DWG Progress Report to TAS February 1-2, 2016 Salt Lake City, UT Jamie Austin, PacifiCorp TEPPC\Data Work Group - Chair 2 Overview • The Round Trip Process & the TEPPC 2026CC • Update on DWG work building the TEPPC 2026 Common Case – – – – – – – – – Loads And Hydro Data Approval Item: EE Assumptions Approval Item: Distributed Generation Approval Item: Station Service Approval Item: Heat Rate Curves Approval Item: Plant Outage Rates Approval Item: Plant Retirement Assumptions Approval Item: Fuel Prices Approval Item: Transmission Wheeling Rates 3 The Round Trip Process & The TEPPC 2026CC 4 The NTTG Round Trip 5 Power Flow Export 2025 HS Power Flow LRS hort-Term Round Trip Process (STRTP) Loads: Monthly Peak and Energy December 8, 2015 6 Version 1.0 DRAFT WECC staff to build Gen Dynamic Models for atypical – new resources iterate 2026 HS Power Flow Iterate Regional Planning Groups WECC Staff Resources Iterate using NTTG s Round Trip Process Existing Resources: Start with the TEPPC 2024CC, reconciled with WECC 2025 hsa1 power flow Iterate Incremental (Future) Resources to be determined by GAP Analysis Task Force . Stall to feed into 2026 HS Power Flow Hourly Shapes (Year 2009) – FERC 217 LBNL – EE, DSM, DR Hourly Wind, Solar & Hydro DWG – Validates 2026 Hourly Loads & Energy Shapes Create 2026, v0.1 Common Case v0.1, 0.2. 0.3... Iterate Other Inputs thermal Unit Commitment Data for incremental resources, new Heat Rate Curves, etc. NTTG - PCM TEPPC 2026 CC Plus WECC 2025 HS Power flow i (resource mapping by 4 regions) NTTG Round Trip NTTG Solved 2026 Power Flow with Mapped Resources, (resource mapping by 4 regions) Create CCTA Create 2026 Common Case v1.0 Export Select Hours for TEPPC Studies TEPPC 2026 CC & Corresponding one hour solved power flow case Use to Run Reliability Studies Select needed hours; Run Power Flow Analysis 7 In Summary Updates Using Power Flow • Add new generators in the power flow as the correct generator location is necessary when accounting for appropriate integrating elements (e.g., underlying transmission area reactive definition). Also, this will lead to consistent accounting of generators and their mapping between PF and PCM. • Transmission line changes and other system adjustments should be applied in the PF model to achieve a PF solution (i.e., convergence) in successive PF iterations because certain critical PF data (e.g., new reactive requirements) will be stored in the PF base case that is exported to the PCM and from PCM back to PF model. PCM direct updates include the following: • The PCM program in general requires more extensive generator data than the PF program: Heat Rate Curves, Ramp Rates, Startup costs, Fuel Costs, EFOR, Maintenance Data, Reserves, etc. • Loads (Monthly peak and energy and hourly energy shapes) • Wind, Solar, EE, DR, DG and other hourly shapes both on the load and supply side 8 Loads & Hydro Data 9 TEPPC 2026CC Loads • Use LRS submittals collected in March of 2015--BAA load forecasts 10 years forward, through 2025. – For the 2024 CC, we used sixth polynomial, linear fit extrapolation; However, – For the 2026 CC, DWG recommends using simple compound and recent data from the last three to four years as that will lead to more accurate results. Using sixth polynomial assumes a high level of accuracy that is beyond our forecasting capabilities. • Exception: For California use the “new” CED forecast approved by the CEC January 27, 2016. The CEC forecast covers through year 2026. 