Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Service Referral Format Specification Organization: Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centres (OACCAC) Division: Business Solutions Version: 2.18 (BTS Portal) Version Date: April 12, 2012 Prepared By: Ion Moraru Updated By: Ellen Hsu Arthur Bydon Manuel Ng, N. Purvis Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Revision Log Version No. Version Date Summary of Change Changed by/Input from 1.0 October 26, 2007 First draft Guy Fortin 1.1 October 30, 2007 Remove duplicates from Service Type Table App A Guy Fortin 2.0 November 2, 2007 Added the Service Referral Update chapter Guy Fortin Added ProviderEndDate to the Service Referral Authorization element Remove Id attribute from Frequency element (this will not be supported day-1 - but may be added in a future version) Added OfferId to ServiceOffer element Added ServiceOfferResponse element 2.1 December 4, 2007 Change several Optional fields to be Mandatory Change ProviderContractCode to ContractCode Move ServiceResponseTime from Service element to ServiceOffer element Remove RiskCodeLastUpdated and RiskCodeUpdatedBy fields from ClientRiskCodes element Renamed PrimaryDiagnosis to Diagnosis (to allow for all diagnosis to be provided in the future) Added IsPrimary attribute to Diagnosis to indicate the primary diagnosis Added to DiagnosisDescription and SurgicalDescription to indicate that CCAC can also enter freeform text Add a Date and Time description in Chapter 2 Added appendix to list of valid language codes and reduced PreferredLanguage attributes to 3 bytes Renamed TransmissionDate to TransmissionDateTime in ServiceOffer and ServiceOfferResponse elements Added OrganizationCode to Service Offer and ServiceOfferResponse elements Date: May 19, 2010 2 Guy Fortin Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Version No. Version Date 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Summary of Change Changed by/Input from Added RequestType attribute to ServiceReferral element to capture "Initial" and "Resumption" of service V2.2 February 1, 2008 Changed ContractCode, and ResponseTimeForReferral from optional to Mandatory in ServiceOffer element Combined AuthorizingCaseManagerFirstname and AuthorizingCaseManagerSurname into AuthorizingCaseManagerName in Authorization element Changed StreetName, Postal Code and City from optional to Mandatory in PresentAddressLocation element for Client (for Offer) Renamed ResponseTimeForReferral to ResponseTimeForOffer (for Offer element) Renamed ResponseTimeForReferralComments to ServiceResponseTimeComments (for Offer) Moved GeographicArea from Client to Service (for Offer) Changed RequiredFirstVisitDate from Mandatory to Optional in Authorization element of Offer Renamed TransmissionDateTime to OfferTransmissionDateTime (time when Offer was sent to Provider) Added ResponsePersonName, ResponsePersonPhone, AssignedStaffName, and AssignedStaffPhone to OfferResponse Added ServiceOrderId to ServiceReferral element Added OfferId to ServiceReferral element Changed ReferralType, FocusOfIntervention and TreatmentOrders from optional to Mandatory Added AuthorizingCaseManagerName and Provider instructions to to ServiceElement Deleted ServiceTypeDescription and ServiceDeliveryTypeDescription from Service element Added ServiceLocation element to Service element Deleted ServiceDeliveryLocationCode, Authorization element, AuthorizingCaseManagerFIrstName and Date: May 19, 2010 3 Guy Fortin Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Version No. Version Date 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Summary of Change Surname from Service element Added Summary to Frequency element Changed QuantityOfService from Mandatory to Optional in Frequency element Deleted PreferredDaysOfWeek and RepeatRate from Frequency element Added Interval, RecurrenceNumber, RecurrencePeriod, Weekday1, ... Weekday7, NumberOfHoursPerVisit and AdditionalDetails to Frequency element Changed Name, Lang, DOB, Gender, Marital Status, and Living Arrangement from optional to Mandatory Change ClientRelationship, Role and Legal Role to Mandatory in PersonalContacts elements Added IsPrimary to PersonalContacts element Deleted CcacCode and SpecialStatus from Client Demographics element Deleted ClientCharacterisitics from Client element and added IsSmoker Boolean to Client element Renamed ClientContacts element to PersonalContacts in Client element Changed SchoolPhone from element to a Number Added a Physician element inside the MedicalContacts element Changed TypeOfContact from element to attribute for Physician Change ContactPhone from an element to a number Moved GeographicArea and LocalDistinction from Client to Service for both Offer and Referral Deleted IsActive and RiskCodeDescription from ClientRiskCodes Changed TelephoneNumber from an element to an Alpha / num in PhoneContact element Deleted ContactType from PhoneContact element Rename OtherServices element to OtherActiveServices Date: May 19, 2010 4 Changed by/Input from Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Version No. Version Date 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Summary of Change Changed by/Input from in ServicePlanSummary element and add a subordinate Service element Rename AdmitDate to StartDate in OtherActiveServices element Add a subordinate Item element to EquipmentMedicalSupplies element Deleted ItemType, ItemOrderType, ItemDeliveryDate, and ItemRentalPeriod (promoted Start and End date) from EquipmentMedicalSupplies element Added ItemStatus to EquipmentMedicalSupplies element Moved Diagnosis element and Surgery element from ServicePlanSummary element to Client element Added ContractCode to ServiceReferral element (for ServiceReferral Update) Added AuthorizingCaseManagerName, GeographicalArea, nad LocalDistinction to Authorization element (for ServiceReferral Update) Made StreetName, PostalCode City, and Directions mandatory in Address element Deleted ClientDemographics element and promoted Firstname, Surname, etc. to Client Element for ServiceReferral and ServiceReferralUpdate Added an optional Province element to all of the Address specifications Added full specification of ServiceReferralUpdate element instead of referring to ServiceReferral element (it is a subset) Delete Authorization element and its sub-elements ReassessmentDate, ProviderEndDate, and moved AuthrizingCaseManagerName to ServiceReferralUpdate element 2.3 Feb 21, 2008 Renamed PresentAddressLocation to AddressLocation in Client element Added AdditionalInfo, Comments, and FreeLine to Date: May 19, 2010 5 Guy Fortin Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Version No. Version Date 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Summary of Change Changed by/Input from AddressLocation element Added OfferAddressInstructions to Client element Added ContractName to ServiceReferral and SeriveReferralUpdateRequest element Changed ServiceLocation to Optional (of ServiceReferral) Added CaseManagerReassessmentDate to Service element (of ServiceReferral and ReferralUpdateRequest) Fixed ServiceLocation element to be ServiceDeliveryLocationCode in Service element (of ServiceReferral) Changed IsVeteran and IsSmoker from a field to an attribute of the Client element (for ServiceReferral) Made FirstName, PreferredLanguage, ClientAddress, and ClientPhone Optional in Client element (for ServiceReferral and ServiceReferralUpdateRequest) Added AdditionalInfo, Comments, and FreeLine to ClientAddress Address Type optional for School, and Physician element Made Physician Contact Address Optional Made Physician ContractPhone Mandatory Added RiskCodeDescription to ClientRiskCodes element Made Diagnoses Mandatory Made DiagnosisCode and ProcedureCode Optional Made ServicePlanGoals Mandatory Renamed EstimatedEndDate to ItemEstimatedEndDate Added ServiceDeliveryLocationCode