Orientation / Information PowerPoint Presentation


Emergency First Response

Team Meeting 2012


• Background on EFRTs / EMS /


• Current Status of EFRT program

• Revised Policies

• EFRT Grant Revised

• New Training Program Direction

• WSIB coverage & injury reporting

• Questions and Answers


• In 2001 the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care downloaded Land

Ambulance Services to Upper Tier Municipalities and DSSABS.

• Part of the Service Delivery system included the option of continued oversight of Five (now four) First Response Teams in our area.

• All have been affiliated with Volunteer Fire Departments.

• In April of 2001 DSSMSSAB passed a resolution to continue to contract with the Volunteer Fire Departments for this service.

• First Response Teams provide advanced first aid to patients in their communities while waiting for an ambulance to arrive.

• Basic medical supplies and equipment are provided to the teams at no cost to them from the EMS Division of Sault Ste. Marie Fire Services

• Training for New First Responders and Recertification Training is paid for by DSSMSSAB through an authorized training provider.



Time to Renew our Agreements.

Not done since 2004

Agreement Between

The District of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services

Administration Board

(Herein referred to as the DSSMSSAB)



(Herein referred to as the Volunteer Fire Service)

Highlights of the Changes

2. The First Response Team members will

Be trained in DSSMSSAB approved Emergency First

Responder Training program.

The previous agreement stated MOHLTC approved training program.

How does this effect me?

1. Alternate training agencies


Highlights of the Changes

First Response Team Medical


4. First Response Team members who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not respond to emergency calls. (This may include certain prescription medication)

The previous agreement had a specific blood alcohol level stated.

What’s My Job? –


Be at least 18 years of age.

Have a current Standard First Aid and CPR (Basic Rescuer) certification.

Have a current (DSSMSSAB approved) Emergency First

Response (EFR) certificate.

Hold a class G drivers license.

What’s My Job? –


Respond to medical emergencies only when dispatched or approved by the Central Ambulance Communication Centre


Provide assessment and management of the signs & symptoms of the sick and injured until EMS personnel arrives.

Will not transport patients from the scene to a medical facility.

Will complete a written report, in the prescribed manner,( as designated by the bonded EMS) with respect to each emergency call they are dispatched to. Reports will be forwarded to EMS.

FRT members who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs shall NOT respond to calls.

What’s My Job? –


The FRT will designate one person to be the Coordinator.

The Coordinator will be the primary contact person for the

DSSMSSAB and for the designated EMS

Keep a current list of all qualified and active FRT members.

This list will be provided to EMS bi-annually in December and June

The FRT Coordinator is responsible for communicating changes to the list of FRT to EMS.


* All Emergency First Response Teams MUST submit an updated roster the first week of June and the first week of December of every year.

All changes to the roster need to be provided in a timely fashion.

This information is required for WSIB Coverage reporting purposes.

Refer to Section 5.5 of the First Response Team Guidelines

Name of First

Response Team: DSSMSSAB First Response Team

First Response

Team Coordinator: First Response Team Coordinator

FRT Coordinator Phone Number

Roster Date:





















Approved First Response Team Roster:

Last Name

Roster Date

First Name EFRT Qualification Date

What’s My Job? –


Will be responsible for ensuring all FRT members meet their ongoing training requirements.

Will be responsible for the equipment and supplies provided to the FRT.

Will be responsible for the administration of any FRT grant funds provided to the FRT.

Will coordinate any new or re-certification training with the

SSMEMS Quality Assurance Manager.

What’s My Job? –


• DSSMSSAB will be responsible for covering the costs of WSIB for all qualified

EFRT members.

What’s My Job -


• Coordinate all training activities between the teams and the trainers.

• Fill ERFT supply orders.

• Receive EFRT injury reports and assist with investigations.

• Review EFRT documentation and keep on file.

Questions on Responsibilities

First Response Team Grant


• On January 15, 2004 DSSMSSAB approved a new policy to address FRT Vehicles and some of the costs incurred by

First Response Teams in providing service.

• It was recognized that with the new Vehicle policy, FRTs may incur additional costs to provide the service.

• Since that time, the DSSMSSAB has “gotten out of the vehicle business” and no longer supplies vehicles to EFRT.

