Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Date: December 9, 2009 Organization: Ontario Association of Community Care Access Centres (OACCAC) Division: Business Solutions Version: 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Prepared By: Ion Moraru Updated By: Ellen Hsu 1 Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Revision Log Version No. Version Date Summary of Change Changed by/Input from 1.0 October 19, 2007 First draft Guy Fortin 1.1 October 26, 2007 Changed size of ClientReferralCode from 2 to 12 (typo) Guy Fortin Added Activity Code table in Appendix A Renamed Distilled XML Chapter to Appendix B ClientLastName and LineItemUnitCode changed from mandatory to optional Other minor edits to descriptions 1.2 November 13, 2007 Fixed typo in Figure 1 (changed "0 to several" to "1 to several") Guy Fortin 1.3 December 4, 2007 Change VendorContractCode and ProviderContractCode to ContractCode Guy Fortin Add VendorSuppliedLineItemNumber to BillingLineItem Add UnitOfService to PurchasedServiceItem Added a Date and Time description in section 2 2.0 January 25, 2008 Added ClientFirstName to BillingLineItem element Moved VendorCost element from BillingLineItem element to EquipmentAndSupplyItem element Moved ContractCode from EquipmentAndSupplyItem and PurchasedServiceItem element to BillingLineItem element Change DeliveryDate and StartDate from Optional to Mandatory in EquipmentAndSupplyItem element Added ServiceOrderId to PurchasedServiceItem element Moved QuantityBilled from PurchasedServiceItem element to BillingLineItem element 2.1 Feb 8, 2008 Added ContractName to BillingLineItem element Changed ClientLastName to Mandatory in Client element Date: December 9, 2009 2 Guy Fortin Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Version No. Version Date 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Summary of Change Added GeographicArea to to BillingLineItem element Adde ItemOrderType and RecordType attributes to E&SSupplyItem element Chamged LineItemUnitCode, BillingAmountWithTax, GST, and PST to Mandatory on E&SsupplyItem element Added UnitDollarRate for VendorCost element Added Service element to PurchasedServiceItem element (and move UnitOfService there) Added ServiceDeliveryType appendix Updated Distilled XML appendix with diagrams 2.2 Feb 8, 2008 Changed version number so that its in sync with the XML schema file 2.3 Feb 19, 2008 Added InvoiceType field to BillingInvoice element Added OriginatingFilename to BillingInvoice element Moved all fields from BillingLineItem element to EquipmentAndSupply element or PurchasedServiceItem element and deleted BillingLineItem Removed ProviderActivityCodes from PurchasedServiceItem (already present in Service element) Moved GeopgraphicArea from PurchasedServiceItem element to Service element 2.4 Feb 19, 2008 Added Type attribute to PurchasedServiceItem element 2.5 March 3, 2008 Reflect feedback from CHRIS Team review - - - Date: December 9, 2009 Make InvoiceType mandatory Deleted RecordType and ItemOrderType attributes, and GeographicalArea from EquipementAndSupplyItem element Made OriginalItemDescription, DeliveryDate, StartDate optional in EquipementAndSupplyItem Change BillingAmountWithTax to BillingAmountWithoutTax in EquipementAndSupplyItem Make ServiceOrderId mandatory in PurchasedServiceItem 3 Changed by/Input from Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Version No. Version Date Summary of Change 2.6 March 7, 2008 Renamed ClientReferralCode to BillingReferenceNumber and moved it from Client element to PurchasedService element 2.7 April 21, 2008 Neglected to actually rename ClientReferralCode to BillingReferenceNumber in PurchasedService element 2.8 May 27, 2008 Renamed ServiceOrderID to ProviderAssignmentId in the PurchaseServiceItem element. Changed by/Input from Ion Moraru Added RecordType attribute to the EquipmentAndSuppliesItem element. 2.9 June 17, 2008 Added TransmissionDateTime to the main element Ion Moraru Added SpecialtyCode to the Service element Removed ContractName from EquipmentSupplyLineItem and PurchaseServiceItem element Changed the QuantityBilled’s type to decimal Renamed to DeliveryDateTime and changed the type to datetime. Added a new element RentalPeriod and moved Start Date and End Date under it. 2.10 October 29, 2009 Value of <ReBill> changed from Alpha “Yes” “No” to Boolean “1” or “0”. Ellen Hsu 2.11 December 9, 2009 Added Sender and Destination elements that describer the participants in the message exchange Arthur Bydon Changed the ServiceType to ServiceCode Date: December 9, 2009 4 Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Table of Contents 1. Billing Invoice ............................................................................................................ 