Lawrence University / DS - ART 591 – Practicum Wriston 105

Lawrence University / DS - ART 591 – Practicum
Wriston 105: Tuesdays & Thursdays, 8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Tony Conrad
(920) 832-6821
Office Hours: Fridays 10 am – 12 pm and by appointment
Course Descriptions:
ART 591 – Senior Studio Practicum - The primary purpose of this course is to galvanize and standardize the students'
preparations for the Senior Exhibition departmental requirement. By immersing you in creating and exhibiting an advanced,
mature body of work with greater faculty oversight coupled with more formalized peer input, we expect to see a
strengthening of your synthesizing of information, ideas, and conceptual concerns accumulated over the course of your
Studio Art education. Entrepreneurship concerns are addressed as well as assessment and documentation of work
produced. This course will be taught as a seminar with a studio component.
Each student should accomplish the following:
 Demonstrate knowledge and technical abilities appropriate to your chosen medium including, sensitivity to
materials and an understanding of traditional and non-traditional approaches.
 Compare and contrast media-specific differences used by peers in the course.
 Develop an aesthetic and critical awareness with emphasis on concept and content.
 Develop effective visual, verbal, and critical communication skills.
 Apply problem-solving strategies to the creation of artworks consistent with contemporary practice.
Requirements & Expectations:
Successful completion of a body of work and mastery of techniques.
Active participation in class work and discussion. Bring energy, ideas and commitment to class!
Maintain an adequate supply of materials and be prepared for each class period.
Studio Work: Demonstrations, discussions, and critiques are conducted on Tuesdays. Thursdays are reserved for in-studio
work time; therefore it is imperative to attend each class session. It is also essential that each student be prepared for each
class, focus on the work, and participate in class discussion and critique. All safety and clean up procedures must be
followed. Be considerate and respectful of instructor and fellow classmates. Remember, the studios are open and noise
carries. *No cell phones, audio players or other noisy electronic equipment are to be used during class! Headphones may be
worn during work time only.
Lab Hours: A minimum of 4-6 hours (outside of class) is expected each week. Your Lawrence ID card allows for 24-hour
access to Wriston Art Center. You must have this on in order to gain access. Security may ask to see your student ID, so
please be accommodating. The monitors’ hours and the Studio Assistants for the labs are posted in each studio area.
Safety: Safe and careful use of all materials, tools, equipment, and studio. All safety regulations must be followed in each
studio art area, including proper clothing and footwear. When working after hours in the Wriston Art Center studios, we
strongly encourage you to have someone there with you. This is solely for your safety. We understand the demands of your
full schedules and that creative inspiration can happen at any time so it is important to us that you retain 24-hour access to
the building. Your safety and wellbeing are important while you are working. So please work smart, work safe and please
have a friend or classmate in the building with you when working after hours.
Building Monitors’ Hours:
Mon – Fri
7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Sat – Sun
2:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Attendance: Attendance and promptness is expected, NOT optional!
This is a studio class therefore it is
imperative that you are present for each full class period. Students are graded on attendance and tardiness.
Three tardies equals one absence (more than five minutes late counts as a tardy). The first absence is a freebie.
Two or more missed classes will affect the final averaged grade. (Example: Two absences will lower an A to an A-,
three absences lowers to a B+, etc.) *Consideration is given to legitimate medical or legal excuses with proper
documentation, but may not exceed two absences. You will be asked to speak with the Dean of Student
Academic Affairs for any absences beyond that.
It is the students’ responsibility to get all notes and missed assignments from classmates and to complete all
work. Lectures and/or demonstrations will not be repeated. It is a very good idea to exchange phone numbers
with other classmates early on in the course.
Student/Instructor Conferences: It is the student’s responsibility to schedule an appointment for assistance and
clarification of any assignments and course materials.
Honor Code: In brief... “No Lawrence student will unfairly advance his or her own academic performance or in any way limit
or impede the academic pursuits of other students of the Lawrence community.” Please refer to Honor Code for specifics.
All written documents must include “I hereby reaffirm the Lawrence University Honor Code,” followed by your signature,
on all submitted work.
Evaluation Criteria: Keep in mind that it is the students’ responsibility to fulfill the class requirements; showing initiative
and dedication in quality of work and investigation. Individual growth throughout the semester is extremely important.
Grades are designed to give students some indication of this growth, and provide a record of achievement. Grades are
based on an average of class work and outside assignments.
Evaluative factors include:
I. Artist Statement: Relevant and specific to the body of work
II. Body of Work: Consistent and Cohesive
III. Development of Ideas: Mature, push beyond the obvious
IV. Concept & Creativity: Surprising or innovative approach to subject matter
V. Craftsmanship & Technical Ability: Proficient and skilled in execution
VI. Presentation: Well thought out, designed and executed matting, framing, pedestals, and general display
Successful completion of work completed in/outside of class
Critique Participation
Visiting Artist Reviews and Artist Statement
Participation and clean up throughout term
Assignments: Late assignments, those handed in anytime after the designated deadline for a project, are penalized by
dropping 1/3 of a letter grade for each day after the due date. The deduction is taken from the grade earned and will be
marked "Late” with the appropriate deduction. Late assignments or projects are accepted without penalty only when
accompanied with a legitimate (documented) medical, legal, or professional excuse. No late assignments will be accepted
after ninth week of classes.
