Introduction to Sociology Dr. Anis Alam 4/15/2020 1 Anis Alam Ph.D. • Educated in Karachi, Lahore, Chittagong, London and Durham (UK). • Imperial College London, Durham University, Durham, Punjab University, Islamia College, Lahore. • Worked at Sussex University, London University UK, International Center for Theoretical Physics Trieste Italy, Tabriz University Iran and at the Punjab University, Lahore. • Professor at LSE since 2006 4/15/2020 2 Defining the discipline • ‘The scientific study of human social life, groups and societies’ • Scope is enormous, ranging from ‘brief encounters’ to global social processes • Need to go beyond features of our own lives • Challenge what is taken for granted Development of Sociological Thinking • Facts show that things occur, and sometimes how they occur • Theories are needed to show why they occur • Theories involve ‘constructing abstract interpretations’ that can be used to explain a wide variety of empirical situations • Not possible completely to separate research and theory Course Description This course introduces the science of Sociology by focusing on five broad topics: (1) What is Sociology? (2) The Individual and Society, (3) Social Institutions, (4) Social Inequality, and (5) Globalization and Social Change. In the process, we'll examine important concepts, theories, and methodologies used by sociologists working on both the micro and macro levels. We’ll look at interconnections between social institutions (i.e., the family, education, the economy), as well as the way in which institutional change has caused widening income inequality in the U.S. and around the world.. The overarching purpose of the course is to instill in students the “sociological imagination”, which can then be used to decipher current social issues and patterns of everyday life. Sociological Imagination • The founders of sociology were some of the earliest individuals to employ what C. Wright Mills (a prominent mid-20th century American sociologist) labeled the sociological imagination: the ability to situate personal troubles within an informed framework of social issues. Mills proposed that: • "What people need... is a quality of mind that will help them to use information and to develop reason in order to achieve lucid summations of what is going on in the world and of what may be happening within themselves. The sociological imagination enables its possessor to understand ----- the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life and the external career of a variety of individuals.” As Mills saw it, the sociological imagination could help individuals cope with the social world by helping them to step outside of their personal, self-centric view of the world. In employing the sociological imagination, people are able to see the events and social structures that influence behavior, attitudes, and culture. Questions • What is human nature? • How and Why is society structured as it is? • How and why do societies change? Social Theorists inspired by Scientific Revolution • Comte (Positivism: empirically obtained verifiable knowledge codified in well defined concepts and laws) • Marx (History, Struggle between classes) • Herbert Spencer (Evolutionary Change) • Durkheim (Social Facts-Norms, Institutions Functionalism ) • Weber (Anti-postivist: Ideas;Religion, Rationalization, markets, bureaucracy) Early theorists (1) Auguste Comte (1798-1857) • Coined the term ‘sociology’ in age of turbulent post-revolutionary France • Believed in science of society that could reveal laws • ‘Positivism’ – science should be concerned only with observable entities that are known to our experience • Saw sociology as the end of a line of development: most complex of all the sciences August Comte (1798-1857) • Development Stages of Human Societies (European) • Theological- Medieval- Theology queen of all knowledge. • Metaphysical: Earth and Human cantered Renaissance Italy, Revival of Greek Knowledge /Arts • Positivist-- Scientific Revolution-Basis of knowledge : sensory perceptions - quantifiable and verifiable and expressible in mathematical relations. ( Copernicus, Galileo, Newton; Royal society) Marx (1818-1883) How history is made? Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past. ... In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which arises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 12 definite forms of social consciousness. 12 12 ----In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the development of their material forces of production. The totality of these relations of production constitutes the economic structure of society, the real foundation, on which arises a legal and political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of social consciousness. 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 13 13 13 The mode of production of material life conditions the general process of social, political and intellectual life. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness. 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 14 14 4/15/2020 15 The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionizing the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society. Conservation of the old modes of production in unaltered form, was, on the contrary, the first condition of existence for all earlier industrial classes. Constant revolutionizing of production, uninterrupted disturbance of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones. 4/15/2020 16 All fixed, fast-frozen relations, with their train of ancient and venerable prejudices and opinions, are swept away, all new-formed ones become antiquated before they can ossify. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses his, real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind. 4/15/2020 17 The bourgeoisie has stripped of its halo every occupation hitherto honoured and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the poet, the man of science, into its paid wage labourers. The bourgeoisie has torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and has reduced the family relation to a mere money relation…... It has been the first to show what man’s activity can bring about. It has accomplished wonders far surpassing Egyptian pyramids, Roman aqueducts, and Gothic cathedrals; it has conducted expeditions that put in the shade all former Exoduses of nations and crusades. 4/15/2020 18 French Revolution 4/15/2020 19 Revolutions • The French Revolution (1789) • Paris Commune –Communist Manifesto (1848) • The October Revolution (Russia - 1917) • The Chinese Revolution (1949) • The Cuban Revolution (1958) • The Vietnamese Revolution (1975) • All had a vision of a exploitation free, just, equitable, egalitarian future that persists even when the revolutions have not fully lived up to the ideals. 4/15/2020 20 Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) (Evolutionary Change) • Committed to economic individualism and the free market. • Defining principle: struggle for existence, survival-survival of the fittest leading to justification for imperialism, colonialism, domination of strong over the weak. • Period marked by great social upheavals- wars of conquests, land enclosures, urbanization Revolutions in Germany, France (Paris Commune) Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) • Social Facts as things: Durkheim argued that society must be studied in terms of social facts, that are “ a category of facts” with distinct characteristics,“ consisting of ways of acting, thinking, and feeling external to the individual and have their own existence reality outside the lives and perceptions of individual people; they exercise a power of coercion on individual from outright punishment to social rejection in the case of unacceptable behaviour, to simple misunderstanding in the case of misuse of language; to control him”. E.g.,Social Institutions and Social forms: (family, social solidarity, religion etc., ( Durkheim, The Rules of Sociological Method, 1895). Social Fact • "A social fact is every way of acting, fixed or not, capable of exercising on the individual an external constraint; or again, every way of acting which is general throughout a given society, while at the same time existing in its own right independent of its individual manifestations." Social Solidarity • Mechanical solidarity : prevalent in pre-industrial societies. Individualism is minimized and the individual is subsumed within the collectivity • Organic Solidarity : Characteristic of large scale, modern, industrial / urban societies. Is generated by the extensive division of labour within industrial societies, which tends to produce differences rather than similarities. Strong bonds of mutual interdependence generate organic solidarity. • Important studies: The Divison of Labour in Society, 1893 • Suicide: A Study in Sociology, 1897 Suicide (1897) Social Integration & Social Control • Egoistic suicides are the result of a weakening of the bonds that normally integrate individuals into the collectivity: in other words a breakdown or decrease of social integration. Durkheim refers to this type of suicide as the result of "excessive individuation", meaning that the individual becomes increasingly detached from other members of his community. • Altruistic suicides occur in societies with high integration, where individual needs are seen as less important than the society's needs as a whole. They thus occur on the opposite integration scale as egoistic suicide. ---- • Anomic suicides are the product of moral deregulation and a lack of definition of legitimate aspirations through a restraining social ethic, which could impose meaning and order on the individual conscience. This is symptomatic of a failure of economic development and division of labour to produce Durkheim's organic solidarity. • Fatalistic suicides occur in overly oppressive societies, causing people to prefer to die than to carry on living within their society. This is an extremely rare reason for people to take their own lives, but a good example would be within a prison; people prefer to die than live in a prison with constant abuse and excessive regulation that prohibits them from pursuing their desires. • These four types of suicide are based on the degrees of imbalance of two social forces: social integration and moral regulation. Functionalism • Along with Herbert Spencer , Durkheim held that society is a complex system whose various parts work together to produce stability and solidarity. This is referred to as Functionalism . ‘Society’ and ‘Culture’ to be studied as social facts existing independent of individuals. • Men are shaped and influenced by their groups and group heritage. • Academic sociology’s emphasis on the potency of society and the subordination of men to it is itself an historical product that contains an historical truth. (Berger) Religion- Durkheim’s view Durkheim saw totemism as the most basic form of religion. It is in this belief system that the fundamental