to Service element (ReferralUpdateRequest) 2.4 Feb 21, 2008 Added updated XML Diagrams Guy Fortin 2.5 March 3, 2008 Reflect feedback from CHRIS Team Review Guy Fortin Date: May 19, 2010 6 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Version No. Version Date 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Summary of Change - - Added ServiceInstructions element to ServiceReferral and ServiceReferralUpdate and moved ServicePlanGoals and other instructional fields into it Removed CaseManagerReassessmentDate (this is for CCAC only) from Service element Added DateServiceRequiredBy to Service element and ServiceOffer element Made Diagnoses optional (not provided for nonmeidcal services in Client element In Address element (for both Referral and Offer): made Directions optional; deleted Comments; renamed FreeLine to AddressSummary 2.6 March 7, 2008 Renamed ClientReferralCode to BillingReferenceNumber in ServiceReferral and ServiceUpdateReferral element 2.7 April 21, 21 Updated ServiceOfferResponse XML diagram in Appendix C to reflect minor changes in 2.5 of the XML schema (see comments in diagram for details) 2.8 May 27, 2008 Added ResponseDueDateTime to ServiceOfferRequest Added Provider Notification Notes, School Name, Referral Type to Service element for ServiceOfferRequest Added Risk Codes and Active Diagnosis to Client element for ServiceOfferRequest Added new Authorization element to ServiceOfferRequest, ServiceReferral and ServiceReferralUpdate ServiceOrderId renamed to ProviderAssignmentId in ServiceReferral and ServiceReferralUpdate. ProviderStaffName and ProviderStaffPhoneNumber added to ServiceReferral UnitOfService and SpecialtyCode added to the Service element for ServiceReferral and ServiceReferralUpdate Date: May 19, 2010 Changed by/Input from 7 Ion Moraru Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version No. Version Date Summary of Change Changed by/Input from 2.9 June 06, 2008 Service Offer Request: Ion Moraru Added School Name, Referral Type, ServiceInstructions (Focus of Interventions, ServicePlan Goal, Treatment Orders, ProviderInstructions). Removed dates and description from active risk codes, Contract Name. Service Referral: Removed Contract Name, Removed dates and description from active risk codes. Renamed ProviderStaffName to AssignedStaffName, ProviderStaffPhoneNumber to AssignedStaffPhoneNumber. Added OfferDate. ServiceReferralUpdate: Removed ContractName, RoomNumber. Added CMReassessmentDate, ProviderEndDate,OfferDate, AssignedStaffName, AssignedStaffPhoneNumber, School and ActiveRiskCodes. 2.10 June 12, 2009 Remove Service Referral Update, Service Offer and Offer Response Mary Lou Smith Ion Moraru Combined Service Referral Update with Service Referral Added PreferredName and Health Card elements to the Client elelment 2.11 Sep 1, 2009 Update to following after QA Testing: Ellen Hsu 2.1 CcacCode, Referral Type, Request Type 2.2 ServiceTypeCode, ServiceDeliveryType, UnitOfService, ServiceDeliveryLocationCode Appendix B ‘Home Care’ change to ‘Home’ 2.12 Sep. 22, 2009 Changed the data type for NumberOfHoursPerVisit and QuantityOfService Ion Moraru 2.13 Oct 6, 2009 Add <Salutation>, <Phone> and <WorkPhone> to <PersonalContacts> Ellen Hsu 2.14 December 9, 2009 Add Sender and Destination elements that describe the participants in the message exchange. Arthur Bydon Date: May 19, 2010 8 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version No. Version Date Summary of Change Changed by/Input from 2.15 March 26, 2010 Added Allergies, SafetyIssues, BillingCodes Arthur Bydon 2.15 March 29, 2010 Add Description to Frequency Day of the Week selection, Number of Hours per Visit, Recurrence Number and Recurrence Period. Ellen Hsu Update Appendix A: Service Type Codes, Service Delivery Location, Service Specialty, Service Delivery Type Change field length of IsPrimary in Active Diagnosis and Personal Contacts from 1 to 5 2.15 April 30, 2010 Add Authorization Sender Change Client Phone Add Additional Information for Diagnoses Ellen Hsu 2.15 May 4, 2010 Add room number and country in Address Ellen Hsu Add Mailing Addresses and Cancelled Frequency Add extension to Client Phone, Personal Contact Phone, Medical Contact Phone 2.15 May 10, 2010 Update Home Mailing Address (Building name) for active Correspondent. Ellen Hsu 2.15 May 18, 2010 Delete OrganizationName Ellen Hsu Add ServicePriorityRating, Caseload Employee, ClientPhone Phone, PersonalContacts Contact, ActiveRiskCodes RiskCodeItem, ServicePlanSummary Service, EquipmentMedicalSupplies Item Change from Mandatory “Yes” to “No”: OfferDateTime, DateServiceRequiredBy, RequiredFirstVisitDate, Frequencies, SchoolAddress, Allergies, SafetyIssues Change PreferredLanguage to PreferredLanguageOfService 2.15 May 19, 2010 Date: May 19, 2010 Change <ContactFirstName> to <ContatFirstName> in <MedicalContacts><Physician> 9 Ellen Hsu Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version No. Version Date Summary of Change Changed by/Input from 2.16 June 11, 2010 Added “FrequencyId” attribute to the Frequency element Manuel Ng July 28, 2010 Updated ContractCode type and size to match the schema Arthur Bydon August 26, 2010 Added ServiceAssignmentId field Arthur Bydon June 10, 2011 Added “Service Pathway Name”, “Service Pathway Description”, “Service Pathway Document URL” to Frequency Element details section N. Purvis August 26, 2011 Updated as per CQ 62801 N. Purvis April 10, 2012 Add IsClusterCare indicator B. Fu 2.17 2.18 Date: May 19, 2010 10 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Table of Contents 1. Purchased Service Referral .................................................................................... 12 1.1 Brief Description High Level Structure of the Service Referral 2. Service Referral Elements ...................................................................................... 13 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3. 12 12 ServiceReferral element detail Service element detail Frequency element detail ServiceRecipient element detail Client element detail 2.5.1 Address element detail ServicePlanSummary element detail 13 18 22 24 24 32 33 Appendix A - Service attribute values ..................................................................... 35 3.1 3.2 3.3 Service Type Codes Service Delivery Location Specialty 35 36 36 4. Appendix B - Service Delivery Type ....................................................................... 38 5. Appendix C - ISO 639-2 Language Codes ............................................................. 44 Date: May 19, 2010 11 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 1. Purchased Service Referral 1.1 Brief Description Once it is determined that a Client needs to receive a Purchased Service, the CCAC may issue a Service Offer to the chosen Service Provider for them to Accept or Reject. Once the Offer is accepted, a Service Referral is sent to that Provider to more fully describe the details and the context of the service that is required. Should the need occur to change the Service frequency, the CCAC will send another Service Referral (for Frequency Update) to the Provider with a set of Frequency elements containing the appropriate changes. This document specifies the information and associated format of Service Referral. High Level Structure of the Service Referral The Service Referral and Service Referral Update are XML documents that share the following high level element structure: Figure 1 Service Referral ServiceReferral / ServiceReferralUpdate Contains 1 Service Contains 1 to several Frequency Contains 1 May contain 1 ServiceRecipient ServicePlanSummary Contains 1 Client As the diagram above depicts, a ServiceReferral and ServiceReferralUpdate element contain one Service element, one ServiceRecipient element and possibly one ServicePlanSummary element. The Service element itself contains one to many Frequency elements and the ServiceRecipient element contains a single Client element. These are the principal elements that make up a Service Referral and there is a section below to more fully specify each of them. Date: May 19, 2010 12 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 2. Service Referral Elements The following tables detail the fields contained within the elements that make up a Service Referral as outlined in Figure 2 in a previous section. The Service Referral Update is a subset of the Service Referral and is documented in the following chapter. 