10 TEPPC 2026CC Loads Next Steps • Apply EE adjustments – Adjustments already determined by LBNL • Remove Pumping Loads from forecast – Already determined by Irina Green • Create load shapes using 2009 historic data • Work with DWG to validate shapes and load factors • Gridview import 11 Hydro Data • Hydro Data – Status Report – Irina Green just finished processing California’s hourly hydro shapes for both 2008 & 2009, covering SMUD, MID and TID but not IID. – PacifiCorp hydro hourly shapes for years 2008 and 2009 will be made available by February 8. – Kevin is working with BPA on getting Northwest hydro – Pending: Canada and Colorado River 12 EE and DR Data W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L 13 Energy Efficiency and Demand Response • The Common Case is intended to reflect current policies and utility plans (RPS, IRP, EES, etc.) • BA load forecasts vary in the manner/extent to which they account for planned energy efficiency and demand response policies and program plans • Some may not include any EE impacts, while others may only include a portion of the planned EE • In prior study cycles, LBNL assisted DWG consistent with past years with making adjustments to the firm and nonfirm load forecasts in order to: – Support the overarching intention of the Common Case (i.e., to reflect current policies) – Improve consistency across BAs in terms of EE & DR accounting 14 Energy Efficiency Adjustments • Objective: Adjust firm load forecasts, as necessary, to fully capture energy efficiency impacts under current policy and program plans: – Based on current Energy Efficiency Resource Standards or IRPs • Last study cycle (2024 Common Case): – Focused only on utility ratepayer-funded programs; did not make adjustments for federal or state appliance standards, building codes, or other program/policy types – Focused only on those specific BAs (CISO, IPC, PNM, TEP) that, through prior study cycles, were known to systematically “under-count” energy efficiency impacts in the load forecasts submitted to WECC 15 Energy Efficiency Adjustments (continued) For this year’s study cycle: • LBNL reached out to the load forecasting staff with IPC, TEP, SRP, and PNM. These were the four BAs that, in previous iterations of the Common Case, were found to not fully account for planned EE within their LRS forecasts. • Based on responses received, only IPC did not fully include planned EE in the LRS load forecast in addition: – Galen confirmed that non-ISO CA BAs have already made necessary EE adjustments with more recent study cycles. • The only EE adjustments will be applied to the IPC loads. • Use the CEC “preliminary issue of the 2016 load forecast for California that includes latest assumptions for EE and AAEE. 16 Motion “It is moved that TAS approves: • Accepting the LBNL adjustment to IPC loads to account for Energy Efficiencies (EE) assumptions in the TEPPC 2026 Common Case. • Use the CEC “newly approved 2016 load forecast for California that includes latest assumptions for EE and AAEE, and DR.” 17 Distributed Generation W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L 18 Distributed Generation • In the context of developing the load forecast for the TEPPC 2026 Common Case, DWG held several discussions to determine how best to account for Distributed Generation (DG) in the TEPPC 2026 Common Case • DG is also referenced as behind the meter PV (BTM PV) – large scale photovoltaic generation that is connected to the distribution system. • The discussions addressed: – Should DG be netted from loads or modeled on the supply side? – How to best coordinate modeling needs in terms of implementing the “round trip”? 19 The Challenge • Relative to models, the ideal would be to have consistent data, assumptions and representation in both power flow and in the production cost model to facilitate implementation of the round trip. • Relative to data, the challenge is twofold: – What estimates to use for distributed generation? – Where to place them? • Relative to TEPPC, DG cannot be netted from loads; DG has to be tracked and accounted for concisely. 