proposed vehicle access route to site; Event and disabled parking; Existing and/or portable toilets; Potable (drinkable) water points; First Aid station(s); Event control and/or information centres; Existing and/or temporary power sources; Possible emergency evacuation areas; and, Other such as existing or temporary lighting for night time events. Waste management Council provides bins in public spaces for everyday usage. Special functions, activities and events invariably generate extra waste that must be collected and removed. Organisers are urged to consider a management plan for all the waste materials their event/ activity will generate. This includes heat beads and liquid wastes such as used oil which must not be dumped on Council land or in drains. Depending on the event, organisers may also need to employ street cleaners. Cleansing and waste management services such as extra bins can be sourced from private operators. See Useful Contacts P67. Traffic management Any event involving the closure of a public road or reasonably expected to have a significant impact on local parking conditions, pedestrian or regular vehicle traffic will require a traffic management plan before an event permit can be issued. Traffic management plan requirements: Diagram(s) must show streets affected or closed for the event, intersections, detours, TMP signage, location of traffic controllers and include a Job Safety Analysis (JSA) or Safe Working Method Statement prepared by an accredited traffic engineer; Explanatory notes to diagram(s) including event background and site map, commencement and completion times of traffic management; and, A contact list including event organiser, Chief Warden, pedestrian or parking marshals and traffic controllers during the event. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 14 of 69 General traffic management guidelines: Only Victoria Police or a certified traffic controller can halt or direct traffic. However, event staff and volunteers suitably attired in distinctive clothing or vests may assist with marshalling pedestrians or off road parking. Appropriate traffic management signage and equipment where required must be installed and removed by suitably qualified personnel; It is the responsibility of the event organiser to provide the Council with a Traffic Management Plan designed and implemented by an accredited traffic management company according to the Road Management Act 2004. Code of Practice: Worksite Safety – Traffic Management; Event organisers closing a road for a period of time must: o Inform affected residents and businesses by letter-drop. Public Notices in local press are also required for road closures on main roads and/ or affecting public transport; o Provide affected residents and businesses with access to their premises through provision of local traffic passes. Examples of these be given to traffic controllers managing road closure barricades to facilitate orderly access by local traffic; o Inform emergency services such as Metropolitan Fire Brigade, Ambulance Victoria and other authorities if directed by the Council and Victoria Police. See also Useful Contacts p64 and Notifying authorities and the public on p22; o Not restrict access to emergency services at any time. This means maintaining emergency vehicle access through local roads, to the event and monitoring road closures to allow emergency vehicles through when or if required; Provision of adequate parking needs to be part of the traffic management plan. This includes disabled parking and drop off areas close to entries or exits if required; and, Traffic management needs to address the safe movement of both pedestrian and vehicle traffic during set up, the event itself and pack up. Street parades and processions Given notice and availability, Victoria Police may offer to assist with rolling or ‘hold and release’ road closures for such events as daytime religious processions in which case police will be pivotal to implementing the traffic management plan. The event permit will then be conditional on police attendance without which the event cannot proceed. Please note that parades/ processions held after dark will require a full road closure and a traffic management plan as above with additional information including: Start and end point as well as length and likely duration of procession; Number of people involved in procession and median age of participants; Number of pedestrian marshals in high visibility clothing, and/or, Details of high visibility warning signage to motorists. Requirement An applicant seeking the closure of a public road or anticipating their event will impact on local traffic (pedestrian or vehicle) is to submit a Traffic Management Plan 10 working days before the event, for approval from Brimbank City Council and Vic Roads (where arterial roads are concerned). Event organisers seeking police assistance with traffic management (such as parades) should address these requests in writing directly to the Officer in Charge at their local Police Station and attach a copy of request to their event permit application. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 15 of 69 Events affecting public transport Event organisers must notify public transport companies if their event is likely to result in the deviation, delay, replacement, supplementation or cancellation of a regular public transport service provided by a passenger transport company or a bus service. The Public Transport Victoria (PTV) must also be notified 2 months in advance. See Useful Contacts. The required Traffic and Transport Management Plan must address any deviation of public transport and be submitted to PTV for approval. Requirement Events impacting on public transport routes require that the PTV be given notice a minimum 60 days before the event. A Traffic and Transport Management Plan approved by PTV is to be submitted as part of the event permit application. Filming Filming is generally treated as a planned activity requiring an event permit subject not only to the film industry’s Code of Conduct for Film Crews but also permit requirements where these apply under Brimbank City Council’s Local Laws. In addition, the permit application should include: A brief film schedule and synopsis of film project and scenes filmed in Brimbank; Copy of notification letter to residents and businesses that may be affected by filming; Details of any dangerous substances or equipment brought onto location; and, Operator’s Certificate (OC) from Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) for any unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) used for filming or photography from Council land. Without prior written consent from the Council, filming must not: Make any planned temporary changes to location; Portray the Council as endorsing or supporting any products or services, views, attitudes or ideas suggested, conveyed, advertised, canvassed or otherwise depicted PLEASE NOTE: : Filming on roadways from low loaders, onscreen portrayals of police and all simulated violence require that approval be sought from the Victoria Police Film and Television Office before a permit can be issued. Requirement: A schedule for filming activities in Brimbank, a synopsis of each scene and film project is to be attached to permit application. A copy of the OC is to be attached for any UAV used in filming. Fireworks WorkSafe Victoria requires a minimum 14 days notification from a Licensed fireworks contractor before fireworks (including firecrackers) can be discharged. A copy of ‘Notification of Intention to Discharge Fireworks’ must be submitted with the event permit application along with a Job Safety Analysis (JSA), a map of the discharge site indicating safety clearances and a copy of the resident notification letter. The latter must be provided to all residents within a 500-800m radius (depending on shell size) of discharge point advising the date, time and duration of fireworks and that animals within the vicinity be restrained for the duration. Firecracker displays at private residences or properties will be considered on a case by case basis as to whether an event permit will be required. Notification to neighbouring properties within a radius of approximately 150-200m will suffice for Chinese crackers. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 16 of 69 Requirement: Events involving fireworks require resident notification be made within an appropriate radius from the discharge site. A copy of the WorkSafe Notification, a JSA, site map and resident notification letter is to be sent with the permit application. Food permits: Registration and Notification All food businesses or community groups that make, serve or sell food must comply with the Food Act 1984 (Vic). A state-wide online registration and notification scheme for temporary and mobile food premises has largely replaced paper based application forms. The Streatrader website at will guide applicants through the new online process which makes it easier for food businesses and community groups who no longer require multiple registrations to operate in different council districts. It can be accessed anywhere, anytime to lodge or update forms and contact details. Please note: A food permit is required if: You are a community group, club or voluntary association that sells food to raise funds from a temporary marquee, van or community hall. If you limit your food stall to Category 4 low risk foods (basic sausage sizzle – plain sausages with sauce on bread, uncut fruit/vegetable, jams/ honey, pre-packaged confectionary or drinks), you need only fill in a Food Notification Form and a Statement of Trade for each event, both at no charge; Your community based food stall involves high risk foods, you will need to apply for an annual Food Registration and submit an online ‘Statement of Trade’ at no charge for each stall or event you attend throughout the year; and, You are a business operating from a van or offsite from your registered premises at a temporary food stall, you will need to apply for an annual Food Registration and submit an online ‘Statement of Trade’ at no charge for each event you attend. Contact the Health Department for assistance with online Streatrader registration/ notification forms or for access to paper based application forms. See Useful Contacts p65. Reserve bookings Council maintains an extensive range of sportsgrounds, parks and reserves for the Brimbank community to enjoy. Most reserves can be booked for public events and private functions subject to conditions of use to protect or maintain local reserves and balance private, club and public use. A comprehensive listing of parks is available online at Booking a sportsground for an event An event/ activity on any Council owned sportsground will require that approval be sought from Leisure Services via official booking forms ‘Application to Use a Sportsground’ for a casual sports activity booking or ‘Application to Hold a Community Event on a Sportsground’. Please call 9249 4000 or email for the relevant booking form. Booking a passive reserve for a public event or large function A request to use a passive reserve to run an event that is subject to an event permit can simply be indicated on the Event Permit Application Form A. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 17 of 69 Booking a Passive Reserve for a small private function or ceremony A booking to run a private function or activity on a passive reserve that is not subject to an event permit can be made on the ‘Application to Book a Passive Reserve’ form from Parks Services. Download the guidelines ‘Functions and Activities on Council Reserves’ from the website and/or call Parks Services on 9249 4000 to have a copy sent to you. Events, functions and activities on reserves No reserve bookings will be taken for: o Personal training at ovals and other sportsgrounds; o Private functions or events at Dog Off-Leash Reserves; o 16-21 birthday parties; o Private functions after dark; o Private functions exceeding 100 people or 4 hours duration; No event, function or activity on a public space can prevent the general public from also enjoying the reserve or park and amenities. Reserve bookings seek to minimise conflicting demand between bookings, other scheduled use and maintenance Booking cancellations must be advised in writing/ email; The siting and fixing of event infrastructure such as marquees must avoid damage to grass, planted areas, trees and any underground services: o Structures should be weighted (not pegged) and sited clear of trees and plantings; o Approved pegged structures must be a minimum 6 metres from significant trees; o No structure, signage or equipment is to be fixed to trees or park infrastructure; Council provides waste bins for regular reserve use only. Event organisers are responsible for collection and removal of all their event/ activity litter and waste. This includes all cooking fats and other liquid wastes which must not be dumped onsite; Silly string and confetti are not to be used or sold; The hirer is responsible for checking the condition of the reserve prior to commencement of their event, function or activity; Loud music or amplified noise associated with an activity or event should comply with noise pollution regulations and not be heard beyond the boundaries of the reserve; The consumption of alcohol is illegal in a public place or Council property outside a clearly designated and managed area with the required liquor license; Council oversees regular cleaning and restocking of public toilets. Hirers must provide for extra cleaning and consumables where large numbers of people are expected; Keys provided for gates or site amenities such as toilets are the responsibility of the hirer who must ensure all gates, doors are locked at conclusion of event and keys promptly returned; No vehicle is to access a Council reserve without prior approval; Turf coverings may be required to protect sensitive lawn in areas of expected heavy vehicle and pedestrian traffic due to an event; and, Any damage to a reserve must be immediately reported to Council. Call the switchboard on 9249 4000 (attended after hours). Requirement City Compliance An event or activity on any Council owned sportsground will require approval from Leisure Services via booking forms ‘Application to Use a Sportsground’ or ‘Application to Hold a Community Event on a Sportsground’. 