separation between the sacred and the profane is most clear. All other religions, he said, are outgrowths of this distinction, adding to it myths, images, and traditions. The totemic animal, Durkheim believed, was the expression of the sacred and the original focus of religious activity because it was the emblem for a social group, the clan. Religion is thus an inevitable, just as society is inevitable when individuals live together as a group. Five elementary forms of religious life -Durkheim Durkheim presented five elementary forms of religious life to be found in all religions, from the more "primitive" to Judeo/ Christian / Moslem. These are: 1. Sacred/Profane division of the world; 2. Belief in souls, spirits, mythical personalities 3. Belief in divinity, either local or multi-local 4. a negative or ascetic cult within the religion 5. Rites of oblation, communion, imitation, commemoration or expiation. He argued that these five forms were communal experiences, thereby distinguishing religion from magic. Max Weber (1864-1920) • Weber was, along with his associate Georg Simmel, a central figure in the establishment of methodological antipositivism; presenting sociology as a non-empirical field which must study social action through resolutely subjective means. He is typically cited, with Émile Durkheim and Karl Marx, as one of the three principal architects of modern social science, and has variously been described as the most important classic thinker in the social sciences. ---- • The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. • Weber showed that certaintypes of Protestantism – notably Calvinism – were supportive of rational pursuit of economic gain and worldly activities dedicated to it, seeing them as endowed with moral and spiritual significance. Weber argued that there were many reasons to look for the origins of modern capitalism in the religious ideas of the Reformation. Weber argued that ascetic Protestantism was one of the major "elective affinities" in determining the rise of capitalism, bureaucracy and the rational-legal nation-state. This theory is often viewed as a reversal of Marx's thesis that the economic "base" of society determines all other aspects of it. ---- • In Politics as a Vocation, Weber defined the state as an entity which claims a "monopoly on the legitimate use of violence", • His analysis of bureaucracy in his Economy and Society is still central to the modern study of organizations. • Weber was the first to recognize several diverse aspects of social authority, which he respectively categorized according to their charismatic, traditional, and legal forms. His analysis of bureaucracy thus noted that modern state institutions are based on a form of rational-legal authority. • Weber's thought regarding the rationalizing and secularizing tendencies of modern Western society (sometimes described as the "Weber Thesis") has been a recurring theme in Western social sciences. --- • Weber presented sociology as the science of human social action; action which he differentiated into traditional, affectional, value-rational and instrumental. [Sociology is ] ... the science whose object is to interpret the meaning of social action and thereby give a causal explanation of the way in which the action proceeds and the effects which it produces. • – Max Weber The Nature of Social Action 1922 • By 'action' in this definition---is meant the human behaviour when and to the extent that the agent or agents see it as subjectively meaningful ... the meaning to which we refer may be either (a) the meaning actually intended either by an individual agent on a particular historical occasion or by a number of agents on an approximate average in a given set of cases, or (b) the meaning attributed to the agent or agents, as types, in a pure type constructed in the abstract. In neither case is the 'meaning' to be thought of as somehow objectively 'correct' or 'true' by some metaphysical criterion. This is the difference between the empirical sciences of action, such as sociology and history, and any kind of priori discipline, such as jurisprudence, logic, ethics, or aesthetics whose aim is to extract from their subject-matter 'correct' or 'valid' meaning. Rationality • Weber maintained that Calvinist (and more widely, Protestant) religious ideas had had a major impact on the social innovation and development of the economic system of Europe and the United States, along with other notable factors included the rationalism of scientific pursuit, merging observation with mathematics, rational systematization of government administration, and economic enterprise. ---- • Weber outlines a description, of rationalization (of which bureaucratization is a part) as a shift from a value-oriented organization and action (traditional authority and charismatic authority) to a goaloriented organization and action (legal-rational authority). • Weber identifies bureaucracy with rationality, and the process of rationalization with mechanism, depersonalization and oppressive routine. (C. Wright Mills in The man and His Work, From Max Weber) • The result, according to Weber, is a "polar night of icy darkness", in which increasing rationalization of human life traps individuals in an "iron cage" of rulebased, rational control • What Weber depicted was --not only the secularization of Western culture, but also and especially the development of modern societies from the viewpoint of rationalization. The new structures of society were marked by the