20 DG Modeling Limitations • The WECC data preparation manual stipulates that single generating units 10 MVA or higher, or multiple units with aggregated capacity of 20 MVA be connected to the transmission system (69kV and above) through a step-up transformers(s) modeled as distinct generation in the WECC base case. – Hence in PF, smaller DG is modeled as a negative load and is tracked and accounted for in the “Composite Load Model” with associated dynamic model for running stability analysis. • In GridView negative loads are tracked separately, however negative loads can’t have hourly shapes. • Other concerns relate to the PCM run time when adding DG generators to the model: – “Spillage” impacts the run time of generators using hourly shaped resource like wind or solar and DG – If no “Spillage”, the impact on run-time for a hourly shaped resource is minimal 21 DG Data Limitation • There are three major reasons why we cannot map DG to the customer bus in the TEPPC 2026CC: – It is reported that upcoming ISO planning studies will include DG mapping to customer level; we do not have access to mapping info. – The CEC nets DG from the local load in Plexos when determining demand and supply assumptions that feeds into NAMgas--the model that produces the gas price forecast. – The States keep track of DG customers by state and by zip code. However, TEPPC cannot possibly use the states’ data to map DG due to the restricted schedule. • Mapping resources to the bus in the new 2026 CC will invlolve major players (e.g., CASIO, CEC, Regions and others) and require more time than is available. 22 Motion “It is moved that TAS approves the following rules for DG when building the TEPPC 2026 CC: • Model DG as explicit generators, one per BA, using the generator distribution factor to map DG to busses representing a minimum of 50% of loads. DG distribution will be prorated, based on the largest load busses in the BA such that DG load does not exceed 50% of bus loads. • To quantifying how much DG (BTM-PV) to model: – For California, use assumptions developed by the CEC in their new 2016 Load forecast. – For other states model programs that reflect current policies and utility plans (RPS, IRP, EES, etc.): • Use results from the LBNL survey , asking BAAs for: – How much DG is embedded in the load forecast? – How do they model DG? – What is their forecast for year 2026? • Use the E3 proposed estimate for market driven DG in scenario analysis, however, vetted and approved by DWG\TAS.” 23 Station Service W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L 24 Accounting for Station Service Loads • SS values in the TEPPC 2024CC are all equal to zero, consistent with how they are treated in the LRS load forecast; SS values were netted from generators. • The WECC 2016 Data Preparation Manual for WECC power flow cases calls on SS loads to be modeled explicitly and in general placed at the generator bus: – Station service at modeled generation facilities with loads greater than or equal to 1 MW shall be modeled explicitly and load modeling generator station service shall have Load ID set to ‘SS.’ – A Long ID shall be provided for each load in accordance with the WECC MVWG Load Long ID Instructions , either within the case or in a separate spreadsheet file. See Dynamic section Load Characteristics. 25 Data Limitation • Consistent with the NTTG “round trip” automation, ABB added load bus ID to GridView that allows for tracking non-conforming loads (e.g., SS loads can be tracked separate from native loads). This leads to the conclusion that modeling SS explicitly is more limited by data and process. • In an ideal world we want to have equivalent treatment of all modeled elements to allow for bidirectional transfer of date between the two databases for power flow and production cost modelling. Hence, consideration needs to be given to the followings: – Since there is no consistent SS load amongst generators, it is impossible to write an equation that would direct GridView to adjust for SS load when the generator is derated or is off line. – Heat Rate Curves are being calculated based on generator gross capacity. If SS is modeled explicitly, we need to adjust the Pmax to correct for net. – The SS dynamic model for stability analysis is based on plant gross Pmax; the governor Pmax is based on plant gross rating. – If we elect to model SS explicitly, the staff would have to restore full generator capacity in the TEPPC 2026CC (Pmax was de-rated in the TEPPC 2024CC to represent capacity net station service.) 