What is a cover letter?

Cover Letters: Selling your skills on paper
The Career Place
Connecting Workers and Employers
What is a cover letter?
Your formal introduction
The first read, it can make or break your entry
A ‘must’ with your resume
Generating interest
The goal is to get an interview!
 Should be brief and interesting
 Should not be a carbon copy of your resume
 Should highlight what you’ll bring to the job
 Should be job specific
Presenting yourself in two ways
A cover letter comes in two basic forms…
 Letter of interest
 Letter of inquiry
Sometimes these terms are used interchangeably;
however, they are different
Letter of Interest
Targeted for a specific position
Outline skills to meet company’s needs
Helpful to use position announcement’s terms,
Letter of Inquiry
A marketing tool to…
 Obtain an informational interview
 Correspond with a networking contact
 Conduct company/industry research
Create the right impression: 10 Tips
1. Letter geared for specific job opening
Adapt letter to needs of the job you want
Refer to that job in opening sentences
2. Describe your related skills
Tie your experience to your skills
Show how they directly relate to the job description
Create the right impression: 10 Tips
3. Make it personal
 Address letter to a specific person
 If you don’t have a contact, call and ask
 Use a comma after the name
4. Create a catchy opener
 Readers scan for content
 Open with attention-grabbing sentences
 Describe why you’re the best for the job
Create the right impression: 10 Tips
5. Include vital information
 Name, address, phone with area code
 Should be clearly visible
 First thing reader will need to contact you
6. Type and proofread
 It’s your first impression…make it good
 Be sure it’s neat and professional
 Errors will reflect badly on you
Create the right impression: 10 Tips
7. Keep it brief
 Use action words, active sentences
 Limit letter to one page
 Three or four paragraphs
8. Be confident, creative, enthusiastic
 It’s a tool to sell your best asset…you!
 Let your personality shine in your letter
Create the right impression: 10 Tips
9. Keep copies
 Keep a copy of every letter you send
 Past letters make job search easier
 Copies make follow up easier
10. Request a response
 Your letter is written to get an interview
 Ask for one!
Interview Skills
70-80% of interview questions are competency
or skills based:
“Describe a time when…”
They are open ended and you should be able to provide
detailed examples of your experience.
Quantify your contributions! Be specific!
What role were you in?
Who was involved?
What did you actually do?
What were the results?
Interview Skills
Ask the interviewer questions:
What do you see as the greatest challenge for this
What qualities do you see as most important for this
This will help reveal what’s important to the interviewer.
Play off of their answers.
Interview Skills
Most people like to connect with other people.
Avoid generalized answers.
Give answers that will invite the interviewer to think
about what you’ve said.
Interview Skills
Make notes immediately after the interview.
What questions did the interviewer ask.
What went well?
What could have gone better?
Did you think of other questions to ask the
interviewer after you left?
Interview Follow Up
Email or mail based on the organization.
Thank them.
Reiterate why you are a good fit.
Close by saying you look forward to the next step.
Interview Follow Up
If the interviewer says they will let you know
something by Tuesday and it’s now Thursday, give
them a call.
Identify yourself and what position you interviewed for
Ask them where they are in the hiring process
Let them know you are still interested in the position
Prepare for the interview
Research the organization
Take a few copies of your resume
Know where you are going
Show up on time
Bring job references if they’ve asked for them
Bring a pen and paper to take notes
Bring a copy of the job posting
Bring a list of questions you may have
Dress appropriately for the job