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 18 of 69 A private function involving any structure, equipment or over 60 people on a passive reserve will require approval from Parks Services via ‘Application to Use a Passive Reserve’. PLEASE NOTE: Public events expecting more than 60 people and private functions involving more than 100 people and/or involving significant structures, equipment, traffic impacts or fireworks (including firecrackers) will also require an Event Permit. Events requiring Occupancy Permits Most indoor facilities have planning and occupancy permits in place specifying the number of people that can be comfortably and safely accommodated at a given indoor space. Similarly, Occupancy Permits for substantially enclosed outdoor public events revolve around provision of first aid, toilets, drinking water, risk and emergency management to ensure patrons are also provided with adequate amenities, comfort and safety. According to Section 49 of the Building Act 1993, a person must not run an event without an Occupancy Permit at a Place of Public Entertainment (PoPE) defined as any assembly building or outdoor space greater than 500 square metres, substantially enclosed by a fence or similar feature, used for public entertainment and usually involving ticketed entry excepting any event/ activity organised by a community based organisation expecting attendances of 5,000 or less persons at the event/activity at any one time. An application for a PoPE Occupancy Permit will require: Address of PoPE venue owner and evidence you have approval to use it; Event details: date(s) and time(s); Number of staff involved and expected number of patrons; Site plan to a scale not less than 1:500 showing: o Layout, design and dimensions of all temporary structures; o Access for people with a disability - entries, exits and pathways; o Toilet facilities and drink fountains which also meet needs of people with disabilities; o First aid; o Safety barriers and crowd control; o Storage of flammable material or explosive items; o Location of safety fixtures (fire extinguishers); o Emergency exits (and lighting where relevant); o Emergency evacuation areas; o Structural certification of seating banks and temporary structures over 500m2; Siting approval(s) where required, for large structures by Municipal Building Surveyor (MBS), his/her delegate; Evidence you have engaged an experienced person in the role of Safety Officer. Set up can proceed following approval of the above. This will be followed by a final inspection by the MBS before the Occupancy Permit will be issued subject to payment of fees. See Useful Contacts p65 and Appendix 1 on p35 for an indicative schedule of fees. Requirement Organisations intending to run significant public events at a substantially enclosed Place of Public Entertainment or ‘PoPE’ not covered by an existing Occupancy Permit, must apply to the Council’s Building Services on the official form ‘Application for Public Entertainment Occupancy Permit’. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 19 of 69 Siting approvals for large temporary structures Temporary structures such tents, booths, prefabricated buildings or marquees with a floor area greater than 100 square metres, platforms or staging in excess of 150 square metres and seating banks for more than 20 people require a current Occupancy Permit (OP) from the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) before a Siting of Temporary Structure Approval from Council’s Building Services can be issued. Alternatively, the OP and approval can be obtained by the supplier with the cost added to the hire costs. Requirement Large temporary structures will require a current Occupancy Permit from VBA and a Siting Approval from the Council’s MBS/ delegates via the official form ‘Application to Erect a Temporary Structure’. Large temporary structures are to be designed in accordance with engineering principles and erected by a registered building practitioner. Events and Planning Permits Brimbank Planning Scheme requirements do not distinguish between short term use, development and ongoing use of a permanent structure. If your event involves the changed use of a building or land, the construction of any external building works or alterations, or the installation of signage, then a planning permit may be required. An event permit does not remove any obligations required under an existing planning permit regarding land use and/or local amenity through: Transport of materials, goods or commodities to or from the land; and, Emission of noise, artificial light, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, vapour, steam, soot, ash, dust, waste water, waste products, grit or oil. The event operator/manager will be responsible for ensuring that the conditions of any existing planning permit are complied with at all times. For more information, contact Building Services on 9249 4000. Billboards and signage Erecting signage on or beside a road can impact on road safety by blocking a motorist’s view of pedestrians, traffic and traffic signage. Signage can also be a distraction to motorists. It is an offence to erect a roadside billboard or sign on land owned by Council or Vic Roads without the appropriate permit. An application to display an event billboard(s) must be made on the appropriate form ‘Advertising Sign for a Community Event’ form and a permit sought from City Compliance before a road side billboard or other signage can be erected. Permits usually provide for a limited number of billboards not exceeding 1.2m wide by 2.4m high to be displayed at approved sites for a maximum display period of 4 weeks. There is no permit fee. The scheme is open to community and not-for profit organisations only. Erecting a billboard at a sportsground will also require prior approval from Leisure Services via ‘Permit Application: Short Term Event Details Sign’ or ‘Permit Application: Long Term Advertising Signs’. See Useful Contacts p65. Supplementary external licences, permits and approvals Depending on the event or activity, supplementary approvals or permits may also be required from a range of authorities (See also Useful contacts p64-67): City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 20 of 69 APRA Licenses for use of copyright performances or compositions; Authorisation from Vic Roads for traffic management plans affecting main roads; Operator Licenses from CASA for commercial use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs); Permits for events on days of Total Fire Bans from Metropolitan Fire Brigade; Permits for events on waterways or Parks Victoria parkland; Public Transport Victoria (PTV) approval for events affecting public transport. See p16; Temporary liquor licenses from Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation; Victoria Police State Event Planning Unit approval for fun runs, races and on-road events spanning multiple municipalities – See Useful Contacts; Working With Children Checks or ‘WWCCs’ from Department of Justice. PLEASE NOTE: The event permit does not require copies of all external approvals. Any external documentation required as part of the event permit process is indicated in Application Form B: Event Planning and in the handbook as a requirement in bold. APRA licenses Where music is protected under copyright law, use of live or recoded music will be subject to a licence from APRA. Different APRA licenses are available for different events. License fees for community festivals are generally priced $50-$100. See also Useful Contacts and Authorisation from Vic Roads Vic Roads must approve any traffic management affecting main roads and highways over which they have jurisdiction before Council can issue an event permit. The Memorandum of Authorisation (MOA) is usually managed directly between traffic management companies and Vic Roads as part of their traffic management plan. See also p14. Requirement Organisers of events impacting on major arterial roads must attach a copy of the Memorandum of Authorisation (MOA) from Vic Roads regarding their traffic management plan. Metropolitan Fire Brigade – Total fire ban day permits Exemptions to light a BBQ or equivalent on Total Fire Bans can be made via ‘Application for a Catering Permit in the Metropolitan District’ for a Total Fire Ban Permit (TFB Permit). Visit MFB website to download correct application form. Email completed form to for processing or apply after hours in person to your relevant/local MFB district office. See Useful Contacts. Operator licences (UAVs) Requirement: Any permit applicant operating and landing a UAV (drone) from Council land will need to attach a copy of their Operators Certificate and any other relevant special approvals from CASA with a copy of their Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency, a Job Safety Analysis and Safety Management Plan. Parks Victoria Permit Holding an event in Brimbank Park or the Maribyrnong River will require a permit from Parks Victoria. There is a park ranger’s office located at the Visitor Centre in Brimbank Park. See Useful Contacts. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 21 of 69 Temporary Liquor Licenses It is an offence to serve alcohol at an event without first obtaining a Temporary Liquor Licence. The Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation (VCGLR), regulates the serving and sale of alcohol. A license application must be made and fees paid for by each alcohol vendor at the event. Obtaining a Liquor Licence can take more than 2 months. As of January 2013, the General Code of Practice requires all licensees provide free drinking water at their event/ function. Depending on the level of risk, an Alcohol Management Plan may also be required by VCGLR. Key concerns revolve around: Ensuring bar staff are trained in responsible serving of alcohol; Preventing supply of alcohol to minors or intoxicated patrons; Encouraging responsible alcohol consumption; Prevention of drink spiking through signage and service models; and, Maintaining public order, safety and managing disturbances. Requirement Event organisers intending to serve or sell alcohol at their event must attach a copy of their Temporary Liquor License to their permit application and outline how they will manage any significant risks associated with serving or selling alcohol at their event, preferably within their risk management plan. Victoria Police Victoria Police including Highway Patrol play a pivotal role as key stakeholders in the event permit approval process in Brimbank through: Consultation during the event permit application process; Support at events offered through: o ‘hold and release’ traffic management for day time processions and parades; o Drive by monitoring or attendance at public events; and, o Crowd and security management at significant public events. Requirement: Event organisers seeking police assistance with traffic management (e.g. parades) or public safety should address these requests in writing directly to the Officer in Charge at their local police station and attach a copy of request to their event permit application. See Useful Contacts. Working with children checks In 2006, the Victorian Government introduced Working With Children Checks (WWCC) for all staff who work with children under 18 such as event staff or volunteers running children’s activities and ride operators at events. Event organisers should ensure all such staff at their events have a current WWCC card. Applications are made by individual staff or volunteers on application forms available at any local post office. Volunteer applications are free of charge. More information is available at Notifying authorities and the public Notification should be provided where a proposed event is anticipated to impact significantly on a service, local residents or the wider community (e.g. a road closure). Notification can be provided by post or letterbox drop, public notices in local press, signage or a combination of all the above. As a general guideline: City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 22 of 69 Brimbank abuts Melbourne Airport with significant flight paths over the municipality. Organisers of events and activities likely to impact on airspace safety such as fireworks, balloon launches, large kites or the use of unmanned aerial vehicles must notify Melbourne Airport via CASA Operations who will assess aerial risks depending on height, location, nature, time and duration of activity. Every event with the potential for multiple injuries (such as a road race) should advise the nearest hospital, local ambulance and emergency services by letter or email; Events with the potential to disrupt regularly scheduled public transport must advise the Public Transport Division through their official Event Notification Form at events/. See also page 16. Events involving road closures must advise emergency services (Melbourne Fire Brigade, Ambulance Victoria, State Emergency Services) by letter or email. See Useful Contacts. Events involving disruptions to local traffic must advise local residents and local businesses by flyer or letter drop outlining extent and duration of changed conditions. A Public Notice is required for road closures affecting transport or major roads; Events involving fireworks must notify local residents by letter drop or flyer within a radius of 500m – 800m from the discharge site, indicating date, time and duration of fireworks and a reminder that animals be restrained during fireworks. Organisers of events involving firecrackers are advised to notify residents within a minimum radius of 150m from the discharge site; The Victorian Police Filming and Television Office must be informed of any proposed filming on roads and/or simulated violence using weapons, special effects or filming that portrays police on screen. See Useful Contacts p67. A sample resident notification letter is offered in Appendix 11 on p58. Requirement Where applicable, event permit applicants are to forward a copy of their resident notification with their permit application. PLEASE NOTE: Bill posters on street walls, poles are strictly prohibited under the Litter Act 1987 Section 6A Local Law City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 23 of 69 Permit Application Forms REC.LAW.007 EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION A Office Use Only Event Notification TRIM No: This form can be completed and submitted once a decision has been made to hold the event or activity on a certain date, time and site or venue. Additional planning details can be sent later as they become available with ‘Application Form B: Planning Details'. Applicant details Name of Organisation: Address of Organisation: Post code: Name of contact person: Address of contact person: Post code: Email: Mob: Tel. B/h: Fax: Event/ Activity Details Name of event: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Nature of event/ activity (Please tick all applicable boxes √) Public event Procession Private function Community festival Filming Ticketed event Other: _____________________________________ Venue/Site: Address: Melway Ref: Has the venue/site been booked or approved for the event? NO YES Proposed event/Activity Date(s) Begins Ends Day(s) of week Date(s) Month Year Event set up Event day(s) Event pack up Target audience (e.g family, youth): Has this event been held before? Number attending/participating: No Yes If yes, when? Traffic impacts Will your proposed event affect: Regular vehicular/pedestrian traffic? NO YES Public transport such as a bus service? NO YES Local parking conditions? NO YES NO YES Events on reserves Are you planning to have your event/activity on a Council oval? Permit Application Forms REC.LAW.007 Site access: Will you need vehicle access to a reserve? NO YES Equipment, staging, marquees or portable toilets? NO YES Large marquee(s), seating banks or grandstand seating? NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES Temporary structures Are you planning to erect temporary structures such as: Place of Public Entertainment (PoPE) Does your event/ activity fit the definition of a PoPE? Waste management Will your event or activity need rubbish collection or street cleansing? Water/power Will you need access to water or power on site? Food safety: Are you planning to sell/serve food to the public at your event? Alcohol Are you planning to sell/serve alcohol to the public at your event? Fireworks/firecrackers Will your event feature firecrackers and/or fireworks? Carnival rides Will your event feature carnival rides? Roadside billboards Will you be erecting roadside billboards to publicise your event? Event description (provide/attach brief outline of event/activity) Declaration I confirm the above application has been submitted with regard to guidelines in the Brimbank Events Handbook and accurately reflects the proposed activity/event. Signature of Applicant: Date: / / Privacy Statement: Personal information collected on this form is for reference and identification purposes. It will only be disclosed subject to your consent and/or where required by law or other regulation. Please return this form with application fee/ receipt to: City Compliance Brimbank City Council PO Box 70 Sunshine Vic 3020 City Compliance Application fee to be paid: $58 Cost Code (GL 997) Payment can be made in person Monday – Friday 8.45am - 5pm at: Sunshine Customer Service Centre – Alexandra Avenue, Sunshine Keilor Customer Service Centre – Old Calder Highway, Keilor and 10.30am - 7pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 1pm-7pm Tuesdays, 10am – 5pm Fridays and 10am – 12.30pm Saturdays at Sydenham Customer Service Centre – Sydenham Library Station Street, Taylors Lakes. 