6 1.1 1.2 2. Brief Description High Level Structure 6 6 Billing Invoice Elements ............................................................................................ 7 2.1 2.2 2.3 BillingInvoice element detail EquipmentAndSupplyItem element detail PurchasedServiceItem element detail 7 11 15 3. Appendix A - Activity Codes ................................................................................... 20 4. Appendix B - Service Delivery Type ....................................................................... 22 5. Appendix B - Distilled XML Schema for Billing InvoiceError! Bookmark not defined. Date: December 9, 2009 5 Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 1. Billing Invoice 1.1 Brief Description A Billing Invoice is a document that is sent by a provider or vendor to a CCAC as a means of billing for purchased services, rentals, or purchased items. Once a Billing Invoice has been received and processed by a CCAC, a Billing Reconciliation Report is sent back to the vendor or provider to communicate the status of each billed line item. This document specifies the information and associated format that make up a Billing Invoice, the Reconciliation report is described in a separate document called "CCAC Billing Reconciliation Report Format Specification". . 1.2 High Level Structure The Billing Invoice is an XML document with the following high level element structure: Figure 1 Billing Invoice Structure BillingInvoice Contains 1 to several BillingLineItem Contains one of EquipmentAndSupplyItem PurchasedServiceItem As the diagram above depicts, a BillingInvoice element may contain from zero to several BillingLineItem elements. A BillingLineItem element can be one of either an EquipmentAndSupplyItem or a PurchasedServiceItem element. These four elements represent the high level structure of the Billing Invoice document. Note that there is currently a restriction on a Billing Invoice in that it can only contain one type of Item. That is, an invoice must contain either EquipmentAndSupplyItems or PurchasedServiceItems but not both. Date: December 9, 2009 6 Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 2. Billing Invoice Elements The following tables document the fields and elements that make up a Billing Invoice. A note about Date and Time specification: All dates and times contained in the specification adhere to the W3C Universal Time Code (UTC) standard and are formatted as follows: date: yyyy-mm-dd (size 10 bytes); e.g. 2007-11-21 datetime: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm[:ssTZD]; (size 16 bytes - if omitting ss and TZD - and 25 bytes with ss and TZD); e.g. 2007-11-21T14:56:19-05:00 (for EST timezone) time: hh:mm[:ssTZD] (size 5 - if omitting ss and TZD - and 14 bytes with ss and TZD); e.g. 14:56:19-05:00 Where "yyyy" represents the year, "mm" the month from 01 through 12, "dd" the day of the month, "T" separates the date from the time, "hh" the hour from 00 through 24, "mm" the minutes, "ss" the seconds and TZD represents the timezone which reflect the times difference relative to GMT, so it can range from +12:00 to -13:00; both "ss" and TZD are optional; TZD is not yet supported by this specification. 2.1 BillingInvoice element detail Name Version (Attribute of BillingInvoice element) Date: December 9, 2009 Field Type Length (bytes) Max 10 Mandatory? Description Flat File Num Yes 7 The version of the Schema that this BillingInvoice document adheres to. E.g. "1.0". This is required for the receiving CCAC system to correctly understand the information being provided Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Name Field Type Length (bytes) 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Mandatory? Description Flat File Sender (parent element) - - Yes A group of elements and attributes identifying the sender of the document. Destination (parent element) - - Yes A group of elements and attributes identifying the recipient of the document Organization (child element of Sender or Destination) - - Yes Identifies the organization sending or receiving the document Code (attribute of Organization) 50 Alpha/Num Yes Specifies the unique code of the sender or the recipient organization Type (attribute of Organization) 150 Alpha/Num Yes Specifies the type of the sender organization. Valid content is: “CCAC” “Provider” “Vendor” Name (child of Organization) 250 Alpha No The name of the sender or the recipient organization Date: December 9, 2009 8 Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Name OwnerOrganization (child of Organization) Field Type Length (bytes) 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Mandatory? Description Flat File - - Yes Specifies