Wage Transformation Through Productivity-Linked Wage System (PLWS) Sugumar Saminathan Manager, Malaysia Productivity Corporation Tel: +603-79557266 ext 544,DL: +603-79562566, Mobile:+6019-6354078 E-mail:sugumar@mpc.gov.my Website:http//www.mpc.gov.my Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 2 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 3 BUSINESSMAN: “Productivity is reducing cost and increase profits.” CONSUMER: “Productivity bring good quality products and services at cheaper prices and higher living standards.” I PROD T I UCTIV Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 4 WHAT IS PRODUCTIVITY? Productivity is a measure of efficiency in the use of inputs or resources in relation to its outputs 5 WAYS OF IMPROVING PRODUCTIVITY? 5 Ways Firm Approach Output Productivity = O Reduce Cost Input Output : Goods & Services Input Manage Growth : Resources Used Output ●Gross Domestic Product (GDP), ● Total Output, ● Added Value, ● Monetary Value of Production, ● Quantity of physical unit produced I O I Input ● Employees, ● Total man-hours worked ● Labour cost, ● Capital/Fixed assets, ● Energy, ● Material, ● Services O Work Smarter I Pare Down O I O Work Effectively I Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 9 PRODUCTIVITY IS VALUE CREATION Create/Add Value Product Innovation IS YOUR COMPANY CREATING VALUE? i-COMPASS i-COMPASS is a self learning application tool that help companies to compute the wealth company created employees efforts Transformation • Innovation • Partnership by its 10 own and WORK SMART = HIGHER PRODUCTIVITY People Plant & Equipment Work environment Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 11 CONTENTS LABOUR COMPETITIVENESS Transformation • Innovation • Partnership12 LABOUR PRODUCTIVITY _ ADDED VALUE PER EMPLOYEE Indicates the added value genarated by an employee. A high value indicates high productivity of an employee _ TOTAL SALES PER EMPLOYEE Indicates the total sales genarated by an employee. A high value indicates high productivity of an employee _ TOTAL OUTPUT PER EMPLOYEESS Indicates the total sales genarated by an employee. A high value indicates high productivity of an employee _ TOTAL OUTPUT PER MAN HOURS Indicates the total output genarated by an employee per hour. A high value indicates high productivity of an employee Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 13 LABOUR COMPETITIVENESS _ ADDED VALUE PER LABOUR COSTEE Indicates how competitive the company is in terms of Labour Cost. A low ratio indicates high Labour Cost _ LABOUR COST PER EMPLOYEE Indicates the average remuneration per employee A high value means high returns to individual workers and vice-versa. _ UNIT LABOUR COST Show the proportion of Labour Cost to Total Output A high ratio indicates high Labour Cost _ TOTAL OUTPUT PER LABOUR COST Indicates how competitive the company is in terms of Labour Cost. A low ratio indicates high Labour Cost Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 14 CONTENTS PRODUCTIVITY AND QUALITY ENHNACEMENT PROGRAMME Transformation • Innovation • Partnership15 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 16 17 Lean Management System Lean Manufacturing Type of Lean Lean Service • • • • • • VSM Poke-Yoke TPM Kanban 5S SMED Lean Government Transformation • Innovation • Partnership • Transformatio n • Creativity • Innovation • Wastages • Matlamat Organisasi Continues Implementation & Impact 18 ‘Famous’ 7+1 types of wastages Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 19 PRODUCTIVITY : WEALTH CREATION AND SHARING Baking & sharing a bigger economic cake PRODUCTIVITY -LINKED WAGE SYSTEM Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 20 Why Do We Need To Restructure Our Wages? • A flexible and competitive wage system will enable companies to make quick adjustment to wages that will ensure job stability and reduces the likelihood of retrenchment in the event of an economic slowdown. Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 21 What Is Wage Restructuring •Wage restructuring is about making wages more flexible and competitive. •In good times, employees can look forward for bigger bonuses and better incentives when both company and employees performance well. • In bad times, employees will have greater job security as company can make quick adjustment on wages to avoid retrenchment. Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 22 For flexible and competitive wage system that ensure job stability and reduces retrenchment in the event of an economic slowdown. “PLWS The Way Forward” TransformationInnovation • Innovation • Partnership Transformation, & Partnership 23 When Do Company Implement PLWS? • PLWS should be implement when the company want to enhance its competitiveness and improve productivity. • The company want to reward good employees and motivate average employees. • The company want create harmonious labour relation and create win-win situation. TransformationInnovation • Innovation • Partnership Transformation, & Partnership 24 Productivity-Linked Wage System 25 PRODUCTIVITY- LINKED WAGE SYSTEM (PLWS) PLWS is a wage system which establishes a link between wages and productivity/performance. PLWS ensure any increase in wages commensurate with increase in productivity/performance. PLWS enables employees to obtain a fair share of gains that arise from productivity growth and performance improvements. Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 26 Malaysia’s Policies on Linking Wages To Productivity Guidelines on Wage Reform was established in August 1996 with the following objectives: i) Establish a closer link between wages and productivity ii) Develop a wider and systematic approach towards improving productivity and wages iii) Ensure active involvement and cooperation of employees to develop PLWS iv) Ensure that employees obtain a fair share of gains from productivity growth and performance improvements Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 27 PHASES IN IMPLEMENTING PLWS PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 Creating Conducive Environment Establishing PLWS System Implementing PLWS System MPC PLWS MODEL Start 1. Create awareness on PLWS among management team 2. Measure company’s performance 3. Develop PLWS Committee 4. Developing Corporate, Division & Unit KPI 5. Briefing Session with Company’s Workers 6. Obtain feedback from employees and management 7. Linking Incentives with Improvement 8. Establishing PLWS on a trial basis 9. Review and make the necessary adjustments 10. Implement PLWS at the firm level 11. Plan (continuous Improvement) Transformation • Innovation • Partnership COMPONENTS OF PLWS FIXED COMPONENTS VARIABLE COMPONENTS BASIC WAGE ANNUAL INCREAMENT Wage increase for the year based on:- Productivity, or Profit sharing formula There must always be the fixed and the variable component in the PLWS Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 29 PLWS Model 1: Profitability Model #1 • Payment of bonus according to profit levels based on monthly basic pay. Profit After Tax (RM Million) <1.5 (threshold) Bonus [Month(s)Salary] 0 1.5 - 1.99 0.5 2.0 - 2.49 1.0 2.5 - 2.99 1.5 2.0 3.0 and above Transformation • Innovation • Partnership PLWS Model 1: Profitability Model #2 • Bonus payments paid in quantum (RM) Profit Before Tax (RM Million) Bonus (RM) <5 (threshold) 0 5-7 500 7-9 1,000 9 - 11 1,500 2,000 11 and above Transformation • Innovation • Partnership PLWS Model 2: Productivity Model #1 • Bonus paid out at the end of the financial year based on saleable output. Production Volume (000 m2) (Saleable Output <5,500 <5,600 <5,750 <6,000 <6,250 <6,500 Bonus (Months) 0 0.25 0.75 1.25 1.75 2.00 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 32 PLWS Model 2: Productivity Model #2 • Incentives given based on the productivity targets achieved (Individual). Planned Target Actual Achievements Incentive (RM) 80% Above 100% 150 80% 91 – 100% 100 80% 80% - 90% 50 80% Below 80% Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 0 PLWS Model 2: Productivity Model #3 • Incentive given base on identified monthly productivity indicators and linked to the team incentives (Team). Performance Criteria Performance Standard (Target) 1. Production targets Above 80% 2. Quality output Above 90% 3. Customer complaint Zero complaint 4. Maintenance 5. Discipline No machine breakdown • If team of 5 employees able to achieves all 5 criteria RM100/ team member • If team achieves only 2 criteria No incentives No. of Criteria Achieved Incentives (RM) 5 100 4 80 3 60 2 0 No reminder or 1 warning letter • Innovation • Partnership Transformation 0 PLWS Model 3: Combine Model #1 • Payment of bonus according to 2 criteria – Company Performance and Employee Performance Rating Operating Profits (RM Million) Above 5.00 Variable Productivity payment (Months) 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 4.00 – 5.00 0.75 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 3.00 – 4.00 