Critiques: The presentation and craftsmanship of each image is important. All work must be clean, neat, appropriately
presented and handed in on time. Communication of ideas is equally as important as the appearance of the work. This is an
opportunity to discuss ideas and get valuable feedback from your classmates. Students will be asked to display work in the
Lawrence University studios or galleries. Full preparation and participation at each critique is required.
Writing Assignments & Formatting: All text documents should be single-spaced and in 12-point type. Submit all written
work (artist statement, reviews, etc.) in electronic format. Please use a legible font with 1” margins. Your job is to format
your work correctly. Save your work as a MS Word document with a uniform file name. Use your last name, truncated title,
and the term, like this: LastName_Title_S13.doc. No other formats will be accepted.
Grade Interpretation:
(100 - 93%)
A- (92 - 90%)
Participation in class. Distinguished mastery of the course material, beyond
All assignments complete. A consistent superior quality technically, visually and conceptually.
B+ (89 - 87%)
B (86 - 83%)
B- (82 - 80%)
Good mastery of course material.
Above average work and completion of all assignments. Participation in class.
C+ (79 - 77%)
C (76 - 73%)
C- (72 - 70%)
Completion of all assignments. Acceptable mastery of the course material.
D+ (69 - 60%)
D (66 - 63%)
D- (62 - 60%)
Not all assignments completed properly. Minimal acceptable achievement.
Failing of all the above and/or excessive absences.
(59 - 0%)
Resources for supplies:
Student discounts are available at most art supply stores with a valid student ID, don’t be afraid to ask.
Lawrence Univ. Dept. of Art
* Select materials are available & can
be charged to your student account.
Michaels Arts & Crafts
4661 Associated Ct.
(920) 830-2215
Fleet Farm & Home Depot
*near Fox River Mall or check out
a local hardware store
Jack Richeson & Co.
557 Marcella Street
Kimberly, WI
(920) 738-0744
(800) 223-9132
*5% disc. when using key code: LAWRU.
(800) 451-7327
*10% disc. with student ID
Daniel Smith, Inc.
(800) 426-6740
New York Central
(800) 950-6111
*10% disc. with student ID
Dick Blick
(800) 828-4548
Jerry’s Artarama
(800) 827-8478
Textbooks & Suggested Readings on Reserve: Other reference materials are supplied by the instructors, including: library
materials, resource books, visual materials, visiting artists/lectures, and field trips (when applicable).
*Lazzari, Margaret R. The Practical Handbook for the Emerging Artist. (Enhanced Second Edition) W. Thomson Learning, 2010.
*Battenfield, Jackie. Artist’s Guide: How to Make a Living Doing What You Love (Da Capo, 2009)
*Hoffman, Jens. The Studio (MIT, 2012)
Le Feuvre, Lisa. Failure: Documents of Contemporary Art (MIT, 2010)
*Jacob, Mary Jane and Grabner, Michelle. The Studio Reader (University of Chicago Press, 2010)
Kelley, Mike. Day is Done (Gagosian, 2007)
Madoff, Steven Henry. Art School: Propositions for the 21st Century (MIT, 2009)
Marioni, Tom. Beer, Art, and Philosophy: The Act of Drinking Beer with Friends is the Highest Form of Art (Crown, 2004)
Fig, Joe. Inside the Painters Studio (Princeton Architectural Press, 2009)
Suggested Readings & Films:
• Ray Johnson: How to Draw A Bunny by John Walter &
Andrew Moore (2000)
• Paul McCarthy: Destruction of the Body
• Imagining America: Icons of 20th Century American Art
• Who Gets to Call it Art
• Mike Kelley: Day is Done
• Ai Wei Wei,
• Marwencol, Barbie Village.
• Louise Bourgeois: The Spider, the Mistress & the Tangerine
by Marion Cajori/Amei Wallach (2008)
• ART 21: Art in the 21st Century (Seasons 1-5) by PBS
• Art Safari BBC, directed by Ben Lewis (2009)
• Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film by Ric Burns (2006)
• Exit Through the Gift Shop by Banksy (2010)
• Beautiful Losers by Shepard Fairey, Ed Templeton, Aaron
Rose, et. al. (2009)
Course Outline:
o Student Driven: Due by the second class meeting:
o Tuesdays: Discussions, Demonstrations, Critiques, & Presentations
o Thursdays: In Studio Assistance
Critiques: A critique will happen every Tuesday and the final class session.
o Group Critiques: Each student to participate every week.