the owner organization of the sender or the recipient Code (attribute of OwnerOrganization) 50 Alpha/Num Yes Specifies the unique code of the sender or the recipient owner organization Type (attribute of OwnerOrganization) 150 Alpha/Num No Specifies the type of the sender or the recipient owner organization. Valid content is “CCAC”, “Provider” or “Vendor”. If not provided the “CCAC” type is assumed. Name (child element of OwnerOrganization) 250 Alpha No The name of the sender or the recipient owner organization Date: December 9, 2009 9 Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Name OrganizationCode Field Type Length (bytes) 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Mandatory? Description Flat File 10 Alpha/Num Yes A unique number assigned to Vendor by local CCAC. Reference may be “provider” or “vendor” organization Header.VendorOrgCode 2-4 Alpha Yes A unique number for the CCAC. Valid values are: "ESC" |"SW" | "WW" | "HNHB" | "CW" | "MH" |"TC" | "CENT"| "CE"| "SE" | "CHAM"| "NSM"| "NE" | "NW" CCACId InvoiceType 25 Alpha Yes The type of invoice this represents. One of "Purchased Service" or "Equipment and Supplies" N/A VendorInvoiceDate 10 Date (yyyy-mmdd) No A vendor provided Date for the Invoice Header.InvoiceDate CcacCode Date: December 9, 2009 10 Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Name Field Type Length (bytes) VendorInvoiceNumber Max 50 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Mandatory? Description Flat File Alpha numeric No A vendor provided Invoice Number Header.VendorInvoice Reference# OriginatingFilename 100 Alpha numeric No The filename of the original invoice N/A TransmissionDateTime 20 DateTime Yes The date and time of this transmittal N/A LineItemCount 10 Numeric Yes Number of line items in this file Header.RecordCount 2.2 EquipmentAndSupplyItem element detail Name Field Type Length (bytes ) LineItemType (attribute of EquipmentAndSupplyItem) Max 10 Alpha Yes Identifies this Line Item as either a "Rental" | "Purchase" | "Finance" item - eleme nt Yes An Element that contains the following client information fields 12 Alpha/ Yes A code that identifies the Client associated with this item. This number was provided by the CCAC at time of order Client (Element) ClientIdentifier Man Description dat ory? Num Date: December 9, 2009 11 Flat File S A F N/A T Y P E Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Name 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Field Type Length (bytes ) Man Description dat ory? Flat File ClientLastName 50 Alpha Yes The last name of the Client associated with this item. This information was provided by the CCAC at time of order Surname ClientFirstName 50 Alpha No The first name of the Client associated with this item. This information was provided by the CCAC at time of order N/A PurchaseOrderNumber Max 15 Alpha/ num Yes The Purchase Order number provided by the CCAC at time of order PurchaseOrder # PurchaseOrderLineNumber Max 15 Alpha/ num Yes Identifies this Line Item to the CCAC; provided by the CCAC at time of order Equipment/Su pply Line Item # Num Yes A code that identifies the Client Referral associated with this item. This number was provided by the CCAC at time of order Billing Reference # BillingReferenceNumber 12 ContractCode Max 15 Alpha/ Num Yes Contract Number assigned to provider by the CCAC when the contract was entered into VendorContrac tCode VendorSuppliedLineItemNu mber Max 15 Alpha / num No An optional value supplied by the vendor that is returned back to the vendor by the CCAC in the Reconciliation Report VendorReferen ce RentalBilllingPeriod element No Mandatory for Rental items The last name of the Client associated Yes The date the rental period starts for this invoice StartDate RentalBillingStartDate Date: December 9, 2009 Max 10 Date 12 Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Name 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Field Type Length (bytes ) Man Description dat ory? Flat File Max 10 Date Yes The date the rental period ends. EndDate QuantityBilled Max 8 Num Yes The number of Units being billed for by this item (could be decimal 6.2). Quantity VendorItemCode Max 15 Alpha/ num Yes The code that identifies the specific item ordered and delivered to the client; Assigned by CCAC VendorItemCo de LineItemUnitCode Max 10 Alpha Yes Code for the units in which the item has been delivered (e.g., UNIT,EACH, CASE, BOX, SET, DOZ, GROSS) ItemUnitCode OriginalItemDescription Max 50 Alpha No This is the summary description of this line item as filled in by the CCAC at time of order Equip/Supply Description 20 DateTi me No Date the purchase item was delivered. Mandatory for Purchased+Finance Items. StartDate (for Purchase