Introduction Business & Technology 07.44130

Northeast High School
Business Management & Administration Career Cluster
CAREER PATHWAY: Business & Technology
COURSE TITLE: Introduction Business & Technology 07.44130
Teacher: Tameka M. Fairfax- Driskell
Room Number: 341
Semester: Fall 2015
Textbook: Various
Textbook Price: N/A
Phone Number: 478-779-4109
Tutorial Days: Upon Request
Tutorial Hours 3:15 pm - 4:15pm
Tutorial Location: Room 341
Department Philosophy: The Career Technology Education Department believes that education’s most important
function is to provide all students with the skills needed for post-secondary and careers. This is accomplished by providing
interest-based programs that meet industry standards.
Course Description: Introduction to Business & Technology is designed for high school students as a gateway to the
career pathways above, and provides an overview of business and technology skills required for today's business
environment. Knowledge of business principles, the impact of financial decisions, and technology proficiencies demanded
by business combine to establish the elements of this course. Emphasis is placed on developing proficient fundamental
computer skills required for all career pathways. Students will learn essentials for working in a business environment,
managing a business, and owning a business. The intention of this course is to prepare students to be successful both
personally and professionally in an information-based society. Students will not only understand the concepts, but apply
their knowledge to situations and defend their actions/decisions/choices through the knowledge and skills acquired in
this course. Employability skills are integrated into activities, tasks, and projects throughout the course standards to
demonstrate the skills required by business and industry. Competencies in the co-curricular student organization, Future
Business Leaders of America (FBLA), are integral components of both the employability skills standards and content
standards for this course.
Various forms of technologies will be highlighted to expose students to the emerging technologies impacting the business
world. Professional communication skills and practices, problem-solving, ethical and legal issues, and the impact of
effective presentation skills are taught in this course as a foundational knowledge to prepare students to be college and
career ready. Introduction to Business & Technology is a course that is appropriate for all high school students. After
mastery of the standards in this course, students should be prepared to earn an industry recognized credential: Microsoft
Office Specialist for Word Core Certification.
This course is Bibb County approved and articulated with Central Georgia Technical College’s Accounting
Course Prerequisites:
Career Pathways: Course must be completed in the order listed below.
07.44130- Introduction Business & Technology (perquisite)
07.44100- Business & Technology
07.45100- Business Communications
*Required for Pathway Completion
Introduction to Business & Technology is a course that is appropriate for all high school students. After mastery of
the standards in this course, students should be prepared to earn an industry recognized credential: Microsoft
Office Specialist for Word Core Certification. The prerequisite for this course is advisor approval.
Career Choices:
Occupation Specialties
Level of Education Needed
Average Salary
Advertising and Promotion Manager
Chief Executive
Employment, Recruitment, and Placement
Bachelor’s Degree
Bachelor’s Degree plus work experience
Bachelor’s Degree
Social and Community Service Manager
Bachelor’s Degree
Training and Development Manager
Bachelor’s Degree
Course Standards:
BMA-IBT-1 Demonstrate employability skills required by business and industry.
BMA-IBT-2 Apply technology as a tool to increase productivity to create, edit, and publish
industry appropriate documents.
BMA-IBT-3 Master word processing software to create, edit, and publish professionalappearing business documents.
BMA-IBT-4 Analyze and integrate leadership skills and management functions within the
business environment.
BMA-IBT-5 Demonstrate understanding of the concept of marketing and its importance to
business ownership.
BMA-IBT-6 Use professional oral, written, and digital communication skills to create,
express, and interpret information and ideas.
BMA-IBT-7 Demonstrate an understanding of entrepreneurship through recognizing a
business opportunity, how to start a business based on the recognized opportunity, and
basics of how to operate and maintain that business.
BMA-IBT-8 Understand, interpret, and use accounting principles to make financial
BMA-IBT-9 Develop effective money management strategies and understand the role and
functions of financial institutions.
BMA-IBT-10 Research and interpret the various risks involved in operating a business while
determining the role of insurance for a business.
BMA-IBT-11 Examine basic human resources and the legal aspects of a business while
incorporating the methods into business practices.
BMA-IBT-12 Explore how related student organizations are integral parts of career and
technology education courses through leadership development, school and community
service projects, entrepreneurship development, and competitive events.