• EFRT / Fire Departments all now own their vehicles outright.

First Response Team Grant

History cont.….

• DSSMSSAB will continue to cover the costs of :

– First Response Team Training (new members and recertifications)

– Medical Equipment and Supplies

• The Grant per team will not exceed $3,000 annually.

What does the EFRT Grant


• Specialized programs such as the

Defibrillator program. 100%

• Fuel for EFRT vehicle . 100%

• EFRT Vehicle Operations Costs such as regular scheduled maintenance, insurance, major repair work. 50%

• Training supports, booklets and reference material.

How do we access the grant?

• Submit the FRT Grant Application Form.

• This will be done in November/December of the year preceding the year funds are being requested for.


• The application must be based on actual costs with supporting documentation provided.

How do we access the grant cont.…?

• The Submission will be reviewed by

SSMEMS, additional information or adjustments, may be requested from the submitting organization.

• Upon approval by SSMEMS, a recommendation for approval will be brought to the EMS Committee and the

DSSMSSAB Board for approval


First Response Team - Grant Request Form

Name of First Response Team:

Intended Use of Grant Funds:

(Title or Brief Description of the Project)

1 Insurance for vehicle 5604

DSSMSSAB First Response Team

Rationale / Reason for Expenditure actual cost

2 Defib. pads

3 Gasoline for vehicle 5604

Replaced expired stock

Actual fuel used in 2012


Name of Vendor

A) Algoma Ins.



Name of Vendor

A) ABC Medical



Name of Vendor

A) General Store Esso



Actual Funds


Quote Amount

$400 $200







$ $1600.00


Submitted By:

First Response Team Coordinator

Authorized by Local Services

Board / Council:

Please submit to the SSM EMS Operations Manager at: 72 Tancred St.

Sault Ste. Marie, ON

P6A 2W1


Reporting Process

• The FRT Coordinator will be expected to keep itemized accounts of the expenses incurred relating to the grant.

• The FRT Coordinator will be expected to submit all receipts related to the grant provided. These will be submitted to SSMEMS

• Any funds not spent or accounted for, will be returned annually to DSSMSSAB.

WSIB Coverage for Volunteers

• DSSMSSAB will be responsible for covering the costs of

WSIB for all qualified EFRT members

• The EFRT must provide a current up to date list biannually of all qualified and active First Response Team

Members when requested by the DSSMSSAB Executive


In the Event of an Injury….

• First Response Team Coordinator or designate will,

• Provide first aid to the injured worker immediately and call

EMS if necessary.

• In cases of critical injury contact the EMS Duty Officer immediately.

What is a Critical Injury?

An injury of a serious nature that,

• (a) places life in jeopardy,

• (b) produces unconsciousness,

• (c) results in substantial loss of blood,

• (d) involves the fracture of a leg or arm but not a finger or toe,

• (e) involves the amputation of a leg, arm, hand or foot but not a finger or toe,

• (f) consists of burns to a major portion of the body, or

• (g) causes the loss of sight in an eye. R.R.O. 1990, Reg.

834, s. 1.

How do we report this?

Contact the EMS Duty officer for ALL injuries

• In cases of CRITICAL INJURY report immediately 24 / 7.

• Contact SSM CACC via radio or landline 705 946 1227 and request to speak to the SSM EMS duty officer.

• In cases of non-critical injury contact the EMS Duty

Officer as soon as possible between the hours of 0800 –


• Provide a contact number.

• Relay information regarding the incident / injury to the

Duty Officer.

• Duty Officer will contact DSSMSSAB.

New Ongoing Training Program

• New training agency - Northeastern Ontario

Prehospital Care Program


• They are coming to you, FREE!

• 4 times per year on your regular training nights. Best attempt to make schedule work.

• Annual re-certification on CPR and AED.

NEOPCP Training

• Patient assessment

• Oxygen and Suction

• Spinal immobilization

• Splinting, Bandaging & Burns

• Equipment – KED, Sager, OB Kit

• Paperwork

NEOPCP Training

• Will provide a “fresh start” to your in house training.

• Sessions will be the same for each team.

• Hopefully open door for all EFRT members.

• Ongoing support with the most up to date information and EMS procedures.

Q & A??