26 Motion • “It is moved that TAS approves: modeling Station Service (SS) load as netted from generator capacity for the 2026 Common Case. In addition, WECC will correct the “BusLoadDist” table to reflect SS in the 2026 HS power flow case for export power flow hours. TAS further requests that WECC develop seasonal load distributions for other seasons.” 27 Heat Rate Curves 28 Heat Rate Curves • Given the importance of the heat rate curves to the commitment decision, it is prudent to have common assumptions for the whole set. Further, it is also important to refresh with new CEMS data every several years as operations change and hence, the heat rate curves. • Problem – the TEPPC 2024 common case has a set of non-matching heat rate curves developed by different sources: – The SSGWI database was handed to WECC in 2006. At that time typical manufacturer data was used based on vintage, size and technology that were also vetted by plant owners. – In 2011 an attempt was made to update all heat rate curves using CEMS data. Replacement curves were applied to large units only as we ran out of time and resources for full implementation. – The staff time is scarce and this task requires time and involving experts in the field to produce credible data. • Solution – use a credible stakeholder process where all parties can benefit by collaborating. The CEC has started their effort to update Heat Rate Curves for the IPER, using consistent methodology. TEPPC has stakeholder experts who are willing to work with the CEC staff on behalf of TEPPC on this synergistic project. 29 DWG Agreed to Methodology • Approximate the IO curve data with a polynomial function – Calculate Average Heat Rate Curve (AHR) from the following equations: – Calculate Incremental Heat Rate Curve (IHR) as follows: • Use CEMS data to approximate the IO Curve as follows: – For each hour of the year, the CEMS data gives the unit’s • heat input (input power in MMBTU/h) • gross generation (output power in MW) – Approximate the IO curve from the CEMS data as follows: • scrub the CEMS data • graph the scrubbed dataset as a scatter plot • represent the scatter plot with a polynomial regression curve 30 Scrubbing CEMS Data • A few levels of scrubbing have been completed: – Use only Whole hours – Delete outliers – Use only data above Min generating level Before After 31 Results Gross Values Capacity IO Curve (Fuel Burn) Average Heat Rate 1.00 225.29 225.29 All - Capacity 101.67 202.33 1,198.38 2,254.56 11.79 11.14 Units 303.00 MW 3,393.84 MMBtu 11.20 MMBtu/MWh Net (Modeled Values) Capacity Average Heat Rate Incr Heat Rate 0.89 251.89 Gross Values Capacity IO Curve (Fuel Burn) Average Heat Rate Whole Hour - Capacity Units 1.00 101.67 202.33 303.00 MW 225.29 1,198.38 2,254.56 3,393.84 MMBtu 225.29 11.79 11.14 11.20 MMBtu/MWh Net (Modeled Values) Capacity Average Heat Rate Incr Heat Rate 0.89 251.89 90.93 13.18 10.81 90.93 13.18 10.81 180.96 12.46 11.73 180.96 12.46 11.73 271.00 MW 12.52 MMBtu/MWh 12.65 MMBtu/MWh 271.00 MW 12.52 MMBtu/MWh 12.65 MMBtu/MWh 32 Results Cont. Gross Values Capacity IO Curve (Fuel Burn) Average Heat Rate Net (Modeled Values) Capacity Average Heat Rate Incr Heat Rate Gross Values Capacity IO Curve (Fuel Burn) Average Heat Rate Net (Modeled Values) Capacity Average Heat Rate Incr Heat Rate EIA Min and Outliers - Capacity Units 75.00 151.00 227.00 303.00 MW 932.52 1705.59 2526.04 3393.84 MMBtu 12.43 11.30 11.13 11.20 MMBtu/MWh 67.08 13.90 135.05 12.63 11.37 203.03 12.44 12.07 271.00 MW 12.52 MMBtu/MWh 12.77 MMBtu/MWh Min Level from Scatterplot - Capacity Units 160.00 207.67 255.33 303.00 MW 1,800.28 2,312.84 2,844.02 3,393.84 MMBtu 11.25 11.14 11.14 11.20 MMBtu/MWh 143.10 12.58 185.73 12.45 12.02 228.37 12.45 12.46 271.00 MW 12.52 MMBtu/MWh 12.90 MMBtu/MWh 33 Status • Paul is well underway toward producing the heat rate curves for the TEPPC case under the advisement and guidance of the DWG Task Force, composed of industry exports including: – – – – – – – – Paul Deaver – CEC Kevin Harris - Columbia Grid Mike Baily – WECC Staff Steven Wallace – CPS Greg Brinkman – National Renewable Energy Labs (NREL) Ben Brownlee – Energy strategies Massoud Jourabch i– NPCC Jamie Austin – PacifiCorp • The last step involves final review by DWG and validation by plant owner as appropriate. 