differentiation of the two functionally intermeshing systems that had taken shape around the organizational cores of the capitalist enterprise and the bureaucratic state apparatus. Weber understood this process as the institituionalization of purposive-rational economic and administrative action. To the degree that everyday life was affected by this cultural and societal rationalization, traditional forms of life - which in the early modern period were differentated primarily according to one's trade were dissolved. • – Jürgen Habermas Modernity's Consciousness of Time, Asking and Answering Sociological Questions Girl’s education? Factual questions Comparative questions Developmental questions Theoretical The Sociologist’s line of Questioning What happened? Did this happen everywhere? Has this happened overtime? What underlies the Research Process • Define a problemSelect a topic • Review the literature – Familiarize yourself with existing research on the topic. • Formulate a hypothesis – What do you want to test? What are your variables and their relationship? • Select a research design. Choose one or more of research methods: experiment, survey, observation, use of existing resources. • Carry out the research- Collect your data, record information. • Interpret your results- Work out the implications of the data you collect. • Report your research findingsOw do they relate to previous findings? What is the significance? Four of the main research methods Research Method Strengths Limitations Fieldwork Usually generates richer and more in-depth information. Ethnography can provide a broader understanding of social process. Can only be used to study small groups or communities. Findings may only apply to the groups or communities studied. Not easy to generalize. Surveys Make possible the efficient collection of date on large number of individuals. Allows for precise comparisons to be made between the answers of the respondents The material may be superficial. Where a questionnaire is highly standardized, important differences between respondent’s viewpoints may be glossed over Experiments The influence of a specific variables can be controlled by the investigator. Are repeatable Many aspects of social life can not be brought in the laboratory. The responses of the subjects may be altered by the experimental situation itself Documentary research Can provide sources for in-depth material as well as data on large Researcher is dependent on the existing resources, that may be Diversity Of Beliefs • Christianity: 2.1 billion, Islam: 1.5 billion,Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion Hinduism: 900 million, Chinese traditional religion: 394 million, Buddhism: 376 million, primal-indigenous: 300 million, African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million, Sikhism: 23 million, Juche: 19 million, Spiritism: 15 million, Judaism: 14 million, Baha'i: 7 million, Jainism: 4.2 million, Shinto: 4 million, Cao Dai: 4 million,, Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million, Tenrikyo: 2 million, Neo-Paganism: 1 million , Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand ,Rastafarianism: 600 thousand , Scientology: 500 thousand, 4/15/2020 41 Religions 4/15/2020 42 Diversity of Spoken Languages Americas 949 Asia 2,034 Africa 1995 Pacific 1341 Europe 209 4/15/2020 43 United Nations • In 2004 the world has 192 independent, sovereign nations categorized as such under the umbrella of UN. • Of these only a few are really populous: countries like China, India (over a billion each); USA and Indonesia (over 200 million each); Brazil, Pakistan, Russian Federation, Nigeria, Japan and Mexico (100-200 population million); eleven have between 50-100 million (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Vietnam, Philippine, Thailand, Ethiopia, Iran, Egypt and DPR Congo). 4/15/2020 44 World Most Populous Country 2008 population 2050 Population (E) World 6,676,120,288 9.084(billion) China 1,330,044,605 1.470(billion) India 1,147,995,898 1.619(billion) USA 303,824,646 403(million) Indonesia 237,512,355 337 (million) Brazil 191,908,598 206(million) Pakistan 167,762,040 267(million) Bangladesh 153,546,901 205(million) Russia Nigeria Japan Top ten Countries 4/15/2020 Rest of the world 140,702,09 138,283,240 127,288,419 3,938,868,796 2,737,251,492 118(million) 205(million) 101(million) 5.034 (b) 4.049 (b) 45 4/15/2020 46 Global Food Production The world’s farmers reaped a record 2.316 billion tons of grain in 2007. Despite this jump of 95 million tons, or about 4 percent, over the previous year, commodity analysts estimate that voracious global demand will consume all of this increase and prevent governments from replenishing cereal stocks that are at their lowest level in 30 years. The global grain harvest has nearly tripled since 1961, during a time when world population doubled.3 As a result, the amount of grain produced per person grew from 285 kilograms in 1961 to a peak of 376 kilograms in 1986. In recent decades, as the growth in grain production has matched population growth, per capita production has hovered around 350 kilograms. China, India, and the United States alone account for 46 percent of global grain production; Europe, including the former Soviet states, grows another 21 percent. 