Items) - eleme nt No An Element that contains the following cost information Type (Attribute) 5 Alpha Yes Attribute of the VendorCost Element with value DEBIT or CREDIT to identify this line time as either a DEBIT or a CREDIT to the CCAC; if not provided the default will be DEBIT N/A BillingAmountWithoutTax 8 Num Yes Amount being billed for this item without Goods & Services Tax (GST) or Provincial Sales Tax (PST) (decimal value) LineItemCost RentalBillingEndDate DeliveryDateTime VendorCost (element) Date: December 9, 2009 13 Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Name Rebill Date: December 9, 2009 Field Type Length (bytes ) 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Man Description dat ory? Flat File GST 8 Num No Amount of Goods & Services Tax for this item (decimal value) GST PST 8 Num No Amount of Provincial Sales Tax for this item (decimal value) PST 6 Boolea n No Identifies that this item is being re-billed; valid values are "1" for yes | "0” for no. The default is “0”. Rebill 14 Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 2.3 PurchasedServiceItem element detail Name Field Length (bytes) Type Mand Description atory ? Type (attribute) 6 Alpha Yes "Credit" or "Debit"; if not provided the default will be DEBIT Client (Element) - element Yes An Element that contains the following client information fields Alpha/ Yes A code that identifies the Client associated with this item. This number was provided by the CCAC at time of order ClientIdentifier 12 Num Flat File N/A N/A ClientLastName 50 Alpha Yes The last name of the Client Surname associated with this item. This information was provided by the CCAC at time of order ClientFirstName 50 Alpha No The first name of the Client N/A associated with this item. This information was provided by the CCAC at time of order ProviderAssignmentId 25 Alpha / num Yes The unique number that identified this item when it was first ordered BillingReferenceNumber 12 Alpha/N um Yes A code that identifies the Client HomeCa Referral associated with this reRefere item. This number was provided nce by the CCAC at time of order ContractCode Max 15 Alpha/N um Yes Contract Number assigned to provider by the CCAC when the contract was entered into N/A VendorSuppliedLineItemN umber Max 15 Alpha / num No An optional value supplied by the vendor that is returned back to the vendor by the CCAC in the Reconciliation Report VendorR eference # Date: December 9, 2009 15 N/A Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Name QuantityBilled Field Length (bytes) Type 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Mand Description atory ? Flat File Max 8 Num Yes The number of Units billed for this item. Decimal value 6.2 Quantity ProviderBillingCode 4 Num Yes A billing code assigned to the provider contract which represents a rate and a period of time VendorId entifier (line item level) Service (element) - element Yes An Element that contains the following three fields to describe the Service that is being billed for in this item Date: December 9, 2009 16 Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Name ServiceCode Field Length (bytes) Type - NUM 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Mand Description atory ? Yes Assigned by CCAC. Identifies the general service delivered to the client; valid values are: 20 AMB (Ambulance Services – CCAC) 27 AT (Attendant Care – CCAC) 37 DP (Adult Day Program – CCAC) 07 ENT (Enterostomal Therapy) 21 GER (Psychogeriatric Resource Coord – CCAC) 11 HOM (Home Support (Homemaking)) 09 LAB (Laboratory Services – CCAC) 08 MOW (Meals on Wheels – CCAC) 22 NP (Nurse Practitioner) 01 NUR (Nursing) 03 NUT (Nutritional Services) 06 OT (Occupational Therapy) Date: December 9, 2009 17 Flat File ServiceC ode Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Name Field Length (bytes) Type 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Mand Description atory ? 29 Flat File PAS (Pastoral Care) 30 PHA (Pharmacy Consultation) 26 PHY (Physician) 12 PM (Paramedical Services – CCAC) 23 PSM (Palliative Pain & Sympton Mgmt) 25 PSY (Psychology) 05 PT (Physiotherapy) 10 RT (Respiratory Therapy) 04 SP (Speech/Language Pathology) 02 SW (Social Work) 24 TRANS (Transportation - CCAC) ER (Children's Enhanced Respite Service) ODB (Ontario Drug Benefit) SH (Supportive Housing – CCAC) ServiceDeliveryType Date: December 9, 2009 Max 50 Alpha Yes 18 Identifies a more specific service N/A within the general ServiceType to be delivered to the client; See Appendix B for list of valid values Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Name 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Field Length (bytes) Type UnitOfService Max 6 Alpha No Code assigned by CCAC for the