34 Motion • “It is moved that: TAS approves the use of heat rate curves that are currently under development by the California Energy Commission and that are expected to be complete during March, 2016, for use in the 2026 Common Case”. 35 Plant Outage Rates 36 Method Used for Developing Plant Maintenance Data • GridView has an integrated tool for developing plant maintenance schedules that allows for customization at the plant level, down to the hour, per user’s discretion (e.g. nuclear units, baseload units, units with consistent outage periods such as northwest thermal). – Scheduling plant maintenance is both Art & Science. Hence, GridView is set up to allow maintenance tuning outside the program. • Commonly used rules when scheduling maintenance include: – Generally, plants are scheduled for maintenance during off-peak load periods. – It is assumed plant owners schedule at least one maintenance outage each year. – Make certain one unit is out at a time at multi-unit plants. • Stan shared that what is done differently this year is that we’re doing a resource adequacy check as well, especially in the spring. 37 Other Considerations • In GridView: – LOLP is calculated weekly based on inputted hourly loads – Maintenance is performed by regions which may not line up with actual operations • Kevin promotes using dependable capacity instead of using physical capacity when calculating LOLP. – For traditional thermal units this is the winter/summer rating – For Hydro, dependable capacity is limited to the plants ability to serve load on a daily bases – For Wind/Solar the expected capacity during the peak hour with a 90+% probability of exceedance 38 Plant Outage Data (Forced Outage and Maintenance) APTECH Grouping Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Small coal-fired subcritical steam (35 - 299 MW) Large coal-fired subcritical steam (300 - 900 MW) Large coal-fired supercritical steam (500 - 1300 MW) Gas-fired combined cycle Gas-fired simple cycle large frame Gas-fired simple cycle Aero-Derivative Gas-fired steam EFOR GADS Data 2013 (average 2009-2013) GADS Data 2016 (average 2010-2014) APTEC Forced + Forced + H Forced Scheduled Scheduled Forced Scheduled Scheduled Value Outages Outages Outages Outages Outages Outages # # # # # # % Hour % Hour % Hour % Hour % Hour % Hour % Time s Time s Time s Time s Time s Time s Time 5.2% 372 4.3% 597 6.9% 969 11.2% 302 3.5% 592 6.9% 894 10.4% 428 4.9% 831 9.6% 1259 14.5% 367 4.2% 794 9.2% 1161 13.4% 426 5.0% 540 6.3% 966 11.3% 440 5.0% 608 6.9% 1048 12.0% 277 3.2% 827 9.5% 1104 12.7% 286 3.3% 861 9.9% 1147 13.2% 477 5.5% 488 5.6% 465 5.3% 491 5.6% 6.5% 7.5% 3.7% 4.8% 7.2% 965 11.1% 956 11.0% Proposed, use GADS 2016 data in the 2026 CC 39 Motion “It is moved that TAS approves the following process for incorporating plant outage rates into the 2026 Common Case: • WECC will use the GridView integrated tool for creating the plant maintenance schedule. – Use plant-level outage information where available as substitute to model generated data. • WECC will use current NERC Generating Availability Data System (GADS) data for plant Equivalent Forced Outage Rates (EFOR) and Maintenance Schedules. 40 Plant Retirement Assumptions 41 Plant Retirement Assumptions • The last update to plant retirement was when building the TEPPC 2024 case, in October, 2013. • Given the new developments in accelerating coal plant reduction to meet restrictions associated with the EPA rule 111d and other carbon reduction initiatives, it becomes evident that we need to have the latest information we can assemble for the new 2026 CC. • DWG held several sessions focused on discussing plant retirement assumptions for the TEPPC 2026 Common Case. These were in addition to an earlier effort that resulted in securing approval for SONGS\OTC proxy assumptions on plant retirement\replacements by