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 2.00 – 3.00 0.25 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.00 1.25 Below 1.00 0 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.00 70 - 79 >80 Employee Performance Rating <40 40 - 49 50 - 59 60 - 69 (%) Transformation • Innovation • Partnership PLWS AND ITS IMPACT Companies with PLWS Elements in Collective Agreements Impact of PLWS Implementation 2001 ~ 2004 2005 ~ 2008 691 1,566 2006 (%) 2008 (%) Productivity 2.64 5.17 Staff Turnover 5.21 2.13 Absenteeism 8.80 4.17 Rejects and Reworks 5.33 2.85 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 36 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (AMENDMENT) ACT 2007 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 37 Section 13: Collective Bargaining (2A) A proposal for a collective agreement may provide for one or more of the following: (a) provision for training to enhance skills and knowledge of the workmen; (b) provision for an annual review of the wage system; and (c) provision for a performance-based remuneration system. Transformation •38Innovation • Partnership PLWS in Collective Agreement Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 39 DISTRIBUTION OF COLLECTIVE AGREEMENT (CA) WITH PLWS BY SECTORS –20102012 Sector Total Number of Collective Agreement Number of CA / Percentage With PLWS 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 No. % No. % No. % Manufacturing 195 180 147 144 73.85 129 71.67 125 86.81 Services 116 117 127 88 75.86 95 81.20 111 87.40 Agricultural 17 17 13 15 88.23 17 100.00 13 100.00 Others 2 6 9 2 100 6 100.00 7 77.78 Total 330 320 293 249 75.45 247 77.19 256 87.37 Transformation . Innovation . Partnership 40 ELEMENTS OF PLWS IN CA BY SECTORS, 2012 No Elements Manufacturing (125) Services (111) Agricultural (13) Construction (3) Quarry & Mining (4) 88 (70.4%) 37 (29.6%) 7 (5.6%) 17 (13.6%) 51 (45.9%) 31 (27.9%) 3 (2.7%) 30 (27.0%) 1 (7.7%) 2 (15.4%) 1 (33.3%) 1 (33.3%) 2 (50.0%) 2 (50.0%) - - - 3 (23.1%) 1 (33.3%) - 115 (92.0%) 23 (18.4%) 106 (95.5%) 26 (23.4%) 5 (38.5%) 2 (66.7%) - - - - - - - 2 (15.4%) - - - - - - - - Bonus Payments 1. Contractual Bonus 2. Bonus Based on Management Discretion 3. Fixed and Additional Bonus Bonus Based on Profit/ Company Performance Annual Increment 4. 5. Yearly Increment 6. Increment based on Merit 2 (50.0%) 1 (25.0%) Incentives/Allowances 1 (0.8%) 1 (0.8%) 7. Group Target 8. Individual Target 9. Service Charge - 10. Skill Allowance 5 (4.00%) 14 (12.6%) 7 (6.3%) 11. Piece Rated Incentives - - 12. Commitment / Attendance Incentives 13. COLA 14. Cost and Time Saving Incentives 59 (47.2%) 5 (4.0%) - 11 (9.9%) 17 (15.3%) - 15. Price Bonus - - 16. Long Service Award 9 (7.2%) 17. Outturn Incentives 18. Performance Allowances for Maximum Scale Employee 19. Trip Incentives 20. Quality Service Allowance 21. OMO Incentives 22. Coaching/Teaching Allowance 23. Productivity Payment 2 (15.4%) 3 (23.1%) - - 1 (33.3%) 1 (25.0%) - - - 2 (15.4%) - - - - 21 (18.9%) - - - - - 6 (46.2%) - - - - - - - 2 (1.6%) 1 (0.8%) 9 (8.1%) 1 (0.9%) 12 (10.8%) 3 (2.7%) - - 1 (25.0%) - - - - - - - - - - 1 (33.3%) - 2 (1.6%) 4 (3.2%) Transformation . Innovation . Partnership 41 PLWS Examples. Transformation • Innovation • Partnership Example 1: Incentive Based on Performance and Productivity Wage System Fixed Components Basic Pay Wage Variable Components Min. Annual Increment Profitability Productivity Incentives Transformation • Innovation • Partnership Combined Variable Components Profitability Incentive – the profitability incentives will be pay when the profits fall within a predetermined range as shown in Diagram : Profit Sharing Profitability Profit sharing formula to determine “money in the pot”. The wage incentive will only be given if the profit falls within a predetermined range Total Bonus = Profit After Tax Monthly Payroll Cost Transformation • Innovation • Partnership Example of profitability Incentives The bonus will be paid when the company makes certain amount of profit that falls within a predetermined range. Table : Profitability Incentives Profits After Tax (RM Million) Monthly Payroll Cost (RM Million) Bonus = Profit After Tax Monthly Payroll Cost Less than 5 5 0 5 5 1month 6 5 1.2 month 7 5 1.4 month 8 5 1.6 month 9 5 1.8 month 10 5 2.0 month Transformation • Innovation • Partnership Productivity Incentives The incentives will based on team and individual performance against predetermine productivity measurement. Diagram: Productivity Incentives Productivity