6/05/2015| Rev D Page 25 of 69 Permit Application Forms REC.LAW.007 EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION B Office Use Only TRIM No Event planning details Name of event/ activity: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Key contacts list for event day Role Name Tel. (on event day) * Permit applicant * Event/activity coordinator * Emergency contact/Chief Warden Safety officer First Aid supplier Event electrician Traffic management company Waste management contractor Fireworks supplier * Mandatory field Council’s online Calendar of Events You can upload your event to Brimbank City Council’s online Calendar of Events on using the ‘Add an Event’ feature. Event details uploaded are checked by Council before going live on the site. Council reserves the right to reject, edit or remove event listings it considers offensive, unethical, prejudiced, racist or sexist. Required supporting documentation (√ tick all applicable) Signed and completed Indemnity Form Mandatory. Please attach. Insurance: Certificate of Currency Mandatory. Please attach. Risk and Emergency Management Plans Mandatory. Please attach. Alcohol: Are you planning to provide liquor at the event beyond an existing license? If yes, an application for a temporary liquor license should be made to Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation and a copy of the licence and alcohol management plan attached to your event permit application. No Yes Amplified sound: Event/activity will involve amplified sound and/or music? No Yes Carnival rides: Event will involve rides or bouncing castles? No City Compliance If yes, provide site plan indicating location of rides and any proposed vehicle access for set up. Yes Children’s activities: Event involves working with (unattended) children? No If yes, the usual noise restrictions will need to be observed. Please attach site layout indicating stage placement and orientation. Yes If yes, please ensure any staff working closely with children, including ride operators, have ‘Working With Children Checks’ or WWCC cards. Copies are not required for the permit application. 6/05/2015| Rev D Page 26 of 69 Permit Application Forms REC.LAW.007 Disability access: Provided to key event and site amenities (e.g. entry, toilets etc)? No Site plan should indicate access to site, parking and amenities for people with disabilities. Yes Fireworks: Are you intending to feature fireworks or firecrackers? No If yes, please attach a copy of the WorkSafe Notification to Discharge Fireworks, a site map showing safety clearances, the Job Safety Analysis and a copy of your resident notification letter advising time and duration of displays. Yes Filming: Low-impact filming involved? No If yes, provide a brief of synopsis of film, summary of scene(s) and filming schedule. Yes Filming: High-impact filming involved? No If yes, provide site plan, brief synopsis of film, scene(s) and filming schedule. Advise number of cars and trucks that will require parking and/or large-scale or hazardous equipment or props that may be brought onto location. Yes Filming/Photography: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) involved? No If yes, please attach current CASA Operations Certificate and PLI for UAV. Yes First aid: Will event require First Aid? No If yes, please detail your first aid arrangements in your Risk Management Plan. Yes Food safety: Are you planning to have food at your event? No Yes No of vendors: Events on sportsgrounds: Event will be held on a Council sports reserve? No If yes, please ensure you have attached your application or booking confirmation to use a Council owned reserve. A detailed site plan may be required. Yes LPG (Gas): Will cooking involve use of LPG? No Yes Music: Event will involve live and recorded music? No Yes PoPEs: Event is on a substantially enclosed ‘Place of Public Entertainment’ site? No Yes Power: Will event need access to power at site? No City Compliance If yes, please ensure you obtain a license to use copyright music from Australian Performing Rights Association or APRA (see Useful Contacts). A copy is not required for the event permit. If yes, please ensure you have applied for an Occupancy Permit from Council’s Building Services. A copy of this permit will need to be attached. If yes, please detail what you will need power at site for here: If yes, please attach a copy of your letter and/or advertisement notifying all affected local residents and businesses, in addition to the Traffic Management Plan. Yes Roadside billboards: Will you be erecting roadside billboards to publicise the event? No If yes, please ensure all stall holders using LPG complete a Gas Safety Checklist on the day. Yes Road closure: Event involves a partial or full road closure affecting local residents/ traders? No If yes, ensure all food stall holders have required food registrations/ notifications. If hosting multiple food stalls, please submit a list of all food stalls at your event a minimum 2 weeks before your event. Yes If yes, please ensure you have obtained a permit to display a roadside billboard from City Compliance. A copy is not required for the event permit. 6/05/2015| Rev D Page 27 of 69 Permit Application Forms REC.LAW.007 Site access: Will vehicle access onto site at a Council reserve be required? No Yes Temporary structures: Are you placing equipment or structures on Council land? No If yes, please attach detailed site map showing vehicle access route(s). If yes, please attach a site plan. Ensure you consult Council before pegging down any structures. Yes Traffic impacts: The proposed event will impact on local parking and/or regular vehicle and pedestrian traffic. No Yes If yes, please attach a Parking Plan and/or Traffic Management Plan in accordance with guidelines as per relevant section of the Handbook Transport impacts: The event will affect public transport such as a bus service? If yes, ensure you notify the Public Transport Victoria and attach a Traffic and Transport Management Plan in accordance with guidelines on pages 14-16 in this handbook. No Yes Victoria Police: Will event depend on police attendance and/or assistance (e.g. parade)? No Yes Waste management: Will event require extra bins and/or cleansing? No Yes Water: Will you need access to water at site? No If yes, please attach copy of notification letter to Victoria Police (local station) requesting assistance. If yes, please indicate name of supplier who will be providing waste management and/ or site cleansing: If yes, please indicate here what you will need water for: Yes Declaration I have read and understood the Brimbank Events Handbook with regard to event management and the permits and approvals that may apply to my event in Brimbank. I the undersigned, acknowledge the above event permit application to be a true and accurate statement. Signature of Applicant: Date: / / PLEASE NOTE: Incomplete application forms will not be assessed nor permits issued until all required information and documentation is made available to Council. Please ensure you keep a copy for your own records. Privacy Statement: Personal information collected on this form is for reference and identification purposes. It will only be disclosed subject to your consent and/or where required by law or other regulation. Please return application, all required documents, permit fee or receipt to: City Compliance Brimbank City Council PO Box 70 Sunshine Vic 3020 City Compliance Event Permit fee to be paid*: Cost Code (GL 962) *As advised and/or per fee schedule in Appendix1 of Brimbank Events Handbook Payment can be made in person Monday – Friday 8.45am - 5pm at: Sunshine Customer Service Centre – Alexandra Avenue, Sunshine Keilor Customer Service Centre – Old Calder Highway, Keilor and 10.30am - 7pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 1pm-7pm Tuesdays, 10am – 5pm Fridays and 10am – 12.30pm Saturdays at Sydenham Customer Service Centre – Sydenham Library Station Street, Taylors Lakes. 6/05/2015| Rev D Page 28 of 69 Permit Application Forms REC.LAW.007 FORM OF INDEMNITY General Local Law 2008, Clause 31 - Street Parties, Circuses, Festivals or Events THIS INDEMNITY is given this day * the By** of 20 (hereafter called “the Indemnifier”) to the BRIMBANK CITY COUNCIL (hereafter called “the Council). WHEREAS the Indemnifier(s) has applied to the Council for authority to conduct an event within the Brimbank municipal district involving pyrotechnics and/or significant traffic impact and/or use of a road or portion of a road or other public area within the for an event under the Council’s Street and Roads Local Law. NOW THIS DOCUMENT WITNESSES and confirms that in consideration of the Council granting an event permit for *** the Indemnifier agrees to take out and keep current during the period of the permit a public liability insurance policy in a form approved by Council noting the interests of the Council and insuring, for a minimum sum of ten million dollars, the Indemnifier against all actions, costs, claims, charges, expenses and damages whatsoever which may be brought or made or claimed against the Indemnifier arising out of or in relation to the authority granted. The Indemnifier agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified the Council, its servants and agents and each of them from and against all actions, costs, claims charges, expenses and damages whatsoever which may be brought or made or claimed against them or any of them arising out of or in relation to the authority to use granted by the Council, except for all actions, costs, claims, charges, expenses and damages whatsoever which arose either in whole or part out of an act or omission of the Council, its servants and agents. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED BY: Name: Signature: In Victoria in the presence of: Witness: Signature: OR, THE COMMON SEAL OF: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Was hereunto affixed in accordance with its Articles of Association in the presence of: Witness: Signature: * The date on which this form is signed. ** Insert applicant organisation’s name *** Insert name of the event / activity you are seeking a permit for. City Compliance 6/05/2015| Rev D Page 29 of 69 References and Resources The second half of this handbook provides a range of event planning guidelines, templates and samples to assist you through the event permit process. A comprehensive list of Useful Contacts is included for follow up and further information. A-Z Event planning guidelines for an event permit As you progress through your event permit application please consider the following: Access Entries and exits should be easily identified, wide enough for expected number of patrons and kept clear at all times. Access for vehicles should be separated from pedestrian access through different entries/ exits, barriers and/or access times. Site planning should ensure access to Emergency Services is maintained at all times should it be required. Alcohol Outdoor public spaces are zoned alcohol free. Given the appropriate Liquor Licence and an alcohol management plan, it may be possible to serve alcohol in a suitably barricaded and managed space to prevent the sale of liquor to minors or intoxicated people. Other alcohol management considerations will include provision of extra toilets, first aid and security staff as well as non-alcoholic drink options and free drinking water. Cleaning and waste management Event organisers must undertake the collection and disposal of all litter generated by their event. Extra bins can be sourced from private waste contractors. See Useful Contacts on p 37. Event organisers are urged to provide recycling bins, encourage recycling through public announcements and request that stall holders minimise the use of disposable, non-recyclable packaging. All rubbish must be secured or contained at all times to prevent it from blowing about in windy conditions. Excess waste that cannot go into rubbish bins must be taken away. This includes used oil and water heavily contaminated with food particles. Organisers should also request that stall holders cart away their installation waste such as cable ties, décor and cardboard boxes. Event sites left heavily littered will be cleaned by the Council at a cost to the organisers. Organisers should also have a sharps container to safely store any syringes found on site, ensuring event staff are briefed on safe handling of found syringes (take the container and tongs to the syringe for pick up and not vice-versa). PLEASE NOTE: Confetti and silly string are not to be used at any event on Council land including streets and footpaths. Disability access Event organisers should ensure their site planning considers the needs of people with limited mobility. Has provision been made for disabled access and parking? Are there accessible toilets and can people with limited mobility or in wheelchairs move about safely and access information, first aid, toilets, stalls and activity areas as required? For a more comprehensive disability accessibility checklist see Appendix 6 p48. City Compliance 6/05/2015| Rev D Page 30 of 69 Event cancellation To minimise costs, it is advisable this the decision be made as early as possible to avoid paying for contracted services. Where late cancellations are concerned, please ensure you: Leave a recorded message on your event hotline; Contact venue, staff, volunteers and committee members; Contact all participants (suppliers, stall holders, performers); Contact key event permit stakeholders including Council; Update your event website if applicable; Send out a Media Release if time allows; and, Put up cancellation notices at venue. Event power The provision of power for your event is not a Council responsibility. Event organisers are urged to carefully assess the power needs of all their activities and stall holders to provide the required amount of power. Most events will require power via generators. Ideally, these should use bio fuels and not be unduly noisy. The distribution of power at an event should be handled by a suitably qualified electrician. All electrical equipment and leads should be tagged and tested. Leads should not exceed 25m in length. Generators and distribution boards should be cordoned off from public access and leads should be flown over (not through trees), firmly taped down or covered with mats to avoid becoming trip hazards. Event staff Effective management of an event on the day will require that event staff or volunteers attend a pre-event briefing to familiarise everyone with site layout, scheduling, clarify responsibilities and procedures particularly where these apply to: Emergency management; Risk management; and, Safe working methods. See also Appendix 2: ‘Key Roles in event management’ on p40. First aid First aid is essential at every significant public event. Organisers need to consider the most appropriate mix of First Aid options depending on the geography, nature and size of their event. As a general guide, 2 first aiders and a first aid post should be provided for every 500-1,000 event patrons. The First Aid response at your event should aim to deliver: Immediate call to 000 if required; Access to CPR within 2 