2.1 ServiceReferral element detail Name Version (Attribute of ServiceReferral element) Field Length (chars) Type Mandatory Description ? Max 10 Alpha / num Yes The version of the schema that this element adheres to. E.g. "1.0". This is required for the receiving provider to correctly interpret the information being provided by the CCAC 36 Alpha/ Num (GUID) Yes The unique identifier of the message that can be used for tracking Sender (parent element) - - Yes A group of elements and attributes identifying the sender of the document. Destination (parent element) - - Yes A group of elements and attributes identifying the recipient of the document Organization (child element of Sender or Destination) - - Yes Identifies the organization sending or receiving the document Code (attribute of Organization) 50 Alpha/ Num Yes Specifies the unique code of the sender or the recipient organization Type (attribute of Organization) 150 Alpha/ Num Yes Specifies the type of the sender organization. Valid content is: “CCAC” “Provider” “Vendor” MessageTrackingId Date: May 19, 2010 13 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name Field Length (chars) Name (child of Organization) Type 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Mandatory Description ? 250 Alpha No The name of the sender or the recipient organization - - Yes Specifies the owner organization of the sender or the recipient Code (attribute of OwnerOrganization) 50 Alpha/ Num Yes Specifies the unique code of the sender or the recipient owner organization Type (attribute of OwnerOrganization) 150 Alpha/ Num No Specifies the type of the sender or the recipient owner organization. Valid content is “CCAC”, “Provider” or “Vendor”. If not provided the “CCAC” type is assumed. Name (child element of OwnerOrganization) 250 Alpha No The name of the sender or the recipient owner organization ProviderAssignmentId 25 Alpha / num Yes A CCAC assigned number that uniquely identifies this item ServiceAssignmentId 25 Alpha / Num (GUID) Yes A CCAC assigned number that uniquely identifies service assignment for the referral. This number can be retrieved from the ServiceReferral and ServiceFrequencyUpdate messages Max 25 Alpha / num No The unique identifier for the Offer associated with this Referral 10 Num Yes A unique number assigned to Vendor by local CCAC. Reference may be “provider” or “vendor” organization OwnerOrganization (child of Organization) OfferId OrganizationCode Date: May 19, 2010 14 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name Field Length (chars) Type 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Mandatory Description ? TransmissionDateTime 14 Date Yes Date and Time (yyyy-mmddThh:mm) when the Referral was sent by the CCAC to the Provider OfferDateTime 10 DateTi me No Date and time when service was offered 2-4 Alpha Yes A unique number for the CCAC. Valid values are: "ESC" |"SW" | "WW" | "HNHB" | "CW" | "MH" |"TC" | "CENT"| "CE"| "SE" | "CHAM"| "NSM"| "NE" | "NW" Num Yes A code that identifies this Referral and quoted by the provider in their Billing Invoice Alpha / num Yes Contract Number assigned to Service Provider by the CCAC when the contract was entered into BillingCodes (element) No List of Billing Codes that may be applied to the services provided BillingCode (element) No Billing Code group containing the code and description Code Yes The code assigned based on the contracted service Description Yes The descriptive name of the billing code Yes Categorizes the referral into "HomeCare", "School", or "Children’s Treatment Network" CcacCode BillingReferenceNumber ContractCode ReferralType Date: May 19, 2010 12 Max 20 Max 100 Alpha / num 15 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name Field Length (chars) RequestType NotificationNotes ServiceInstructions (element) Type 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Mandatory Description ? Max 25 Alpha Yes Defines the type of action for the Referral; can be set to one of the following values: "New", "Update", “FrequencyUpdate” 250 Alpha / num No Additional information the CCAC would like the provider to know about the Service Referral - Eleme nt Yes Contains all of the fields that provide instructions for this service (The elements should be in this order) FocusOfIntervention 250 Alpha / num Yes Ensures that the CCAC and the provider have a common understanding of the needs of the client. For clients who have been assessed using the RAI-HC instrument, the focus of intervention will have been informed by the CAPS output of the assessment. In the absence of client / referral level service planning documentation, the client’s needs are documented for each service, and are shared with the assigned provider. ServicePlanGoals Date: May 19, 2010 250 Alpha / num 16 Yes A list of specific, measurable, acceptable (to client/family), realistic, time limited goals, to be achieved through the service provider’s intervention(s) Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name Field Length (chars) Treatment Orders ProviderInstructions Date: May 19, 2010 250 250 Type 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Mandatory Description ? Alpha / num Alpha 17 Yes No Reference to any medical referral(s) that relate to the required treatment(s) Should also include references to a prescription, if a prescription is being sent as part of the referral package Specific instructions to the provider from the CCAC. Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 2.2 Service element detail Name Field Length (chars) Type ServiceTypeCode Max 30 Alpha Yes Identifies the general service to be delivered to the client; See Description of Service Type Codes in Appendix A for list of valid values ServiceDeliveryType Max 50 Alpha Yes Identifies a more specific service within the general ServiceType to be delivered to the client; See Service Delivery Type Code in Appendix B for list of valid values UnitOfService Max 10 Alpha Yes Code assigned by CCAC for the units in which the service is to be delivered (e.g., HOUR, VISIT) SpecialtyCode Max 50 Alpha No Optional information that identifies a specialty associated with the Service Type; See Appendix A for list of valid values ServiceDeliveryLocationCode Max 50 Alpha No The location where the service is to be delivered; See Service Location in Appendix B for list of valid values DateServiceRequiredBy 10 Date No Date (yyyy-mm-dd) that the service must be started by RequiredFirstVisitDate 10 Date No Date (yyyy-mm-dd) that first visit must occur on ProviderEndDate 14 Date No Date and time when the Provider assignment will end (Used mostly on FrequencyUpdates) CMReassessmentDate 10 Date No Date when CM Reassessment is due (Used mostly on FrequencyUpdates) Date: May 19, 2010 18 Mandatory Description ? Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Field Length (chars) Type 5 Boolea n No If present and true indicates that this service referral is a cluster care service referral GeographicArea 250 Alpha / num No CCACs can further define contracts specific to a geographic area, or a local contract distinction. A geographic area is a named area that represents some part of the whole area serviced by the CCAC. A CCAC may define this area in terms of North / South / East / West or cities and towns within the geographical boundaries of the CCAC. Alternately, the geographic area may be defined as the area services by one branch of the CCAC. Where providers are contracted for specific parts of the geographic area of the whole CCAC, this geographic area distinction is used. LocalDistinction 250 Alpha / num No In addition to geographic areas, contracts can be further defined by other locally defined distinctions. The local distinction will be used by CCACs who have separate contracts for specific client groups, such as Children / Adults / ABI distinctions for OT. ServicePriorityRating 50 Alpha Yes Service Priority e.g. High, Moderate AssignedStaffName 50 Alpha No Name of the Assigned Staff member - eleme nt No Phone number for the assigned staff member 15 Alpha / Num Yes Telephone number IsClusterCare AssignedStaffPhoneNumber TelephoneNumber Date: May 19, 2010 19 Mandatory Description ? Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name Extension Authorization (element) AuthorizingCaseManagerName InitialOfferContactName ReferralTeam ReferralCaseload Type 10 Alpha / Num No Extension of the Telephone Number - eleme nt Yes This element defines the service dates and amounts that have been authorized by the CCAC case manager; it contains the following fields ... 50 Alpha Yes The name of the Case Manager that authorized this service 50 Alpha No The name of the person responsible for this offer 50 Alpha No Team name responsible for the Client (referral). 20 Alpha No Caseload name responsible for the Client (referral). eleme nt No Collection of employee names responsible for the caseload. Typically this is a one or two item collection. eleme nt No Employee responsible for the Caseload. Alpha No Employee name responsible for the Caseload. eleme nt No The name of the sender of this referral or person who sent the original Offer Alpha No For new referral, it is the name of person who sent the original Offer. For update referral, it is the name of the person who update the referral Employee 50 Sender 50 Name Date: May 19, 2010 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Field Length (chars) CaseloadStaff Name 2.18 20 Mandatory Description ? Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Field Length (chars) Type Frequencies - eleme nt No Frequency - eleme nt No Frequency for the Service (see Frequency element below for details) - eleme nt No Frequency cancelled for the Service StartDate 10 Date Yes The date (yyyy-mm-dd) when the cancelled Frequency starts EndDate 10 Date No The expected date (yyyy-mm-dd) when the cancelled Frequency ends ServiceDeliveryUnit 6 Alpha Yes Unit of Service Delivered in Visits or Hours CancellationReason 50 Alpha No Reason for the cancellation Quantity 5 Num Yes Number of Visits or Hours cancelled LastUpdateDate 10 Date No Date of the last update for the Cancellation FrequencyPeriodCancellations Date: May 19, 2010 21 Mandatory Description ? The Frequency for the Service Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 2.3 Frequency element detail Name FrequencyId (attribute) Field Length (chars) 36 Type Mandatory Description ? Alpha / Num Yes (GUID) Type Summary 15 Alpha Yes The unique identifier of the frequency. The field must match one of the existing frequency identifier used in CCAC system. The type of frequency which the case manager has authorized for the selected service / provider The frequency type defines the frequency period as follows: One-time = no fixed period Daily = 1 day Weekly = 1 week (Monday to Sunday) Monthly = 1 calendar month Custom = no fixed period Block = no fixed period An English description of the frequency element 250 Alpha Yes Max 6 Alpha Yes Code assigned by CCAC for the units in which the service is to be delivered (e.g., HOUR, VISIT); QuantityOfService 6 Num(6,2) No Number of hours or visits authorized PreferredTime 20 Alpha No Time of day that visit is preferred by the client StartDate 10 Date Yes The date (yyyy-mm-dd) when this Frequency starts EndDate 10 Date No The expected date (yyyy-mm-dd) when this Frequency ends ReccurenceTimes 4 No Weekly frequency (e.g. Two visits per day = 2) UnitOfService Date: May 19, 2010 Num 22 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Version Date: April 12, 2012 Name Field Length (chars) Interval 4 Num No No. of repeats (e.g. Every two days = 2) RecurrenceNumber 4 Num No Current not in use. Value = 0 RecurrencePeriod 4 Num No Current not in use. Value = 0 Weekday1 4 Num No Number of visits on Monday. Weekday2 4 Num No Number of visits on Tuesday. Weekday3 4 Num No Number of visits on Wednesday. Weekday4 4 Num No Number of visits on Thursday. Weekday5 4 Num No Number of visits on Friday. Weekday6 4 Num No Number of visits on Saturday. Weekday7 4 Num No Number of visits on Sunday. NumberOfHoursPerVi sit 6 Num(6,2) No Number of hours per visit. AdditionalDetails 250 Alpha / num No Any details not captured by the above fields in this frequency Service Pathway Name 100 Alpha / num No Name of the Service Pathway Template that this Frequency is part of Service Pathway Description 250 Alpha / num No Description of the Service Pathway template that this Frequency is part of Service Pathway Document URL 200 Alpha / num No URL of the published Service Pathway instruction document for this Service Pathway Date: May 19, 2010 Type 2.18 Mandatory Description ? 23 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 2.4 ServiceRecipient element detail The role of the ServiceRecipient element is to specify the entity that will be receiving the Service. Initially this element will only contain a single Client element, Code and Description. In the future it is envisioned that different types of recipients will need to be supported. For example, allow for the specification of groups of people to be served by a single service (e.g. people located in a specific building, service that is targeted towards serving the fluctuating needs of a community within a retirement home etc). Although not strictly required today, the ServiceRecipient element is being included in the specification to avoid having to make basic changes to the format in the future once multiple recipient types are supported. Name Field Length (chars) Type Mandatory? Description Code 10 Alpha/Num No The MIS Standards code pertaining to the service recipient Description 250 Alpha/Num No The descriptive name of the code 2.5 Client element detail The Client element provides information about the person that is to receive the service. Name Field Length (chars) IsSmoker (attribute) Type Mandatory Description ? Attribute No If present, indicates this client is a smoker ClientIdentifier 15 Alpha / num Yes An identifier that uniquely identifies this client to the CCAC FirstName 25 Alpha No Client’s legal first name SurName 25 Alpha Yes Client legal last name / surname PreferredName 25 Alpha No Client preferred name Date: May 19, 2010 24 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Field Length (chars) Type 80 Alpha No Language in which the client would prefer to communicate for service provision; see Appendix C for list of valid ISO 639-2 codes - element No Client's Health Card information (will be blank until approved) HCN 10 Numeric Yes Health Card Number VC 2 Alpha Yes Version Code ExpiryDate - DateTime No HC expiry date Name 50 Alpha No Client name if different than Surname DateOfBirth 10 Date Yes Date of client's birth (yyyy-mm-dd) Gender 25 Alpha Yes One of : "Male" "Female" "Undifferentiated" "Unknown" MaritalStatus 20 Alpha Yes One of: "NeverMarried" "Married" "Divorced" "Widowed" "Other" LivingArrangement 30 Alpha Yes MailingAddresses - element No Address (element) - element No The mailing address (see Address element below for details) ClientAddress (element) - element No The client's address (see Address element below for details) ClientPhone (element) - element Yes A list of client phone numbers PreferredLanguageOfServi ce HealthCard (element) Date: May 19, 2010 Mandatory Description ? 