Course Schedule:
Week 1
Introduction/GLO Pre-Test
Week 2
Introduction to Technology
Week 3
Introduction to Technology
Week 4
Introduction to Technology
Week 5
Intro to Technology & Word Applications
Week 6
Word Applications
Week 7
Word Applications
Week 8
Word Applications
Week 9
Word Applications
Week 10
Fall Break
Week 11
Effective Communication Skills
Week 12
Effective Communication Skills
Week 13
Effective Communication Skills
Week 14
World of Marketing
Week 15
World of Marketing
Week 16
World of Marketing
Week 17
Thanksgiving Break
Week 18
World of Marketing
Week 19
Entrepreneurship & Business Ownership
Week 20
Entrepreneurship & Business Ownership
Week 21
Christmas Break
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25
Week 26
Week 27
Week 28
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 32
Week 33
Week 34
Week 35
Week 36
Week 37
Week 38
Week 39
Week 40
Week 41
Week 42
Christmas Break
Entrepreneurship & Business Ownership
Entrepreneurship & Business Ownership
Leadership & Management
Leadership & Management
Winter Break
Money Management Basics
Money Management Basics
Money Management Basics
Spring Break
Money Management Basics
Managing Risks
Managing Risks
Intro to Human Resources
Intro to Human Resources
Intro to Human Resources
Final Exam Week
Internet Acceptable Use: Use of the Internet must be in support of education and research and consistent with the
educational objectives of the Bibb County School System. The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right, and
inappropriate use will result in cancellation of those privileges. Any student user not complying with the Bibb County
School System Internet Acceptable Use Agreement shall lose Internet privileges for a period of not less than one week.
Please Note: CTAE Program Requirements: All BCS students are required to participate in
the CTAE Professional Dress Day TBA. Also it is mandatory that ALL BCS juniors and seniors
participate in the mock interview and you will be given a numeric grade.
Standard Grades for School Subjects
The following grading scales will be used to report student achievement in the school subjects:
90 -100 = A (4 points)
80 – 89 = B (3 points)
70 – 79 = C (2 points)
0 – 69 = F (0 points)
Teachers will calculate the grades for each of the following components to determine a numerical grade:
Required Categories based on BCS Board Rule IHA-R
Assessment for Learning
Assessments during Learning
Assessments of Learning
Projects & Quizzes
(Guided, Independent, or Group Practice) classwork &
Test, finals, culminating exams, projects ,final draft, &
Required Materials: Pen, Pencil, Loose Leaf Notebook Paper, Binders, G-mail and Internet Access Policy.
Note: The teacher reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus as needed throughout the year.
Classroom Expectations: Give Respect, Get Respect.
All students are expected to arrive to class promptly and prepared. As soon as the last bell rings, students are
expected to be in their assigned seats, otherwise a student is considered tardy.
It is the student’s responsibility to bring all required materials to class every day.
Cheating will not be tolerated!
NO gum, candy, food, or drinks are allowed in this classroom.
Absolutely no use of vulgar, profane, or inappropriate language in the classroom
Students are not to groom in class, this includes hair, make-up, nails, etc…
Cellular phones may be used, at the discretion of the teacher in class. Cards or dice are prohibited
and will be confiscated and destroyed. Use of any prohibited items will affect your participation
grade and result in disciplinary action.
When using the computer lab, NO student is to use the computer for activities that do not relate to this class. When
allowed to use the Internet, visiting websites that are not appropriate for school or not educationally related is
prohibited. Violators will face consequences as outlined in the student handbook.
All students should observe ALL the rules and regulations in the Student Handbook. **
Late Assignments: Late assignments will NOT be accepted unless they are the result of an excused absence.
If you have an excused absence, you will be allowed the same number of days as your absence in order to make up work
missed. Make up work must be done after or before school, NOT during class.
Re-do Policy: If a student receives a failing mark on a quiz or test, the student may, if he or she wishes complete an
alternative quiz or test that will add a maximum of 15 points to the grade received. This test or quiz must be taken
within 3 days of receipt of the failing mark and may not be taken during class time.
Acknowledgment of Receipt: By signing below, the student and parent/guardian acknowledge that they have read and
understood the contents in the 2013-2014 Introduction to Business& Technology syllabus.