TAS. 42 Plant Retirement – Data Sources • Following are additional sources of data used to update Table 1a & 1b below, a comparison of multi sources that publishes plant retirements including data collected by WECC – LRS: – In August, 2015 DWG hosted a session that featured the Laurence Berkley National Laboratories (LBNL) who provided an update on their Resource Planning Portal (RPP) tool. The RPP data is a summary of western Integrated Resource Plans surveyed contacting 36 departments responsible for 90% of delivered load across WECC. – DWG – OTC final assumptions, approved by TAS in Q4, 2015 – Edits to reflect the latest from the PacifiCorp 2015 . – Edit to the Diablo Canyon by PG&E 43 Table 1a – Plant Retirement Schedule Retirements relevant to 2024 CC Page 1 of 2 Proposed Retirement Dates for the 2026 Common Case LBNL LRS OTC -( Table 4TEPPC Nameplate Commission Retirement Retirement Retiremen 4 ISO 2015-16 PAC Plant/Unit (Short) Area GV SubType (MW) Date Date Date t Date Study Plan) 2015 IRP Battle River AESO ST-NatGas 149 2018 Alamosa, 1 PSC CT-NatGas-Industrial 26.6 2026 Alamosa, 2 PSC CT-NatGas-Industrial 26.6 2026 Boardman PGE 642.2 2020 Burrard BEP Coal 337 2016 Carbon 1, 2 PAC SCCT 172 2014 Centralia, ST1 BPAT ST-Coal 729.9 2020 Centralia, ST2 BPAT ST-Coal 729.9 2024 Cerro Prioto CEF 30 2020 Cholla 4 PAC 387 2025 Clark_04 Clark-4 NEVP ST-NatGas 72.4 2020 Contra Costa GenOn 674 2017 Cooper EPE GT 80.55 2025 Diablo Canyon PG&E 2240 2029 Encina NRG 946 2017 Fort Churchill 1 SPPC ST 115 2018 Fort Churchill 2 SPPC ST 115 2021 Fort Lupton 1 SPPC GT 39.2 2020 Fort Lupton 2 SPPC GT 39.2 2020 Fruuita 1 PSC GT 26.6 2026 Harry Allen 1 NEVP GT 101.5 2025 HR Millner 1 AESO ST 144 2018 Hueco Mtn. Wind 2 WT-Onshore 1.3 2021 HuntingtonBeach3 AES Huntington Beach CISC LLC-3ST-NatGas 225 7/31/2002 10/15/2012 2020 HuntingtonBeach4 AES Huntington Beach CISC LLC-4ST-NatGas 225 8/7/2003 10/31/2012 2020 HuntingtonBeach5 AES Huntington Beach LLC-5CT-NatGas-Industrial 133 4/1/1969 9/30/2002 2020 Mandalay GenOn 560 2020 Moss Landing Power Block 1 ST-NatGas 960 2017 Moss Landing Power Block 2 Dynegy 2530 2017 Naughton 3 PAC Coal 280 2018 Plant/Unit (Long) 44 Retirements relevant to 2024 CC Page 2 of 2 Plant/Unit (Short) Newman 1 Newman 2 Newman 3 Newman 4 Newman 4 Newman 4 North Valmy North Valmy Ormond Beach Pdte.Juarez Pdte.Juarez Pdte.Juarez Pdte.Juarez Pdte.Juarez Pittsburg Pittsburg Redondo Beach Reid Gardner Rio Grande 7 San Juan San Juan Sun Peak Sun Peak Sun Peak Tracy Valmont Valmont Valmy 1 Valmy 2 Plant/Unit (Long) TEPPC Area 1 2 3 G1 G2 S1 1 NVE 2 NVE GenOn 5 CEF 6 CEF 7 CEF 1 CEF 2 CEF 5 GenOn 6 GenOn AES 4 NEVP 7 EPE 2 PNM 3 PNM 3 NEVP 4 NEVP 5 NEVP NEVP PSC PSC NEVP NEVP GV SubType ST ST ST CT CT CA ST ST ST ST GT GT GT ST ST ST ST GT GT GT ST ST GT Coal Coal Proposed Retirement Dates for the 2026 Common Case LBNL LRS OTC -( Table 4Nameplate Commission Retirement Retirement Retiremen 4 ISO 2015-16 PAC (MW) Date Date Date t Date Study Plan) 2015 IRP 81.6 2022 81.6 2023 121.8 2024 85 2022 85 2023 120 2021 277.2 2021 289.8 2025 1516 2020 160 2020 160 2020 150 2026 30 2018 30 2018 2017 2017 1343 2020 294.8 2017 50 2020 369 2017 555 2017 74 2026 74 2026 74 2026 119.8 2024 191.7 59.3 23.1 2021 17.7 2025 45 Motion “It is moved TAS approves the plant retirement assumptions shown in Table 1 for use in the 2026 Common Case”. 46 Fuel Prices 47 Methodology for developing Natural Gas Price • TAS – TEPPC approved a hybrid approach during the last round that includes using the California Energy Commission major and minor Hub Prices and the Northwest Power and Conservation Council monthly shapes. • The two models differ in that the council’s model is a regression model that reflects historic usage and accounts for forward-looking factors exogenously (e.g., LNG development, Pipe expansions, etc.). In contrast, the CEC model, North American Market Gas-trade “NAMGas” starts with the World Gas Trade Model (WGTM) and applies changes including but not limited to: – Reconfigures California portion of the model – Removes