25 General category of who the client lives with in their permanent residence; one of: "Alone" "With Spouse/Partner Only" "With Spouse/Partner and Other(s)" "With Child" "With Sibling(s)" A list of mailing addresses for the client. If Correspondent of Personal Contacts is active, the Mailing address is the Correspondent Address. Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name Field Length (chars) Phone Type 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Mandatory Description ? element Yes Client phone number TelephoneNumber 15 Alpha / Num Yes Telephone number Extension 10 Alpha / Num No Extension of the Telephone Number PhoneLocation 20 Alpha Yes “Primary”|”Treatment” - element No A list of contacts for the client. Made up of the following attributes ... - element No Personal Contact information IsPrimary 5 Boolean No Set to TRUE if this contact is the primary contact FirstName 25 Alpha Yes Client’s legal first name Surname 25 Alpha Yes Client legal last name / surname ClientRelationship 250 Alpha / num Yes The relationship of the contact to the client; one of: "Aunt" "Brother in Law" "Brother" "Child" "Father" "Daughter in Law" "Daughter" "Father in Law" "Foster Parent" "Friend" "Grandchild" Grandparent" "Mother in Law" "Mother" "Neighbor" "Niece/Nephew" "Other" "Other Relative" "Sibling " "Son In Law" "Sister" "Sister in Law" "Son" "Spouse/Life Partner" "Step Daughter" "Step Parent" "Step Son" "Uncle" PersonalContacts (element) Contact Date: May 19, 2010 26 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Field Length (chars) Type Mandatory Description ? Role 250 Alpha / num Yes Non-legal role(s) which the contact has in relation to the client; As many as of the following as applicable: "Care Giver" "Informal" "Caregiver - Formal" "Correspondent" "Emergency Contact" "Land Lord / Land Lady" "Lawyer " "Next of Kin" "ODSP Contact" "Parole Officer" "Superintendent" "Teacher" "Telephone Contact" "Translator" LegalRole 250 Alpha / num Yes Legal role(s) that the contact has in relation to the client; As many as of the following as applicable: "Legal Guardian" "POA - Finances and Property" "POA Personal Care" "Public Guardian Trustee – Finances" "Public Guardian TrusteePersonal Care" "Public Trustee" "Substitute Decision Maker" ContactComments 512 Alpha / num No Additional information related to the contact. This field can be used to identify times of day when the contact can be reached at the given phone number, and to include additional phone numbers and when to use them. For contacts that live outside of Canada, the country calling information should be included in this field 25 Alpha No - element No The personal contact's phone number TelephoneNumber 15 Alpha / Num Yes Telephone number Extension 10 Alpha / Num No Extension of the Telephone Number Salutation Phone Date: May 19, 2010 27 The salutation of the personal contact. Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Field Length (chars) Type - element No The personal contact's work phone number TelephoneNumber 15 Alpha / Num Yes Telephone number Extension 10 Alpha / Num No Extension of the Telephone Number 10 Date Yes The date when the client was admitted to the CCAC - element No Demographic information about the school, if applicable. Made up of the following attributes ... 250 Alpha / num Yes Name of school from a provincial list of schools SchoolAddress (element) - element No The school's address (see Address element below for details) SchoolPhone - element No The school's phone number TelephoneNumber 15 Alpha / Num Yes Telephone number Extension 10 Alpha / Num No Extension of the Telephone Number MedicalContacts (element) - element No The list of medical contacts Physician (element) - element No The list of Physicians that are attending to the client. Its made up of the list following attributes 25 Alpha No The type of Physician; one of: "Family" "Attending" "Referring" "Specialist" WorkPhone ClientAdmitDate School (element) SchoolName TypeOfContact (Attribute) Date: May 19, 2010 Mandatory Description ? 28 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name ContatFirstName Field Length (chars) Type 25 Alpha 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Mandatory Description ? Yes Contacts first name (Element misspelled, will be fixed in future release) ContactSurName 25 Alpha Yes Contacts last name ContactAddress (subelement) - element No The contact's address (see Address element below for details) ContactPhone - element Yes The contact's phone number TelephoneNumber 15 Alpha / Num Yes Telephone number Extension 10 Alpha / Num No Extension of the Telephone Number - element No A list of the Physician's specialties (from a provincially maintained table of specialties); Each Specialty contains the following attributes... 50 Alpha No The description of the specialty - element No The list of client Risk Codes. - element No Risk Code contains the following attributes ... RiskCode 10 Alpha / num Yes Risk code that identifies a risk of importance related to the client AditionalInformation 250 Alpha / Num Yes The comments about Risk Code - element No The client's primary diagnosis. This information is not provided for nonmedical services. Made up of the following attributes ... Specialities (subelement) SpecialtyDescription ActiveRiskCodes (element) RiskCodeItem ActiveDiagnoses (element) Date: May 19, 2010 29 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Field Length (chars) Type IsPrimary (attribute) 5 Boolean No If present indicates that this is the primary diagnosis DiagnosisCode 10 Alpha / num No The ICD-9 diagnostic code (note in the future will evolve to ICD-10) DiagnosisDescription 250 Alpha / num Yes The ICD-9 description of the diagnosis or a freeform description entered by the CCAC DiagnosisDate 10 Date Yes Date when diagnosis was made (yyyymm-dd) AdditionalInformation 250 Alpha / Num Yes The comments about Diagnosis - element No The list of surgical procedures that the client has undergone. No A Surgery, made up of the following attributes ... SurgicalProcedures (element) (move to client) Mandatory Description ? Surgery (element) ProcedureCode 10 Alpha / num No The ICD-9 surgical procedure code (note in the future will evolve to ICD-10) ProcedureDescription 250 Alpha / num Yes The ICD-9 surgical procedure description or a freeform description entered by the CCAC ProcedureDate 10 Date Yes Date when client underwent the procedure (yyyy-mm-dd) - Element No Collection of client allergies - Element No 100 Alpha / num No Allergies Allergy Category Date: May 19, 2010 30 The category of allergy, i.e. one of 'Animal', 'Drug', 'Environmental', 'Food', 'Unknown' or 'Unable to Assess' Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Field Length (chars) Type AllergyDescription 250 Alpha / num No The detailed description of the allergy, for example, 'Animal dander', 'Animal hair', 'Bee pollen', etc. StartDate 10 Date No The known date when the allergy started EndDate 10 Date No The known date when the allergy ended, if applicable AdditionalInformation 500 Alpha / num No Any additional information pertaining to this allergy - Element No Collection of safety issue that the provider needs to be aware of - Element No IssueDescription 250 Alpha / num No The description of the active safety issue, for example StartDate 10 Date No The date when the safety issue becomes relevant EndDate 10 Date No The date when the safety issue stops being relevant AdditionalInformation 500 Alpha / num No Any additional information pertaining to this safety issue SafetyIssues SafetyIssue Date: May 19, 2010 Mandatory Description ? 