ServiceU units in which the service has nitCode been delivered (e.g., HOUR, VISIT) SpecialtyCode Max 20 Alpha No Specialty designation required for this service. Please refer to Appendix B for Service specialties associated with Service Delivery Types. N/A No CCACs can further define contracts specific to a geographic area, or a local contract distinction. N/A No In addition to geographic areas, contracts can be further defined by other locally defined distinctions. N/A GeographicArea 250 LocalDistinction 250 Alpha / num Alpha / num Mand Description atory ? Flat File The local distinction will be used by CCACs who have separate contracts for specific client groups, such as Children / Adults / ABI distinctions for OT. ProviderActivityCodes (list) VisitDate Date: December 9, 2009 Max 50 10 Alpha Date No A list of ActivitieCode elements that Identifies the service provider activity with the client. ServiceA ctivities Yes The date when the service was carried out ServiceD ateFrom 19 Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 3. Appendix A - Activity Codes Service Type Code <all> Description Activity Code and Description Activities Common to All Services 01 Assessment E.g. physical, functional, financial, psychosocial, environment, initial and ongoing and/or follow-up. 02 Conference on Behalf of Patient Conferences organized on behalf of the patient under the auspices of the Home Care Program. 03 Teaching/Counseling I.e. advising, instructing, supporting, interpreting, demonstrating, planning and problem solving: to include patient and/or significant other. 04 Equipment/Devices/Materials I.e. selection, design and training in the use of. 05 Situational Management Dealing with unexpected changes in the family situation. 09 Not Seen/Not Found Self-explanatory. NUR, ENT Nursing and Enterostomal Therapy 10 Assistance with Personal Care (e.g. foot care, hair care, bath mouth care) 11 Dressing Care of wound. 12 Injection Introduction of medication subcutaneously or intramuscularly. 13 Vital Signs, Signs of life as related to a specific illness (i.e. temperature, pulse (apex and radial), respiratory, blood pressure, weight). 19 Other Treatment (e.g. IV therapy, enemata, ostomy care, cataract care, collection of blood, monitoring medications). SW Social Work 20 Individual Therapy/Counseling Therapy and advice in a one to one relationship. Problems may have an emotional basis or be concrete ones of daily living. 21 Family and Marital Therapy When the family unit or marital relationship is the therapy focus. 22 Group Therapy When two or more persons interact in problem solving, e.g. coping with cancer. 23 Community Planning, developing, implementing, evaluating activities in support of Home Care Program Objectives, e.g. liaison with social agencies, inservice education. SP Speech Therapy 40 Language Therapy Comprehension and expression of the symbols of human communication. 41 Articulation Therapy Intelligibility of speech and sound production. 42 Voice Therapy Loudness, pitch, clarity and sound production. 43 Rate Therapy Rate and/or rhythm of utterance. 44 Hearing Therapy Listening skills, lip reading. Date: December 9, 2009 20 Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification PT Physiotherapy 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 50 Exercise Specific routines or techniques to increase or maintain strength, mobility, balances, coordination and chest care. 51 Supplementary Testing Methods used to ascertain functional level including tolerance testing. 52 Monitor Physical Functional Capability Self-explanatory. 53 Modality Use of mechanical and/or physical agents. OT Occupational Therapy 60 Functional Restoration Personal care, dressing, eating, postural exercise, diet, medications, toilet, sex, locomotion, transfers, transportation. 61 Household Management Organization and management of household, meals, money, marketing, laundry, etc. 62, 63 Energy Conservation/Work Techniques Simplification Self-explanatory 64 Psycho/Social Adjustments Interpersonal relationships/socialization. Family dynamics (child management, etc). 