all non-North American structure – Add functional nodes to account for approved LNG – imports and exports – Add nodes needed to represent natural gas demand in the transportation sector W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L NG: Pipeline System & Hubs Henry Hub Major Hubs AECO Sumas Rockies San Juan Permian Minor Hubs Stanfield Malin Topock SoCalGas PG&E CG Burner-Tip:= Henry Hub + Basis to Hub + Local Transport Fee 49 TEPPC Modeled Load Areas W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L NAMGas • NAMGas produces Supply Side Cost Curve. “Elasticity is included in the model” in that the CEC uses Plexos interchangeably to produce the supply cost curve which, in turn, is used as an input parameter to NAMGas • NAMGas 2016 Prices are from the October 2015 final NAMGas Model results used for the 2015 Natural Gas Outlook Draft Staff Report at: http://docketpublic.energy.ca.gov/PublicDocuments/15IEPR • Transportation rates are from the natural gas pipeline operators' filed tariffs. Deflators are from Moody's Analytics. CEC 2013 IEPR vs. 2015 IEPR Hub Prices Units: $/MMBtu, in 2014 Dollars Major Hub Prices Minor Hub Prices Area 2024 Common Case 2026 Proposed Price Seattle 4.21 4.44 Malin 4.24 4.39 Ehrenberg 4.63 4.62 SoCal 5.01 5.25 PG&E 4.69 4.70 Phoenix 4.30 4.29 Forecast Year: 2024 2024 Common Case 2026 Proposed Price Henry Hub 4.61 4.49 AECO 3.95 4.07 Sumas 3.96 4.12 San Juan 4.06 4.01 Permian 4.11 4.09 52 NWPCC – Seventh Northwest Power Plan Historic Gas Prices $/mmBtu, 2012 dollars 12 10 Price $ 8 Med 6 Low High 4 2 0 YEAR 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L 53 NWPCC – Seventh Northwest Power Plan Monthly Gas Price Shaping 1.40 PNW_E 1.20 PNW_W 1.00 Monthly Shape(N. CA) (San Juan) Monthly Shape (S. CA & S. NV) (San Juan) 0.80 Monthly Shape (S. NM & W. TX) (Permian) 0.60 Monthly Shape (ID & OR & Montana) (AECO) 0.40 Monthly Shape (AZ & S. NM) (San Juan) 0.20 Monthly Shape (CO & N. NV & Utah & WY) (Rockies) Monthly Shape (WA) (Kingsgate) (Sumas) 0.00 1 W E S T 2 E R 3 N 4 E 5 L E 6 C T 7 R I C 8 I T 9 Y 10 C O 11 O 12 R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L 54 Other Fuel Prices W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L 55 Other Fuel Fuel Definition 2026 Price Source (2014$) Oil_DFO2 22.40 Oil_DFO_H 29.87 Oil_DFO_M 13.21 Petr_Coke 1.40 Uranium 0.87 Waste_Heat 0.00 Bio_Misc 2.89 Agri_Res 0.53 NPCC NPCC NPCC NPCC NPCC 2026 Fuel Source Definition Price (2014$) Blk_Liquor Landfill_gas Refuse Solid_waste Wood Geothermal 0.01 2.24 NPCC 0.00 NPCC 0.00 2.86 NPCC 0.00 Validated by NPCC for medium price_1/29/16. Escalated remaining prices from 2024 to 2026 $ 56 Coal Prices W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L 57 The CEC Coal Prices For coal Burner-Tip Prices, the CEC started with the 2015 Annual Energy Outlook: • EIA evaluates U.S. energy markets and uses trends to forecast coal prices • For the Western US, The EIA develops estimated price projections that are aggregated over seven coal mine regions: – These regions are Western Montana, Powder River Basin, Western Wyoming, Rocky Mountain, Southwest (Arizona/New Mexico), Northwest (Washington/Alaska), and Dakota (Northeast Montana/ North and South Dakota). • The mine-mouth price projections also provide cost details for the different types and grades of coal mined. W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L 58 Coal Prices for Burner Tip • Unfortunately, the EIA does not have stand-alone projected delivery costs. • However, the EIA does forecast delivered coal price projections for coal plants located in four large regions in the WECC, Northwest, California, Southwest, and Rockies. • EIA does not provide the level of detail needed to adequately model all of the coal power plants in the WECC . – In general, the regional averages gloss over key characteristics that will influence the dispatch of coal facilities, particularly in Oregon, Wyoming, and the South West. – In many of these cases, the type or grade of coal greatly impacts the price. – In the