31 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification 2.5.1 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Address element detail The Address element defines all of the fields available for specifying a physical address. Name Field Length (chars) Type Mandatory ? AddressSummary 250 Alpha / Num No Type 50 Alpha Yes (for Client) No (for School) BuildingName 50 Alpha No Description A summary field that contains the entire address The type of address that is being specified; one of "Home" | "Mailing" | "Shipping" | "Other" | "Present Location" Used for organizational addresses: Name of LTC home / Retirement home / hospital in which the client resides Or Name of active Correspondent of Personal Contacts and the Building name (separated by a comma). Mailing address is the Correspondent Address. RoomNumber 6 Alpha / num No The room number if applicable SuiteNumber 6 Alpha / num No The suite number if applicable StreetNumber 6 Alpha / num No The associated street number StreetName 100 Alpha / num Yes The name of the street the client resides at PostalCode 10 Alpha / num Yes The associated postal code City 50 Alpha / num Yes The associated city Date: May 19, 2010 32 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name Field Length (chars) Type 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Mandatory ? Description Province 25 Alpha / num No Value of "Ontario" is implied if not present Country 20 Alpha No The associated country Directions 250 Alpha / num No The intent is to provide any necessary information to assist the service provider to drive to the client address. This could include closest major intersection to the address being recorded or other driving instructions AdditionalInfo 250 No Additional information that has been entered with regard to this address Alpha / Num 2.6 ServicePlanSummary element detail The SerivcePlanSummary element provides an overview of the client's entire service plan including all services, equipment and supplies as well as primary diagnosis. Name Field Length (chars) Type OtherActiveServices (element) - element No A list of all other active purchased services in the client's service plan. Service (element) - element No Other active purchased services in the client's service plan (including this service). Max 30 Alpha Yes Identifies the general service to be delivered to the client; See Appendix A for list of valid values ServiceTypeCode Date: May 19, 2010 Mandatory Description ? 33 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Name 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Field Length (chars) Type Max 50 Alpha Yes Identifies a more specific service within the general ServiceType to be delivered to the client; See Appendix B for list of valid values 10 Date Yes The date that this service started (yyyy-mmdd) - element No A list of equipment and supplies that the client has had for the last month - element No Equipment and supplies that the client has had for the last month Max 50 Alpha Yes A description of the item ItemQuantity 6 Num Yes The number of items purchased, rented, or finance charged. If the item type is rental or finance-charge the quantity will always be 1. ItemStartDate 10 Date Yes Date Equipment rental started (yyyy-mmdd) ItemEstimatedEn dDate 10 Date Yes Date Equipment rental ended (yyyy-mm-dd) ItemStatus 10 Alpha Yes New | Approved | Ordered | Cancelled ServiceDeliveryType StartDate EquipmentMedicalSu pplies (element) Item ItemDescription Date: May 19, 2010 Mandatory Description ? 34 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Version Date: April 12, 2012 3. Appendix A - Service attribute values 3.1 Service Type Codes The following table provides a list of the values for Service Type Codes Table 1 Service Type Codes Service Type Code AMB AT DP ENT ER GER HOM LAB MOW NP NUR NUT ODB OT PAS PHA PHY PM PSM PSY PT RT SH SP SW TRANS Date: May 19, 2010 Description Ambulance Services - CCAC Attendant Care - CCAC Adult Day Program - CCAC Enterostomal Therapy Children's Enhanced Respite Service Psychogeriatric Resource Coord - CCAC Home Support (Homemaking) Laboratory Services - CCAC Meals on Wheels - CCAC Nurse Practitioner Nursing Nutritional Services Ontario Drug Benefit Occupational Therapy Pastoral Care Pharmacy Consultation Physician Paramedical Services - CCAC Palliative Pain & Symptom Mgmt Psychology Physiotherapy Respiratory Therapy Supportive Housing - CCAC Speech/Language Pathology Social Work Transportation - CCAC 35 2.18 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Version Date: April 12, 2012 3.2 Service Delivery Location The following table provides a list of the values for the Service Delivery Location: Table 2 Service Delivery Location Service Delivery Location CombinedDayClinic CombinedDayNightClinic Home NursingDayClinic Phone PrimaryCarePractice PrivateHomeSchool PubliclyFundedSchool ResidentialHospice TherapyDayClinic Description Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Nursing Day Clinic Phone Primary Care Practice Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Residential Hospice Therapy Day Clinic 3.3 Specialty The following table provides a list of the values for Specialty: Table 3 Service Delivery Specialty Specialty Code Description ASSISTANT AUG BEHAV CDA CFSCS CFSE CFSFV CHE CIA COGASS COMB Therapy Assistant Speech - Augmentative Communication Behaviour Therapy Speech - Communicative Device Assistant CFS - Caregiver Support & Respite CFS - Escort CFS - Friendly Visit Nursing - Chemotherapy SW - Client Intervention & Assistance Cognitive Assessment Combined Personal Support and Housekeeping Date: May 19, 2010 36 2.18 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Specialty Code CONT Description Nursing - Continence DIA Nursing - Dialysis FALLS FOOT GER GERASS GRP GRPAS HK IV MDGRP Falls Assessment Foot Care Geriatric Geriatric Assessment Group Group by Therapy Assistant Homemaking - Housekeeping Nursing - IV Meals/Dining - Congregate Dining MEDMGMT MH PAL Nursing - Medication Management Nursing - Mental Health Palliative PALASS PR PS PSEX RES RN RPN Palliative Assessment PT - Pulmonary Rehab Homemaking - Personal Support Personal Support Exercise Program Homemaking - Caregiver Respite Nursing - RN Nursing - RPN STROKE Specialized Stroke Rehabilitation WND WNDASS Wound Care Wound Care Assessment Date: May 19, 2010 37 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 4. Appendix B - Service Delivery Type The following table provides the Service Delivery Type Code, as well as Specialty, Unit of Delivery, and Service Location, by Service Type Code Correlating Service attributes Service Type Service Delivery Type Code Specialty Unit of Delivery Service Location ENT ENT ENT ENT Children’s Treatment Network Referrals Visit dietician - Children's Treatment Network Visit OT - Children's Treatment Network Visit PT - Children's Treatment Network Hourly speech - CTN Visit speech - Children's Treatment Network Visit social work - Children's Treatment Network Home Care Referrals Ambulance trip - one way Hourly attendant care Visit attendant care Visit Adult Day Program accessed via CCAC Hourly ENT home care Hourly ENT Palliative Home Care Visit ENT combined nursing & therapy day clinic Visit ENT combined nursing & therapy day/night clinic Visit ENT home care Visit ENT nursing only clinic Visit ENT Palliative Home Care ENT Visit ENT primary care practice Visit ENT Visit ENT Residential Hospice Hourly Children's Enhanced Respite home care Visit Psychogeriatric Resource Coordination home care Hourly Homemaking - Caregiver Visit Home Home Home Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Nursing Day Clinic Home Primary Care Practice Residential Hospice Hour Home Visit Hour Home Home NUT OT PT SP SP SW AMB AT AT DP ENT ENT ENT ER GER HOM Date: May 19, 2010 Palliative Visit Home Visit Home Visit Hour Home Home Visit Home Visit Home Visit Hour Visit Home Home Home Visit Hour Hour Visit Palliative Homemaking – 38 Visit Visit Visit visit Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Service