69 Vocational/Avocational Work readiness, play techniques, use of leisure. HOM Homemaking 90 Housekeeping E.g. light housekeeping, laundry 91 Child Care Self-explanatory 92 Personal Care Under direction of the nurse or therapist, provides supervision of: bath, dressing, transfers, feeding medications, walking and communication 93 Meal Preparation/Special Diets E.g. diet supervision, advanced preparation of meals 94 Shopping Self-explanatory 99 Other E.g. outings, banking, accompanying patient to appointments. PM Paramedical 80 Personal Care 89 Other Date: December 9, 2009 21 Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 4. Appendix B - Service Delivery Type The following table provides the Service Delivery Type Code, as well as Specialty, Unit of Delivery, and Service Location, by Service Type Code Table 1 Correlating Service attributes Service Type Service Delivery Type Code Specialty Unit of Delivery Service Location ENT ENT ENT ENT Children’s Treatment Network Referrals Visit dietician - Children's Treatment Network Visit OT - Children's Treatment Network Visit PT - Children's Treatment Network Hourly speech - CTN Visit speech - Children's Treatment Network Visit social work - Children's Treatment Network Home Care Referrals Ambulance trip - one way Hourly attendant care Visit attendant care Visit Adult Day Program accessed via CCAC Hourly ENT home care Hourly ENT Palliative Home Care Visit ENT combined nursing & therapy day clinic Visit ENT combined nursing & therapy day/night clinic Visit ENT home care Visit ENT nursing only clinic Visit ENT Palliative Home Care ENT Visit ENT primary care practice Visit ENT Visit ENT Residential Hospice Hourly Children's Enhanced Respite home care Visit Psychogeriatric Resource Coordination home care Hourly Homemaking - Caregiver Respite home care Hourly Homemaking - Combined personal support & housekeeping Visit Home Care Home Care Home Care Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Care Nursing Day Clinic Home Care Primary Care Practice Residential Hospice Hour Home Care Visit Home Care Hour Home Care Hour Home Care NUT OT PT SP SP SW AMB AT AT DP ENT ENT ENT ER GER HOM HOM Date: December 9, 2009 Palliative Visit Home Care Visit Home Care Visit Hour Home Care Home Care Visit Home Care Visit Home Care Visit Hour Visit Home Care Home Care Home Care Visit Hour Hour Visit Palliative Homemaking – Caregiver Respite Combined Personal Support and 22 Visit Visit Visit visit Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Service Type HOM HOM HOM HOM HOM HOM HOM LAB MOW Service Delivery Type Code home care Hourly Homemaking - Housekeeping home care Hourly Personal Support Home Care Hourly Personal Support Residential Hospice Visit Homemaking - Combined home care Visit Homemaking - Housekeeping home care Visit Homemaking - Respite home care 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Specialty Housekeeping Homemaking Housekeeping Homemaking Personal Support Homemaking Personal Support Combined Personal Support and Housekeeping Homemaking Housekeeping Homemaking Caregiver Respite Homemaking Personal Support Unit of Delivery Hour Home Care Hour Hour Home Care Residential Hospice Visit Home Care Visit Home Care Visit Home Care Visit Visit Visit Home Care Home Care Home Care Hour Visit Hour Home Care Home Care Home Care Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Care Nursing Day Clinic Home Care Phone Primary Care Practice Residential Hospice Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Care Home Care Home Care Nursing Day Clinic Home Care Phone Primary Care Practice NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR Visit Personal Support home care Visit Lab home care Meals on Wheels CCAC Hourly Nurse Practitioner home care Visit Nurse Practitioner home care Hourly nursing home care Shift nursing combined therapy & nursing day clinic Shift nursing combined therapy & nursing day/night clinic Shift nursing home care Shift nursing nursing only day clinic Shift Nursing Palliative Home Care Shift nursing phone call NUR Shift nursing primary care practice Hour NUR Hour NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR NUR Shift Nursing Residential Hospice Visit nursing combined therapy & nursing day clinic Visit nursing combined therapy & nursing day/night clinic Visit nursing Continence home care Visit nursing home care Visit nursing IV home care Visit nursing nursing only day clinic Visit Nursing Palliative Home Care Visit nursing phone call NUR Visit nursing primary care practice NP NP NUR NUR NUR Date: December 9, 2009 Hour Palliative Hour Hour Hour Hour Hour Visit Nursing - Continence Nursing - IV Palliative Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit 23 Service Location Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Service Type NUR NUT NUT NUT NUT NUT NUT Service Delivery Type Code Visit nursing Wound Care home care Hourly dietician home care Visit dietician phone call Visit dietician combined nursing & therapy day clinic Visit dietician combined nursing & therapy day/night clinic Visit dietician home care 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Specialty Nursing - Wound Care Unit of Delivery Visit Hour Visit Visit Visit Visit Service Location Home Care Home Care Phone Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Care Residential Hospice Visit