Visiting Artist Critiques: ART 591 Senior Practicum required to meet with 1 visiting artist. Written
assessment of the experience.
Readings: Correlates to the demonstrations or topics scheduled.
o Directed Readings: ART591 Senior Practicum
Exhibitions: Everyone is required to exhibit their work during this term. *See deadlines below.
o Majors: Senior Show (May 23-July 18, 2014)
o Minors: Senior Show @ Mudd Gallery (May 23-June 14, 2014)
Tues 1
Introductions: Proposal for Body of Work.
Thur 3
Work Day in Studios
Review: Student Proposals are Due (All).
Reading (for next week): The Artwork is Most Important, Lazzari, p. 3 -13.
Fri 4
Artist Lecture: Carol Emmons. Wriston Auditorium, Wriston Art Center, 6 pm. Reception with
refreshments to follow,
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm.
Assignment: Artist response on Carol Emmons due on Tues the 8th.
*** Post card design for Majors show is due in Wriston Galleries office @ 4:30pm.
Tues 8
Topic – Presentation & Installation: Visiting Artist Jason Rohlf part I. (Entrepreneurship focus: studio
practice, presenting in commercial galleries, and installation considerations).
Review: Artist response on Carol Emmons is Due (All).
Resources: Framing & Installation Resources *Handout
Assignment: Artist response on Jason Rohlf due Thurs the 10th.
Artist Lecture: Jason Rohlf, Brooklyn, NY, Painter. Wriston Auditorium, Wriston Art Center, 5 pm.
Reception with refreshments to follow.
***Critique Session with Jason Rohlf: sign up (1-3pm) with Colleen.
Wed 9
*** Critique Session with Jason Rohlf: sign up (10am -12pm) with Colleen.
***Lunch with Jason Rohlf: 12:30 to 1:30.
Thur 10
Topic – Visual Documentation: Visiting Artist Jason Rohlf part II. (Entrepreneurship Focus:
professionally and marketing your work).
Reading (for next week): Visual Documentation - Lazzari, p 81 – 114
Assignment: Artist response on Shawn Sheehy due Tues the 15th.
Artist Lecture: Shawn Sheehy. Book Arts. Wriston Auditorium, Wriston Art Center, 4:30 pm.
Tues 15 Topic - Documenting Work: Documenting Your Work with Colette Lunday Brautigam from the VRL
1:15 p.m.
Demonstration: Lighting set up, exposure, & accuracy (true to imagery) and Digital Manipulation &
Thur 17
Work Day in Studios
Reading (for next week): Taking Control of Showing Your Work, - Lazzari, p. 31 – 42.
Tues 22
Group Critique: Students to show work for Review & Discussion.
Thur 24
Work Day in Studios
Reading (for next week): Promotional Materials, - Lazzari, p. 115 – 132.
Fri 25
***Factsheet Due: Fact sheet due in the gallery office (Wriston 227). Requests for pedestals, media
equipment, and any other special exhibition requirements must be included.
Tues 29
Topic - Promotional Materials: Artist Statement, Resources, Complete Package, PDF of Final
Thur 1
Work Day in Studios
Reading (for next week): Networking & Maintaining Professional Relationships, Making Connections- Lazzari,
p. 13 – 27 and Mailing Lists, - Lazzari, p. 46 – 49.
Fri 2
***Faculty Sign-off Sheet Due: All students exhibiting in the Senior Art Show must submit a faculty
form to the gallery office. If your artwork is for sale, prices for pieces should be given to Curator when you turn in your
sign-off form.
Tues 6
***Artwork Delivery: Senior (majors) work delivered to Wriston Galleries.
Senior Show: Delivery of artwork for exhibition from May 6-7 by 4:30 pm! Office hours are M – F,
8:30 am
– 4:30 pm delivery of artwork must take place within that time. The student is responsible
for making sure his/her
artwork arrives on time. All works should be clearly identified (on back) with the
student’s name, title of artwork,
media, and size. Invitations available for distribution. Approximately 75 invitations will be given to each student when
work is turned in. Students are responsible for
postage and the timely mailing of their invitations.
Wed 7
Artwork Delivery: Senior (majors) work delivered to Wriston Galleries.
Thur 8
No Class (Reading Period).
Tues 13
Images Due, LUX Database: All images due in LUX, 9am. VRL, Colette Lunday Brautigam will assist
Thur 15
Clean up!
Other Dates to Consider:
with the
Fri 23
Senior Exhibition (Wriston Galleries) and Studio Art Minor Show (Mudd Gallery).
Senior Show Dates: May 24 – July 29, 2013. Pickup after the close of the exhibition will occur on:
Pick Up Work: July 19th, 20th, and 21st (Saturday, Sunday, Monday) from 10:00 – 4:00 pm. Artworks
not collected by the student (or designated representative) will be discarded 30 days after the close of the
* Schedule is subject to change. Please remember, it is your responsibility to keep up with any changes.