Type HOM HOM HOM HOM HOM HOM HOM HOM LAB MOW Service Delivery Type Code Respite home care Hourly Homemaking - Combined personal support & housekeeping home care Hourly Homemaking - Housekeeping home care Hourly Personal Support Home Care Hourly Personal Support Residential Hospice Visit Homemaking - Combined home care Visit Homemaking - Housekeeping home care Visit Homemaking - Respite home care Specialty Caregiver Respite Combined Personal Support and Housekeeping Homemaking Housekeeping Homemaking Personal Support Homemaking Personal Support Combined Personal Support and Housekeeping Homemaking Housekeeping Homemaking Caregiver Respite Homemaking Personal Support Version Date: April 12, 2012 Unit of Delivery Home Hour Home Hour Hour Home Residential Hospice Visit Home Visit Home Visit Home Visit Visit Visit Home Home Home Hour Visit Hour Home Home Home Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Nursing Day Clinic Home Phone Primary Care Practice Residential Hospice Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Home NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR Shift nursing primary care practice Hour NUR Shift Nursing Residential Hospice Visit nursing combined therapy & nursing day clinic Visit nursing combined therapy & nursing day/night clinic Visit nursing Continence home care Visit nursing home care Hour NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR Date: May 19, 2010 Hour Palliative Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Visit Nursing - Continence 39 Service Location Hour Visit Personal Support home care Visit Lab home care Meals on Wheels CCAC Hourly Nurse Practitioner home care Visit Nurse Practitioner home care Hourly nursing home care Shift nursing combined therapy & nursing day clinic Shift nursing combined therapy & nursing day/night clinic Shift nursing home care Shift nursing nursing only day clinic Shift Nursing Palliative Home Care Shift nursing phone call NP NP NUR 2.18 Visit Visit Visit Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Service Type NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUT NUT NUT NUT NUT NUT NUT OT OT OT OT OT OT OT PAS PHA PHA PHY PHY PM PSM PSM PSY PT PT Service Delivery Type Code Visit Visit Visit Visit nursing IV home care nursing nursing only day clinic Nursing Palliative Home Care nursing phone call Visit nursing primary care practice Visit nursing Wound Care home care Hourly dietician home care Visit dietician phone call Visit dietician combined nursing & therapy day clinic Visit dietician combined nursing & therapy day/night clinic Visit dietician home care Specialty Nursing - IV Palliative Version Date: April 12, 2012 Unit of Delivery Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit Nursing - Wound Care 2.18 Visit Hour Visit Visit Visit Visit Service Location Home Nursing Day Clinic Home Phone Primary Care Practice Home Home Phone Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Residential Hospice Visit Dietician Residential Hospice Visit dietician therapy only day clinic Visit OT phone call Visit OT combined nursing & therapy day clinic Visit OT combined nursing & therapy day/night clinic Visit OT home care Visit OT home care hourly Visit Visit OT Residential Hospice Visit OT therapy only day clinic Visit Pastoral Care home care Hourly Pharmacy Consultation home care Visit Pharmacy Consultation home care Visit Physician home care Visit Physician Palliative Home Care Visit paramedical Pain & Sympton Mgmt phone call Visit Pain & Sympton Mgmt home care Visit Psychologist home care Hourly PT home care Visit PT combined nursing & Visit Visit Visit Therapy Day Clinic Phone Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Home Residential Hospice Therapy Day Clinic Home Hour Home Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit Home Home Home Home Phone Visit Visit Hour Visit Home Home Home Combined Day Date: May 19, 2010 Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit Hour Palliative 40 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Service Type PT PT PT PT Service Delivery Type Code therapy day clinic Visit PT combined nursing, therapy day/night clinic Visit PT home care Visit PT phone call Visit PT Pulmonary Rehab Home Care Specialty Version Date: April 12, 2012 Unit of Delivery Visit Visit Visit PT - Pulmonary Rehab 2.18 Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Phone Visit Visit Hour RT RT Visit PT Residential Hospice Visit PT therapy only day clinic Hourly RT home care Visit RT combined nursing, therapy day clinic Visit RT combined nursing, therapy day/night clinic Visit RT home care RT RT SH SP SP Visit RT Residential Hospice Visit RT therapy only day clinic Supportive Housing Hourly speech home care Hourly speech therapy clinic Visit Visit Visit Hour Hour Home Residential Hospice Therapy Day Clinic Home Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Residential Hospice Therapy Day Clinic Home Home Therapy Day Clinic SP Visit Communicate Device Assistant Home Care Visit Home Visit Home Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Phone Residential Hospice Therapy Day Clinic Home Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home PT PT RT RT SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SW SW SW SW Visit speech augmentative communication home care Visit speech combined nursing, therapy day clinic Visit speech combined nursing, therapy day/night clinic Visit speech home care Visit speech phone call Visit Visit Visit Speech Communicative Device Assistant Speech Augmentative Communication Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit speech Residential Hospice Visit speech therapy only day clinic Hourly social work home care Visit social work combined nursing, therapy day clinic Visit social work combined nursing, therapy day/night clinic Visit social work home care Date: May 19, 2010 Visit Service Location Visit Visit Hour Visit Visit Visit 41 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Service Type SW SW SW TRANS ENT Service Delivery Type Code Specialty Visit social work phone call Visit social work Residential Hospice Visit social work therapy clinic Transportation home care School Referrals Version Date: April 12, 2012 Unit of Delivery Visit Visit Visit Visit HOM Visit ENT private/home school Hourly Personal Support Private/Home School NUR Hourly nursing private/home school Hour NUR Hourly nursing public school Hour NUR Shift nursing private/home school Hour NUR Shift nursing public school Hour NUR Visit nursing private/home school Visit NUR Visit NUT Visit nursing public school Hourly dietician private/home school NUT Hourly dietician public school Hour NUT Visit dietician private/home school Visit NUT Visit dietician public school Visit OT Hourly OT private/home school Hour OT Hourly OT public school Hour OT Visit OT private/home school Visit OT Visit OT public school Visit PT Hourly PT private/home school Hour PT PT Hourly PT public school Visit PT private/home school Hour Visit Date: May 19, 2010 Visit Homemaking Personal Support Hour Hour 42 2.18 Service Location Phone Residential Hospice Therapy Day Clinic Home Private/Home School Private/Home School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Service Type Service Delivery Type Code Specialty Version Date: April 12, 2012 Unit of Delivery PT Visit PT public school Visit SP Hourly speech private/home school Hour SP Hourly speech public school Hour SP Visit speech private/home school Visit SP Visit speech public school Visit Date: May 19, 2010 43 2.18 Service Location School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification 5. Appendix C - ISO 639-2 Language Codes Afar Code ISO 639-2 AAR Abkhazian ABK Achinese ACE Acoli ACH Adangme ADA Adyghe ADY Afrihili AFH Afrikaans AFR Afro-Asiatic (Other) AFA Ainu AIN Akan AKA Akkadian AKK Albanian SQI Aleut ALE Algonquian Languages