SSU2252 Development Theory and Practice Session Plan Session Title Activities Reading Material Pre-course activity Forum: Development is a word that you hear often. Countries talk of development, people talk about development, countries are ranked according to their level of development. Write 5 sentences about what you understand by the term development. What does development mean to you? Block 1 1. Emergence of Development Learning Journal Simon, D (1997). Development Re-considered: as a Concept Read President Truman’s inaugural speech at the United new directions in development thinking. Nations in 1949. What do you think about this speech? Geografiska Annaler Vol 79:4 pp 183-201 Write 5 sentences. What is Development? World Bank publication Online submission Ask 10 people the following question: What do you What Next? (Vol 1) The Background to understand by the term ‘development’? Collect their Development in the last several decades. answers and post 100 words based on your surveys and submit online. 2. Economic Growth Models of Development Opinion poll Students vote on a poll. Questions for poll are as follows: 1. Infrastructure development leads to economic growth (yes/no) 2. A global division of labour according to availability of resources is an equitable system of managing human resources Yes/no (Is it possible to create a poll so that students can see the results?) Activity 2: Learning journal entry (link to Peter’s Map) Sen, Amartya (1983). Development: Which Way Now? The Economic Journal Vol 93 pp 745-762 How do you define being ‘modern’? What are the characteristics of being a ‘modern’ person or a ‘modern society? 3. Marxist, neo-Marxist and socialist development models Activity 3: Forum: Peter’s Projection (Please give link to this) Click on the following link to find a world map known as “Peters Projection”. Compare this with standard world maps. How is it different? Which areas are highlighted? How does it draw our attention to a Eurocentric view of the world? Write 5 sentences in the forum Online submission Define the following and submit your answers. You may refer to what you learned in SSU1251. Means of production Relations of production Mode of production Class Ruling class ideology Learning Journal Do some research on Nkrumah the Ghanaian President of the 1960s. Find out what he had to say about neocolonialism. Write a maximum of 250 words in your Learning Journal 4. Participatory Development and Sustainable Development Online Forum: The World’s poorest President Find out about the “world’s poorest President” Jose Mujica of Uruguay. What were his policies like? What were his successes? What has happened to Uruguay since Mujica retired? Online Journal entry Chambers, Robert (1994) The origins and Talk to older people about recyling. What were practice of participatory rural appraisal. World traditional practices for recyling and reusing materials? Development Vol 22: 7 pp 953-969 How has this changed? 5. Neo-liberalism and SAP Online submission British Economist A.E.Schumacher, in his book Small is Beautiful: A study of Economics as if People Mattered, argues that small scale, ‘appropriate’ technology is a more sustainable and effective way to empower people. Find out more about the ‘small is beautiful’ approach. See if this approach has been implemented in Sri Lanka or elsewhere. Write a 500 word essay on this issue and upload. Online Forum Watch this video produced by the ‘Yes Men’ or the movie ‘The Take’. Write a few sentences about the movie in the forum. Online Journal: What do you know about the Accelerated Mahaweli Development Project? What impact did it have on vulnerable communities in the areas where the project was implemented? 6. Women in Development and Women And Development Chambers, Robert (2007). Participation and Poverty. Development. Vol 50 (2) pp 20-25 Online Forum: Guest Resource Person – Sarala Emmaunel Topic: Can you think about why women cannot attain enlightenment in Therawada Buddhism? Or why women cannot become priests in the Roman Catholic Religion? How is spiritual, intellectual, enlightenment linked to our social and historical ideas of purity and pollution? Why do women not step into a Hindu Kovil when they have their menstruation? Online Submission: Look at the GDP of Sri Lanka. What are the major sectors that bring in revenue for the country? What is the involvement of women in these sectors? What are the economically productive roles women are playing? Write 250 words 7. Gender and Development and Third World Feminism 8. Development in Disasters and Humanitarian Aid: Conflict situations Online submission Talk to 5 women that you know. Ask them what they