Southwest and Wyoming, there are coal plants located at the minemouth giving them transportation cost advantages. • CEC Staff used these projections as a starting point to estimate the delivered coal prices by coupling the analysis with historic plant-level details regarding the type/grade, quantity, and mine location of coal. 59 Regional Delivered and Commodity Prices EIA Reference Case (Nominal $/MMBtu) W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L Region Powder River Basin Powder River Basin Western Wyoming Western Wyoming Rocky Mountain Rocky Mountain Southwest Southwest Southwest Northwest Western Montana Western Montana Western Montana Dakota US- Average Coal Grade Low Sulfur Sub-Bituminous Medium Sulfur Sub-Bituminous Low Sulfur Sub-Bituminous Medium Sulfur Sub-Bituminous Low Sulfur Bituminous Low Sulfur Sub-Bituminous Low Sulfur Bituminous Medium Sulfur Bituminous Medium Sulfur Sub-Bituminous Low Sulfur Sub-Bituminous Low Sulfur Bituminous Low Sulfur Sub-Bituminous Medium Sulfur Sub-Bituminous Lignite Waste Coal CEC Garry O’Neill YEAR SUB_LS_AWA BIT_LS_ANM BIT_MS_ANM SUB_MS_ANM BIT_LS_RMO SUB_LS_RMO SUB_LS_WMO BIT_LS_WMO SUB_MS_WMO SUB_LS_PRB SUB_MS_PRB SUB_LS_WWY SUB_MS_WWY WC_LS_USA Fuel Definition Coal_Alberta 2026 Nominal 2014 Dollars 3.73 2.78 2.81 2.62 2.35 2.62 1.37 1.69 1.92 1.35 1.53 3.94 2.61 2.11 3.03 2.26 2.28 2.13 1.91 2.12 1.11 1.37 1.56 1.10 1.24 3.20 2.12 1.72 Coal_AZ Coal_CA_South Coal_CO_East Coal_CO_West Coal_ID Coal_MT Coal_NM Coal_NV Coal_PNW Coal_UT Coal_WY_E Coal_WY_PRB Coal_WY_SW 60 EIA – Outlook 2015 2024 Price Plants (2014$) 1.53 Alberta plants Apache, Cholla, Coronado, Navajo, 2.44 Springerville 1.79 Ace cogen Arapahoe, Cherokee, Comanche, 2.20 Drake, Noxon, Pawnee, Valmont 2.19 Bonanza, Cameo, Craig, Hayden 1.19 Idaho small coal 1.36 Colstrip, Corrette 2.25 Escalante, Four Corners, San Juan 3.18 North Valmy, Reid Gardner 2.67 Boardman, Centralia 1.96 Carbon, Hunter, Huntington 1.52 Dave Johnston, Laramie River 0.97 Wygen, Wyodak, Simpson 2.11 Jim Bridger, Naughton Ventyx 2024 Nominal 2.94 2.65 2.64 1.64 2.72 3.84 3.22 2.36 1.84 1.17 2.55 61 Motion • “It is moved that: TAS approves the use of natural gas prices, coal prices and other fuel prices as presented in the 2026 Common Case”. 62 Transmission Wheeling Rates W E S T E R N E L E C T R I C I T Y C O O R D I N A T I N G C O U N C I L 63 Wheeling Rates Wheeling versus Hurdle Rates - The terms “hurdle rates” and “wheeling rates” are often used synonymously, however in reality the two differ greatly. • “Wheeling Rates” cover utility tariffs, the cost of transporting power over transmission lines. Whereas, • “Hurdle Rates” are used to align the imperfection of real dispatch with the perfect foresight of model generated dispatch. For example, TEPPC used “Hurdle Rates” in the TEPPC 2010 back-cast as a Band-Aid to cover inexplicable results and align with historic results. • When modeling full rates, wheeling rates should be used to cover nonfirm transactions, whereas, in the TEPPC database they are applied as flat rates on all transfers. Firm transactions are associated with rights that have sunk costs and should not be charged wheeling rates. – Most WECC paths are fully committed; the non-firm piece constitutes a small percentage of total flows on the transmission, about 10%. – Jin from ABB, recommends using a graduated schedule when the flows reach an agreed to percentage of the total, then apply the wheel rate (e.g., apply a wheel rate when the flow exceed at 90% of line\path capacity. 64 Wheeling Rates of Other BAs 65 Motion “It is moved that TAS approves applying export wheeling charges based on utility tariffs to every BA with the following exceptions: • Trading hubs are free of export wheeling charges • Firm transmission rights are free of pancaked charges along the way. If there is a firm transmission right, wheeling charges are . • No wheeling charge for remote generators; all remote generators have firm transmission rights or associated transmission. • Contract paths • Path-based free-wheeling” 66