minutes; Access to a Defibrillator within 5 minutes; Access to advanced cardiac life support within 12 minutes (MICA); and, Trauma to Trauma Centre within 30 minutes. First aid posts should be signed and easy to find, with access to power, water, tables, chairs, offering both privacy and shelter from the elements. A large public event or an event involving extra risk factors such as a ‘Fun Run’ may also require attendance by Ambulance Victoria. It is advisable to discuss and book first aid City Compliance 6/05/2015| Rev D Page 31 of 69 requirements with a First Aid provider or Ambulance Victoria a minimum 2 months before the event. See also Useful Contacts p 34. Food and beverages Event organisers and stall holders have joint responsibility for food safety at the event ensuring: every food stall has the appropriate food/beverage permits; food and beverages are correctly displayed, stored and handled; correct usage of LPG bottles, where applicable; barriers are in place between cooking surfaces and event patrons; and, fire extinguishers or fire blankets are kept within 2m of a heat source. See Appendix 3: ‘Food at events’ on p43 and Appendix 8: ‘Site safety checklist’ on p50. Lighting Adequate lighting is a key safety and security factor. Consider sunrise and sunset times and any lighting you may need from set up through to packing up after the event. If yours is a night time event, ensure you also have emergency lighting should your regular power supply fail. Gas bottles - LPG The use of gas such as LPG at an outdoor event requires that event organisers ensure each gas user completes a mandatory safety checklist provided by Energy Safe Victoria in its brochure Gas Safety at Outdoor Events available on From 1 July 2013, Energy Safe Victoria gas inspectors will attend events to conduct spot checks. Organisers are advised to call Energy Safe Victoria and request brochure copies to give out to stall holders at their event. Noise If your event features amplified sound/ music, consider how best to create buffer zones and angle staging to deflect noise away from neighbouring properties. As a guideline, loud amplified noise from an event at a reserve should not be heard beyond the boundaries of the park/reserve. No loud noise (e.g from a stage) can be made in residential areas: before 7am weekdays and 9am on weekends or public holidays; after 6pm weekdays and Sunday; after 11pm on Fridays and Saturdays; and, before noon or after 10pm where an event (e.g. a concert) has involved loud music for longer than 5 hours. An event permit does not remove any obligations required under an existing planning permit regarding noise levels. When noise levels from an event are expected to exceed acceptable levels, Council may request organisers engage an independent Acoustics Engineers to monitor noise levels during the event. More information on permissible noise levels is available on the Environment Protection website at Parking Please consider the parking needs of your event. You may need designated parking areas for staff, stall holders, performers, special guests and disabled motorists as well as event patrons. City Compliance 6/05/2015| Rev D Page 32 of 69 Signage Signage will be required especially at large scale events to ensure event patrons know where to find parking, entrances and exits, toilets, drinking water, event information, lost children and first aid. Other required signage may relate to alcohol consumption, dogs on leads and safety warnings. PLEASE NOTE: Signage must not be nailed to trees or cover existing notices and street signage. Temporary structures Temporary structures typically include marquees, staging, platforms and seating. These should be located 1m from garden beds and must not be secured to trees. Temporary structures may be pegged into the ground in approved cases or weighted in place when sited over underground services, roads or concrete surfaces. To maintain the safety of both occupants and public, organisers are urged to ensure there is a First Aid kit and fire extinguisher in every large structure and third stall. Large temporary structures will require a Siting Approval from Council’s Building Services (see also p20 and Useful Contacts). Toilet facilities The number of toilets required at your event will depend on the number of people you anticipate will be onsite at any one time, whether alcohol is served and whether patrons are passing through or at the event for many hours. The Australian Emergency Manual offers the following guidelines for alcohol free events of 8 hours duration or longer. Males Females Patrons Toilet Urinal Hand basin Toilet Hand basin 500+ 1 2 2 6 2 1,000+ 2 4 4 9 4 2,000+ 4 8 6 12 6 3,000+ 6 15 20 18 10 5,000+ 8 25 17 30 17 As a rule: Events with alcohol will increase above ratios by approximately 40%. Events running for less than 8 hours will decrease above ratios by 20% Events running for less than 4 hours will decrease above ratios by 30% Whether the event makes use of existing or portable toilets, organisers must ensure toilet facilities: Include a toilet accessible to people with a mobility disability; Include a sharps disposal container for syringes, Include soap and hand drying facilities; Are located away from food stalls or cool rooms; and, Are kept clean and restocked with toilet paper. City Compliance 6/05/2015| Rev D Page 33 of 69 Vehicle access No vehicle is to access Council parkland or a sports oval except in certain limited circumstances subject to approval and special conditions. Infrastructure and carnival rides generally mean heavy vehicle access will be required. Subject to approval, vehicles accessing reserves must keep to pathways or hardstand areas. Alternatively, temporary surfaces can be brought in to protect sensitive lawn areas from heavy vehicle or event patron traffic especially in wet weather. Organisers are advised to site infrastructure and heavy traffic areas in ways that make best use of available paths and hardstand areas. In some cases it may be advisable to unload vehicles at hardstand areas and transport goods via golf buggy or small forklift vehicles. Any vehicle on a reserve must travel at walking pace with hazard lights on. Vehicles entering a site while an event is in progress must also be escorted by event staff. Other vehicle access considerations include keys to gates and whether these are wide enough. Water Public events should provide access to free drinking water. Where drinking fountains are not available, a drinking fountain might need to be hired or bottled water provided. It is a legal requirement that free drinking water be provided at all licensed alcohol areas. Weather Shade is required to protect patrons from excessive sun. Cover is advisable to protect patrons from either sun or rain and is generally a good idea over seating at stage areas. In your risk management planning, consider carefully how you will also manage extreme weather such as thunderstorms or 40+ temperatures, when and how you will modify, delay or cancel the event. City Compliance 6/05/2015| Rev D Page 34 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Appendix 1: Event permits and related fees schedule Brimbank City Council’s event permit and related fees aim to reflect event permit aims of balancing the rights of community and event organisers as well as promoting community enjoyment, equitable access to and protection of public assets. The indicative schedule below: Excludes permits and licences that may be issued by authorities external to council; Notes that fees for event permits and Occupancy Permits for PoPEs are GST free but event permit application fees include GST. Indicative schedule of Council event and related permit fees (to 30/6/15) Event/ Activity Application fee Permit Fee Bond Comment Event Permit for a public event (community and not for profit applicants). $58 No Charge Free entry events Event Permit for private function /ceremony (over 100 people). $58 $160 Involving significant infrastructure (e.g. marquees, chairs, staging and sound equipment). Event permit for a corporate/ commercial event (over 60 people). $58 From $160 Involving significant infrastructure (e.g. marquees, chairs, staging and sound equipment). Fund raising events with a clear community benefit are exempt from permit fees. Event Permit for high-impact commercial filming $58 From $160 Subsequent filming days will be charged at half rate. Event Permit for low-impact commercial filming $58 $160 Subsequent filming days will be charged at half rate. Event Permit for student filming activities $58 No charge PLI and indemnity required from educational institution. Booking a passive reserve for a function, event or activity No Charge No Charge Booking subject to guidelines ‘Functions and Activities on Council Reserves’ and an approved booking application. Detailed site plan and event permit required if function involves more than 100 people, temporary structures, rides or other equipment . Community event on a sportsground – no vehicle access to sportsground No Charge No charge $2,000 Booking made through Leisure Services. Community event on a sportsground – vehicle access required to sportsground No Charge $1,500 $2,000 Booking made through Leisure Services. Booking fee to cover aeration of the sportsground following the event. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 35 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Occupancy Permit for an event at a substantially enclosed Place of Public Entertainment or ‘POPE’. No Charge Circa $1,950 Streatrader Food and beverage Notification for Category 4 (low risk) food stalls or wine tasting at public event. No charge For low risk Category 4 food / drink stalls only. A Statement of Trade or SOT is also required and must be submitted online to streatrader at no extra cost for each stall and event. Application for annual registration to run community based, high risk food stalls and sale of alcohol at public events. $420 for initial annual registration Required for provision of higher risk foods and sale of alcohol across Victoria. Payable to Environmental Health Dept. A Statement of Trade or SOT must also be submitted online to streatrader at no extra charge for each stall and event. $840 for initial annual registration Required for provision of high risk foods and sale of alcohol across Victoria. Payable to Environmental Health Dept. A Statement of Trade or SOT must also submitted online to streatrader at no extra charge for each event and stall. $665 for annual renewal Roadside Billboards (community and not-forprofit applicants only) An Occupancy Permit for a Place of Public Entertainment (POPE) may be required if an event is substantially enclosed for ticketing (e.g. rock concert). Community and sporting club events involving less than 5,000 attendees are exempt. $332.50c for annual renewal Application for annual registration to run commercial food stalls and/or sell alcohol at public events From $250 No charge No Charge Permit complies with Vic Roads requirements to maximise safety for motorists. Please Note: Fees are subject to annual review. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 36 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Appendix 2: Key roles in event management In large scale events, event coordination may be divided in the lead up between a team of people including an Artistic Director and Event Manager, a Production Manager, Marketing Coordinator and administrative staff. Similarly on event day, event coordination may be divided between a Chief Warden, a team of site managers or “wardens” and a Safety Officer. In much smaller events, these roles tend to combine in one or two people. Regardless, the responsibilities indicated below need to be covered in the management of most events. Key event management roles in the lead up This list below is indicative only of key roles though the decision-making will invariably involve considerable liaison between event management team members. The Event Manager The Primary role of the Event Manager is to: Oversee event administration* including contracts / agreements; Drive fundraising in conjunction with Artistic Director; Oversee staffing needs; Ensure the event program is delivered on schedule and on budget; Ensure event complies with all relevant licences and permits; and, Ensure an event evaluation or SWOT meeting is conducted after the event; * Event Administration is covered separately in Appendix 10; Doing the paperwork The Artistic Director The primary role of the Artistic Director is: To ensure the event’s aims and/or creative vision are delivered; Program development and scheduling; Creative direction of ceremonial aspects of event; and, Providing post event evaluation on above related matters. The Production Manager The primary role of the Production Manager is to: Assess infrastructure, power, sound and logistic needs of all key participants (suppliers, stall holders, performers etc.); Source and book contractors and suppliers required to deliver program on schedule and on budget to specifications of Event Manager and Artistic Director; Prepare the production schedule and liaise as required with suppliers; Advise and prepare site layout in consultation with team, particularly the Artistic Director; Lead risk management planning, including traffic management where applicable; Ensure event production complies with relevant safety standards/ requirements; and, Provide post event evaluation on above related aspects. The Marketing Coordinator The primary role of the Marketing Coordinator is to: Devise the Marketing Plan/ schedule in consultation with Artistic Director and team; Lead design and production of marketing materials; Coordinate marketing and Public Relations activities; Coordinating VIPS and ceremonial aspects of event; and, Provide post event evaluation on above related aspects. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 37 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Key event management roles on the day The Artistic Director & Event Manager The primary role of the Artistic Director and Event Manager is to: Ensure the event’s aims/ and/or creative vision is delivered on the day; Ensure the presentation of the event program as marketed, Ensure the needs of key participants are met; and, Ensure delivery of program and production as per contract. The Marketing Coordinator The primary role of the Marketing Coordinator is to: Oversee and manage public relations at the event ensuring the needs of patrons, VIPS, sponsors are met; Oversee information booth, event photographer; and, Be on hand to liaise with media as required. The Safety Officer WorkSafe consider every event which involves paid staff/ contractors, to be also a worksite. Accordingly, the Safety Officer’s prime responsibility is to ensure all contractors and event staff follow safety guidelines and all relevant Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) standards in the set up, conduct and pack up of an event. Fully accredited Safety Officers can be difficult to find and may come with a wide range of experience not always appropriate to an outdoor event. It pays to ask what event experience prospective safety officers have before engaging them. Importantly and regardless of size, every event requires someone with relevant event experience and an understanding of Occupational Health & Safety practice to take on the role of Safety Officer. In some cases, the role of Safety Officer is taken on by the Chief Warden but at any significant event, the Safety Officer should be an impartial, independent observer who can advise key event staff as required. The Chief Warden The role of Chief Warden is often assumed by the Production Manager. The primary responsibilities of the Chief Warden include: A thorough knowledge of the production schedule, site layout and staff rosters; Ensuring all event staff /volunteers are properly briefed in the lead up on their particular roles and associated safety considerations; Coordinating event set up and pack up ensuring suppliers deliver services as contracted and on schedule. For this reason the Chief Warden is first and last on site. Managing site wardens and security staff; Monitoring and reviewing implementation of the risk management plan and traffic management plan if applicable; Managing any significant incidents and coordinating an emergency response where required; Ensuring that a full debriefing is conducted after the event and following any near miss or emergency. The primary role of the Deputy Chief Warden is to assist the Chief Warden and assume their responsibilities in the Chief Warden’s absence from the festival site. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 38 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES The Site Warden(s) Site wardens may be paid staff or volunteers assigned to look after a particular area or site at the event. For example: A stage manager is a site warden. The primary responsibility of site wardens is to ensure the orderly set up and pack up of their allocated event site. For this reason they are required to be first and last at that site. Key duties are to: Be familiar with the location of all key safety features, site activities, participants and any schedules relevant to their event site; Oversee contractors and stall holders/ performers within their allocated site; Ensure relevant safety checklists are conducted and completed; Report any situation that may be potentially dangerous (e.g. possible equipment failure, overcrowding and challenging behaviour) to the Chief Warden; Monitor site safety ensuring pathways are kept free of obstructions and trip hazards; Ensure a site is kept clean and in an orderly manner at all times; Maximise the safety of patrons and employees and if necessary, assist with their orderly evacuation from danger; Log any incidents or near misses at their site on an incident form; Represent their site at debriefings. Additionally, site wardens should stay well hydrated, protected from sun exposure and not perform any tasks they are not trained for or able to do safely. Security Staff Security staff may assist with some of the above site manager/ warden tasks as required but their main focus is: Crowd control; Preventing and/or reporting challenging behaviours; Assisting with traffic management (if accredited to do so); Protecting equipment/ infrastructure and/or VIPs; Managing liquor licensed areas at the event; Managing barriers and/or entry points where limited access applies; and, Assisting emergency services where required. The Event Control Centre and the Communications Officer Major events involving multiple staff over an extensive site will require that on event day(s), key staff, emergency services and suppliers remain in constant contact via two-way radios. An Event Control Centre or ‘ECC’ stocked with copies of event program(s), site layout(s), staffing schedules and contact lists manned by a Communications Officer is advisable. The primary role of the Communications Officer it to ensure that issues, requests and incident reports made over the two way radios, including lost children are logged and followed up. PLEASE NOTE: The above roles are indicative only. Variations may occur according to different events, personalities, management styles or where 1 or more roles are combined. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 39 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Appendix 3: Food at events All food premises, mobile food vehicles and food stalls at events are required to comply with the requirements of the Food Act 1984 and associated Regulations to ensure food safety, and protect the health of the public. All food and beverage premises are required to appropriately ‘Register’ and provide notification of their business activities via the state-wide online registration system at Streatrader in turn communicates relevant information to health staff at local councils who follow up and manage compliance. Community based food stalls involving low risk foods (plain sausage with sauce in bread, labelled baked goods for a cake stall, packaged drinks, confectionary, unprocessed, uncut garden produce or wine tasting must submit a Food Notification to Streatrader followed by a Statement of Trade (SOT) for each food stall and event – all at no charge. Community based food stall holders serving high risk foods and alcohol will require annual registration with Streatrader. A Statement of Trade or SOT at no additional charge will also be required for each stall and event. Commercial operators of mobile food vehicles and food stalls must hold a current annual ‘Streatrader’ Registration to sell food and alcohol at events and must also provide a SOT through ‘Streatrader’ for each stall and event. SOTs must be submitted 1 week/5 working days in advance of the event to enable food operators to trade. Fines for late submission may apply. Food Safety Officers from Council may attend any event to undertake compliance inspections. Key requirements to ensure food safety at events The event management team and food providers have joint responsibility for food safety at the event ensuring: All food providers intending to attend the event are registered through ‘Streatrader’; All food providers have submitted an appropriate ‘Statement of Trade’ thorough the ‘Streatrader’ system at least 5 working days prior to the event; There are adequate facilities at the venue and/or provided by traders to ensure: o Potable water supply for consumption and cleaning purposes; o Adequate disposal systems for waste and waste water; and, o Adequate power supply maintained for safe food handling. Food providers have a responsibility for their food stall at the event ensuring: Their vehicle or stall is compliant with the Food Act and Regulations; Adequate equipment and hand washing facilities (water, soap, disposable paper towels); They have suitable facilities to keep foods within required cold/ hot storage temperatures; They have a probe thermometer; All appropriate food safety programmes and/or records are available on site; Facilities to store and dispose of wastes, waste oils and waste water; and, Adequate power supply to operate equipment (refrigeration, food warmers). Any concerns or queries about requirements should be directed to Councils food safety officers in advance of the event. See Useful Contacts. Event management and food providers should also take appropriate precautions regarding the use of gas bottles and open flame cooking to ensure safety and prevent public from contact with hot surfaces. This is covered in Appendix 8: Event Site Safety Checklist City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 40 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Appendix 4: A sample risk management plan Useful table or ‘matrix’ for a ‘Probability-Consequence’ rating of event risks PROBABILITY CONSEQUENCES Catastrophic Loss of life or permanent injury, huge financial/environmental loss 5 Major Extensive injuries, loss of capabilities, major financial/ environmental loss 4 Moderate Medical treatment required, lost work time, significant financial/ environmental loss 3 Minor First Aid treatment, little environmental loss, low financial loss 2 Insignificant No injury, little or no physical damage, no financial loss 1 Almost certain Likely Probable Occasional Remote Event is expected to occur in most circumstances Event will probably occur in most circumstances The event should occur at some time The event could Event may occur only in exceptional circumstances A B C D occur at some time E 5A SEVERE RISK 5B SEVERE RISK 5C SEVERE RISK 5D SIGNIFICANT RISK 5E SIGNIFICANT RISK 4A SEVERE RISK 4B SEVERE RISK 4C SIGNIFICANT RISK 4D SIGNIFICANT RISK 4E 3C SIGNIFICANT RISK 3D 3A SEVERE RISK 2A SEVERE RISK 1A SIGNIFICANT RISK 3B SEVERE RISK 2B SIGNIFICANT RISK 1B SIGNIFICANT RISK 2C MODERATE MODERATE MODERATE RISK 3E LOW RISK RISK 2D LOW RISK 2E LOW RISK 1D LOW RISK 1E LOW RISK RISK 1C MODERATE RISK SEVERE RISK – MUST be eliminated OR carefully managed with controls in place. SIGNIFICANT RISK – Controls required to remove or significantly reduce risk. MODERATE RISK – Controls required to reduce risk. LOW RISK – Routine safety procedures. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 41 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES (Insert Event Title) Sample Risk Management Plan Site: (Insert address and Melway Reference) Time and Date: (Insert date and time of Event) Risk Management Plan prepared: (Insert date final risk management prepared) Person(s) completing plan: (List members of your group / fellow organisers assisting with risk planning) In consultation with: (List significant stakeholders/ suppliers with expertise assisting with risk planning) Sample Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Control Plan POTENTIAL POTENTIAL RISKS HAZARDS PROBABILITY & CONTROL MEASURE CONSEQUENCE RESIDUAL PERSON PROBABILITY RESPON. & CONSEQUENCE Extreme weather: Wind Injury or damage from airborne infrastructure (marquees, umbrellas) 3C Double check and enhance marquee 3E moorings, Disperse wind force by Chief/site warden removing marquee side (Engineering Control) Extreme weather: Heat dehydration or sun stroke from heat or sun exposure; 3C Provide Sunscreen for staff and public 1C Ensure staff wear hats (Personal Volunteers X and Y protective Wear). Provide bottled water for participants. Move major activities under shaded areas (Substitution). Electrical Equipment Injuries from tripping over leads 2C ‘’ Electrocution from unsafe electrical equipment 2C Site hazard: City Compliance Injuries from trips and falls Leads to stage to be flown over, taped 1E or covered with matting (Elimination). 3D Ensure all leads, electrical equipment Chief/site warden 2D Chief/site have been tested and tagged warden and beforehand (Engineering and Event Administrative) electrician Site visit before event – all stumps to 3E Chief warden be marked with witched hat or 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 42 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Tree stumps Site hazard: River reflective tape (Engineering) Drowning (unattended children) 5D Station a volunteer to patrol area 1E Chief warden. (Elimination). Advise parents that all children be supervised at all time (Administrative) Burns from exposed flame and hot plates 3C Possible explosion from gas bottles faulty or incorrectly used; 4D Carnival Rides Exposure to sharp or moving equipment; 4D Serious Incident Injury from violent person(s) with weapons 5E Food stalls ‘’ Barriers erected between public and hot Site warden plates (Engineering) Check all gas bottles in good condition 3C and securely positioned before event Site warden Event plumber (Administrative) Barriers erected between public and 4E hazardous equipment (Engineering). Security on patrol and event staff Chief warden, ride operators 3E Chief /site briefed. wardens, (Minimisation). Security Emergency management plan enacted ‘’ Injuries from stage collapse 4E Reputable hire company used and 2E staging checked before event. Chief warden Stage manager Supplier Crowd Alcohol Fireworks Crush from overcrowding at stage 4D Injuries and scuffles from Intoxicated participants 5E Injury and/or damage from fall out 4D Punter barriers 2 metres in front of 2E stage (Engineering). Advertise event as alcohol free. Ban Security 5E sale of drinks in glass. Security patrol. Ensure adequate exclusion clearances. Use reputable operator. MFB onsite Chief warden Event team Security 4E Chief warden Operator Assess each identified hazard and associated risk according to its probability and consequence using the above matrix (p 44) as a guide. Where does each ‘untreated’ risk sit? The aim is to treat risks with appropriate measures or controls so that the residual risk falls within an acceptably moderate to low level. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 43 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Appendix 5: Communication and event management Good communication is synonymous with good event management. It is vital not only in event marketing but also planning and running the event on the day. Communication in event planning Event planning invariably evolves through communication between a multiplicity of people and organisations who are part of the regulatory environment or contribute as suppliers, stall holders, staff and performers. Good event administration – putting your event planning down in writing, will help ensure consistent communication through the planning process across a wide range of stakeholders. A useful event administration list is offered in Appendix 10 Communications at the event: With staff During the event, good communication is essential between event staff. In addition to following the event plan and schedules described above, there is a need to communicate around unfolding situations. Organisers of an event over a large site involving a number of staff and key suppliers are well advised to: Hire enough two-way radios to link the Event Coordinator and/or chief warden with all other site wardens and key suppliers including power, sound, security and traffic management; Ensure all key staff have a copy of the site map, program and any relevant schedules and have been briefed prior to the event; Set aside an area as an event control centre. It should have event maps, program(s) and schedules up on the wall. Ideally it should be staffed by a ‘Communications Officer’ whose primary role is to log and monitor requests and issues that arise on two way radios and ensure these are recorded and followed up. Communications at the event: With event patrons The event itself brings the additional need to communicate program and important site information to event patrons through: The event program booklet/ sheet should include: o Information about how to get there and where to park; o Any entry costs or conditions of entry; o Indicate whether the event is accessible to wheelchairs; o A timetable of activities, performances and other highlights; o A map of the event site including entry and exits, Information Centre, toilets, water, first aid and lost children. Directional signage at the event for such things as Information, toilets, water, first aid and lost children, entry and exits, as well as highlights. The Master of Ceremonies or MC who can provide not only information about performers/ activities but also good housekeeping information such as recycling and make important announcements re lost children and property; and, A loud hailer will also be useful if the need to issue safety directions to festival patrons arises such as evacuating an area. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 44 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Appendix 6: Disability Access Accessible Events: A useful checklist With approximately 1 in 5 people identifying as having a disability, your event should aim to cater to participants as well as patrons with a wide range of disabilities including cognitive, sight or hearing impairment, limited or wheelchair mobility. To limit problems and expense, begin with choosing an event venue that is accessible and consider the following in event planning: Is there accessible transport nearby? Have you provided disabled parking close to the event? Have you provided a safe drop–off point close to the event? Will you need ramps at main entry, to conveniences, activities or to stage? Are entry doors/ gates wide enough and easy to open? Is signage to key amenities easy to read? Does your marketing include accessibility information to the event? Are activity areas (stage, market stalls) wheelchair-accessible? Have you provided seating space for wheelchairs? Can a person in a wheelchair move about through your site layout? Have you provided accessible toilets? Is there proximity and good lighting for hearing impaired people to lip read OR, an Australian sign language interpreter to sign key information and speeches (see Useful Contacts)? Is there an audio/ spoken presentation to enable sight impaired people to follow important parts of the program? If catering, have you provided: o Drinking straws? o For special dietary needs? o Seating and tables? o Room for wheelchairs or walkers to move around? o Event staff to assist as required? PLEASE NOTE: A person with a disability attending a ticketed event should have free access for a companion providing attendant care. Further information Melbourne City Council’s publication Good Access is Good Business offers an extensive checklist of ideas. This publication can be freely downloaded from the events pages on their website . City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 45 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Appendix 7: An event emergency plan template Event name: Event date: Event Address: Melway Ref: Important Contacts Phone Number Name Chief warden (at event) Site warden 1 - if applicable Site warden 2- if applicable Stage manager - if applicable (Traffic Management Company - if applicable) (Volunteer Coordinator if applicable) First Aid contact onsite Emergency Services 000 (Security Company contact – if applicable) The following plan outlines how an emergency at the event will be handled: All incidents are reported as soon as possible to the Chief Warden whose role it is to manage the subsequent emergency/ incident. Depending on the emergency/ incident, Chief Warden will: Assess if emergency services are required; Call emergency services; Manage - containing and/or isolate the emergency /incident area from the public (e.g hazard tape); Coordinate wardens to assist people to safety (partial or complete evacuation) if needed; Call a temporary halt to program or cancel the event; Gather information for incident reports; Hand over to emergency services when they arrive; Follow and direct all event staff to follow Emergency Service instructions Complete the Incident report; Brief key stakeholders (e.g Council); and, Handle media enquiries or delegate same to designated media spokesperson Contacting Emergency Services: 1. Ring 000 2. Identify your address and exact location 3. Detail what you have observed and the requirement for attendance. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 46 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Appendix 8: Event Site Safety Checklist A sample template for a Site Safety Checklist Event: Date: Time inspected: Stage Area(s): To be completed by Stage Manager(s) √ Safety feature Check staging erected by experienced and trained contractor Check siting permits obtained - if necessary Check all leads are gaffed down /secured out of performers/audience way Check all set elements are secured properly Check there are no trip hazards on or off stage All entrance/exit points are clear to one metre on all sides Check stage and platform edges are clearly marked Check there are no sharp or protruding edges and surfaces Check any ramps to stage in place and secured Check fire extinguishers are in place (at each stage and stadium seating area) Check aisle(s) clear throughout the seating bank areas Check the stage floor area is clear of obstructions, uneven surfaces, gaps and that any carpet or leads are firmly taped down Check generators are a minimum 1m away from stage Check fire extinguishers are kept a minimum 4m from generators Check staging/ platforms monitored throughout event Market/ Food stalls area(s): To be completed by Site Warden(s) √ Safety feature Appropriate signage is visible Check there is sufficient lighting to move throughout the space safely Check disabled access is available and clear Check first aid kit is in place LPG: Check cylinders clear of ignition sources and well ventilated LPG: Check cylinders well positioned and secured in place LPG: Check cylinders do not exceed 10 years of the stamped test date LPG: Ensure LPG Safety Checklist is completed by food stall holder Check fire extinguisher in place Check there are no sharp or protruding edges and surfaces Ensure hot surfaces are well set back from flammable materials Ensure hot surfaces are set back from event patrons Ensure guards to hot surfaces are in place Check each food stall for temporary hand washing and drying facilities Ensure only grey water disposed (preferably on plants). Fat and water dirty with food scraps to be taken offsite by vendor Ensure correct food storage and waste management in place General Area Safety: To be completed by Site Manager/ Warden √ Safety feature Check walkways are kept free of trip hazards (residues, spills, mud etc.) Walkways are clear to 1.2 metre from any obstruction on all sides City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 47 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Check floor area is clear of obstructions and that any carpet etc. is taped down Check all obstructions i.e. seating banks, objects in space are clearly marked All entrance/exit points are clear to 1.2 metre on all sides Check fire extinguishers are in place where required Check there is sufficient lighting from set up to completion of pack up Check disabled access is kept clear Check adequate access available to emergency services Check event pedestrian traffic separated from event vehicle traffic Check first aid is in place and clearly signed Check all exits are unlocked and clearly marked Check all obstructions / protruding objects are clearly marked for visibility Check adequate signage/ barriers in place for any hazardous area. Check there are no sharp or protruding edges and surfaces Check generators stable and sectioned off from public Monitor waste collection and littering Carnival area: To be completed by Site Manager/Warden √ Safety feature Check equipment/ride log books reflect proper installation, maintenance and inspection schedules have been followed as per Australian Standards Check Equipment Registration (Green card) is up to date Check operator’s Public Liability insurance cover is adequate and current Check ride looks well maintained Check perimeter fencing in place Ensure safe clearances (minimum 2m) from other rides, trees etc. Check electrical connections / leads safe and not trip hazards Check fire extinguishers in place Check ride operator on duty is over 18 and suitably trained Check Jumping Castle and similar rides offer a padded landing area JUMPING CASTLE: Check ride is securely anchored JUMPING CASTLE: Operator monitors prevailing winds during operation Name: _________________________________________________________ Position: _________________________________________________________ Signature: _________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________________________ City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 48 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES APPENDIX 9: INCIDENT/HAZARD REPORT FORM CATEGORY (Tick the relevant box) Hazard (Complete A+B+G+H+I) Personal Injury / Illness (Complete A+C+G+H+I) Damage to Property/Equipment (Complete A+F+G+H+I) Incident/Near Miss (Complete A+B+G+H+I) Motor Vehicle (Complete A+D+G+H+I) Public Liability (Complete A+E+G+H+I) PART 1 – GENERAL DETAILS (Complete ALL fields) PERSONAL (Tick the relevant box) Staff Member Contractor/Agency Volunteer/ Visitor/Other Incident/Hazard Date: ................................................... Incident/ Hazard Location / Address:.................................................................................................. Incident/Hazard Time: .................................................... Business Unit: .................................................................................................................................... Manager Name: ............................................................ Ph: ........................ OHS Rep Name: ..................................................... Ph: ............................ PART 2 –INCIDENT/ HAZARD/ NEAR MISS (Complete relevant fields) Description of Incident/Hazard/Near Miss: .................................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Type of Incident/Hazard/Near Miss: ............................................................................................................................................................................................ Witness (1) Name: .................................................. Ph: ...................... Witness (2) Name: ................................................... Ph: ............................ PART 3 – PERSONAL INJURY / ILLNESS (Complete relevant fields) Name of person: ...................................................................................................... Date of Birth:................................... Ph: ............................................ Home Address: .................................................................................................................................................................... Post Code: ................................ Description of Injury / Illness: ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Type of Injury / Illness: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Medical Attention Required? No Yes Body Part Affected: ...................................................................................................................... Attended Doctor / Hospital? No Yes Doctor Where did the injury occur? At work Hospital Other, give details: ............................................................... Travelling to and from work Other, give details: ................................................. Witness (1) Name: ..................................................... Ph: ..................... Witness (2) Name: ................................................. Ph: ............................... PART 4 – MOTOR VEHICLE (Complete relevant fields) Description of Incident: .. Any injuries? No Yes (COMPLETE PART C) At Fault? Council Other Unsure Vehicle Type: . ..................................... Vehicle Registration: .................................. Other Driver Name: … ................................................................... Other Driver Registration: ................................................................................... Other Driver Licence No ................................................................. Other Driver Phone No.: ..................................................................................... Witness (1) Name: .................................................. Ph: ............................ Witness (2) Name: ............................................ PART 5 – PUBLIC LIABILITY (Complete relevant fields) Detailed description of location: .................................................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Type of Injury/Damage (eg. Fracture, bruising, damage to property): ........................................................................................................................................ ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Cause of Injury/Damage (Eg Fall, Council asset damaging person or property): ...................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 49 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES No Estimated value of damage / loss: ................................................................. Police Notified? Witness (1) Name: ...................................................... Witness (2) Name: ................................................. Ph: .......................... Is the person making or intending to make a claim? Ph:......................... No Yes Yes (Obtain Police report) Unsure PART 6 – DAMAGE/LOSS OF COUNCIL EQUIPMENT OR PROPERTY (Complete relevant fields) Nature of Damage/loss (Tick the relevant box/s) Burglary Theft Malicious Damage Fire Water Damage Other Description of Items Damaged/Lost: ........................................................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Estimated value of damage / loss: ............................................................... Police Notified? No Yes (Obtain Police report) PART 7 – CONTRIBUTING FACTORS CONTRIBUTING FACTOR (Tick the relevant box/s) EQUIPMENT FACTORS ENVIRONMENT FACTORS Equipment Failure/Malfunction Raining/Stormy/Windy Lack of Maintenance Overcast Unsuitable use of plant/equipment Temperature Insufficient / inadequate guards Surfaces/Paths/Roads/Holes Fumes / chemical / noise omission from plant Other obstructions / Fences / gates Design issue Night / After hours Other; Give details .................................................... Animals ....................................................................................... Trees / shrubs / vegetation ....................................................................................... Working at heights Confined / Dangerous space Other; Give details ................................... ....................................................................... ....................................................................... HUMAN FACTORS Adherence to Laws / procedures / instructions Tiredness/Fatigue Alcohol/Drugs Unsafe Practice Hours of Operation Physical Condition Manual Handling Eyesight/Hearing Other Medical No PPE Lack of Concentration Lack of training / instruction Not qualified / experience Working alone Other; Give details ........................................... PART 8 – RISK RATING RATE THE RISK (Tick the relevant box) High Medium Fatality Medical Attention Lost Time Injuries/ Serious Personal Injury From $1,000 to $50,000 property Damage Chemical Exposure/Leaks Minor Business Interruption Plant/Equipment Collapse/Overturning Fire/Explosion/Significant Property Damage Bomb Threat Greater than $50,000 Damage Substantial Business Interruption Media Involved NOTE: Investigations required for all incidents / hazards rated as HIGH. Low First Aid Attention Less than $1,000 Limited Business Interruption PART 9 – PERSON COMPLETING FORM (Complete ALL fields) Description of correct actions: ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Name:............................................................. Position: ..............................................................................Phone No.: ........................................ Business Unit .................................................................................................................................................... Date: ................................................. DISTRIBUTION INSTRUCTION: If incident / hazard occurs on Council Land and is rated HIGH, please notify the Risk Management Department at Brimbank City Council at your earliest opportunity on 9249 4290 or 9249 4733 and/or the OHS Department on 9249 4429 or 9249 4412. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 50 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Appendix 10: Doing the paperwork Since most events require the coordinated efforts of many people including organisers, volunteers, suppliers, performers and/or stall holders, it is vitally important to get event planning down in writing, ideally in a form that can be easily emailed. Doing the paperwork will assist consistent communication between multiple participants during the planning phase as well as during the event. Event planning paperwork Event administration in the lead up should generally include the following in written form: A contact list(s) for all stakeholders: sponsors, suppliers, performers, stall holders; A complete event plan: o Marketing Plan o Program Plan o Event timeline o Site layout A spread sheet setting out all stall holders’ details and requirements; A spread sheet setting out all activity and performer details and requirements; Stakeholder notification, affected residents/ traders; A set up and pack up production schedule – see attached sample; Stall holder confirmation information (letter, map and vehicle access) with instructions re access and set up at the event sent to each stall holder; Detailed running sheet for all stages/ programmed and ceremonial activities; Letters of Agreement with all contractors, event staff, sponsors and performers with instructions re access, relevant contacts at event– see attached samples. Safety Planning: o The Emergency Plan (see Appendix 7 p45); o The Risk Management Plan and safety checklists (see Appendices 4 + 8); and, o The Traffic Management Plan. Special guests may need parking passes, security protection, catering and someone to greet and accompany them – all matters to be confirmed in writing before the event. Paperwork at the event In addition to monitoring safety, implementing your traffic and risk management plans, it will also be advisable to: Note attendance and ‘no shows’ by stall holders, performers, staff and suppliers; Report all incidents and near misses; and, Gather feedback from patrons through feedback forms or surveys. Gathering positive visual documentation of the event will also be vital to promoting future events. Paperwork after the event The post event period is an important time to consolidate relationships forged through the event and fine tune planning for future events. It is wise to: Ensure sponsors, volunteers and other contributors are thanked and feel appreciated; Collect feedback from patrons in an evaluation report; Ensure all payments are made and prepare a detailed budget report; and, Conduct and document a post- event meeting with all key staff and/or stakeholders looking at the event’s ‘Strengths’, ‘Weaknesses’, ‘Opportunities’ and ‘Threats’ known as a SWOT report. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 51 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Sample Production Schedule date+ time Task 5am Chief Warden on site 5.30am Site Wardens on site Entry barricades put up Marquee and staging on site Toilets arrive on site 6.45am Supplier (for a medium scale event at a reserve) Contact personTel Notes Site check Final debrief re ny changes to site layout/ scheduling ec. to finish loading by 8am Generators arrive on site 7.30am Event electrician on site Stall signage up Entry barricade volunteer(s) on site Event volunteers on site 7:45am 8am 8:15am Traffic management setting up road closure Stall holders 1-10 on site Sound on site Safety Officer on site Stall holders 10-20 on site 9am 9:45am Clipboard list of stalls holders and suppliers with vehicle access to site Bins out + other duties (Accredited)Traffic Management Company will collect at 5.30pm Stage up and ready Site inspection No Vehicles allowed on site Information booth set up Stage manager on site Activity X on site rides on site Gas inspections at food stalls First Aid on site Site safety inspection completed Volunteers Ride operator(s) Event plumber gas safety checklists Safety Officer 10am Event begins - see also Program Schedule 11.00am 3.00pm Event Photographer on site 11.00am 7.00pm Security on site 11.00am 6.00pm Cleaners on site 4pm 4:45pm Pack up begins Release forms & clipboard at ECC security required to final pack up Toilets kept clean and stocked. Bins rotated as required All Vehicles allowed back on site: TBC by Chief Warden 6.30pm Marquee and staging hire on site Bins + waste collected for pick up Sound equipment picked up Generators picked up Toilets picked up Litter sweep over site 7pm Site secured/locked up 6pm City Compliance Security leave 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 52 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Sample contractor agreement (Date) (Full name) (Address) Dear (name) Your Letter of Agreement Thank you for agreeing to work with us on the (event name + date). Following is the Letter of Agreement between you and the (event organiser). In order to confirm this agreement, please sign both copies and post / return one copy to us along with requested documentation (date). The details for the day are as follows: Supplying: (Contracted services + delivery and pick up details). Venue: (Name + address ) Site contact: (Production Coordinator + mobile) Site access: (Vehicle pass/ access details) Fee: ($ fee inc. GST). Please send invoice to (name + address) Public Liability: To be supplied by contractor Please Note: 1. The contractor must comply in the provision of above contracted services with all relevant Australian Standards, Occupational Health & Safety Acts, Regulations, Local Laws and Council procedures that relate to the services being performed and be skilled to perform the duties they are undertaking. 2. The contractor will ensure that all obligations to himself or herself, in relation to all Occupational Health & Safety requirements are performed. 3. The contractor will perform the above contracted services in such a manner as to protect themselves, other staff, participants and patrons from any injury or danger and use such measures as necessary to achieve this outcome. Signed ____________________ _______________________ (Name) Witness ____________________ Date City Compliance ______/_____/_______ Event Manager/ Coordinator Date ______/_____/_____ 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 53 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Sample performer agreement (date) (full name) (address) Dear (name) Re: Your letter of Agreement for (event name) Thank you for agreeing to work with us on (event name + date). Following is the Letter of Agreement between you and (name of event organiser). In order to confirm this agreement, please sign both copies and post / return one copy to us before the day. The details for the day are as follows: Supplying: (Performance name/ type and time) as per running sheet supplied. Please note your call time and ensure you do not exceed your performance time. Venue: (Event + address + stage name). Light refreshments will be provided at your Green Room and/or change rooms backstage. Vehicle access: Please note this letter will need to be displayed for access on to the festival precinct. Only performers needing to drop off heavy or large equipment should require vehicle access. Parking: Festival performers are urged to leave enough time to secure parking, especially if arriving between (time) and (time) OR * A limited number of time- limited car passes are available – see enclosed OR See map for ‘drop off’ zone. Parking passes* Time limits on parking passes provided must be strictly observed. Site contact: (role + name), on (mobile). Attachments: Program running sheet Event map Fee: (Amount) including GST where applicable. If you have not already done so, please send in an invoice for this amount quoting your ABN, whether you charge GST. All Invoices should be sent to: (Name) (date) Public Liability: City Compliance This agreement is subject to a suitable Certificate of Currency for Public Liability Insurance being provided by the performer/ performing group. 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 54 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES INDEMNITY I agree to indemnify and keep indemnified, the (event organisers) from all actions, costs, claims, charges, expenses and damages, and/or occurring through services I provide at the above mentioned event. My liability to indemnify the (event organiser) will be reduced proportionally to the extent that any act or omission of the (event organiser) contributed to the loss of liability. Signed ____________________ _______________________ (name) Witness ____________________ Date _____ /_____/________ Event Coordinator/ Manager Date _____ /_____/_____ OR Public Liability Insurance: Supplied by (event organiser) Please Note: 1. The Performer will abide by all lawful directions of the event coordinator. 2. The organiser agrees to take out and maintain adequate public liability insurance for the event covering the performers for those activities covered under this Letter of Agreement. 3. The performer will ensure that all obligations to himself or herself (and associates), in relation to all occupational health & safety issues are performed. 4. The performer will make every reasonable effort to protect the participants and audience from any injury or danger during their performance. Signed ____________________ _______________________ (name) Witness ____________________ Date City Compliance _____ /_____/________ Event Coordinator/ Manager Date _____ /_____/_____ 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 55 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Sample stall holder confirmation letter (Date) (Name) (Address) Stall holder confirmation letter Thank you agreeing to be part of the (event name + date + time + address). Following is confirmation details for your stall. Your site area and /or number is (insert) as per attached site map. You will be provided with the following according to your application and where applicable: Requirements Details Site size (insert size) Marquee (Providing own/ Provided + size +number) Trestle Table(s) Chairs No Provided/Providing own Powered site: (Yes/ No) PLEASE READ THIS LETTER VERY CAREFULLY PRODUCTS FOR SALE: The products/ food you have identified on your application will be the only products/food allowed for sale. Inspections of each site will take place with checklists provided to our Site Wardens. Any restricted items, products/ food for sale not identified in your application will be asked to be withdrawn from sale. SET-UP Your set up time is between (time) and (time). No vehicles will be allowed onto the site after (time) or before (time). Your stall should be ready to operate by (time). ACCESS (Site Access and vehicle access details). You will have (time) to unload your vehicle. Please relocate your vehicle as soon as possible before returning to set up your stall. PARKING Unless trading out of a registered food van NO VEHICLES WILL REMAIN ON SITE. Once you have unloaded, please relocate your vehicle to either the allocated trader’s car park Your parking location is (insert) PACK- UP Your pack up time will begin at (time) with vehicle access from approximately (time) once the crowd has dispersed and the area is deemed safe for vehicle movement by the site wardens). POWER Power will be provided according to what you stipulated on your application form. You will need to provide your own extension leads and double adapters. You must ensure that your leads are tagged with a current test/tag in line with Australian Standard (AS/NZS 3760:2003). City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 56 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES WASTE Please use recyclable packaging and dispose of your waste responsibly. Please ensure that your pack up includes the removal of your own rubbish. NO oil, coals/ ash, toxic substances or water with large food particles and heavy detergents are to be disposed of at the event site. Cardboard should be flattened and put in recycling rubbish bins. ALCOHOL Alcohol is NOT to be served or consumed at this event OR You must carry with you, evidence you have obtained the relevant liquor licenses if selling/serving alcohol at your stall. GOODS There is to be NO sale of goods involving breakable glass, toy weapons, silly string or similar that may create environmental clean-up problems or a hazard for festival patrons. OR FOOD Confirmation and acceptance of your food stall at (event name) is subject to you obtaining all relevant food permits (Statement of Trade or Food Notification) as required. INSURANCE Confirmation is subject to provision of your own Public Liability Insurance cover as per your application. OR Confirmation is subject to cover provided by the (event organiser) for approved stall goods/ activities as agreed. Thank you for your support and cooperation. We hope you have a wonderful day. If you have any questions please call (role + name + telephone) or email (email address). Yours sincerely etc. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 57 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Appendix 11: Notification letter template Notification of Event Date Dear local ratepayer/resident/ trader (Insert event name) will be held on (insert event date, time and precise location). The event will feature (insert list of highlights and activities) and is likely to attract (insert number of expected patrons). The event may/will affect locals in the following ways (insert list of impacts. For example: noise from stage, firecrackers or fireworks traffic congestion road closures) Event organisers have sought to minimise these impacts through (insert list of what measure you have taken to minimise above listed impacts. For example: Staging angled away from local residents Special parking arrangement or restrictions to keep roadway(s) clear for traffic Traffic management in place and/or vehicle passes for local traffic). For further information please visit (insert Website) call the event hotline on (insert Tel number) or email us at (insert email address). We take this opportunity invite you to join us at this wonderful event (Insert name) (Insert title/role in event) It is essential you remind local residents to restrain their animals / pets for the duration of fireworks or firecrackers. Notification must be distributed to affected area. Depending on size of shells this may range from 150-200m radius from firecrackers and 500m to 800m radius from point of fireworks discharge. A road may be closed to traffic but provision needs to be made for local traffic to come and go from their homes/premises. This usually means manning a road closure and allowing local traffic to come and go at walking pace, escorted on foot by an event official if necessary for the safety of event patrons. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 58 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Appendix 12: Marketing your event Event marketing is the art of creating a favourable impression or selling your event to: Participant stall holders and performers; Prospective sponsors; and, Your target audience. The marketing plan should be one of the first event planning documents you prepare. It will need to cover a list of marketing activities from the time you seek sponsorship and participants to the peak of promotional activity before the event, marketing activities at the event and any post event coverage and acknowledgements. Marketing Plan Template: (Event Name) Marketing Timetable @ (Date) media Target audience Design Participants and attendees Prospective participants Participants and attendees Prospective sponsors General community Target Community General and target community, General community Event visitors Reg Forms Website Sponsorship Outline Press releases Newsletter listings Event Flyers/ Posters Roadside billboards Event site signage Programs Deadline Publication /distribution date Responsibility Cost or ‘in kind’ Status Notes Update as required. Appealing photo opportunities advised. MC @ event Event visitors Feedback Survey Website coverage Event visitors Basic image + minimal information Banners, directional signage Program and site information Program schedule and Scripts required Prize incentive? General community (Acknowledgment of volunteers, sponsors) Event visitors Above: Yellow cells indicate pre-event marketing. Orange cells indicate marketing at event and purple, post event marketing activities. Marketing to participants Marketing in the early stages of your event planning will involve convincing participants to be involved. For a festival, this is best managed through a Stallholders Registration Form that provides the event organiser with all the necessary information to select a desirable mix of stalls and inform subsequent site and production planning. Key factors include insurance cover, site size and power usage. Similarly, a Performers Registration Form should inform selection of suitable performers and enable planning around their production needs. Key factors may include performance space, set up time and sound requirements. Sample registration forms are attached. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 59 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Marketing to sponsors Marketing your event to sponsors requires a brief visually appealing outline of event features, especially those that might appeal to the prospective sponsor plus a list of benefits. The latter should include optional packages of marketing and promotional opportunities that will acknowledge the sponsorship in the lead up, at and after the event for a price. Be creative! Marketing to the public Key to the success of most events is good attendances which in turn will depend on a marketing plan best suited to reach your ‘target’ audience - the people you hope will attend your event. The key question to ask in formulating your marketing plan is: Which form or mix of media will best reach the event’s target audience? Event marketing now includes a wide range of options including: Low cost Social Media such as Youtube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter; Low cost online media such as email and websites; Print media: posters, flyers and leaflets, program brochures or booklets, adverts, articles and listings, newsletters and mail out; Roadside billboards and banners, adverts on buses, bus shelters and taxis; Electronic media such as radio and television advertising; and, A wide range of merchandising options in addition to creative promotional activities (giveaways, competitions) limited only by cost and imagination. Marketing at the event The event itself brings the additional need to communicate event highlights activities and site amenities to patrons at the event usually through: The event program booklet/ sheet which should include: o Any entry costs or conditions of entry; o A timetable of activities, performances and other highlights; o A map of the event site including entry and exits, Information Centre, toilets, water, first aid and lost children. Directional signage at the event for such things as Information, toilets, water, first aid and lost children, entry and exits, as well as highlights; The Master of Ceremonies or MC who can provide: o information about upcoming performers, activities and highlights; o Acknowledge your sponsors and sponsor messages; o ‘housekeeping’ information for the safety and comfort of patrons; and, o important announcements regarding lost children and property. Banners acknowledging sponsors; Ceremonial activities such as Official Openings (best kept very brief); and, Promotional activities such as competitions and giveaways. Marketing post event The post event period can be an important time to consolidate the event’s profile through press coverage and/or posting a round-up of the event in pictures on a website. The event can also enhance its reputation and build relationships with all contributors by remembering to say thanks. This can take the form of ads, emails, letters or certificates of appreciation, gifts and post-event celebrations. See attached sample performer and stall holder registration forms. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 60 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Sample performer registration form (Event name + date + time + address) Performer Registration Form (Brief introductory paragraph here listing all good reasons why performer would want to attend such as expected attendance numbers, event reputation, highlights etc.). Please complete this Performer Registration Form and return no later than (date). Name of Group______________________________________________________ Number of Performers ____________ Contact Person______________________________________________________ Mob __________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ Postocode_________________ Tel ___________________ Fax ___________________ Email _____________________________________________ Type of Stage Performance (Please √) (Outline number of stages and stage dimensions here) □Dance □Choral □Live music □ Other_____________________ Performance Fees We will follow up with individual applicants to discuss actual performance times and fees. Performance Time Performances of approximately (duration) will be programmed between (time) – (time). Is there a time you/ your group will NOT be available to perform? □ YES □ NO If Yes, please advise when: ____________________________ Your Sound Requirements Please detail below all your sound requirements (no. of microphones etc). A Stage Plan must be attached where props and any musical instruments are part of a performance. Will you also require: An MP3? □ A CD player? □ A cassette tape player? □ Public Liability □ Do you / your performers have your own Public Liability Insurance cover? YES NO copy. Please note preference may be given to performers with their own PLI cover. □ If yes, please attach a SAMPLE General Conditions Upon selection, a Letter of Agreement setting out your arrival and performance times, fees and any other relevant details will be sent to you. You will be notified by (date) whether you have or have not been selected as a performer for this event. Light refreshments, male and female change areas will be provided for performers. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 61 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES All performers will be required to take responsibility for their personal belongings in change areas. You are advised to park (location) and/or Access and time-limited parking passes for this parking zone will be provided depending on the time of your performance. Each stage act is to supply a brief summary of their performance - about 50 words, for the MC to introduce them with. Please attach to this registration or supply before (date). I confirm that I understand all the above conditions and confirm my/our interest as a participant performer /performing group for this event. Signature ____________________________________ Date________________ Checklist – Have you? (√ tick box) □ □ □ Completed and signed the (Event name) Performers Registration Form? If the form is not signed we are not able to process your application. Attached a copy of your current Public Liability Insurance or ‘Certificate of Currency’ (if applicable)? Attached a copy of your stage plan if applicable)? Please return this completed Registration Form by (date) to: (Person) (Address) (Fax/ Email) Further Information: PLEASE NOTE: If you require further information call the Festival Office on (telephone no) or email (email address). City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 62 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Sample stall holder registration form (Event name + date + Time + Address) Stall Registration Form (Brief introductory paragraph here listing all good reasons why stall holder would want to attend such as expected attendance numbers, event reputation, highlights etc.) Name of Organisation/Registered Name: Contact Person: Postal Address: Mobile Phone Number: email: Day Time Telephone Number: @ Fax: Stall Site Fees □ □ □ 3m x 3m marquee site only ($ xxxx) 3m x 3m site and marquee package ($ xxxx) Food van site only (size restrictions may apply) ($ From xxxx) Your van size: Please detail below ALL types of goods/ foods and/or drinks you are intending to sell: (Include selection criteria for applicants. FOR EXAMPLE -. Selection of successful vendors may be based upon healthy food/drink options, variety, suitability and site requirements. You may be requested to reconsider product lines and must align what you offer on the day with what you list on your application. We may request that unauthorised product be removed from sale). 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. Will you need Power? □ YES ($ xxxx surcharge will apply) □ NO If power is required you MUST detail below what you will need power for e.g. hot plate, appliances, lighting, etc noting the AMPs for each appliance. Appliance: Amps: Appliance: Amps: Appliance: Amps: Appliance: Amps: Appliance: Amps: Appliance: Amps: Product / Public Liability Please note: All stall holders will need to supply a copy of their own Public Liability Insurance. Please attach a copy of your current insurance certificate (Certificate of Currency) to this application. (SAMPLE) General Conditions You will receive written / email confirmation if your registration has / has not been accepted by (date). If your registration is not accepted, your payment will be promptly returned. Successful applicants will be advised in writing/ email of their load in time, site location and parking arrangements. Unless otherwise directed, NO vehicles will be allowed on the festival precinct after (time) or before (time) on festival day. Where available, event staff may be able to assist with transport of goods to site between these hours. City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 63 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: APPENDICES Participating stallholders will be allocated an area for unloading of goods. Vehicle movement will be restricted and only those identified for access will be given an Access Pass to the festival precinct. Once unloaded, cars must relocate to the designated parking area. Vendors are requested to use minimal and / or recyclable packaging. All vendors must stay within their allocated site size. Food Stalls must have the relevant Temporary food permits (Food Notification/ Registration and Statement of Trade). Stall holders can set up from (time). Stalls need to be set up and ready to operate by (time). All stalls must operate until the close of the festival at (time). I confirm that I understand all the above conditions and confirm my registration as a holder for this event. Signature: ____________________________________ Date / / Checklist – Have you? (√ tick box) □ □ □ Completed and signed the (Event name) Stall Registration Form? If the form is not signed we are not able to process your application. Attached a copy of your current Public Liability Insurance or “Certificate of Currency”? Attached payment for the following Site fee and / or marquee package Power fee – where a fee applies to your stall If you are attaching a personal cheque, please make it payable to (name of event organiser’s account). Please return completed Registration Form and your payment by (date). Incomplete applications will not be reviewed so please ensure you have all documentation included and forward to: (Person) (Address) (Fax/ Email) Further Information: PLEASE NOTE: If you require further information call the Festival Hotline on (telephone no) or email (email address). City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 64 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: Useful Contacts Useful Contacts Council BUILDING SERVICES Occupancy Permits and siting approvals CITY COMPLIANCE Event Permits, Passive Reserve Bookings, Keilor Customer Service Centre Old Calder Highway, KEILOR VIC 3036 Fax: 9249 4805 Permits for roadside billboards COMMUNITY PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Brimbank Community Grants ENGINEERING SERVICES Traffic Management Plan (approvals) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Food Permits: Registration/ Notification LEISURE SERVICES Sportsground reserve bookings Billboards signs at sportsgrounds MEMBERS OF COUNCIL Invitation to events CONTACT US 9249 4000 External Authorities AMBULANCE VICTORIA Discussing your event needs State Events Coordinator Emergency Management Unit 168 Sturt Street SOUTHBANK VIC 3006 Notifying road closures APRA (AUSTRALASIAN License to use copyright performances PERFORMING RIGHTS 5 Sanders Place ASSOCIATION) RICHMOND VIC 3121 1300 852 388 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Working With Children Checks GPO Box 1915 MELBOURNE Vic 3001 1300 652 879 City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 65 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: Useful Contacts FILM VICTORIA Film Industry Guidelines (Vic) 9660 3200 ENERGY SAFE VICTORIA Gas Safety at Outdoor Events PO Box 262 Collins Street West VIC 8007 9203 9700 Fax: 9686 2197 ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION Noise pollution AUTHORITY PO Box 4395 MELBOURNE Vic 3001 9695 2777 Fax: 9695 2610 MELBOURNE AIRPORT CASA Operations – Southern Region Level 32, 35 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000 131 757 Fax: 9927 5336 METROPOLITAN FIRE BRIGADE Superintendent Western Zone Headquarters 30-32 McIntyre Road SUNSHINE VIC 3020 9662 2311 Notifying road closures 1300 811 639 PARKS VICTORIA Events at Brimbank Park 13 19 63 PUBLIC TRANSPORT Events affecting public transport VICTORIA Special Events Team GPO Box 4729 MELBOURNE VIC 3001 1800 800 007 Fax: 9027 4963 SCREEN AUSTRALIA National Industry Guidelines 8682 1900 STATE EMERGENCY Flood/ bushfire/ storm earthquake SERVICES (SES) rescue and related emergencies Central West Office 239 Proximity Drive WEST SUNSHINE VIC 3020 City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 66 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: Useful Contacts 1800 045 939 Notifying road closures ST JOHNS AMBULANCE First Aid at events AND FIRST AID PO Box 573 MOUNT WAVERLEY VIC 3149 8588 8588 Fax: 8588 8555 VIC ROADS Events affecting Vic Roads Team Leader – Traffic and Transport Metropolitan North-West Region 499 Ballarat Road SUNSHINE VIC 3020 9313 1163 Fax: 9313 1175 VICTORIAN COMMISSION Temporary Liquor licences FOR GAMBLING AND GPO Box 1988 LIQUOR REGULATION MELBOURE VIC 3001 1300 182 457 VICTORIA POLICE Officer in Charge Keilor Downs Police Station 1 Copernicus Way KEILOR DOWNS, VIC 3038 9365 3321 Fax: 9365 3303 VICTORIA POLICE Officer in Charge Sunshine Police Station Harvester Road SUNSHINE, VIC 3020 VICTORIA POLICE 9313 3333 Fax: 9131 3300 Officer in Charge Highway Patrol Brimbank Keilor Downs Police Station 1 Copernicus Way KEILOR DOWNS, VIC 3038 VICTORIA POLICE 9365 3350 Fax: 9365 3303 On road events (races, fun runs) Victoria Police Centre 637 Flinders Street City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 67 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: Useful Contacts DOCKLANDS VIC 3009 9247 5714 Fax: 9247 5725 VICTORIA POLICE Film and Television Office 9247 3259 9247 5599 Fax: 9247 3489 WORKSAFE VICTORIA Events program Coordinator WorkSafe Victoria 222 Exhibition St MELBOURNE VIC 3000 9641 1444 Fax: 9614 1222 Contractor Services BUDGET BIN HIRE Skip Hire SUNSHINE VIC 3020 CLEANAWAY 1300 246 246 Wheelie bin/ skip hire TULLAMARINE VIC 3043 JJ RICHARDS 13 13 39 Wheelie bin/ skip hire DERRIMUT VIC 3030 9794 5722 Other LOCAL BUS SERVICES Events affecting local bus services Kastoria Bus Lines 9338 1844 Fax: 9335 1730 Melbourne Bus Link 9362 8600 Fax: 9689 6500 Ryan Bros Bus Services 9335 4666 Fax: 9335 4045 Sita Bus Lines 9689 7999 Fax: 9689 3382 CDC Sunshine (formerly Westrans) 9390 0111 City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Fax: 9390 0222 Page 68 of 69 Brimbank Event Handbook: Useful Contacts City Compliance 6/05/2015 | Rev D Page 69 of 69