do from the time they wake up to the time they go to sleep. List all the different activities they do. Analyse how they use their time. On what kind of things do they spent most of their time? What does this exercise tell you about the gender division of labour? Online debate: Topic: There is no ‘glass ceiling’ in Sri Lanka. Online submission Read the section in your course material that describes a ‘Day at Menik Farm’. This narrative and images taken from the internet explains some of the humanitarian issues that came up during the massive displacement that took place in 2009 in Sri Lanka. Can you identify the different needs and the different vulnerable groups? What kind of assistance would the different groups require? Try to think of material support, basic needs, emotional needs, protection and safety needs. Write a short essay (300 words) and submit online. Forum: Topic – Competitive Humanitarianism: Read the attached article. What steps could be taken to reduce competition between agencies during times of Batliwala S and Dhanraj D. Gender Myths that Instrumentalise Women: A View from the Indian Frontline. IDS Bulletin Vol 35:4 Stirrat, Jock (2006). Competitive humanitarianism: relief and the tsunami in Sri Lanka. Anthropology Today: Vol 22:5 pp 11-16 Fernando, U and Hilhorst D (2007). Everyday practices of humanitarian aid: tsunami response in Sri Lanka. Development in Practice Vol 16:3 pp 292-302 disasters? 9. Development and Aid in Natural Disasters Online submission the 29th of October 2014, a calamitous landslide in exclusives/plantation-labour-buried-neoliberalthe Meeriyabedda tea plantation in Sri Lanka’s Badulla company-state.html district claimed dozens of lives and many remained unaccounted for. There were many reports in the media on the tragedy of men, women and particularly children. We saw visuals of people digging with their bare hands looking for their loved ones buried under the soil. People from across the country came forward to collect relief for the affected people. There was much debate about the causes and who was responsible for the disaster. Some officials said the people were warned many times to move. Can you think about the short term humanitarian issues for the survivors of the disaster? Would there be different issues for men and women? What about those with other vulnerabilities? Then think about the long term causes for this disaster and its impact on the plantation workers of Meeriyabedda. Make a table of the structural vulnerabilities looking at economic, social, caste, class, ethnicity, poverty and gender issues. Analyze the responses of the government and other actors (such as trade unions, the plantation management, military, NGOs etc.) in terms of addressing the above issues. Do they address these issues? Read the article (see link) for more information. Block 2 10. Measuring Development 1 Online Debate: Topic: The White Man’s Burden or the Civilising Mission Online Journal Read the National Human Development Report 2014 (Chapter 3). What are the main problems with education in Sri Lanka identified in this report? Online submission Conduct a mini survey among 10 people. Ask them what indicators they would use for measuring development. What do their responses tell you about development indicators? Write a reflection in your online journal. Online submission Read the article on ‘Strategies for Success in Human Development’ by Gustave Ranis and Frances Stewart (link below) and come up with 5 strategies that could help Sri Lanka to further improve its status in HDI in the world. ( 11. Measuring Development 2 Online submission Conduct some online research and find answers to the following questions: 1. How is Sri Lanka ranked in the GDI and GEM? 2. What is the proportion of seats held by women in the current parliament? 3. What are the labour force participation rates of women currently in Sri Lanka? 4. What are the education participation rates of girls in Sri Lanka? Once you have collected this information, write a 300 word essay on the Status of Women in Sri Lanka Useful websites: and Journal entry ‘Number of women parliamentarians does not reflect women’s empowerment in a society’. Conduct a mini survey among your friends on this statement. What are their views? Or What does wellbeing mean to you? Translate the term ‘wellbeing’ into Sinhala and Tamil. Compare your definition with that of your colleagues. How is it different? How is it similar? 