Student Name (Print) ________________________________________ Date__________________
Student Signature___________________________________________ Date__________________
Parent Name (Print) _________________________________________ Date__________________
Parent Signature____________________________________________ Date__________________
Professionalism/FBLA Assignment
Northeast Health Magnet High School
Business & Computer Science Courses 2015-2016
FBLA is a co-curricular student organization, which means that FBLA is integrated into the class. All students
will receive a grade for FBLA participation (Professionalism). All Excepted Business Pathway Completers are
required to Master this professionalism standard. Students will meet the requirement by reading four business
related novels over the course year, write a MLA style report for each book, and present them to the class.
There is an opportunity for students to earn these grades by joining Future Business Leaders of America
(FBLA) and participate in the required activities.
All Students will:
In-Class Assignments (FBLA Fridays)
Complete one level of the FBLA Business Achievement Award Program; due by December 5, 2014
All Students will:
Reading Requirements
-Related Books. All the books on the list on the back of this sheet are pre-approved. If a
student wishes to read a book not on the list, it must be pre-approved by the teacher in order to receive credit.
Some titles are available for check out in the media center; most titles are available at the Bibb County Public
1st Due Date – October 24, 2014
3rd Due Date – February 27, 2015
2nd Due Date – December 5, 2014
4th Due Date – May 1, 2015
– must be at least 1500 words excluding the heading.
o the class – PowerPoint, Prezi, or tri-boards are acceptable; No
All Students will: Reading Assignment Exemption
FBLA Requirements
– 2 meetings in the fall and 2 meetings in the spring
a skills, knowledge, or performance event at the Region Leadership Conference OR Participate in
5 additional hours of community service by May 1, 2015
---------------------------------------Detach and return this portion of the page---------------------------------------------My student, _________________________________________ will be participating in the following
Professional Development Activity:
___ Reading 4 Business-Related Novels
___ Future Business Leaders of America – a check or cash for $25/$15 has been included to pay for dues
Student Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________
Parent/ Guardian Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________
Professionalism/FBLA Assignment
Northeast Health Magnet High School
Business & Computer Science Courses 2015-2016
Suggested Business- Related Titles
1. Who Moved My Cheese: An A-Mazing Way to
Deal with Change in Your
Work and in Your Life, by Johnson, Spencer and
Kenneth Blanchard
2. Fish: A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and
Improve Results, by Stephen
C. Lundin, Harry Paul, John Christensen
3. Call of the Mall: The Geography of Shopping, by
Paco Underhill
4. Good to Great and the Social Sectors: A
Monograph to Accompany Good to
Great, by Jim Collins
5. Hidden Order: The Economics of Everyday Life,
by David D. Friedman
6. Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better
and How They Can Change the World, by Jane
7. In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and
Shapes Our Lives, by Steven Levy
8. Outliers: The Story of Success, by Malcolm
9. Strengths Based Leadership: Great Leaders,
Teams, and Why People Follow by Tom Rath
10. The Little Big Things: You, by Tom Peters
11. The Change Book, by Tricia Emerson
12. EntreLeadership, by Dave Ramsey
13. Quitter: Closing the Gap between Your Day Job
& Your Dream Job, by Jon Acuff
14. The One Minute Manager, by Kenneth H.
Blanchard & Spencer Johnson
15. Reviving Work Ethic: A Leader’s Guide to
Ending Entitlement and Restoring
Pride in the Emerging Workforce, by Eric Chester
16. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,
by Stephen R. Covey
17. It Starts with One, by J. Stewart Black & Hal
18. The Extraordinary Leader, by Jack Zenger
19. The Speed of Trust, by Stephen M.R. Covey
20. Smart Trust, by Stephen M.R. Covey
21. StrengthsFinder 2.0, by Tom Rath
22. Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network
Marketing Professional, by Eric Worre
23. Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson
24. The New Digital Age, by Eric Schmidt & Jared
25. Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success
at Work, by Jacqueline Whitmore
26. Leadership 101: What Every Leader Needs to
Know, by John C. Maxwell
27. Attitude 101, by John C. Maxwell
28. Relationship 101, by John C. Maxwell
29. Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead,
by Sheryl Sandberg
30. The Leadership Challenge: How to Make
Extraordinary Things Happen in
Organizations Hardcover, by James M. Kouzes