www.fh-joanneum.at Engineering Students’ Attitude towards WTC: A Case Study Situating Strategy Use: The Interplay of Language Learning Strategies and Individual Learner Characteristics Klagenfurt Conference 2015 gerhild.janser-munro@fh-joanneum.at tanja.psonder@fh-joanneum.at www.fh-joanneum.at Engineering Students’ Attitude towards WTC: A Case Study Reasons for the questionnaire Choice of criteria that might influence the students’ willingness to communicate (WTC) Master degree level ESP courses Comparison of results from two engineering institutes Round table with students 17 October 2015 Janser-Munro / Psonder 2 www.fh-joanneum.at Engineering Students’ Attitude towards WTC: A Case Study WTC is an important variable in the interpersonal communication process that clearly exerts influence on the communicative behavior of each individual. It is characterized by personality-based, trait-like predispositions such as apprehension, alienation, introversion and selfesteem. In general, WTC shows stable differences over time and across situations. Retrieved from: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08824099409359951?journalCode=rcrr20#preview 17 October 2015 Janser-Munro / Psonder 3 www.fh-joanneum.at WTC Questionnaire 1a. Which factors do you think influence your willingness to communicate in L2? Personality – being introvert or extrovert (Missing) self-esteem in L2 (Inherent) language transfer L1 to L2 Fear to fail to produce a meaningful statement 17 October 2015 Janser-Munro / Psonder 4 www.fh-joanneum.at WTC Questionnaire 1b. Which factors do you think influence your willingness to communicate in L2? Fear of correctness and accurateness: pronunciation, choice of words, grammar Communicative situation / scenario: obligatory L2 class is not adequate exchange platform Lack of interest in topic Mixture of the before listed aspects 17 October 2015 Janser-Munro / Psonder 5 www.fh-joanneum.at WTC Questionnaire 2. Is WTC a constant problem in the L2 classroom or does it change over time (good versus bad days)? Some people usually communicate with the others, they might have bad days though while others just never want to talk. Of course, there are good and bad days but I don’t like to speak in English anyway. I think it depends on the situation, on some days I like to communicate more and on some days less. I think it’s a constant problem. 17 October 2015 Janser-Munro / Psonder 6 www.fh-joanneum.at WTC Questionnaire 2. Is WTC a constant problem in the L2 classroom or does it change over time (good versus bad days)? Continued If the topic is interesting and concerning the people, there is no problem. Bad days for communication do exist lack of sleep, stress… Depends on the people, changes over time. In my opinion the personality is the biggest problem. In L2 classes the same people are always talking. Yes – topic, climate, presentations … 17 October 2015 Janser-Munro / Psonder 7 www.fh-joanneum.at WTC Questionnaire 3. Does WTC depend on the communicative situation? If so, please have a look at Question 4. 4. In which of the following situations is WTC according to your experience high, average or low? 17 October 2015 Janser-Munro / Psonder 8 www.fh-joanneum.at WTC Questionnaire Question 4 continued: Assessed presentations Talking in meetings Talking in small groups with teacher observation Talking in small groups without teacher observation Talking in pairs 17 October 2015 Janser-Munro / Psonder 9 www.fh-joanneum.at WTC Results Academic Year 2014/2015 (Missing) self-esteem in L2 Fear of correctness & accurateness Lack of interest in topic 17 October 2015 Architecture / Construction Management & Engineering, N= 49 Advanced Information Management, N= 21 2+5 8 1. Choice of words 2. Grammar 3. Pronunciation 5+7 Janser-Munro / Psonder 1. Choice of words 2. Grammar 3. Pronunciation 6 10 www.fh-joanneum.at WTC Results Academic Year 2013/2014 (Missing) self-esteem in L2 Fear of correctness & accurateness Lack of interest in topic 17 October 2015 Construction Management & Engineering, N= 34 Advanced Information Management, N= 17 10 11 1. Choice of words 2. Pronunciation 3. Grammar 8 Janser-Munro / Psonder 1. Grammar 2. Choice of words 3. Pronunciation 6 11 www.fh-joanneum.at WTC Results Academic Year 2014/2015 Architecture / Construction Management & Engineering, N= 49 Advanced Information Management, N= 21 Assessed presentations H7+ 10 A8+ 17 L1+ 1 H6 A9 L6 Talking in small groups with teacher observation H6+ 10 A 10 + 15 L0+ 4 H3 A 16 L2 Talking in small groups without teacher observation H5+ 10 A4+ 10 L7+ 9 H8 A9 L4 17 October 2015 Janser-Munro / Psonder 12 www.fh-joanneum.at WTC Results Academic Year 2013/2014 Construction Management & Engineering, N= 34 Advanced Information Management, N= 17 Assessed presentations H 15 A 16 L2 H7 A4 L6 Talking in small groups with teacher observation H9 A 21 L3 H3 A 11 L3 Talking in small groups without teacher observation H 11 A 11 L 11 H5 A7 L5 17 October 2015 Janser-Munro / Psonder 13 www.fh-joanneum.at Student Round Table Main observations: Frontal teaching still dominates Fear of assessment Different communicative situation in L2 classroom Communication mostly via social platforms ‘Safe environment’ offered in L2 playground 17 October 2015 Janser-Munro / Psonder 14 www.fh-joanneum.at References http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/08824099409359951?journalCode=rcrr20#preview http://www.google.at/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CDcQFjAB&url=h ttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.davidpublishing.com%2FDownLoad%2F%3Fid%3D8773&ei=1dBxU6SjBOLDygOjYH4BA&usg=AFQjCNHlCcPZqhdUBPX3ZZ_0Y-ss1m_g1w&bvm=bv.66330100,d.bGQ http://www.hawaii.edu/sls/sls/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Hashimoto.pdf http://www.finchpark.com/courses/grad-dissert/articles/methodology/willingness-tocommunicate.pdf http://www.digitalcultureandeducation.com/uncategorized/dce1049_reinders_html_2011/ 17 October 2015 Janser-Munro / Psonder 15 www.fh-joanneum.at Appendix 17 October 2015 Janser-Munro / Psonder 16 www.fh-joanneum.at FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences Alte Poststraße 147 + 154, 8020 Graz Institute of Advanced Information Management Gerhild Janser-Munro, gerhild.janser-munro@fh-joanneum.at Institute of Construction Design and Economics & Institute of Architecture and Project Management Tanja Psonder, tanja.psonder@fh-joanneum.at 17 October 2015 Janser-Munro / Psonder 17