ALG Altaic (Other) TUT Amharic AMH Angika ANP Apache Languages APA Arabic ARA Aramaic ARC Arapaho ARP Araucanian ARN Arawak ARW Argonese ARG Armenian HYE Aromanian RUP Artificial (Other) ART Assamese ASM Asturian AST Athapascan Languages ATH Value Date: May 19, 2010 44 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Australian Languages Code ISO 639-2 AUS Austronesian (Other) MAP Avaric AVA Avestan AVE Awadhi AWA Aymara AYM Azerbaijani AZE Balinese BAN Baltic (Other) BAT Baluchi BAL Bambara BAM Bamileke Languages BAI Banda BAD Bantu (Other) BNT Basa BAS Bashkir BAK Basque EUS Batak (Indonesia) BTK Beja BEJ Belarusian BEL Bemba BEM Bengali BEN Berber (Other) BER Bhojpuri BHO Bihari BIH Bikol BIK Bini BIN Bislama BIS Blin BYN Bokmål, Norwegian NOB Bosnian BOS Braj BRA Breton BRE Value Date: May 19, 2010 45 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Buginese Code ISO 639-2 BUG Bulgarian BUL Buriat BUA Burmese MYA Caddo CAD Cantonese QYU Carib CAR Catalan CAT Caucasian (Other) CAU Cebuano CEB Celtic (Other) CEL Central American Indian (Other) CAI Chagatai CHG Chamic Languages CMC Chamorro CHA Chechen CHE Cherokee CHR Cheyenne CHY Chibcha CHB Chichewa NYA Chinese ZHO Chinook Jargon CHN Chipewyan CHP Choctaw CHO Chuukese CHK Chuvash CHV Classical Nepal Bhasa NWC Coptic COP Cornish COR Corsican COS Cree CRE Creek MUS Creoles And Pidgins (Other) CRP Value Date: May 19, 2010 46 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Code ISO 639-2 CPE Value Creoles And Pidgins, EnglishBased (Other) Creoles And Pidgins, FrenchBased (Other) Creoles And Pidgins, Portuguese-Based (Other) Crimean Tatar Date: May 19, 2010 CPF CPP CRH Croatian HRV Cushitic (Other) CUS Czech CES Dakota DAK Danish DAN Dargwa DAR Dari PRS Dayak DAY Delaware DEL Dhivehi DIV Dinka DIN Dogri DOI Dogrib DGR Dravidian (Other) DRA Duala DUA Dutch NLD Dyula DYU Dzongkha DZO Eastern Frisian FRS Efik EFI Egyptian (Ancient) EGY Ekajuk EKA Elamite ELX English ENG Erzya MYV Esperanto EPO Estonian EST Ewe EWE 47 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Ewondo Code ISO 639-2 EWO Fang FAN Fanti FAT Faroese FAO Fijian FIJ Filipino; Pilipino FIL Finnish FIN Finno-Ugrian (Other) FIU Fon FON French FRA Friulian FUR Fulah FUL Ga GAA Gaelic GLA Gallegan GLG Ganda LUG Gayo GAY Gbaya GBA Geez GEZ Georgian KAT German DEU Germanic (Other) GEM Gikuyu KIK Gilbertese GIL Gondi GON Gorontalo GOR Gothic GOT Grebo GRB Greek ELL Guarani GRN Gujarati GUJ Gwich'in GWI Haida HAI Value Date: May 19, 2010 48 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Haitian Creole Code ISO 639-2 HAT Hausa HAU Hawaiian HAW Hebrew HEB Herero HER Hiligaynon HIL Himachali HIM Hindi HIN Hiri Motu HMO Hittite HIT Hmong HMN Hungarian HUN Hupa HUP Iban IBA Icelandic ISL Ido IDO Igbo IBO Ijo IJO Iloko ILO Inari Sami SMN Indic (Other) INC Indo-European (Other) INE Indonesian IND Ingush INH Interlingua (International Auxiliary Lang. Assoc.) Interlingue INA Inuktitut IKU Inupiaq IPK Iranian (Other) IRA Irish GLE Iroquoian Languages IRO Italian ITA Japanese JPN Value Date: May 19, 2010 ILE 49 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Javanese Code ISO 639-2 JAV Judeo-Arabic JRB Judeo-Persian JPR Kabardian KBD Kabyle KAB Kachin KAC Kalaallisut KAL Kalmyk XAL Kamba KAM Kannada KAN Kanuri KAU Karachay-Balkar KRC Kara-Kalpak KAA Karelian KRL Karen KAR Kashmiri KAS Kashubian CSB Kawi KAW Kazakh KAZ Khasi KHA Khmer KHM Khoisan (Other) KHI Khotanese KHO Kimbundu KMB Kinyarwanda KIN Kirghiz KIR Klingon TLH Komi KOM Kongo KON Konkani KOK Korean KOR Kosraean KOS Kpelle KPE Value Date: May 19, 2010 50 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Kru Code ISO 639-2 KRO Kumyk KUM Kurdish KUR Kurukh KRU Kutenai KUT Kwanyama KUA Ladino LAD Lahnda LAH Lamba LAM Lao LAO Latin LAT Latvian LAV Lezghian LEZ Limburgish LIM Lingala LIN Lithuanian LIT Lojban JBO Low German NDS Lower Sorbian DSB Lozi LOZ Luba-Katanga LUB Luba-Lulua LUA Luiseno LUI Lule Sami SMJ Lunda LUN Luo (Kenya And Tanzania) LUO Lushai LUS Luxembourgish LTZ Macedonian MKD Madurese MAD Magahi MAG Maithili MAI Makasar MAK Value Date: May 19, 2010 51 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Malagasy Code ISO 639-2 MLG Malay MSA Malayalam MAL Maltese MLT Manchu MNC Mandar MDR Mandarin QCM Mandingo MAN Manipuri MNI Manobo Languages MNO Manx GLV Maori MRI Marathi MAR Mari CHM Marshall MAH Marwari MWR Masai MAS Mayan Languages MYN Mende MEN Micmac MIC Minangkabau MIN Mirandese MWL Miscellaneous Languages MIS Mohawk MOH Moksha MDF Moldavian MOL Mongo LOL Mongolian MON Mon-Khmer (Other) MKH Mossi MOS Multiple Languages MUL Munda Languages MUN Nahuatl NAH Value Date: May 19, 2010 52 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Nauru Code ISO 639-2 NAU Navajo NAV Ndonga NDO Neapolitan NAP Nepal Bhasa NEW Nepali NEP Nias NIA Niger-Kordofanian (Other) NIC Nilo-Saharan (Other) SSA Niuean NIU N'Ko NQO No linguistic content ZXX Nogai NOG Norse, Old NON North American Indian (Other) NAI North Ndebele NDE Northern Frisian FRR Northern Sami SME Northern Sotho NSO Norwegian NOR Norwegian Nynorsk NNO Nubian Languages NUB Nyamwezi NYM Nyankole NYN Nyoro NYO Nzima NZI Occitan OCI Ojibwa OJI Old Church Slavonic CHU Oriya ORI Oromo ORM Osage OSA Ossetic OSS Value Date: May 19, 2010 53 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Otomian Languages Code ISO 639-2 OTO Pahlavi PAL Palauan PAU Pali PLI Pampanga PAM Pangasinan PAG Papiamento PAP Papuan (Other) PAA Persian FAS Philippine (Other) PHI Phoenician PHN Pohnpeian PON Polish POL Portuguese POR Prakrit Languages PRA Punjabi PAN Pushto PUS Quechua QUE Raeto-Romance ROH Rajasthani RAJ Rapanui RAP Rarotongan RAR Romance (Other) ROA Romanian RON Romany ROM Rundi RUN Russian RUS Salishan Languages SAL Samaritan Aramaic SAM Sami Languages SMI Samoan SMO Sandawe SAD Sango SAG Value Date: May 19, 2010 54 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Sanskrit Code ISO 639-2 SAN Santali SAT Sardinian SRD Sasak SAS Scots SCO Selkup SEL Semitic (Other) SEM Serbian SRP Serer SRR Shan SHN Shona SNA Sichuan Yi III Sicilian SCN Sidamo SID Sign Languages SGN Siksika BLA Sindhi SND Sinhalese SIN Sino-Tibetan (Other) SIT Siouan Languages SIO Skolt Sami SMS Slave (Athapascan) DEN Slavic (Other) SLA Slovak SLK Slovenian SLV Sogdian SOG Somali SOM Songhai SON Soninke SNK Sorbian Languages WEN South American Indian (Other) SAI South Ndebele NBL Southern Altai ALT Value Date: May 19, 2010 55 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Southern Sami Code ISO 639-2 SMA Southern Sotho SOT Spanish SPA Sranan Togo SRN Sukuma SUK Sumerian SUX Sundanese SUN Susu SUS Swahili SWA Swati SSW Swedish SWE Swiss German GSW Syriac SYR Tagalog TGL Tahitian TAH Tai (Other) TAI Tajik TGK Tamashek TMH Tamil TAM Tatar TAT Telugu TEL Tereno TER Tetum TET Thai THA Tibetan BOD Tigre TIG Tigrinya TIR Timne TEM Tiv TIV Tlingit TLI Tok Pisin TPI Tokelau TKL Tonga (Nyasa) TOG Value Date: May 19, 2010 56 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Tonga (Tonga Islands) Code ISO 639-2 TON Tsimshian TSI Tsonga TSO Tswana TSN Tumbuka TUM Tupi languages TUP Turkish TUR Turkmen TUK Tuvalu TVL Tuvinian TYV Twi TWI Udmurt UDM Ugaritic UGA Ukrainian UKR Umbundu UMB Undetermined UND Upper Sorbian HSB Urdu URD Uyghur UIG Uzbek UZB Vai VAI Venda VEN Vietnamese VIE Volapuk VOL Votic VOT Wakashan Languages WAK Walamo WAL Walloon WLN Waray WAR Washo WAS Welsh CYM Western Frisian FRY Wolof WOL Value Date: May 19, 2010 57 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Xhosa Code ISO 639-2 XHO Yakut SAH Yao YAO Yapese YAP Yiddish YID Yoruba YOR Yupik Languages YPK Zande ZND Zapotec ZAP Zazaki ZZA Zenaga ZEN Zhuang ZHA Zulu ZUL Zuni ZUN Value Date: May 19, 2010 58 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012 Version: Service Offer and Service Referral Format Specification Date: May 19, 2010 59 2.18 Version Date: April 12, 2012