12. Development as discourse 13. The politics and practice of development policy Journal entry Find out about a development project in your area. It may be something small like road repairs, water supply or community strengthening project. Find out what the goals of the project were and whether these goals were reached. Cornwall, A and Brock, K (2005). Beyond Buzzwords “Poverty Reduction”, “Participation” and “Empowerment” in Development Policy. Overarching Concerns: Programme Paper No 10. UNRISD. Forum: Guest Resource Person – Dr Udan Fernando Topic: Images of Development – what do they tell us about the world? Upload a picture that represents ‘development’ in your opinion. Describe the image and explain why it represents development to you. Hintjens, H (1999) The Emperor's New Clothes: a moral tale for development experts? Development in Practice, Vol 9:4 pp 382-395 Online Journal Read the Mahinda Chinthana 2010 policy document. Identify the main goals and strategies it has proposed. What development models does it reflect? Mahinda Chinthana 2010 Power point presentation - upload Interview 2-3 development practitioners. Inquire from them as to their ideas about the role of development policy and the extent to which it influences what they do. Prepare a presentation based on your findings and upload 14. Politics of Development and Aid Online debate: Conduct a mini-survey among 10 people. Ask them for their views on NGOs. Initiate an online debate among your peers to discuss the role of NGOs especially in the Sri Lankan context. Read the following article and bring in the arguments from this article when you post your comments: Kamat, Sangeeta, (2004), The Privatisation of Public Interest: theorising NGO discourse in a neo liberal era, Review of International Political Economy, Vol 11, No 1, Routledge Karim, L (2001) Politics of the Poor? NGOs and Grass-roots Political Mobilization in Bangladesh. PoLAR Vol 24:1 pp 92-107 Kamat, S (2004). The privatization of public interest: theorizing NGO discourse in a neoliberal era. Review of International Political Economy Vol 11:1 pp 155–176 Journal entry Find out about the Occupy Movement. There was an attempt to establish a similar movement in Sri Lanka, known as the Occupy Sri Lanka Movement. What were the aims of the global Occupy Movements? How effective was the Sri Lankan movement? 15. Development in Sri Lanka during the Colonial period Journal entry Can you imagine what life would have been like under Colonial Ceylon? How do you think the introduction of the railway system, roads and communication tools such as newspapers and books influenced the ordinary Ceylonese? 16. Development in Sri Lanka during the post Forum: Topic – Family Planning: success or failure? Balakrishnan, N (1973). The Five Year Plan and Development Policy in Sri Lanka: Socio-political independent period: the welfare state 17. Development in Sri Lanka: Introduction of Open Economy Online Submission: S.W.R.D Bandaranaike – Impact of his policies on development in Sri Lanka – 500 words Online journal: Conduct a mini-survey among 10 people to gather their attitudes about female workers in the FTZs. Analyse your findings and write a reflection in your online journal. Online Forum: Rituals of Development Read Serena Tennakoon’s article Rituals of Development: Rituals of Development: The Accelerated Mahaveli Development Program of Sri Lanka’, American Ethnologist, 5(2), pp. 294–310. What does the article mean by ‘rituals of development’? Think of contemporary examples of a similar kind. Write 300 words in the online forum of Rituals of Development. 18. Development in Sri Lanka: Post War Online submission Collect the following data between the years 2004-2012: GDP growth rates, employment rates, poverty rates. What are the observations you can make about national trends? Do you see any regional variations? Write a 250 word report and upload to Moodle. Forum: Film Review Watch the movie ‘Mega-Development Projects in Hambantota: In whose interests? (2013) available in the following link Write 5 sentences about this movie in the forum. 19. Review Session Online Forum with Course Team You can post any question you want regarding the perspectives and the plan. Asian Survey Vol 13:12 pp1155-1168 Tennakoon, N.S (1988). Rituals of Development: The Accelerated Mahaveli Development Program of Sri Lanka’, American Ethnologist, 5(2), pp. 294–310. Hewamanne, S (2003) PERFORMING ‘DISRESPECTABILITY’ New Tastes, Cultural Practices, and Identity Performances by Sri Lanka’s Free Trade Zone GarmentFactory Workers. Cultural Dynamics 2003; 15; 71 Amarasuriya, Harini and Jonathan Spencer (2015),’ With that, discipline will also come to them”: politics of postwar urban Colombo in Current Anthropology, Special Issue course or for any clarifications to the following people: Harini Amarasuriya Sarala Emmanuel Darshi Thoradeniya Udan Fernando