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 4747 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 48 48 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 49 49 Fossil Fuels World coal consumption reached a record 3,090 million tons of oil equivalent (Mtoe) in 2006 Global oil consumption reached 3.9 billion tons in 2006. Global passenger car production in 2007 rose to 52.1 million units from 49.1 million the previous year. In addition, production of "light trucks" ran to 18.9 million, up from 17.9 million in 2006, for a combined total of 74.1 million. 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 50 50 Global vehicle Production 2007 Global passenger car production in 2007 rose to 52.1 million units from 49.1 million the previous year. In addition, production of "light trucks" ran to 18.9 million, up from 17.9 million in 2006, for a combined total of 74.1 million. Global Insight projects 2008 total production to reach 75.8 million. Including unused production capacity, the world's auto companies are capable of churning out some 84 million vehicles per year. PricewaterhouseCoopers projects that by 2015 worldwide capacity to grow to 97 million units. The world's fleet of passenger vehicles is now an estimated 622 million, up from 500 million in 2000 and a mere 53 million in 1950. 4/15/2020 51 51 Societies • First Wave Agrarian • Second wave – Industrial • Third wave – Post Industrial, Knowledge based (Alvin Toffler- Third Wave) • Almost all countries are multi-wave 4/15/2020 52 Transition from Agrarian to Industrial to post-industrial knowledge economy Technology Economy Society Stone, bone tools Primitive communist Hunters& gatherers Primitive communist Hoe, metal tools Rural – community basedagrarian/artisa n/handicrafts Urban city based industrial Rural – community based Kings (absolutism) Joint (family, clan, tribe) Urban city based democracy (Liberal, social) nuclear Machines 4/15/2020 Pol. System Family Joint (family, clan) 53 Population, total births, and years lived (10,000BC-1990) Demograp hic Index 10,000BC 0 1750 1950 1990 Population 6 (million) 252 771 2530 5292 Annual 0.008 growth (%) --------------Doubling 8369 time (years) 0.037 0.064 0.596 1.845 1854 1083 116 38 Births (billions) 33.6 22.64 10.42 4.79 22 27 35 55 9.29 Life 20 Expectancy Newly Industrializing Countries South Korea ,Taiwan, Singapore, Hong-Kong Transition Economies (Former COMECON member countries) Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Baltic Sates (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), Balkan States (Bulgaria, Rumania, Former Yugoslavia: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro Former USSR states: Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Caucasus States (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan), CAS (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan), Mongolia 4/15/2020 55 Developing World Latin America: – Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Surinam, Bolivia,Venezuala, Mexico, Central American Countries (Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Caribbean Countries (Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Barbados, Grenada) Colonized by Spanish & Portuguese (1492 onwards) later joined by Dutch, British and French in late 16th C. Region gained independence in 1820s, some parts later in late 19th and early 20th Century; Bolivarian Revolution (mid 19th C, Jose Marti early 20th C) 4/15/2020 56 The Contours of World Development • One could say that most human beings in practically every corner of the world led nasty, brutish, and short lives, at least until the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Only then did people in some of the western European countries and in the United State and Canada forge ahead of people in other continents. • A K Bagchi ( Perilous Passage: Mankind and the Global Ascendancy of Capital, OUP, 2005 4/15/2020 57 The Contours of World Development Over the past millennium, world population rose 22-fold. Per capita income increased 13-fold, world GDP nearly 300-fold. This contrasts sharply with the preceding millennium, when world population grew by only a sixth, and there was no advance in per capita income. From the year 1000 to 1820 the advance in per capita income was a slow crawl- the world average rose about 50 per cent. Most of the growth went to accommodate a fourfo!d increase in population. Since 1820, world development has been much more dynamic. Per capita income rose more than eightfold, population more than fivefold. 4/15/2020 58 Per capita income growth is not the only indicator of welfare. Over the long run, there has been a dramatic increase in life expectation. In the year 1000, the average infant could expect to live about 24 years. A third would die in the first year of life, hunger and epidemic disease would ravage the survivors. There was an almost imperceptible rise up to 1820, mainly in Western Europe. Most of the improvement has occurred since then. 4/15/2020 59 Population, Income,& HDI Country Population (million) 2007 GNI, $ Trillion GNI/ Capita (ppp) 2007 $ (ppp) 2007 HDI 2006 (Rank) China 1320 7.083 5,370 0.762,(94) India 1123 3.078 2,740 0.609,(132) Pakistan 162 0.417 2,570 0.562,(139) Japan 128 4.420 34,600 0.956, (8) USA 302 11.8 40100 0.950 (15) 4/15/2020 60 Composition of GDP and R&D/GDP ratio for selected countries, by sector: 2006 or most recent year 4/15/2020 61 How the Present World Came About In 1913, 83% of the globe was under the colonial control. Dominant Power: Britain Rising powers: Germany, USA, Japan The 1917 Russian Revolution: First challenge to Capitalism 4/15/2020 62 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 63 63 th 18 • • • • Century :Turning Point - Birth of the Modern Industrial Revolution 1760s New Source of Energy- mineral coal New Technology- Steam Engine, Spinning jenny, New material-steel • New way of thinking- Rationalism, Empiricism, Pragmatism • Colonization of the old world: East India Company starts its colonization drive in South Asia, takes over Bengal in 1757 • Trading companies from Holland, France, Spain & Portugal • USA declares independence 1783, French Revolution 1789- Rights, Citizen, Liberty, Equality, Fraternity 4/15/2020 64 th 19 Century • The Industrial Revolution and its spread to Europe and North America • Rise of the nation State (Germany, Italy) • Decline of the Ottoman Empire • Rise of New Sciences & Social Sciences • New Technologies: steam engine, steel, wireless, telegraph, telephone, internal combustion engine, electricity, electrical, chemical and automotive industries • The First wave of globalization: scramble for colonies (1870-1913) 4/15/2020 65 Rise of the Bourgeoisie • Social Transformation of Europe and North America, • Nation states (Germany, Italy ) • Spread of Representative Governments • Two models of capitalist development: Statist (France, Germany and most Western Europe); Anglo-Saxon (UK & USA) Minimum state intervention in economy 4/15/2020 66 Rise of the Capitalist Powers & The Evolution of the Developmental State • Merchant Capital • Venice + Genoa=16th C • Holland – 17th – 18th Century • Industrial Capital • 19th Century -Britain later joined by France, Germany, USA • 20th Century- USSR, Japan • Mid-20th C – China, Korea, Singapore 4/15/2020 67 The World At Present To critique the dominant economic system of the twentieth century would seem a fool’s errand, given the unprecedented comfort, convenience, and opportunity delivered by the world economy over the past 100 years. Global economic output surged some 18-fold between 1900 and 2000 (and reached $66 trillion in 2006). Life expectancy leaped ahead—in the United States, from 47 to nearly 76 years—as killer diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis were largely tamed. And labor-saving machines from tractors to backhoes virtually eliminated toil in wealthy countries, while cars, aircraft, computers, and cell phones opened up stimulating work and lifestyle options. The wonders of 4/15/2020 68 the system appear self-evident. Problems Yet for all its successes, other signals suggest that the conventional economic system is in serious trouble and in need of transformation. Consider the following side effects of modern economic activity that made headlines in the past 18 months: • Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are at their highest level in 650,000 years, the average temperature of Earth is “heading for levels not experienced for millions of years,” and the Arctic Ocean could be ice free during the summer as early as 2020. 4/15/2020 69 Head Lines continue--- • Nearly one in six species of European mammals is threatened with extinction, and all currently fished marine species could collapse by 2050. • The number of oxygen-depleted dead zones in the world’s oceans has increased from 149 to 200 in the past two years, threatening fish stocks. • Urban air pollution causes 2 million premature deaths each year, mostly in developing countries. • The decline of bees, bats, and other vital pollinators across North America is jeopardizing agricultural crops and ecosystems. • The notion of an approaching peak in the world’s production of oil, the most important primary source of energy, has gone from an alarming speculation to essentially conventional wisdom; the mainstream World Energy Council recently predicted that the peak would arrive within 15 years. 4/15/2020 70 Consequences These and other environmental consequences of the push for economic growth threaten the stability of the global economy. Add to this list the social impacts of modern economic life—2.5 billion people living on $2 a day or less and, among the wealthy, the rapid advance of obesity and related diseases— and the need to rethink the purpose and functioning of modern economies is clear. World Economic Forum found that many of the 23 diverse risks were nonexistent at the global level a quarter-century ago. These include environmental risks such as climate change and the strain on freshwater supplies; social risks, including the spread of new infectious diseases in developing countries and chronic diseases in industrial nations; and risks associated with innovations like nanotechnology. Beyond being new and serious, what is most striking is that half of the 23 are economic in nature or driven by the activities of modern economies. In other words, national economies, and the global economy of which they are a part, are 4/15/2020 71 becoming their own worst enemies. An Outdated Economic Blueprint The world is very different, physically and philosophically, from the one that Adam Smith, David Ricardo, and other early economists knew—different in ways that make key features of conventional economics dysfunctional for the twenty-first century. Humanity’s relationship to the natural world, the understanding of the sources of wealth and the purpose of economies, and the evolution of markets, governments, and individuals as economic actors—all these dimensions of economic activity have changed so much over the last 200 years that they signal the close of one economic era and the need for a new economic beginning. In Smith and Ricardo’s time, nature was perceived as a huge and seemingly inexhaustible resource: global population was roughly 1 billion—one seventh the size of today’s—and extractive and production technologies were far less powerful and environmentally invasive. A society’s environmental impact was relatively small and local, and resources like oceans, forests, and the 4/15/2020 atmosphere appeared to be essentially infinite. 