Based on team and individual performance against predetermined productivity measurement • Total output • Quality output • Wastages • Customer Satisfaction • Individual Performance Transformation • Innovation • Partnership Matrix incentives Matrix incentives will be given based on the profitability and average performance of division, department and individual as shown below. Profits (RM million) Incentives (Months) Less 5 0 0.1 0.3 0.5 5- 7 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 7-9 0.2 0.5 0.7 1.0 9-11 0.3 0.7 1.0 1.3 11-13 0.4 1.0 1.5 2.0 13-15 0.5 1.5 2.0 3.0 Average Performance (%) Less 70 70 -80 80-90 90-100 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership If the company performance are as follows: • Division Performance is 85% • Department Performance is 90% • Individual Performance is 85% • Average Performance of an employee is 86.7% • Based on the calculation above the respective employee will received 2 months bonus if the company makes RM 13 million profits .The incentives taking into consideration the overall employees performance. In order to received higher quantum of bonus each employees should contribute to the division and department performance as well as their own performance. Transformation • Innovation • Partnership There are two components in this model, the fixed and variable components. The Fixed Component comprises: •Basic Wage The basic wage comprises the monthly wage which is based on a salary scale with a minimum and maximum range for each category of employee. •Annual Increment The annual increment is linked to the basic wage and will vary within the scale of pay assigned to the position. Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 49 Example 2. Profit Sharing and Team Incentive There are two types of incentives which are linked to productivity/performance: • Bonus Based on Profit and Individual Performance • Team Incentive Bonus Based on Profit and Individual Performance •The profit used in this model is Profit Before Tax which will be distributed to employees based on profit level and performance. The higher the firm’s profitability, the larger will be the amount available for sharing. •Table below shows an example the matrix system of bonus payment. Based on this matrix, the amount of bonus payment received by an employee will depend on the profitability of the firm and employee performance. Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 50 Profit Sharing Incentive Matrix Profit (RM million) Variable Incentive Bonus (Months) > 12 0 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.1 2.1 9-12 0 0.2 0.3 0.9 1.0 1.5 6-8.9 0 0.0 0.2 0.8 0.9 1.3 4-5.9 0 0.0 0.1 0.7 0.8 1.1 <4 0 0.0 0.0 0.5 0.6 0.9 Employee Performance Rating (%) <40 40-49 50-59 60-69 70-80 >80 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 51 Example 3. Profitability-Based Increment and Bonus • The annual increment is based on the ROI (Returns on Investment) while the individual performance is based on the performance appraisal. • Grade A performance will receive a 6% increment compared to 5%,4% and 3% for Grades B, C and D respectively (as in the Table below) Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 52 Increment Based on ROI and Individual Performance ROI Achievement Below 0% 0% - 30% Employee Individual Performance/Increment Grade A Grade B Grade C Grade D 2% or minimum RM20 whichever is higher 5% 4% 3% 2% 31% - 60% 6% 5% 4% 3% 61% - 100% 7% 6% 5% 4% Above 100% 9% 8% 7% 6% Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 53 Another aspect of this system is that the ROI achievement also determines the quantum of bonus to be paid. If the quantum of ROI achieved is 23% then the firm will declare a bonus of 0.5 month basic salary. However, if the firm achieves an ROI more than 100% then each employee will be given a bonus of between 1.0 to 1.5 months subject to the discretion of the firm and employee performance. Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 54 Profitability Bonus ROI Achievement No. of Months Below 0% 0.5 month 0% - 30% 0.6 month 31% - 60% 0.7 month 61% - 100% 0.8 month Above 100% 1.0 months Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 55 Example 4. Bonus Based on Company and Individual Performance The manufacturing firm in this example shall pay performance bonus based on the company and the individual performance. The company performance shall be based on achievements against business plan of the year and employee performance shall be based on the performance appraisal rating and points awarded in accordance to their annual appraisal Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 56 Bonus Based on Company and Individual Performance Company Performance Based below 85% - 101% - 121% - Above on Business Plan 85% 100% 120% 140% 140% Individual Performance Bonus Payout Unsatisfactory below 40% 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Average 40% - 54% 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Good 55% - 69% 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 Very Good 70% -85% 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.9 Outstanding above 85% 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.9 2.2 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 57 If the company’s performance rating is 100% and individual performance is 75% which is “very good”, then the quantum of bonus that will be granted to the employee will be 1.0 month. Therefore, this clearly indicates that whenever both parties i.e. employees and firm perform very well, there will be higher quantum of bonus distributed among the employees. Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 58 Example 5. Debt Incentive Collection Debt Collection Current 30 days 60 days 90 days <RM100,000 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% RM100,000200,000 1.0% 0.5% 0.25% 0.1% >RM200,00 0.5% 0.25% 0.1% 0.05% Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 59 Example 6. Bonus Based on Company and Individual Performance The manufacturing firm in this example shall pay performance bonus based on the company and the individual performance. The company performance shall be based on achievements against business plan of the year and employee performance shall be based on the performance appraisal rating and points awarded in accordance with their annual appraisal. Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 60 Bonus Based on Firm and Individual Performance Firm Performance (Profit Before Interest and Tax (PBIT)- RM million) <5 5-10.99 11-15.99 Individual Performance 16-20 >20 Bonus Months Poor (Less than 40%) 0 0 0 0 0 Satisfactory (40-64%) 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 Good (65-74) 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 Very Good (75-85) 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 Excellent (85 and above) 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 61 Example 7. Rework Incentives Incentives will be paid when there is reduction in rework rate. Planned Rework Actual Acheivements Incentives (RM)* 10% of the monthly output 10% of the monthly output 10% of the monthly output 10% of the monthly output 10% of the monthly output > 11% 0 8%-10% 10.00 5%-7% 15.00 2%-4% 20.00 0-1% 25.00 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 62 Example 8: MERIT AND PROFIT SHARING SCHEME The Scheme consist of two components: (a) Fixed Component which comprises of basic wage plus an annual increment of 3%of basic salary and an annual bonus of one month’s basic salary. (b) Variable Component. Among the tools used to determine the variable component are profit sharing and personal performance review (PPR). Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 63 PROFIT SHARING • Shareholder’s fund = RM 2.0 million • Retained Earnings = 12 .5% x RM 2.0 =RM 250,000 • Profit after tax = RM 1.0m • Amount for sharing = RM 1.0 m - RM 250,000 = RM 750,000 m Transformation • Innovation • Partnership DISTRIBUTION OF PROFITS (i) 50 per cent of profits to shared available for sharing Total Payroll = RM 375,000 RM 500,000 = 0.75 months basic salary for each employee (ii) 50 per cent to be distributed based on employees performance using the Personal Performance Review (PPR) Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 65 Employees PPR Score Salary (RM) Bonus Score (PPR Score X Salary) 1 70 700 49,000 2 75 800 60,000 3 80 700 56,000 4 85 900 76,500 5 80 1000 80,000 6 75 1100 82,500 7 90 950 85,500 8 95 1050 99,750 9 70 850 59,500 10 80 750 60,000 11 80 900 72,000 Total 780,750 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership If the company decide to allocate RM11,000 for a unit of 11 employees, based on the basic salary and Personal Performance Review Scores (PPR) as indicated, the employees will receive the following bonus points: Bonus payment = 11,000 ------------- = 0.0149 780,750 Each employee in the unit will get the following bonus payments based on PPR scores as shown in