Chapter 9, Section 1 Development of American Political Parties

Chapter 9, Section 1
Development of
American Political
Main Idea
 Shortly after our nation’s birth, political
leaders formed parties in an attempt to
gain control of decision making in our
I. The Two Party System (218-219)
A. Political Party- an association of voters
with broad common interests who want to
influence government decision making.
***Anyone may join a political party. You
simply register.***
B. Two-Party System- United States has
had two major parties since 1860. Dems and
C. Thomas Jefferson- wanted less power for
the national government and more power to
the states. Called his group the DemocraticRepublican party in 1828.
***In 1829 Jefferson stepped down, his
party was taken over by Andrew Jackson
who turned the party into our modern
day Democrats.***
D. Alexander Hamilton- Wanted strong
national government and a strong
president. His group was called the
***Whigs eventually took over as
Federalists faded away.***
E. Whigs- Rose in 1830, Whigs and
Democrats remained the two
major political parties until 1850.
***In 1854, breakaway Democrats and
Whigs who opposed slavery
formed the Republican Party.***
***Lincoln became the first
Republican president in 1860.
Ever since, Republicans and
Democrats have been the two
major parties!***
II. Third Parties
A. Third Parties- sometimes challenge the two major
parties. Have never won a presidential election.
B. Populist Party- formed in the 1890s. Made up of
laborers and farmers. Never won the election but their
idea’s were adopted. Two main idea’s:
1. Direct Election of Senators
2. Eight Hour Work Day
Third Parties in the U.S
Alaskan Independence Party (1984 – present)
America First Party (2002 – present)
***American Nazi Party (1959 - present)***
American Party (1969 – present)
American Fascist Party (unknown - present)
American Patriot Party (2003 – present)
American Reform Party (1997 – present)
Centrist Party (United States) (2006 - present)
Charter Party of Cincinnati, Ohio (1924 – present)
Christian Freedom Party (2004 – present)
Communist League (US) (2004 – present)
Communist Party USA (1919 – present)
Covenant Party (Northern Mariana Islands)
Free People's Movement (2002 – present)
Freedom Road Socialist Organization (1969 - present)
***Ku Klux Klan (1866 - present)***
***Marijuana Party (2002 – present)***
***Marijuana Reform Party (New York) (1997 – present)***
Mountain Party (West Virginia) (2000 – present)
National Socialist Movement (1974 – present)
New American Independent Party (2004-present)
New Party (1992 – 1998)
New Progressive Party of Puerto Rico (1967 – present)
New Union Party (1974 – present)
New York State Right to Life Party (1970 – present)
Peace and Freedom Party (1967 – present)
Personal Choice Party (1997 – present)
Popular Democratic Party of Puerto Rico (1938 – present)
Progressive Party of Washington (1912-1960 and 2003 to
 ***Prohibition Party (1867 – present)***
C. Progressive Party- Created by Teddy
Roosevelt. Called the “Bull Moose
Party”. ***He won enough votes away
from Taft(R), that Woodrow Wilson (D)
***Some third parties
arise to promote
social, economic, and
moral issues.***
D. Single Issue PartyHave only one issue in
which they run on.
Wanted the outlaw of
E. Ideological Parties- Focus on changing
society in major ways.
1. Communist Party- favors government
2. Libertarian Party – wants more
individual freedoms.
3. Green Party- Opposes power of
***Some third parties form around wellknown individuals who cannot get
support from a major party.***
***Third-Party candidates must obtain a
large amount of signatures to get on the
***. Republican and Democratic candidates
are automatically placed on the ballot.***
F. Most voters favor a major party.
G. Third parties have trouble raising enough
money to compete with the big two.
III. Other Party Systems
***Two party systems are rare.***
A. Most democracies have multi-party
B. In a one-party system, the government and
party are nearly the same thing.
***In China, the People’s Republic of China,
is the only party ALLOWED to exist
***One-Party systems also exist in nonCommunist nations. Muslim leaders control
Iran’s Islamic Republican Party. Other parties
are outlawed.***
IV. Today’s Major Parties
***Major parties differ mainly in their belief
on how much government should be
involved in your daily lives.***
A. Democrats- believe government should be
more involved in regulating the economy
and providing for the poor. ***Increase
taxes on those who make $250+***
B. Republicans- believe that if they help the
economy grow, poor people will have a
better chance to find jobs for themselves.
They believe in less regulation. ***trickle
down economics***
***Both parties adopt mainstream ideas and
avoid extreme positions.***
C. Platform- Series of statements expressing
the party’s principles, beliefs, and positions
on issues.
D. Plank- each individual part of a platform.
Mini Quiz!!!
Hot Chocolate- Winner
1. Name our two major political parties
2. What type of party system does the
United States have?
3. Name two types of third parties
4. Has a third party ever won an election?
5. Name two Communist nations
6. Who was the leader of the Bull Moose