Dietician Residential Hospice Visit dietician therapy only day clinic Visit OT phone call Visit OT combined nursing & therapy day clinic Visit OT combined nursing & therapy day/night clinic Visit OT home care Visit OT home care hourly Visit Visit Visit Visit Hour Home Care Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit Home Care Home Care Home Care Home Care Phone Visit Visit Hour Home Care Home Care Home Care Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Care Phone PT Visit OT Residential Hospice Visit OT therapy only day clinic Visit Pastoral Care home care Hourly Pharmacy Consultation home care Visit Pharmacy Consultation home care Visit Physician home care Visit Physician Palliative Home Care Visit paramedical Pain & Sympton Mgmt phone call Visit Pain & Sympton Mgmt home care Visit Psychologist home care Hourly PT home care Visit PT combined nursing & therapy day clinic Visit PT combined nursing, therapy day/night clinic Visit PT home care Visit PT phone call Visit PT Pulmonary Rehab Home Care Therapy Day Clinic Phone Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Care Home Care Residential Hospice Therapy Day Clinic Home Care PT Visit PT Residential Hospice NUT OT OT OT OT OT OT OT PAS PHA PHA PHY PHY PM PSM PSM PSY PT PT PT PT PT Date: December 9, 2009 Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit Hour Palliative Visit Visit Visit Visit PT - Pulmonary Rehab Visit Visit 24 Home Care Residential Hospice Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Service Type PT RT Service Delivery Type Code RT RT Visit PT therapy only day clinic Hourly RT home care Visit RT combined nursing, therapy day clinic Visit RT combined nursing, therapy day/night clinic Visit RT home care RT RT SH SP SP Visit RT Residential Hospice Visit RT therapy only day clinic Supportive Housing Hourly speech home care Hourly speech therapy clinic SP Visit Communicate Device Assistant Home Care RT SP SP SP SP SP SP SP SW Visit speech augmentative communication home care Visit speech combined nursing, therapy day clinic Visit speech combined nursing, therapy day/night clinic Visit speech home care Visit speech phone call 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Specialty Unit of Delivery Visit Hour Visit Visit Visit Hour Hour Therapy Day Clinic Home Care Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Care Residential Hospice Therapy Day Clinic Home Care Home Care Therapy Day Clinic Visit Home Care Visit Home Care Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Care Phone Residential Hospice Therapy Day Clinic Home Care Combined Day Clinic Combined Day/Night Clinic Home Care Phone Residential Hospice Therapy Day Clinic Home Care Visit Visit Visit Speech Communicative Device Assistant Speech Augmentative Communication Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit speech Residential Hospice Visit speech therapy only day clinic Hourly social work home care Visit social work combined nursing, therapy day clinic Visit social work combined nursing, therapy day/night clinic Visit social work home care Visit social work phone call Visit social work Residential Hospice Visit social work therapy clinic Transportation home care School Referrals Visit Visit Hour Visit HOM Visit ENT private/home school Hourly Personal Support Private/Home School NUR Hourly nursing private/home school SW SW SW SW SW SW TRANS ENT Date: December 9, 2009 Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit Visit Homemaking Personal Support Hour Hour 25 Service Location Private/Home School Private/Home School Private/Home School Version: Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) Billing Invoice Format Specification Service Type Service Delivery Type Code 2.11 Version Date: December 09, 2009 Specialty Unit of Delivery NUR Hourly nursing public school Hour NUR Shift nursing private/home school Hour NUR Shift nursing public school Hour NUR Visit nursing private/home school Visit NUR Visit NUT Visit nursing public school Hourly dietician private/home school NUT Hourly dietician public school Hour NUT Visit dietician private/home school Visit NUT Visit dietician public school Visit OT Hourly OT private/home school Hour OT Hourly OT public school Hour OT Visit OT private/home school Visit OT Visit OT public school Visit PT Hourly PT private/home school Hour PT Hourly PT public school Hour PT Visit PT private/home school Visit PT Visit PT public school Visit SP Hourly speech private/home school Hour SP Hourly speech public school Hour SP Visit speech private/home school Visit SP Visit speech public school Visit Date: December 9, 2009 Hour 26 Service Location Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School Private/Home School Publicly Funded School