table: Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 67 Employees Bonus Score (PPR Score X Salary) Bonus Point Bonus Received (RM) 1 49,000 0.0149 730.00 2 60,000 0.0149 894.00 3 56,000 0.0149 834.00 4 76,500 0.0149 1,140.00 5 80,000 0.0149 1,192.00 6 82,500 0.0149 1,229.00 7 85,500 0.0149 1,274.00 8 99,750 0.0149 1,486.00 9 59,500 0.0149 887.00 10 60,000 0.0149 894.00 11 72,000 0.0149 1,073.00 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership Total bonus paid based on profitability and performance: Employees Profitability Bonus (Months Bonus) Performance Bonus (Months Bonus) Total Bonus Received (Months Bonus) 1 RM 525 (0.75 Mths) 730 (1.04 Mths) 1,255 (1.79 Mths) 2 RM 600 (0.75 Mths) 894 (1.12 Mths) 1,494 (1.87 Mths) 3 RM 525 (0.75 Mths) 834 (1.19 Mths) 1,359 (1.94 Mths) 4 RM 675 (0.75 Mths) 1,140 (1.27 Mths) 1,815 (2.02 Mths) 5 RM 750 (0.75 Mths) 1,192 (1.19 Mths) 1,942 (1.94 Mths) 6 RM 825 (0.75 Mths) 1,229 (1.12 Mths) 2,054 (1.87 Mths) 7 RM 713 (0.75 Mths) 1,274 (1.34 Mths) 1,987 (2.09 Mths) 8 RM 787 (0.75 Mths) 1,486 (1.42 Mths) 2,273 (2.16 Mths) 9 RM 638 (0.75 Mths) 887 (1.04 Mths) 1,525 (1.79 Mths) 10 RM 563 (0.75 Mths) 894 (1.19 Mths) 1,457 (1.94 Mths) 11 RM 675 (0.75 Mths) 1,073 (1.19 Mths) 1,748 (1.94 Mths) Transformation • Innovation • Partnership Example 9: Performance Incentives Allowance • The company decided to reward employees which already reach their maximum salary. Employees who have reached the maximum on their salary scale and have performed commendably during the period of review, shall be eligible for a monthly allowance for the next 12 month. Performance Incentives Allowances shall include the following category of performance as shown in table below. Performance Category Monthly Allowance Highly Effective RM 60.00 Competence RM 40.00 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership Example 10: Monthly Performance Incentives Scheme The company will pay performance incentives based on the qualifying criteria set by the company. Each employee must meet all the criteria to be eligible for the incentives. The amount of the incentives will increase from month to month. For example in an employee can achieved all the criteria for January to December than the total incentives received by the employee will be RM 750.00 (Table 6). However if the employee fail to meet any one of the qualifying criteria in any given month will render the employee to restart at the minimum amount of RM 35 per month upon meeting the qualifying criteria for the month. Qualification Criteria: a. Nil late attendance for that month except with valid late comings reasons needs to be approved by respective Head of Department. b. Nil absenteeism for the month except with valid reasons needs to be approved by respective Head of Department c. Only one (1) medical leave for the month d. Nil disciplinary record for the months i.e. written counseling , warning letter Transformation • Innovation • Partnership Months Monthly Amount (RM) Accumulated Monthly Amount (RM) January 35 35 February 40 75 March 45 120 April 50 170 May 55 225 June 60 285 July 65 350 August 70 420 September 75 495 October 80 575 November 85 660 December 90 750 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership PLWS Model Bonus Based on Profits/Returns Bonus based on Sales/Total Output Increment Based on Performance Incentives based on employees quality Incentives Based on Individual/Team/ Company Performance/Target Incentives Based on Skills TransformationInnovation • Innovation • Partnership Transformation, & Partnership 73 PLWS COMMITTEE Advisor (Directors) PLWS Committee i. Head of each Department ii. HR Department (Secretariat) iii. Employee representative Production QA Maintenance Safety & Health Sales & Delivery HR / Finance Procurement Transformation • Innovation • Partnership THE COMMITTEE’S TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR) To identify Key Performance Areas and Key Performance Measure that has an impact on company performance; 1 2 To identify the key player or the PICs (company/department/unit); 3 To facilitate the implementation of the Key Performance Areas; 4 To monitor the achievement of the Key Performance Indicator; 5 To engage the relevant stakeholders for further deliberation on initiative to achieve the targeted KPIs; 6 To develop the linkages between wages and productivity; and 7 To act as a mediator and reconcialter on PLWS implementation. Transformation • Innovation • Partnership 75 Transformation • Innovation • Partnership