72 At the same time, humanity’s perception of itself was changing, at least in the West. The discoveries of Enlightenment-era scientists suggested that the universe operated according to an unchanging set of physical laws whose unmasking could help humans understand and take control of the physical world. After eons of helpless suffering from the effects of plagues, famines, storms, and other wildcards of nature, this growing sense of human prowess—along with a seemingly inexhaustible resource endowment—encouraged the conviction that humanity’s story could now be 4/15/2020 73 written largely independent of nature. Continue------- This radically new worldview became entrenched within economics, and even late in the twentieth century most economic textbooks gave little attention to nature’s capacity to absorb wastes or to the valuable economic role of “nature’s services”— natural functions from crop pollination to climate regulation. But the assumed independence of economic activity from nature, always illusory, is simply no longer credible. Global population has expanded more than six-fold since1800 and the gross world product more than 58-fold since 1820 (the first year for which nineteenth-century data are available). As a result, humanity’s impact on the planet—its “ecological footprint”—exceeds Earth’s capacity to support the human race sustainably, according to the Global Footprint Network. URBANIZTION Half World's People to Live in Cities by 2007 - UN UNITED NATIONS - Half the world's population will live in cities in two years, a huge jump from the 30 percent residing in urban areas in 1950, UN demographers reported. Some 3.2 billion of the world's 6.5 billion people live in cities today, and the number will climb to 5 billion -- an estimated 61 percent of the global population -- by 2030, the UN Commission on Population and Development said in a report. The number of very large urban areas was also rising, the commission said. Twenty cities now have 10 million or more inhabitants, compared with just four -Tokyo, New York-Newark, Shanghai and Mexico City in 1975 and just two -- New York-Newark and Tokyo in 1950. Urbanization-II Five biggest cities today in population are Tokyo (35.3 million), Mexico City (19.2 million), New York-Newark (18.5 million), Bombay (18.3 million) and Sao Paulo (18.3 million). The next 15 largest are Delhi, Calcutta, Buenos Aires, Jakarta, Shanghai, Dhaka, Los Angeles, Karachi, Rio de Janeiro, Osaka-Kobe, Cairo, Lagos, Beijing, metropolitan Manila and Moscow. Production concentrates in big cities, leading provinces, and wealthy nations. Half the world’s production fits onto 1.5 percent of its land. Cairo produces more than half of Egypt’s GDP, using just 0.5 percent of its area. Brazil’s three south-central states comprise 15 percent of its land, but more than half its production. North America, the European Union, and Japan—with fewer than a billion people—account for threequarters of the world’s wealth. But economic concentration leaves out some populations. In Brazil, China, and India, for example, lagging states have poverty rates more than twice those in dynamic states. More than twothirds of the developing world’s poor live in villages. A billion people, living in the poorest and most isolated nations, mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa and South and Central Asia, survive on less than 2 percent of the world’s wealth. 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 Foreword to WDR 2009 by Robert B. Zoellick, 6th Nov. 2008 77 77 Urban sprawl By 2015, the five largest cities will be Tokyo, with 36.2 million residents, Bombay with 22.6 million, Delhi with 20.9 million, Mexico City with 20.6 million and Sao Paulo with 20 million. Urban residence patterns vary depending on an area's development status. About three-quarters of people in more developed regions lived in cities, while just 43 percent lived in them in less developed areas. Patterns also vary by region, with 75 percent of people in Latin America and the Caribbean living in cities compared with 40 percent of the people of Africa and Asia. UN commission Global Warming In February 2008, two separate scientific research articles analyzed climate models that included deep-sea warming, and reached the conclusion that carbon dioxide emissions must fall to near zero by the mid twenty-first century to prevent temperature increases in the range of 7º Fahrenheit by 2100 (Schmittner et al., 2008; Matthews and Caldeira, 2008) Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007b), indicates that a reduction of 50–85 per cent in carbon emissions by 2050 is needed to limit the likelihood of temperature increases in excess of 2ºC (3.6ºF), Also in the spring of 2008, the Earth Policy Institute reported that “… global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the burning of fossil fuels stood at a record 8.38 gigatons of carbon (GtC) in 2006, 20 percent above the level in 2000. Emissions grew 3.1 percent a year between 2000 and 2006, more than 4/15/2020 79 twice the rate of growth during the 1990s” (Moore, 2008). Global Warming • Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation. • The global average air temperature near the Earth's surface rose 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) during the last 100 years. 4/15/2020 80 Global warming • 12 of the past 13 years were the warmest since records began; • ocean temperatures have risen at least three kilometers beneath the surface; • glaciers, snow cover and permafrost have decreased in both hemispheres; • sea levels are rising at the rate of almost 2mm a year; • cold days, nights and frost have become rarer while hot days, hot nights and heat waves have become more frequent. 4/15/2020 81 Causes • 'It is very likely that [man-made] greenhouse gas increases caused most of the average temperature increases since the mid-20th C • ‘To date, these changes have caused global temperatures to rise by 0.6oC. The most likely outcome of continuing rises in greenhouses gases will be to make the planet a further 3C hotter by 2100, although the report acknowledges that rises of 4.5C to 5C could be experienced. Ice-cap melting, rises in sea levels, flooding, cyclones and storms will be an inevitable consequence. (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) 4/15/2020 82 Consumption as a Way of Life “Our enormously productive economy… demands that we make consumption a way of life… We need things consumed, burned up, worn out, replaced, and discarded at an ever-increasing rate” • U.S. marketing analyst Victor Lebow, in 1950 • Endless economic growth driven by unbridled consumption has been elevated to the state of a modern religion. • (Edward Rothstein NYT) 4/15/2020 83 “Compulsive worship at the alter of consumption has brought humanity right to the edge of an environmental abyss- depleting resources, spreading dangerous pollutants, undermining ecosystems, and threatening to unhinge the planet’s climate balance” Michael Renner (State of the World, 2005, 4/15/2020 Ch. 5, p. 97) 84 Brazil’s Consumer Class • Much of Brazil’s explosive growth is being fueled by an emerging lower middle class that has grown to 95.4 million people. As they snap up cars, cell phones and new homes, this group is quickly becoming a prime target for marketers. The group, called the Clase C, earns between $600 and $2,600 a month and, through upward mobility in a growing economy, has become Brazil’s largest consumer group in a population of 192 million people.” • Claudia Penteado in Advertising Age. June 14 2010 Industrial Society • “what we consume depends on production and is determined primarily by giant corporations. He replaced the notion of “consumer sovereignty” with “producer sovereignty,” -----“wants are now shaped by the advertising done by the producing firms that supply the products or services.” John Kenneth Galbraith, The Affluent Society (Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1958), chapters 10 and 11; Economics, Peace, and Laughter (New York: New American Library, 1971), 60–87, 4/15/2020 86 Air Travel • In 2008, the latest year with available data, the traveling public flew 4.28 trillion passengerkilometers on airplanes, a 1.3 percent increase from 2007. The distance that passengers travel has increased every year except 1991 and 2001 since statistics were first recorded by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in the 1940s. In the past two decades, the number of passengerkilometers traveled more than doubled—from 1.7 trillion in 1988 to 4.3 trillion in 2008. 4/15/2020 87 Planned Obsolescence • Disposable blades (Gillette- 1895) • Time barred DVDs (W. Disney 2003) Mass Consumption “To produce more than was demanded and to offer more than was needed” • 12 % Rich account for 61.7 % of the World Consumption Material Requirement per person USA-----80 tons EU ----- 51 tons Japan ---- 45 tons “Compulsive worship at the alter of consumption has brought humanity right to the edge of an environmental abyss- depleting resources, spreading dangerous pollutants, undermining ecosystems, and threatening to unhinge the planet’s climate balance” Michael Renner (State of the World, Ch. 5, p. 97) 4/15/2020 89 Municipal Solid Waste in USA Total Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) generation in 2006 was 251 million tons. Organic materials continue to be the largest component of MSW. Paper and paperboard products account for 34 percent, with yard trimmings and food scraps accounting for 25 percent. Plastics comprise 12 percent; metals make up 8 percent; and rubber, leather, and textiles account for 7 percent. Wood follows at 6 percent, and glass at 5 percent. Other miscellaneous wastes made up approximately 3 percent of the MSW generated in 2006. 4/15/2020 4/15/2020 90 90 Growth of Cities • Chicago School: Ecological system: competing groups fighting for space. • Harvey & Castells: Response to the requirements of the development of industrial Capitalism. • Cities in colonial and post-colonial societies: Centers of colonial authority and entrepots for extraction of surplus from the colonies: exports/imports( Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, Karachi Layalpur, Montgomry as market towns in South Asia,; centers of education and civil & military administration (Rawalpindi, Lahore, Karachi ) Personality Types • Tonnies: Loss of solidarity • Wirth: impersonality and social distance • In colonies: Babu, coolie, colonial culture typeEuropean languages, dress and style • Presently: Life style promoted by media- Global corporation promoted life style products- colas and burgers, jeans, mobile phones, HDTVs, MTV, Holywood/Bollywood movies